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FireRed hack: Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)


I'll be back
  • 527
    I'm proud to present the next episode of the Cloud White Series. The adventure continues in...
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)


    The scenario starts after the last event of Pokémon Cloud White. Be prepare to discover 4 new regions : South Sinnoh (Kouros) and Sinnoh. But also Seto and Sevii in the expansion Cloud White Origins! During your journey, you'll try to rebuilt the puzzle of History. Team Rocket and Galactic are unified to defy you and your friends, Prof.Oak, Blue, leaf, Ash Ketchum, ... But why?

    Discover also Pokémon Cloud White Origins! A sequel of Cloud White split in 3 chapters between Cloud White 2 and Cloud White 3.


    • General
      • 4 regions(Sinnoh, Sevii, Seto, Kouros)
      • Secret areas
      • Open World (Seto, Sinnoh and Kouros)
      • More than 60 hours of Scenario
      • Gen I to Gen VII Pokémon. All catchable.
      • Mega evolution
      • Pokémon Universe characters (Ash Ketchum, Misty, Giovanni, Elm, etc.)
      • Physical Special split
      • Expanded cash limit
      • Expanded bag limit
      • New items and evolutionay methods
      • Increased difficulty
      • Honey tree system
      • Berry tree system
      • Fairy type
      • The Pokémon World Tournament
      • Player is facing your opponent before battle
      • Day and Night System
      • Run everywhere!
      • Unlimited TM
      • A bonus Premier Ball is offered for every purchased of 10 Pokéballs
      • Experience points are gained after capture
      • Automatic re-use of repel
      • All weathers available
      • Maximum level up to 200
      • And several more features ...

    • Graphics
      • New graphic style from DPP, HGSS, Glazed and more
      • New battle backgrounds
      • New battle boxes
      • New text boxes in HGSS Style
      • New Bags with expanded storage limit
      • New Pokémon menu
      • New Trainer Card and Badges
      • New bootscreen and Titlescreen
      • New trainer sprites

    • Music
      • New songs from FF, Zelda, Pokémon Emerald, etc.
      • Cry edited for all Gen in High Quality

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Cloud White 2: ( Ver.279: 03/24/2020)

    Download Game Guide ENGLISH VERSION (Automatic translation with MS Translator) (03/21/2020)

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/dj7yv6ho8o9hdq9/Pokémon Cloud White2_Officialgameguide.pdf?dl=0

    Download Game Guide FRENCH VERSION (03/21/2020)

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/105na7mhyhfqmxy/Pokémon Cloud White2_Officialgameguide.docx?dl=0

    Download Wild Pokémon location list (09/21/2018)


    Worldmap Files (09/21/2018)

    Download Cloud White 2 patch file ( Base: Fire Red 1.0 english in 16 Mb) (Ver.279: 03/24/2020)

    It is highly recommended to use VBA(PC) or GBA4IOS(ios) to prevent any errors of unknown freezes (it concerns female rocket grunt battles and some moves). Thanks to report if you encounter these errors on another emulator!


    Stay careful and save frequently. Thanks to report bugs. FAQ Is it neccessary to play Pokémon Cloud White to understand Cloud White 2's story? NO! Is it a complete game? Main game is complete (21/09/2018). GEN 8 Pokémon addition is still in dev'.

    Arka 9, Mickey', Diegoisawesome, Doesntknowhowtoplay, Ledxil, Darthatron, JPAN, Lunos, Mr. Dollsteak, Jaizu, Nisarg and all those who will recognize their features in the game 😘

    Recruitment and needed help

    • Need help to insert battle background for field and indoors (These ones are more diffucult to insert I don't understand why)
    • Create a new titlescreen
    • Create the introduction animation (gengar vs nidorino)
    • Gen 8 gba sprite 64x64 (+icons)
    • How can I fix the buggy Rival OW in the rival name selection screen?
    • Worldmap
    • New Pokéballs
    • Insert new indoor tilesets
    • Edit animations (door, flowers, etc.)
    • Changed the shiny rate ratio
    • Translate the game guide from french to english properly
    • Asm features
    • Any other help is welcome!
    Last edited by a moderator:
    Oops! Lost the trainer battle against the youngster on Route 1! Argh! Stupid Quick Attack! Oh well I better go back and rema-oh dear.

    EDIT: Double battle on Route 2! Go! I choose you! My one and only Chimcha-oh dear.

    EDIT2: The first glitch happens even if you have healed at a Pokemon Center so basically if you die at any point of the game you have to return to your previous save.


    [FONT=&quot]There is no major bug. However, stay careful and save frequently. Thanks to report your errors.

    Fake news >:( it's been all glitches so far.
    Last edited:
    Oops! Lost the trainer battle against the youngster on Route 1! Argh! Stupid Quick Attack! Oh well I better go back and rema-oh dear.

    EDIT: Double battle on Route 2! Go! I choose you! My one and only Chimcha-oh dear.

    EDIT2: The first glitch happens even if you have healed at a Pokemon Center so basically if you die at any point of the game you have to return to your previous save.


    Fake news >:( it's been all glitches so far.

    This game is in the "progressing hack" section because some features aren't finished yet. One of them is the ability to be teleported to a Pok?center after a defeat.
    THanks for your signalment. I'm going to add it in the bug section
    The game is nice so far,but you have to fix some bugs that destroy the game
    1st when I lose in battle,I cant get back and I have to continue from my last save
    2nd the map shows the kanto region and im in Sinnoh
    Well I would probably give it a go with proper mega evolution but as it is no chance
    Alright, I started playing Pokémon Cloud white 2 and I must say that it definitely better than cloud white 1 (which I severely disliked.)
    However there are a few things that are going wrong in this hack. The following are:

    1) The guy who is supposed to give you a turtwig gives you a level 5 Kirilia.
    2) The girl who gives you a happing egg hatches into a turtwig.
    3) It is possible to take all three starters of professor Oak.
    4) none of the bikers on the cycling road can be seen and it is easy to access the cycling road even before your first badge.
    5) Many mapping errors.

    This is all I've seen so. Also, I have a few questions to ask:
    1) Will you be Changingi the OW sprite of the main character as well as other characters?
    2) Will you be adding sinnog music to this hack?
    3) will you change the sprites of Pokémon to make them look like later gens?
    I forgot to mention, I'm stuck in Eternal city here your rival says that we have to beat all the team rocket grunts in the city but when I talk to them, none of them battle me. How do I progress from here?
    2) Will you be adding sinnog music to this hack?
    3) will you change the sprites of Pokémon to make them look like later gens?

    I've been meaning to ask these questions as well. In addition;
    1) Do you plan to add new rivals like Lucas, Barry or Dawn? Or Paul from anime perhaps?
    2) Do you plan to add dialogues referance to the first game? Maybe adding Prof. Rowan next to Oak on the beginning and Rowan can have a dialogue like "we are honored to see the Kanto champion in Sinnoh" etc.
    I don't know if there is any such dialogues but I think it would be nice to see something like this on the beginning of the game.

    Thanks in advance
    Doy you have inis from g3t or g3hs or d&d editor? please and excuse me
    I've been meaning to ask these questions as well. In addition;
    1) Do you plan to add new rivals like Lucas, Barry or Dawn? Or Paul from anime perhaps?
    2) Do you plan to add dialogues referance to the first game? Maybe adding Prof. Rowan next to Oak on the beginning and Rowan can have a dialogue like "we are honored to see the Kanto champion in Sinnoh" etc.
    I don't know if there is any such dialogues but I think it would be nice to see something like this on the beginning of the game.

    Thanks in advance
    1) Diamond and Pearl are in the game. Ash, Leaf and Brock too. You'll be able to fight them several time during your progress and in the events that I'm going to add.

    2) There is dialogues reference to the first game (Flashback) and some sign in schools etc...

    Doy you have inis from g3t or g3hs or d&d editor? please and excuse me
    INI for PGE. You can use these value and edit a g3hs ini to use them on g3hs.
    I forgot to mention, I'm stuck in Eternal city here your rival says that we have to beat all the team rocket grunts in the city but when I talk to them, none of them battle me. How do I progress from here?
    You need to fight their leader in one of the house/building
    New Release (Version 145) + Game Guide updated.


    Not yet because gen 7 isn't available yet.

    Is there a pokemon location list up to 5th or 6th gen. i just started the rom with the Lemonade bug finally being patched, but would like to find specific pokes(not too bothered about gen 7 locations atm).

    On a spreadsheet or anything, just so i know whats where.

    Also do you have an item location list?

    If not approx time till these are available?
    New Release (Version 150) + Game Guide updated.

