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My Birthday! W00t!

Elite Overlord LeSabre™

On that 'Non stop road'
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 10,165
    Well, PC, this birthday is gonna suck in comparison to my last five, namely because (a) I'm stuck at home, (b) because of (a) I won't be able to go to any Halloween parties and win the costume contest in my Leaf cosplay, and (c) the weather just plain sucks (we had freaking SNOW yesterday! Completely ridiculous!) But anyway, I'll still be able to eat out (and get a decent meal for a change instead of all this home-cooked crap) and I'll be online for most of the day, so it's not all bad, I guess...

    Anyway, to celebrate, here is one of my crappy vector art thingies showing my OC trainer Lisa with the two things she truly loves:
