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[Completed] Pokémon: Chaos in Vesita (New Version OUT NOW; ENG/GER)

Hello great game so far. Though there are a few bugs, I get teleported to the top of a mountain if i get defeated, most moves are only doing the pound animation, and with the trainers I defeat their pix art slightly of center
im at satlu jungle im in abandoned building door is locked troptop city havn't gotten 5 badge yet
Hello great game so far. Though there are a few bugs, I get teleported to the top of a mountain if i get defeated, most moves are only doing the pound animation, and with the trainers I defeat their pix art slightly of center

Thanks for the report. I haven't encountered the first bug before, but I will look into it. Have you turned off move animations? Check in options. Every type has at least two animations (One for physical and one for special moves). The last point is done by EBS itself. Dont know how to change it tbh.

im at satlu jungle im in abandoned building door is locked troptop city havn't gotten 5 badge yet

There is another entrance more or less hidden in Tropetop City. It will lead you to the factory so after that you can challenge the gym leader.
i been to pokeball factory with tesse and i got rid of guy at cave entrance in troptop city no gym leader hasn't return yet
i gotten inside the factory and beaten the team there only a locked door havn't find gym leader yet
i gotten inside the factory and beaten the team there only a locked door havn't find gym leader yet

Hm well, you've already met the gym leader briefly inside the factory and after beating Penelope you should be able to enter the gym. If not please send me your saved data and I'll look over it
here are the game files i haven't meet junker gym leader yet or Penelope yet i think


  • Game.zip
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  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Chaos in Vesita (New Version OUT NOW; ENG/GER)
    pokemon choas.PNG
    32.7 KB · Views: 5
here are the game files i haven't meet junker gym leader yet or Penelope yet i think

You're sooo close! :D Your way continues to the right on the next assembly line. Trust me, you will find your way to the main hall of the factory. Just keep looking and you'll find it! The yellow doors are just distraction
Hi :)

It's me again, thanks for your reply to my previous message ! I have another question, is it possible to find somewhere an encounter list or something ? :)
Hi :)

It's me again, thanks for your reply to my previous message ! I have another question, is it possible to find somewhere an encounter list or something ? :)

You're welcome! An encounter list with translation for the places (it's all in german) has been updated to the OP :)
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Hello guys, translation is mostly done now thanks to the help of the amazing @spaceyCrokett. There are still teeny tiny things to translate but thats just a matter of minutes.

The english version of the game will be released in the next two weeks! If someone got some spare time and wants to check the english version for spelling mistakes lmk. I will send you the intl.txt file

Glad I could help you. I really enjoyed playing this amazing fan game!
Hope more people's playing, so more people's can upload this in YouTube because it's hard to find on YouTube
Hi :)
Enjoying the game so far. I'm up to the 4th gym.
I have a few complaints and/or issues that I've found.

- While the Fairy type and some gen 6 moves are in the game, most of the mechanics are gen 5, and some even older. I've noticed Steel still resists Ghost and Dark, and you can paralyze Electric types and use powder moves on Grass types, etc.
- BP and accuracy for moves isn't updated for many of them - Rock Tomb for example is still 50/80 instead of 60/95, Vine Whip is 35 BP and 15 PP, Knock Off is 20 BP, and so on. Many moves have been improved in later generations and mons will benefit from these updated moves.
- Many moves such as Fairy Wind and Struggle Bug have been arbitrarily nerfed, and while in and on itself it's fine, mons like the regional Vivillon or Floette, do not get any good moves until the late 30's, which is way too late and people will have already dropped them by then.
- Item descriptions *are* updated, but don't match the actual items. For example, Fresh Water says it heals 30, but it actually heals 50. Super Potion says it heals 60, but it actually heals 50.
- Many hidden items are not worth getting, at least in the early game. It's mostly just potions/status healers/regular pokeballs. I feel like this game could definitely use more overworld TMs and some more fun items to get.
- On the 4th gym town, the PV base asks you to find a few Pokemon and among them is Vullaby, but according to the PBS Vullaby is nowhere to be found.
- On Route 6, by the beach side, there's a slope with a youngster moving up and down. There is a certain tile where if you step into it, you can get stuck because the youngster will block you. I'm gonna need to get a screenshot of this one.
- Some maps don't have music.

Moreover, where is the Shiny Stone? I'd love to evolve my Floette already. It hasn't been pulling its weight.
I hope you'll consider fixing the notes above. The game is very fun so far.
Thanks for the detailed breakdown. I hope your experience wasn't hindered that much. It was kinda hard upgrading a gen 5 mechanics to gen 6 but thanks to your overview I will fix that in future updates.

Sorry about Vullaby, must've edited out by mistake. Better items are coming slowly but surely, it will rain down TM's once you've earned the fifth badge. You will receive the Shiny Stone the latest in the Mall of Vesita after reopening. I dont remember where I put it on the map. Please tell me which maps don't have music so I can look into that.
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Off the top of my head, I can tell you that Venoa Coast, Hanera Temple and all Pokecenters are missing music.
Thank you for the clarifications about my questions and your consideration regarding fixing the above. If I find anything else I'll of course let you know :)