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[PKMN OPEN] Nuzlocke IC

  • 180
    Nuzlocke: Chapter I

    The Green Grotle
    Jubilife City

    Ah, Jubilife City. It isn't rustic, but it has an air of life and freedom about it rivaled by few places in Sinnoh. It's dawn, so everyone will be setting off shortly. But not quite yet. You received your starters just last night, so there wasn't much time to introduce yourselves to them (or the other participants)! Spend your last few hours here wisely. Bond with your pokemon, meet the others, or maybe buy that latest Poketech brand at the TV station? You have plenty of cash to spare, though you may want to save it for later.

    Not much to do here but introduce yourselves to the other RPers. Get to know each other's style so you'll be able to mesh better in later posts. As a bonus, a new brand of Poketech is fresh off the line for 200P, exclusively available to your group, the Green Grotles. Grab it if you want, it will be able to give you foresight on the common AND rare pokemon on a route. You'll each start with 5000P, 20 pokeballs, 2 potions, and a pokedex, plenty for a budding trainer.

    Jublife Group
    InsaneBlathers as Herman
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC

    Spottedfirestar as Suki
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC

    Superflygon as Zack
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC

    SuperFlygon as Adrianna
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC

    The Red Rapidash
    Snowpoint City

    Ah, Snowpoint City. It isn't rustic, but it's deeply-rooted tradition and crisp clean air is rivaled by few places in Sinnoh. It's dawn, so everyone will be setting off shortly. But not quite yet. You received your starters just last night, so there wasn't much time to introduce yourselves to them (or the other participants)! Spend your last few hours here wisely. Bond with your pokemon, meet the others, or maybe buy that lucky talisman you saw at the Pokemart? You have plenty of cash to spare, though you may want to save it for later.

    Not much to do here but introduce yourselves to the other RPers. Get to know each other's style so you'll be able to mesh better in later posts. As a bonus, an ancient luckily talisman is on sale at a local pokemart for 200P, exclusively available to your group, the Red Rapidash. Grab it if you want, it will be able to increase your chance of finding a shiny pokemon. You'll each start with 5000P, 20 pokeballs, 2 potions, and a pokedex, plenty for a budding trainer.

    Snowpoint Group
    El Burrito as Aaron
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC

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    Today was the day that Zach and Adrianna's adventure was going to begin. They received their starters late last night and opted to stay at a hotel in Jubilife City for the remainder of the night. It was now morning and the couple were getting ready to meet back at the Pokemon Lover's Club with the other people from their group, who they didn't get a chance to meet last night. To be exact, Adrianna was getting herself ready while Zach was still sound asleep, despite the fact that they were running a bit behind schedule! Their starters were tucked away in their Poke Balls for the time being.

    Adrianna was finishing with her makeup in the bathroom and making sure her bag was all packed for the journey. She usually tends to be the one who gets ready early while Zach does everything last minute.

    She exited the bathroom and noticed her boyfriend still sleeping in their bed. "Zach, wake up!" She shouted, though that didn't seem to wake him. Fortunately, they sleep in their clothes, so they didn't have to worry about changing in the morning.

    Nonetheless, she groaned, but then decided to give him a big kiss on his cheek, which would leave a lipstick mark on his face. She had to kiss him for a while before he finally woke up.

    Dazed and confused, Zach looked at his girlfriend, who removed her lips from his cheek and smiled. "Hey, babe. Good morning,"

    "Do you know what time it is? We are-" Adrianna started before Zach jumped out of bed and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips while hugging her tightly.

    "You always look so gorgeous," Zach commented as he took a brief pause from kissing her. "Also, I love the fact that we are wearing matching outfits again, with our red shirts and blue jeans'." Zach took another glance up and down at her before giving her another kiss.

    Adrianna blushed and felt incredibly flattered, nearly forgetting that they were late.

    "Aw, thanks Zachy! You look so handsome," She started while hugging him back before turning to a more serious tone. "Now hurry up and get ready! We have to go to the Pokemon Lover's Club and before that, I want to get the new Poketches at the TV station!"

    She backed away and motioned for him to hurry up. Zach sighed but went into the bathroom to comb his hair and brush his teeth. Adrianna stood outside the bathroom with her hands on her hips, to make sure he wasn't slacking off.

    "Jeez, no privacy?" Zach asked as he got rid of his bedhead. Adrianna shook her head 'no'. When Zach finished with his hair and brushing his teeth, he flexed for a bit and was going to ask Adrianna if she thought he looked good, but she just grabbed him by the arm and the couple headed out of their hotel room with their bags.

    The couple stood outside their hotel room in the hallway, waiting for their elevator to arrive to take them to the main lobby.
    After first meeting with the Pokemon Lovers Club late that night, the young girl left with glee, having a new rare pokemon, and a brand new goal! Akatsuki had opted to stay in a hotel not far from the place, knowing that she would need a good rest, that wouldn't be exactly the same if she were to sleep outside that night.

    Akatsuki had no problem going to sleep, but as she was buzzing with excitement after picking up her very own Turtwig last night, she simply couldn't stay asleep. It was a strange choice for her, but she knew that accepting this meant that she would have to battle and train, something she wasn't exactly experienced in, and the little twiggy turtle just felt like the perfect choice. So she arose with buzzing excitement when the sky was still dark. She just couldn't help herself! She released both her Skitty Glimmer, and her new Turtwig Wiggles, while dancing around the small hotel room. She giggled and gave the two a pet, "I'm going to get ready now! You both better get along~" before hurrying into the small bathroom to get ready for the day. Glimmer harmlessly batted at Wiggles leaves, much to the poor Turtwigs dismay.

    Akasuki couldn't stand being still and bounced on her feet while she got ready. Brushing her teeth, her hair, and getting dressed in her clothes was all the easy parts. As she had painted her nails a nice shimmery pink about two days ago, she didn't have to worry about doing her nails in a rush. All she did have to worry about was her makeup. She put on a light foundation, one of her favorite pink lipglosses, and some pink eyeshadow. Putting on eyeshadow was more of a rarity for her, but she wanted to make a good impression, she knew she had to after all. They would be working together from what she understood from last night.

    The sun had begun to rise, as Akasuki stepped out of her room, and she gasped. "Oh my gosh! We gotta go!" She had fully intended on getting the new Poketech prior to meeting up with everyone else, but she didn't want to be late. Glimmer hopped up on to Akasuki's shoulders while she was clipping the two empty poke balls to her belt. She slung her bag over her shoulder, and scooped up Wiggles and headed out the door.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC

    Location: Snowpoint City

    Aaron stared into the abyss before him, gazing into the void as roars echoed all around. He kicked a pebble and watched it fly off the edge and disappear into the darkness.

    "What the heck is this place?"

    He turned to his right to observe a river flowing up, seemingly defying gravity. As he started to walk, a strange sound grew louder as if something were approaching. A chill shot through his spine as he slowly turned to face the figure that approached. Aaron stared at the shadowy figure, noting a serpentine body and six wings. He reached for a pokéball on his belt but found nothing. As he patted around trying to find his pokémon, the beast let out a monstrous roar that blew his hat off. Aaron steadied his feet so as not to fall back and quickly raised in arm in front of his face as the monster rushed him, opening its mouth to bite off his head.


    Aaron let out a muffled yell as he woke up to his Swinub hopping onto his face. He swatted the fuzzy porcine away and sat up, the pokémon let out a jolly snort as it rolled to the ground.

    "Not funny Holocene, you've gotta stop doing that when I'm trying to sleep."
    The small ice type scurried out of the room as Aaron rubbed his eyes and stood up. He slipped on his boots and stood up, throwing his duster on as he walked out of the room in pursuit of his pokémon. As he entered the kitchen, Holocene nudged a bowl to his feet then looked up and snorted. Aaron knelt down and patted the pokémon on the head before picking the bowl up and walking to a cabinet. He poured food into the bowl and set it down before walking to a table to go through his backpack.

    "Rope, check. Shovel, check. Pick, check…" Aaron muttered as he shuffled through his things while Holocene happily snorted away, gradually emptying her bowl.

    Aaron picked up the extra pokéball sitting next to his bag to observe it. Who would have thought that my "official" starter pokémon would be a dragon… he thought to himself as he turned the ball around in his hand. He placed the ball on his belt, next to his Swinub's empty ball, then slung his bag over his shoulder as he moved toward the front door.

    "C'mon Holocene! It's time to hit the road!"

    Holocene looked up from her bowl and bolted for the door, zooming past Aaron as he grabbed his hat and closed the door behind him. He took a deep breath of the cold wintry air before walking to the Pokémon Center.
    "Hey mom, just coming in to give my pokémon one last checkup before starting my journey!"

    "Oh, hi Aaron. Just place her on the counter, I'll be with you in a sec."

    Aaron picked up Holocene and set her on the counter as his mother placed a tray of pokéballs in front of a trainer before turning and placing a Sneasel beside them.

    "So, do you have everything? Clothes? Food? Slee-"

    "Yes, I double checked before leaving the house." Aaron answered, rolling his eyes. He pulled a pokéball of his belt and set it beside Holocene. "Even have my new pokémon, Fafnir."

    Aaron's mother eyed him suspiciously, with doubt, then picked up the Swinub. "I'm going to miss having you around" The woman nuzzled the pokémon before picking up the ball. "So what did they give you? Piplup, Chimchar, Turtwig, or one of the rare starters from another region?"

    "Actually, they gave me a Bagon." Aaron smiled as he spoke, the thought of raising a dragon exciting him.

    "Wow, that's… a bit of a challenge for a starter. They really just gave out a dragon type like that?"

    "Well, I've done plenty of research on dragons and I do have some experience with raising a pokémon."

    "Still, books and reality are two different things." Aaron's mom paused for a moment before taking the pokémon to the back. Aaron stepped aside and patiently waited, watching trainers come and go. After some time had passed Aaron's mother came out with his pokémon.

    "Holly is doing fine, as usually. And your Bagon… Fafear was it? He's in excellent condition, but seems to be a heavy sleeper though." Just as Aaron was about to speak, a trainer lumbered in pushing a giant block of ice with a Floatzel inside. "Well, it looks like the gym opened early today. Good luck honey, be safe!"

    Aaron waved as his mother ran off to clear room for the new patient. He clipped Fafnir's ball back to his belt and motioned to the door, looking at Holocene.

    "I think we've still got a few hours to kill. What do you say we stop by the Pokémart?"

    Holocene looked up and snorted before rushing to the door. Aaron quickly followed, trying to keep his pokémon from crashing into others as they entered the building.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC

    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC
    Pokéball x20
    Potion x2
    Key Items
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    Still holding onto Zach's arm, the two of them stepped into the elevator and descended to the main lobby.

    While in the elevator, Zach realized that he forgot to use the toilet before leaving and glanced at his watch before sighing. He didn't feel an urgent need and figured they might've already been running late, so he didn't want to waste any more time.

    "What's the matter, hon?" Adri inquired as she heard his loud sigh.

    "N-nothing, it's fine," Zach insisted as the elevator came to the main lobby. "Hey, what do you say we let our Pokemon have some fresh air?"

    Adrianna let go of Zach's arm and smiled. "Great idea!" She reached for her Piplup's Poke Ball on her belt as Zach did the same with Chimchar's Poke Ball on his belt.

    Both Pokemon popped out of their Poke Balls, yawning and stretching it. The female Piplup walked over to the male Chimchar and waved at him. Chimchar just stuck his tongue out at Piplup, much to her dismay. Piplup crossed her arms and looked away as Chimchar ran off, heading towards the front door of the hotel.

    "Chimchar, wait up!" Zach called out as he chased after his starter. Adrianna stayed with Piplup, who didn't want to move. Obviously, she was upset by Chimchar.

    As they both exited the building, Zach commanded Chimchar to stop again. The fire monkey looked over at his trainer and chuckled before turning back around. He then bumped into a girl holding a Turtwig and Skitty, knocking her off balance.

    "Whoa, look out!" Zach called out as he caught the girl before she fell on the ground. "Are you OK, sweetheart?" He asked as he looked and saw how beautiful the girl he caught was.

    She had on a lot of nice makeup, which caused Zach to freeze up and blush intensely, considering how close he was to her. He was at a loss for words and could only utter, "Oh, um...."

    Before he could even say anything else his mischievous Chimchar climbed on top of him and danced on Zach's head.

    Now that the girl wasn't in danger of falling, Zach was able to let go of her and nearly lot his balance as he dealt with Chimchar. "Knock it off already!" Chimchar then jumped off his head and landed on the ground, letting out another mischievous laugh.

    Zach reprimanded Chimchar before turning to the girl and gave a nervous grin, feeling more prepared to talk to her. By the looks of it, she seemed like she might been another one of the new trainers, but Zach couldn't remember anyone from last night. "Hi, my name is Zach. I'm sorry about earlier. Maybe I could make it up to you with a nice meal later?"

    Before she could respond, Adrianna appeared with Piplup in her arms. Piplup didn't look to happy and avoided eye contact with Chimchar.

    "There you are, Zachy!" She called out, obviously upset by the incident with Chimchar. "You need to control your Chimchar!"

    Zach turned to his girlfriend and sighed. "Sorry about that, Adri. My Chimchar almost knocked this girl to the ground."

    Adrianna looked over at the girl Zach was referring to and realized that she was another one of the new trainers. She could tell that it looked like Zach might have been flirting with her, which made Adrianna upset (although she tried not to show it).

    "Oh, you're one of the new trainers, right? My name is Adrianna and I'm sorry about my boyfriend's behavior. I promise it won't happen again!" She stood next to Zach and elbowed him in the stomach, much to his dismay.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC

    Location: Snowpoint City

    Aaron entered the pokémart and waved at the cashier. Holocene followed suit and quickly shuffled over to make friends with another trainer's Skuntank. Aaron went straight for the pokéball section to see what was in stock. He skimmed over the common mixture of red, white, and blue, ignoring the average pokéballs that are always there. He stopped as he spotted a pile of green and black and picked up one of the balls.

    "Nice, they finally got Dusk Balls back in stock." Aaron muttered as he examined the capsule. He noted the
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC
    1,000 price tag then checked his wallet.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC
    5,000 is all I have…" He looked at the pile of balls and thought for a moment. "I guess I can spare some money for at least one of these. Could come in handy later."

    Aaron took one last look at the ball section before moving on, tossing the dusk ball up and down as he strolled through the shop. He walked around the store, not seeing anything else that was of dire need for the journey to the next town. He glanced over to check on his Swinub who was chatting away with the clearly bored Skuntank, the poor poison skunk occasionally glancing to its trainer with a look that showed a desperation to escape the overzealous talker. As Aaron was about to step up to the counter, he spotted a basket with a Red Rapidash emblem on the front, miscellaneous trinkets laying within. He pulled out a cyan four-pointed star with a gold bead on either side and a blue tassel at the end.

    "Ah, you must be one of the new trainers I was told to look out for." Aaron stopped studying the small charm as the cashier spoke.

    "Yeah, I'm one of them." Aaron nodded and flashed his pokédex to the man, showing the Red Rapidash emblem on the back before holding out the mysterious object. "So, what exactly are these and why are they marked for us specifically?"

    "Those are a special talisman delivered by the Pokémon Lovers Club just for you. Though they do come with a price."

    Aaron thought it over, fairly certain he knew what it might be but not entirely certain. He agreed and placed the talisman on the counter along with the dusk ball. He paid the cashier, placed the items in his pockets, then walked over to Holocene.

    "So, you're the owner of this chatty piglet." A girl said, approaching the trainer and pokémon.

    Aaron turned to the source of the voice to see a girl nearly reaching his six-foot stature with hair matching the Skuntank his Swinub was attempting to befriend.
    "And I assume you're the victim's owner?" The girl nodded as she knelt down to pat the skunk on the head. "Sorry about her, she's really friendly and doesn't seem to understand personal space." Aaron chuckled as he nudged Holocene back with his foot.

    "It's no problem at all. Pyoo here just has a bit of an attitude." The girl stood then eyed Aaron up and down. "I'm guessing you're a local and not someone here for badges?"

    "Yes and no. Holocene and I are getting ready to leave today and take on the league ourselves. But we'll be back some other time to get a badge."

    "Mm. Well good luck with that, it's a tough trip between here and Mt. Coronet. If we're lucky Pyoo and I may not be too far behind you with the Icicle Badge."

    "Well thanks and good luck to you as well." Aaron tipped his hat then turned to leave.

    "Hey, since you're from here, do you have any tips for the gym here?"

    Aaron stopped and recalled the Floatzel from earlier. "Watch out for her Abomasnow, from what I've seen that monster freezes just about everything." He then turned back and opened the door.

    "Oh yeah! Watch out for a giant Abomasnow out there. I had a close call with one on the out here."

    "Thanks for the heads up! See you around!" Aaron yelled and waved as the door shut behind him. He pulled up his collar and looked up to the sky as snow started to fall.

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    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC
    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC

    [PokeCommunity.com] Nuzlocke IC
    Pokéball x20
    Dusk Ball x1
    Potion x2
    Key Items
    Akatsuki only noticed the Chimchar a little too late, he bumped into her with enough force to throw her off balance. She gasped, squeezing her eyes shut as she clutched her Turtwig tighter, and gritted her teeth when she felt her Skitty let out a loud yell as he dug his nails into her shoulder. Then she fell into something...soft. "Oomph!"

    She opened one of her eyes as she looked up at the older boy, not able to see him all too well as she had fallen square onto his chest. "Oh! Yes I'm fine thank you!" She mumbled, thankful that he soon let her go to scold his rouge pokemon. She was far too distracted by the seemingly untamed pokemon to really process his prior comment, or his enamored behavior towards her. "That Chimchar really is something, isn't he?" Something that she, thankfully doesn't have to deal with, as she and Glimmer watched the Chaotic pokemon dance around and taunt his trainer.

    She hummed, "Nice to met you and...it's okay! It happens, I guess." Hopefully it doesn't happen again, "And--" Before Akasuki could finish her response, another trainer had called out. She turned her head and watched the girl approach Zach with annoyance.

    Akatsuki nodded, "Yeah! I am, and it's fine." She she glanced back at Zach, "--My name is Akatsuki, but most people just call me Suki."

    "And I'm new to being an actual trainer, I do contests mostly, but I thought this...group thing sounded fun, so I wanted to try!" She said shrugging as she turned towards the shops, "Don't think I'll be lagging to far behind though!" Like that Akasuki was off to get the new Poketech, with a skip in her step.
    Zach rubbed his stomach in the spot that Adri elbowed him as he heard the girl introduce herself as Suki. He felt slightly embarrassed about the incident with Chimchar and desperately wanted to make it up to her privately.

    "Oh, this group thing does sound fun!" Adri responded to Suki as Suki turned to head towards the Poketch shop. "We'll catch up with you momentarily!"

    As Suki left, Zach was about to follow her, before Adri grabbed him by the arm, holding Piplup in her other arm.

    "Were you flirting with her?" Adri demanded, as she glared at her boyfriend.

    Zach blushed and grinned nervously before saying, "Uh....no. I wasn't. It's just that Chimchar was causing problems."

    Adri could tell that he wasn't telling the full story and before she could respond, Zach let go of her grip on him and pulled her closer.

    "Don't worry, babe. I'd never cheat on you!" He hugged her and gave her a kiss on the lips. "You're much more beautiful than she is."

    Adri was very flattered by this and started blushing as he showed his affection for her publicly, though she wished he would have done that in front of Suki. He usually does this to her to win her over and it works every time.

    "Aww, thank you so much!" She responded as she gave him a kiss and started smiling. "Come on, let's get moving."

    She grabbed his arm and as they started going, Zach felt something tug at the bottom of his jeans. "What the hell is that?" He turned around and saw Chimchar trying to get the attention of his trainer. The chimp smirked as he let go and ran up Zach's legs and torso, before landing on his shoulder and staying there. Zach sighed as Adri moved closer to talk to Chimchar.

    "You're a mischievous one, aren't you? Think you can behave? Adri inquired as Chimchar smirked and gave a thumbs up.

    Zach shook his head in disbelief, but was hoping they'd get moving soon. He put his hands in his jeans pockets as Adri wrapped her arm around his. The two then headed in the direction that Suki was heading.

    It didn't take long for them to see Suki. When they were within talking distance, Adri called out, "Hey, Suki! Let's go get our Poketchs!"
    Akatsuki with only one thing on her mind, kept on her path to the stores. She wanted that new Poketech, she had really never had one before, as she thought she would really never use it. However with becoming a real battling pokemon trainer, she figured it would be for the best. Plus she could always use a new accessory!

    She only paused in her determined stride, to let down her Turtwig, who had started to wiggle in her grasp. "There you go, little man!" She said, setting him on the floor. He snorted and shook his head, carrying was not his thing, and he'd only tolerate it for so long.

    Akasuki looked up when she heard the female trainer, Adrianna call to her, "Oh! Yeah was planning on it!" Akasuki stood and waited for the others to catch up to her. Her Turtwig flopped on the floor.
    As the couple headed towards Suki, Zach could feel his earlier urge to pee return. He was annoyed at himself for forgetting to use the bathroom when he woke up, although Adri did rush him in the morning. He walked slower with his legs close together, hoping to not raise suspicion, although Adri noticed it but didn't say anything.

    Zach stopped short briefly and knelt forward slightly before regaining control again.

    "What was that about and why are you walking so slow?" Adri whispered, feeling slightly annoyed. She had a feeling that she knew why he was doing that but didn't tell him.

    "Oh, uh, I just had a cramp in my foot, but it's better now," He insisted as he started to walk at a normal pace, albeit with his legs still close together.

    Adri rolled her eyes as the two reached Suki. Piplup jumped out of Adri's arms and Chimchar jumped off of Zach's head as the two introduced themselves to Suki's Turtwig.

    "Hey Suki! Looks like our Pokemon are going to be good friends!" Adri commented as she looked at the starter Pokemon.

    Zach, meanwhile, casually crossed his legs and didn't want to bring attention to himself, even though he really wanted to chat with Suki again. He scanned around for any place that might have a bathroom and did spot the TV station nearby.

    He pointed in the direction of the building and said, "Hey girls, look over there! It's the TV station. We should hurry."

    He let go of Adri's grip and started walking somewhat fast towards the building, not wanting to wait for Adri, Suki and the Pokemon.

    "Wait for us!" Adri called back to him as she hurriedly picked up both Piplup and Chimchar. She wasn't happy about having to hold both of them, but she knew it would be hard to get them to follow. It did take her a moment to corral Chimchar.

    As Zach got to the TV station, he opened the door and intended to hold it open for Adri and Suki, crossing his legs very tightly now and fidgeting around a lot. He could see that they were still a bit away and didn't want to risk having accident, so he let go of the door and went inside. He ignored the receptionist who attempted to greet him when he entered and wobbled his way to the bathroom, holding his crotch as he tried to make it to the bathroom. There was a sign nearby, signaling where the men's bathroom was located. He entered and was dismayed to see a long line!

    "You've got to be kidding me!" Zach thought to himself as he continued fidgeting around. He hoped that the line would move quickly or he could get his mind off of this and lose the urge temporarily. He was also beginning to regret rushing ahead, wondering if this is karma right now.

    Meanwhile Adri had walked over to Suki after she gathered Piplup & Chimchar and said, "Wow, he ran off without us! Zach is so childish sometimes! And he couldn't even hold the door for us. We should both yell at him when we get the chance."
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    The Turtwig stayed laying on the floor, stretching out, and he was quite ready to take a nap when the two pokemon approached him. Dang.

    Atasuki looked down at the trio and giggled, "Sure looks like it!"

    Atasuki looked back at Zach, who seemed to be acting quite odd, she squinted her eyes and tilted her head as she watched him point out the TV station and leave them behind. "Uh---" She wasn't quite sure on what to say.

    She wasn't as rushed as Adrianna was to catch up, she scooped up her now reluctant Turtwig, and held him a bit in front of her, so he could kick his legs in frustration, and simply walked to catch up to the other too. Atasuki moving too slow saw Adrianna approach her. She huffed, "I know! He was acting so normal before---what's up with him?"
    "I think he has to pee!" Adri responded to Suki, as she struggled to hold both Piplup and Chimchar in her arms. She walked near Suki and continued, "He is so annoying. I hope he pees himself!"

    She continued walking in the direction of the building, managing to hold the door open for Suki just long enough for the girl to walk in. Just as Suki walked in the building, Chimchar jumped out of Adri's arms and started running away and headed back outside! Adri groaned as she put Piplup down. Fortunately, Piplup didn't run away too.

    Adri looked at Suki and said, "Ugh, now I have to go catch his Chimchar! Look after my Piplup and if you see Zach, tell him I'm so upset with him!" She then turned back and headed outside the building to catch Chimchar, leaving Piplup with Suki.

    As it turns out, the long line stemmed from the fact that only one of the toilets was working in the men's room, and it seemed to be having some problems as well.

    Zach was starting to get nervous that he would have a public accident in his jeans, considering how the line was moving very slowly and he seemed to be the most desperate one on line.

    "I have to get this belt off." Zach thought to himself as he felt that his belt might have been adding to the pressure.

    He uncrossed his legs and started fumbling around with the belt. Unfortunately, the belt was stuck and not coming off, which worried Zach. He tried tugging on the belt, it wasn't budging.

    Unfortunately, this time spent with the belt caused Zach to briefly lose control! He let go of the belt and crossed his legs tightly. He leaned against the nearby wall and managed to regain control after about a second or two. That was still enough time for a decent sized wet spot to appear on the crotch area of his jeans! He managed to cover it with his hands, but only barely. His shirt was too short to be able to cover it.

    "Oh my god, I can't believe I just did that!" Zach thought to himself as fidgeted around a lot more. He knew this meant that it wouldn't be long before the possibility of a bigger accident occurred.

    Just then, a repair guy walked past the line and entered the bathroom. Zach was hopeful that the guy was there to fix one of the broken toilets so that the line could move faster. He kept his eyes peeled to the bathroom door, waiting for the moment the repair guy came back out.

    After several minutes, the repair guy came out with a terrible announcement, "Bathroom's closed. All the toilets are broken. Sorry, folks!"

    There was a collective groan from the line of people waiting as the group slowly dispersed, with people presumably going to other buildings.

    Zach's heart sank as soon as the repair guy made the announcement. He didn't make any sudden movements until all the other people on line had left. As soon as he was alone, Zach decided he would start wobbling back to the reception area and then head out to find a spot to relieve himself privately.

    Unfortunately, as soon as he started moving, Zach lost control! It took him longer to regain control than before, resulting in his jeans getting more noticeably wetter. The wet spot on his crotch was bigger, extending to his pockets, and a little bit near the top of his thighs.

    "You've got to be kidding me!" Zach yelled. He uncrossed his legs and put his hands on his hips and surveyed the damage. He still had to go, but wasn't as desperate now. He was shocked at what he did, considering how people his age usually don't do this. Now he had to walk around with partially wet jeans, since these are his only pair!

    "Damn it, Adri! This is all your fault!" Zach angrily thought to himself, hoping to get revenge against her soon. He blamed her because she rushed him in the morning. He tugged on his belt again to try and get it off, but it was still stuck, making him even angrier. Zach took a moment to calm down before heading back to the reception area.

    Out in the reception area, Zach could feel that people were staring at him. He chose to ignore them before noticing Suki by herself. She wasn't facing him, so she didn't know he was there. He took a deep breath and walked over to her.

    "Hey Suki," Zach whispered in a depressed voice. Before she could turn around, he continued, "I couldn't make it and kind of peed in my favorite jeans. The men's room is now shut down for repairs. Also, I can't change because my belt is stuck and these are my only jeans. Maybe I'll just air-dry."

    He paused and then said, "Can I have a hug?" He started crossing his legs tightly again.
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    "Ah--okay!" Must've been quite an emergency then if he had to really pee that bad, but why wait until they were all the way out here? Surely the lobby and their hotel room had a bathroom, she knows that hers did.

    Suki nods, "Yeah I can do that!" She bent down to set down her now wiggling Turtwig next to the Piplup. Her Turtwig simply laying down as he was set down, what a strange little guy, maybe she was too warm?

    She waited for what seems like, quite a while, before Zach had approached her from behind, and she jumped. "Oh--!" She stopped in her tracks when she heard what Zach said, "I---that is quite an issue." At this age? "Maybe you need to get a new belt?" She paused again as Zach asked for a hug.

    Maybe, but not right now, she thought. Instead she said, "I have an idea! Your partner ran off trying to get your pokemon, but hers is still here----maybe we can get it to use bubble on you so it can wash you off?"
    "Using Bubble won't help...that will just make things worse," Zach responded as he started squirming around more, though he appreciated that Suki was trying to help him.

    He knelt down slightly with his legs crossed tightly, trying to prevent his accident from getting even worse.

    "To make matters worse, even if I got this belt off, the zipper on my jeans is stuck," He whispered to Suki.

    Several seconds later, he finally lost control and completely peed his jeans, which were visibly wet on the front and back from top to bottom.

    Zach was stunned and as he slowly stood up, he surveyed the damage speechless. After a moment, he looked over at Suki and grabbed her hands.

    "Suki, I'm sorry. I just couldn't hold it anymore. I was holding it all day because Adri was rushing me this morning. I feel so embarrassed. Could we get a bite to eat or something to take my mind off of this?" Zach said as he struggled to say the words properly. "I can't believe I did this again...." He was also secretly planning to get revenge against Adri for letting this happen to him.
    "Are you sure---it might wash some of it away?"

    She wasn't sure what to do, she looked around unsure. This is so much harder than dealing with pokemon!


    Oh no. He peed himself...again? Well this is really such a huge mess. Saki kept her eyes glued to Zach, but she could feel others watching her, and she feared to look.

    She pulled her hands back.

    "I---uh sure, yeah yeah let's go!"

    She motioned for the pokemon to follow her, she needed to get out of this building asap, and hopefully never set foot in it again.

    Guess she'll never get that poketech....oh well.
    Zach walked with Suki outside the building and tried to ignore the stares they were getting from others. He was actually relieved that he didn't have to go anymore, but was worried that Suki might be embarrassed to be seen around him, with his obvious accident.

    When they got outside and to a quiet part of the city, Zach grabbed Suki's hand and said, "Hey cutie, let's go sit down for a second," He pointed to a nearby bench that wasn't near anybody.

    Both of them sat down and Zach put his arms around Suki. Before he started talking, he noticed in the distance that Adri was walking into the building they just left and she was holding his Chimchar. She didn't seem to notice them though.

    "I hope I didn't embarrass you. As you can see, I really had to go. I always push off going to the bathroom, which is why this happens to me frequently."

    He paused and then gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for trying to help me earlier. I really appreciate that, so now I'll help you. Are you going to be comfortable walking around with me looking like this? Also, where do you want to eat? You can pick the place."
    She had followed him out of the building, a little more than embarrassed. She really could never set her foot in that place again could she. No, never.

    She can only mourn the loss of the poketech that never was. This is going to be antagonizing, maybe she shouldn't have tried to become a pokemon trainer after all. Suki jumped at the contact when Zach grabbed her by the hand and the two sat, she could only hope that hand was clean.

    ...She didn't want to think about it.

    "I---uh?" Food? Now? Looking like this? Aren't they meant to go somewhere now--shoot they are meant to meet someone right? That's why they had gotten up so early, that's why they were trying to get the poketech. She faltered. Her face scrunched up in confusion, "I---I can deal with all this---but aren't we meant to meet someone?"