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My Bout With Food Poisoning (X Ambassadors, WuMo, Pokemon Battle) [Daily Bloggity Entry #264]

El Héroe Oscuro

IG: elheroeoscuro
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    My Bout With Food Poisoning

    Date: 08 March 2016
    Time: 11:53 AM ET
    Mood: Do not want to go to work ):

    Yeah...as you can probably tell by the title of this blog entry, this isn't going to be a pretty one. Hopefully you aren't reading this while eating because if you are well...you might want to rethink that.

    I had never had food poisoning in my 21 years alive. That is, until two weeks ago. To paint the scene, my girlfriend and I had gone out to the mall to go see a movie - Deadpool to be specific, I may or may night write a That's A Wrap! for that depending on my time - and we decided on going to get some food beforehand. We ended up going to a Chinese food restaurant that we both were pretty aquainted with, as it generally served large amounts of "good" food at a cheap price. Anyways, I ended up getting some orange chicken and fried rice that...well, let's just say my stomach just didn't want to agree with that.

    Daily Music - "Unconsolable" by X Ambassadors
    Fast forward to later that night and the sickness really started to kick in. I woke up around 1AM to the feelings of nausea and dizziness and decided to make the conscious decision to just cleanse my body as quickly as possible. Ended up forcing myself to throw up, which at the time actually worked to make myself feel better, but than an hour passed and the feelings again started to come up. I woke up my girlfriend and we ended up going the ER - puking around 5 more times along the way - to ultimately find out how to make things better as neither of us had experienced this sickness before.

    Daily Comic - "Modern Day Shakespeare" by Wulff and Morgenthaler of WuMo
    I later found out that it was food poisoning from the doctors there, but this was honestly one of, if not most horrendous moments of my life. Embarrassingly enough, I'm one of those dramatic pukers where I feel like my entire body is throwing itself out of my mouth when I vomit, so it was an absolute shit show to say the least. And while I won't go into the specifics as to what else food poisoning causes, you can probably put two and two together as to how horrific the whole ordeal actually was.

    Daily Video - "Not another Pokemon Battle" by animator Ricepirate
    We ended up being at the ER between roughly 2:30 - 9:00 AM, and I can't thank my girlfriend enough fo assisting me throughout that whole ordeal. It was actually so bad for me that I ended up having an anxiety attack within the ER and people had to assist me with that as well. But yeah, I don't plan on going back to that restaurant anytime soon as I pray to some other worldly power that I never experience food poisoning again. What about you guys? Have you or a relative ever had food poisoning before? What was it from? Have you ever been so sick that you just felt helpless? Comment below as I'd love to hear and discuss with you what you have to say about the matter!

    ‡ As always, the "Daily Bloggity" is self written by myself and includes just some of my opinions on different mediums. If you have a subject that you might want me to touch on, feel free to PM me or comment below! I would love to hear some of your ideas! And remember, rate each entry so I can know what you guys like and what to improve on! Tune in tomorrow at 5PM Eastern Time for the next edition of the "Daily Bloggity!" Cheers! ‡

    - El Héroe Oscuro

    Bless you and take care!
    Sun;bt104673 said:
    Bless you and take care!
    Thanks friend! <3 I'm doing alright now, but my god that was a horrific period of time in my life that I never want to experience again ): Have you ever gotten it before?