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Most likely I will...


a fiery passion
  • 1,043
    ... be taking a break from here. With exams starting soon, I feel like I should be studying. Not to mention that the new semester starts soon and I want to start it fresh. I will be active as normal until everything with the New Year's Extravaganza is sorted out (i.e. emblems) just in case I am needed. But when that ends (and maybe next week) expect me to be far less active. I don't know when I'll become as active as I usually am, but I will address that issue when the time comes.
    N-no. I'll miss you my zombie-obsessed friend.

    Make sure you come back or whatever, or else I'll have to get some zombies of my own.. and you don't want things to get icky.

    Haha; ;3;
    Yes, I'll still be active on Twitter.
    And I'll try to get more active on Messenger more often so I can be contacted there

    And don't let the zombies get out of hand while I'm gone, okay?