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News: New Pokémon GO update brings back Spark, changes motivation rates


7.8/10 too much water
  • 16,979
    Not sure if making motivation decay far higher is the best way to encourage people to attack gyms... what about a reward (coins) for taking a gym down? =/

    Yay for Spark returning though. If only he did anything else besides appraisals.
    I suppose it helps getting back our Pokémon faster, since you get the maximum amount of coins after 6h, it serves no purpose to have my Pokémon for 3 days in a Gym.
    I'm not sure if the motivation nerf will be a good thing. I feel like this could become punishing for players who want to participate in gym defending but don't have the time to play as much as other players. With the old rates, I knew I could leave a Pokémon in a gym while walking to work in the morning and let other people from my team take care of it as the day goes by. Now, I don't know if I'll be able to do that anymore.

    Making remote feeding more important would be a great idea, but at the moment, remote feeding is shit, which doesn't make it a viable solution. If you nerf a game mechanic, you have to buff an associated mechanic in return to keep the game balanced.

    The idea of getting coins when beating gyms is pretty cool. However, I can see a few problems with that. The more available you make a ressource, the less your users will be willing to pay for it. And it would be pretty easy to abuse as well. Find yourself a friend in a different team and beat the gym over and over to farm coins!

    But I'll leave that to the guys at Niantic. They know their game a lot more than I do :P.
    For me it's pretty much only Blue in my suburb (it was Red for a million years before). In stagnant areas it will definitely motivate the opposite team more. In high areas... not so much. It'll motivate US to go travel yea? :)