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Tool: Nameless Sprite Editor [Classic]

I made a small hack for this so that it can load things from the second half of an expanded ROM, and also finds wherever your new palette table is (although this is only for BPRE atm).

You can download it here and the source code is here.

I've also attached them in case I delete them from my Dropbox, although if I update the Dropbox files I'm not gonna bother to update these attachments, lol.


  • nse-classic-hacked.zip
    170.6 KB · Views: 85
  • nse-classic-hacked-source.zip
    777.1 KB · Views: 26
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I've been unable to get the Trainer Sprite editor to work. The pokemon sprite editor works though. I can't get it to work. HELP!
Please Help! I cant uncheck the "Copy Frames" checkbox in Edit>Preferences>Secondary. I'm kinda new to the NSE tool
I'm sure I'm missing something really simple, and I'm just dumb, but how do you edit the trainer sprites used in the opening sequence in FireRed? I found the VS sprites, and used Blaine's sprite to make this:
[PokeCommunity.com] Nameless Sprite Editor [Classic]

And replaced sprite 135(Male Trainer VS sprite) with it, but, i can't figure out how to import it in over the sprite used for the male trainer in the opening, because that sprite doesn't seem to be in the list with the others. I found the correct sprite in the bookmarks, but I wasn't able to import the picture in. Is it something really simple I'm missing?
Just the editor I needed, great. But I wonder why my sprite always changes the colours or even the palette. If I enter my room in Littleroot ingame it has the right palette but elsewhere? It's just messed up. Please, I need help ~
Nevermind! It's not the fault of NSE, it was because of another program. Again, this one is more than awesome!
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I extended my sprite table to include 50 more OWs, and every step in the process has gone smoothly; No errors or hiccups in the whole process.
However I can't figure out one small problem. All my OWs after being inserted appear as a little girl in game. All 50 of them. It doesn't happen in A-Map and they all look correct in NSE, and I have all the art pointers allocated correctly (I've quadruple checked), but every time I load the ROM up, they turn into the little girl. Does anyone know why this might happen?

EDIT: I spent all day trying to figure this out and realized 5 minutes after I post this what my mistake is. Typical.
I forget to set the byte at 0x5F2E0 to a higher value for the expanded sprite table.
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Thanks Now I Can Make A Rom Hack. And 1 more thing link12552 can you make when someones import a sprite the palettes will change automatically like the colours in the sprite thanks
OK thanks for that, I'll fix it as fast as I can.:)

Edit: Fixed and uploaded!
Hi! I have two doubts and twice related to open roms. First, when i going to open the rom (Pokemon Ruby US) give messagebox error "la longitud del archivo no puede ser inferior a cero, parametro: length" and , when I try to open other rom give me other error "Ha desplazado el puntero de archivo mas alla del inicio" , shall you help me?