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  • 7,415
    So I'm doing the bug-catching contest, trying to catch myself a Scyther, right? I eventually run into one and manage to catch it at about half health. I'm happy with myself and even though the Scyther itself is a good prize (it ended up being Jolly with Technician), I was convinced I could carry the day for the actual contest.

    So judging begins and...I end up...in third place.

    I was. beat out. by. two. PARAS!!

    Arrgh! Sydian the Quilava killed no less than four of those things while I was hunting for my elusive Scyther and both of the people that beat me in the judging won with one. D:
    Honestly, how they score that contest completely baffles me.

    To win, I had to go in with an Ampharos at Lv40-something, Thunder Wave a Scyther, then just start tossing until I made a capture. And even then, I only won by three or four points.
    If it makes you feel any better, Scyther will always be superior to Paras in every other aspect.
    Luck;bt45698 said:
    If it makes you feel any better, Scyther will always be superior to Paras in every other aspect.

    Except in a who-can-grow-more-mushrooms-on-their-back contest. XD