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[Released] Phoenix Rising

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Interview is over now, but we'll upload a YouTube version soon! For now, announcing...


[PokeCommunity.com] Phoenix Rising
You managed to create a decent Mega Flygon, something GameFreak didn't. Kudos!

Now I'm waiting for my Mega Weavile or Mega Smeargle and life will be complete ;)
As promised, here's the YouTube version of the interview.

I also want to recommend you check out our Facebook page and drop us a like! Once again guys, thanks for the support, we'll show some progress as soon as we're happy with what we're working on. We've been working very steadily and have been adding plenty of new features and functionality that I'm sure you'll enjoy.
I saw some of this on twitter yesterday and wanted to stop by to say this looks super amazing! I'm going to have to figure out how to play these sort of games on a Mac...
I saw some of this on twitter yesterday and wanted to stop by to say this looks super amazing! I'm going to have to figure out how to play these sort of games on a Mac...
Thank you! And leave that last part to us ;]
Hey guys, we have a fan art competition for you! If you have questions please ask You can also find a Fan Art Contest Resource Pack right here: https://mega.co.nz/#!QNU1HDib!-wixlTtRgO6hSzanRidoBULhag5yQ453RaN8lzDvDT0

Best of luck everyone, let's see some awesome artwork!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/pkmnPR
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemonphoenixrising/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pokemonphoenixrising
[PokeCommunity.com] Phoenix Rising

The winner of the contest will be featured in the actual final release of POKÉMON: PHOENIX RISING and will have their artwork and portfolio shared on all of our social media. Not only that, but your artwork will become our new Twitter banner!

Our interview with Radio Whirlwind, we start around the 20 minute mark and talk about the game and some new features. Give it a listen!
I hovered over the old thread allot, and after it shut down i kept checking it once in a while just to see if it was running again.
Yesterday i found this new one and i couldt be happpier to see that the best pokemon fan game was finally running again.

Your game art is much better then most fan games and you have a great story.

Keep up the good work man!
I must say that this game looks absolutely fantastic, clean, gorgeous and all the other compliments. Seriously your team should be hired at Gamefreak! Even though there might not be a Mega Evolution for Ho Oh I am looking forward to other new features.

The only thing I dont like are how the Battle slots are sorted . Were they moved Horizontaly to make a better view? Or were there any changes to it that I missed?

Either way I am dying for a demo but take your time . 2016 will be a fantastic year with all the new exciting fan games coming out!
I have been following this project for a looooong time, today I just had a random thought: "Hey, I remember that Pokemon game that someone was making that looked amazing, pheraps it is back to development" and luckily it is. It's great to see this back on the road, it's been on development for so long that whenever I think about this game I already get nostalgia of the old me that was always searching for pokemon hacks and fangames x)

Keep it up, you're doing amazing work.
I only registered here for your game, actually.

It's an AMAZING game, and i've been following this thread for a long time. Really, when do you gonna give us a demo?

Keep it up! PPR will be a great game to play.
[PokeCommunity.com] Phoenix Rising

This month's update includes:
  • Full controller support
  • Move to RGSS3
  • 60FPS
  • "Let's Play Mode"
  • Screenshots from Ilacia City

Something we always wanted to deliver for Pokémon: Phoenix Rising is a full PC game experience. As a team we've all played fan games and loved them. However there was a common theme throughout, and that was a small screen that takes up a small amount of your monitor. Well today we announce a whole new full screen option we name the "Let's Play Version"! The mode was inspired by Let's Players who take advantage of the entire screen with elements such as current Pokémon in their party, current location, and so on. We decided we would do something similar. The Let's Play Mode or "LP Mode" for short, has several features. In the center you have your game screen. So the action is always right in front of you. To each side of your game screen there are multiple GUI elements that aid you in your game, you can see your Party and their current health and status, your registered items and what button each of them are mapped to, your region map and where you're currently located, and plenty more.

We understand that everyone has different tastes too. So we're not only adding several themes for you to choose from, we're even giving you the ability to create and share your own themes with ease. Each theme can also have its own night, and day time option in which you can switch between on the fly. You'll have a Theme Options menu which you can access easily from the interface where you can customise your options, choose new themes, and more.

Check it out below, click the image to see it in full size.

[PokeCommunity.com] Phoenix Rising

Some screenshots from Ilacia City, once again, click for full size!
[PokeCommunity.com] Phoenix Rising

Until next time!
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