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[Talk] mystery dungeon episode title ideas *closed*

  • 3,231
    *please let me know if this is the right place for this, or not......*

    i can't think of anything right now... in other words, i have episode title-block

    does anyone have any ideas? they basically for the debut & evo episodes of the pokemon that live in the friend areas :>


    *i've done alot currently, though.... but i don't know if they're any good or not.... review anyone? :> *
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    I get the feeling that you'd be better off asking in a different section
    but where? :<
    if I had to hazard a guess, the Fanfiction section and/or Pokemon Gaming Central

    Art Studio doesn't come off as a place to get help with episode titles for a PMD fanfic thing to me
    if I had to hazard a guess, the Fanfiction section and/or Pokemon Gaming Central

    Art Studio doesn't come off as a place to get help with episode titles for a PMD fanfic thing to me

    okay... then i'll try Pokemon Gaming Central :>

    thanks :>

    edit at 10:42 pm: somehow it got moved to Spinoff & Mobile Games
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