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Musical Muses

  • 10,078
    • UK
    • Seen Oct 17, 2023
    [css-div="margin-left: 10%; margin-right: 10%; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"]

    So, as anyone who saw my last blog knows, last night I saw Wicked (the musical) in London :3. I've never really cared for musicals, or theatre in general, but it was pretty awesome! I wasn't expecting so many laughs, especially from the rather egotistical Garrrrrr-linda. The ending was lovely too.


    It brought back some super old memories of my primary school performance of The Wizard of Oz. I was Dorothy's Grandpa, because I'm cool like that.

    So now I'm home, just found out I'm not working again this weekend (hurrah, no income) but I am helping out at said-previous primary school for their school sports day, because I'm awesome like that. I'm also bullying my computer and attempting to follow half-baked tutorials on how to change a FR title screen for my current hack.

    Still waiting on the RP being accepted too ;_; *summons Skymin with a sexy rain dance*

    *joins you in sexy rain dance* come on lady you can do it! XD

    The main thing that came from this blog is me imagining you as Dorothy's grandpa in The Wizard of Oz. Pics or it didn't happen :P
    Skyrim's a busy mod. xD She usually accepts RPs every week iirc, so you just gotta be patient. :3

    Also I've been wanting to see Wicked since it came to San Diego last time. I heard it's really good!
    @Hybrid Trainer, it's a comical/musical spin off of The Wizard Of Oz. Focusing on the Wicked Witch of the West's past :3