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Old Gen League

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
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    [PokeCommunity.com] Old Gen League

    With the much-awaited Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon coming out in less than 2 weeks, it looks like PCL Season 4 will be the last chance that players will be able to play Sun & Moon OU in a competitive environment on Pok?Community. The volatility of the meta is also something that comes with new releases, and will take a bit of time to sort out. Thus we have decided to do something in the off-season of PCL as OverUsed gets used to the new meta.

    Behold the Old Gen League, which will run for the next few weeks. Here is how it will work:
    • Players who sign up vote for 3 Generations (I to V, OU) that they would be interested in playing.
    • The 3 most voted for Generations will be played for the entirety of the event.
    • Players sign up either individually or in teams of 3. Individuals will be paired with 2 others randomly to form a team, whereas the groups of 3 form a team.
    • Signups last for one week, and only an even number of teams will be allowed in, with sign-ups of 3 taking precedence over individual sign-ups.
    • A "round robin" will be played, and will last a number of weeks depending on how many teams there are.
    • Afterwards, every team gets sorted into a tournament (playoffs) with seeding dependent on round robin performance.
    • The round robin will pit each team versus another team, and the teams will have a week to battle it out.
    • Each player from a team will play the corresponding player for their Generation from the opposing team. This means that each player only has to play one Generation if they want to.
    • Whichever team has the most wins by the end of the week gets the win for that round.
    • Tournament (playoffs) will also follow the same battling format as round robin, but the winning team moves on while the losing team gets eliminated.

    More details will follow after signups are finished. If you have any questions feel free to post in this thread or contact me.

    This event may not run if there are not enough signups.
    Disclaimer: Structure of the event may change after the event.

    The Generations being played are Gens 3-5!

    Signup Forms are below. Note that members of the same team need not post the sign up forms more than once, but should make a separate post detailing which Generations they would like to play.

    As an alternative to individual sign-ups, players can post in this thread indicating that they would like to be on a team so that other people looking for teammates can reach out and choose their teammates instead of being randomly matched.

    Also a note to any teams signing up, you will most likely need a team logo when the event starts, so keep this in mind when choosing your team name.

    Team Name:
    Team Member 1 (Pok?Community Username):
    Team Member 1 Timezone:
    Team Member 1 Showdown Username:
    Team Member 2 (Pok?Community Username):
    Team Member 2 Timezone:
    Team Member 2 Showdown Username:
    Team Member 3 (Pok?Community Username):
    Team Member 3 Timezone:
    Team Member 3 Showdown Username:

    Pok?Community Username:
    Showdown Username:

    You have until 11:59pm EST on November 26th, 2017 to sign up.

    Also some announcements: (updated Nov 15, 10:00PM EST)
    - We need at least 5 more people to join to make a running league.
    - I am contemplating reverting some of the Gen V rulesets (like Drought + Chlorophyll) if it is selected. I will ask an external consultant about this.
    - I will be tallying up the votes in this post. If you haven't voted, then update your post and then VM or PM me, and I will update the first post.
    - To all who have entered or are preparing to enter, please start contacting other individuals to see if they want to team with you. Otherwise you may not have a say in who your teammates are.


    Individuals (I will remove you from this list once you have a team)
    • Kostas (kwstaspaokara)
    • SUPREMEDARKLORD (Hyperdarklord)
    • wolf (wolf)
    • Sam1994 (blackcharizard94)
    • partys over (partys over)
    • Forever (skylight)
    • Bardothren (Bardothren)
    • Piloswine (LeoPiloswine)
    • Petuuuhhh (Petuuuhhh)
    • viper8890 (marck8890)
    • ImLethe (ImLethe)
    • ViolentCharizard14 (ViolentCharizard21)

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    I don't have a team so whoever wants me just tell me I guess. Anyway, I would be interested in gen 3, 4, and 5

    Pok?Community Username: Kostas
    Timezone: GMT +2
    Showdown Username: kwstaspaokara
    Pok?Community Username: Outlander
    Timezone: Central Standard Time (GMT-6 currently I think)
    Showdown Username: Fantastic Beast

    I'll play any gen you want me to, but I'm partial to Gen 4 OU as far as old gens go.
    Pok?Community Username: Supremedarklord
    Timezone: GMT+5
    Showdown Username: Hyperdarklord

    I can only really battle in gen 4 OU but I would also be interested in gen 1 as well as gen 2!
    I'm happy as long as Gen 3 is in it. Gen 2/3/4 are my preferred gens.

    Pok?Community Username: wolf
    Timezone: GMT -5
    Showdown Username: wolf
    omg old gens im so in. please have someone pm me on discord when this starts though bc ill forget c:
    Pok?Community Username: partys over
    Timezone: GMT-8
    Showdown Username: partys over
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    Pok?Community Username: Forever
    Timezone: GMT + 10
    Showdown Username: skylight


    ok gen 6 and gen 2 too

    please guys vote gen 5 legit so much fun competitive CINCCINO EMBOAR ok i'm talking about NU/RU but stilll :')
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    ok gen 6 and gen 2 too

    Just to inform you, Gen VI is not included. It's not old enough.

    Also some announcements:
    - We need at least 5 more people to join to make a running league.
    - I am contemplating reverting some of the Gen V rulesets (like Drought + Chlorophyll) if it is selected. I will ask an external consultant about this.
    - I will be tallying up the votes in the first post. If you haven't voted, then update your post and then VM or PM me, and I will update the first post.
    - To all who have entered or are preparing to enter, please start contacting other individuals to see if they want to team with you. Otherwise you may not have a say in who your teammates are.

    That is all.

    EDIT: DPP is in the lead with 5 votes, with GSC, ADV, and B/W tied for second with 3 votes each. RBY is dead last with 1 vote.
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    whoops forgot to vote. rby gsc bw.
    - I am contemplating reverting some of the Gen V rulesets (like Drought + Chlorophyll) if it is selected. I will ask an external consultant about this.dead last with 1 vote.
    literally why lol
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    literally why lol

    I thought it was fun when I played it, but I guess people don't have a good practice environment. I've decided against it for this event.

    EDIT: Also guys please start asking each other to team. I'm considering making a discord for everyone to communicate in for the event (and possibly any future iterations), what do you guys think?
    Last edited:
    I thought it was fun when I played it, but I guess people don't have a good practice environment. I've decided against it for this event.

    EDIT: Also guys please start asking each other to team. I'm considering making a discord for everyone to communicate in for the event (and possibly any future iterations), what do you guys think?

    would be great then!
    I thought it was fun when I played it, but I guess people don't have a good practice environment. I've decided against it for this event.

    EDIT: Also guys please start asking each other to team. I'm considering making a discord for everyone to communicate in for the event (and possibly any future iterations), what do you guys think?
    would be great
    Outlander has dropped out, so I have removed them from the list.

    I am probably going to extend the deadline, as we only need 3 more people (maybe less, who knows).
    Hi all, I have extended the deadline to Sunday, November 26th, 2017 at 11:59PM EST.
    We have 12 signups now, so the event is good to go.

    If anyone else still wants to signup, you can do so in hopes of more people signing up to form a team or you can sub for the time being.

    EDIT: Oh right, Gen 4 and Gen 3 are confirmed to be played. Next is a toss-up between Gen 5 and Gen 2, I guess I'll RNG it unless someone wants to change their votes.
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