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My Past

  • 1,789
    I'm actually quite suckish at using my blog, but... I really don't care. I rarely have anything interesting to post but this is something I HAVE to write down somewhere, because it's just too weird.

    So in the late 80s, my parents moved from Ireland to Canada. My siblings and I were born there, and we lived there til I finished Senior Kindergarten at age 5. We then moved back to Ireland, where we lived in the sorta suburbs. I went to school there for about two and a half years before we moved to the countryside.

    So, years passed, I finished Primary School, then Secondary School, and now, about 10, 11 years after moving from the suburbs, I've finished a year at University (with a couple more to go, of course).

    The year I moved from the suburbs, I'd have been in Third Class (or Grade 3 for you Canadians/Americans, whatevers :P). At the start of that year, a girl that had been in my class moved, but nobody really knew where or anything, since.. well, since we were kids. I myself would be moving later that year, so... I didn't think too much of it.

    Now, where it gets a bit strange. As part of my course this past year at Uni, I had an English tutorial, where they'd split everyone into groups of 7 or 8. There was a girl in my group, and I couldn't help but think she was a bit familiar. Her name was also somewhat familiar, although I couldn't figure out how.

    A few days ago, I get a message on Facebook from this girl, asking me if I went to school in.. that place in the suburbs where I went to school, all those years ago. It was her!

    So this feels a little bit anticlimatic, but it's also awesome, lol. I'm sorta kicking myself that I sat at the same table as her for an entire semester, and had various conversations, and neither of us realised. It's amazing, though, since I'm going to University on basically the opposite side of the country to where I'd gone to school all those years ago, so to meet her there is... beyond coincidental.

    Anyway, that ends the babbly blog post. I just needed to get it out there because twitter sucks with its 140 characters and posting it on Facebook would be a bit creepy XD
    lol that is awesome. GET TOGETHER WITH HER IT'S A SIGN unless you have a girlfriend in which case set Fuji up with her. n_n
    Wow that's cool! I had an odd run in like that recently, where I went to a job interview and ended up not only seeing a girl who I had gone to primary school with (10+ years ago) but also realising that the company was run by her Mum!

    Sometimes the world just seems so, so, small.
    Sick. That happened to me a lot lately with going to a new school and all. :D
    It really is a small world sometimes.. I meet people who know other friends of mine from Canada (I am in the UK) and it's insane. Maybe it's fate?

    If it wasn't for PC I wouldn't have met my current boyfriend.
    At the risk of sounding repetitive, it is a small world. But you're lucky you were able to meet up with someone from your past like that.
    Lololol, @ Live and Requility, that just reminds me of this:

    And everyone else, yeah, it's crazy, and awesome, and many other things! :D
    Yay, a longer version of story about you and the mystery girl!

    Also, I agree with Nica. Set me up plz :>