What in the World? I'm filling in for both sides here.
Positive: Yeah. Sounds like a good Idea. No Pants, no Shirt. Nothing, not even her Bandanna. That'll be new! Something nearly everyone would be looking forward to. Well, most people. Just remember to do the same with the Guys for the Girls. Otherwise, the Girl's may think it's some sort of...Unfair thing as the Guys will be clothed and the Girls Unclothed. Just a Recommendation.
Negative: What the!?! You actually planning on Violating us and Pokémon alike? It's just bizarre imagining it! A Larvitar walking about in the Wild and a Naked May jumps out! The Larvitar's probably thinking 'What in the name of Mewtwo is this Girl doing Clothless?'. Hell, if a 6 Year Old got a hold of this...Well, the consequences would be too harsh to describe here.
So there you have it. My Point/CounterPoint for this new Project.