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PC Members Alphabet


Some random poster from the TCTI posters list. XD;
V is for Vendetta V.Valentine.

Oh. Right. I knew I've seen a Tetsu before xD
W is for Went.

Why do I think I'll be beaten?
Z is for... Zanacross.

Wasn't that person leaving or something?
And we're back to A again!

A is for Aniki.

Really? I didn't know that...
C is for CheesePeow.

I feel so uninformed x___o
E is for Espreon,

who is online at the moment, apparently~
H is for...Hayate :P What coincidence I end up at my own name.
I is for, er... I, Riolu.

I think I got that right...
Z is for the user Zack - thank PC for the "New Tab" option!
K is for Kouyuu

xD Who I haven't talked to since last night!