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Pokémon Eggs


Shadow Master
  • 105
    I've decided to make my own egg sprites for my game (Pokémon Neo Destiny), and I felt that maybe other people would like to use them in their games. However, should you decide to use them, please give credit. I'll upload more once I get to them, but this is what I've got for now.

    *Edit 12/28/2020*
    I re-uploaded the compilation .zip files to the first post, as well as a third compilation with the newer ones I posted back in 2018. I may work on more of these, but I make no promises, as life tends to get in the way...

    First Compilation

    Second Compilation

    I realize Mewtwo/Mew/Latias/Latios/Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem can't be bred in official games, but I'm including them in case someone wants to include a way to obtain Legendary eggs in their game. Also, the Mewtwo and Mew eggs have a psychic aura around them, similar to the auras seen in Pokémon: The First Movie (Blue for Mewtwo, Dark Pink for Mew). Also, in case anyone is wondering, the dark blue mark on Oshawott's egg is supposed to be an indent, in the shape of Oshawott's scalchop.

    Third Compilation
    Last edited:
    You know, Pokefarm has all of the Pokemon eggs made. I don't know if they're available for free use, or use with credit. You may have to get permission. Here's the link: https://pokefarm.wikia.com/wiki/Eggs
    You know, Pokefarm has all of the Pokemon eggs made. I don't know if they're available for free use, or use with credit. You may have to get permission. Here's the link: https://pokefarm.wikia.com/wiki/Eggs

    Even still, I'd rather use as much of my own stuff as possible. And since eggs are relatively easy to make, I'm making all of them my own.
    The first post has been updated with a third .zip of eggs. The third set includes Eevee, Cyndaquil, an updated Sentret, Pichu, Elekid, Volbeat, Illumise, Absol, Beldum, Shinx, Phione (Just a slightly edited Manaphy egg), Scraggy, Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem. And yes, I realize Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem can't breed officially, but that's not to say you can't make ways to obtain them as eggs in your games, so I'm including them anyway. The Eevee, Cyndaquil, Sentret, Pichu, Elekid, and Scraggy eggs are based on the anime, as I've been trying to do. The first post will also be edited with descriptions as to what are included in each .zip.
    First post updated. Removed previous sets and compiled them all into one .zip. Also included in the .zip are some new eggs: Sandshrew, Bellsprout, Mewtwo, Mew, Chikorita, Totodile, Ledyba, Spinarak, Chinchou, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Aipom.
    Very good! I really like Chikorita, Sentret and Elekid eggs! More!

    Why thank you. I'm currently working on the eggs for the Gen 4 starters, Gen 5 starters, Monkey trio, and a few miscellaneous. If there's any you would like to see in particular, I'd be more than happy to work on those.
    Updated the first post with a second compilation of eggs. Included in this set are Vulpix, Psyduck, Growlithe, Slowpoke, Drowzee, Voltorb, Exeggcute, Anime-Style Wooper, Teddiursa, Swinub, Smoochum, Magby, Plusle, Minun, Luvdisc, Latias, Latios, Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Vullaby.

    The Vulpix, Psyduck, Slowpoke, Wooper, Teddiursa, Swinub, Smoochum, and Magby eggs are based off of their anime appearances, while the Vullaby egg is based off the egg shell that a Vullaby is seen carrying.

    Also, the dark blue mark on the Oshawott egg is supposed to be an indent in the shape of Oshawott's scalchop.
    Why thank you. I'm currently working on the eggs for the Gen 4 starters, Gen 5 starters, Monkey trio, and a few miscellaneous. If there's any you would like to see in particular, I'd be more than happy to work on those.
    I prefer the officials/anime ones (technically Elekid egg came from game artwork and Magby, Cleffa and Igglybuff came from Puzzle Challenge), the design of these are very good!
    I prefer the officials/anime ones (technically Elekid egg came from game artwork and Magby, Cleffa and Igglybuff came from Puzzle Challenge), the design of these are very good!

    Thank you. I try to make them as best as I can. And yes, while the Elekid egg originally was shown in game artwork, and the Magby, Cleffa, and Igglybuff eggs were in Puzzle Challenge, I looked at screenshots from the anime in making them.
    You're welcome to use mine if you'd like. They're free use and I have all the unbreedable pokemon up to gen 5. No credit needed if you do, but please don't claim them as your own ^.^
    Thanks for putting up with my stupidity. Normally I would catch onto something like that but what can you do. Thanks a lot for that FL and M3rein, legends.

    (And these look pretty sick XmarkXalanX, if you ever end up reading this)