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[Completed] Pokémon Empyrean [v1.1] (~! Final Arc Released !~)

  • 453
    • Seen Jul 13, 2024
    Pokémon Empyrean

    >>> Download Pokemon Empyrean 1.1 <<<

    Download this if you do not have a a savefile, and you wish to play Deshret immediately (comes with a premade savefile):
    >>> Download Pokemon Empyrean 1.1 (+ savefile) <<<

    1. Save inside a PokeCenter before updating
    2. Download the Pokemon Empyrean 1.1 archive and extract ALL files
    3. If you're not using a pre-made savefile, move your old savefile (Game.rxdata inside your old game folder) to the new 1.1 folder

    >>> Join Discord Link <<<

    Ingame cheats guide:


    About Project:



    Omuran & Deshret Regions:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Empyrean [v1.1] (~! Final Arc Released !~)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Empyrean [v1.1] (~! Final Arc Released !~)


    Bonus stuff:

    FAQ (Guides, tutorials, pastebins)


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    can we mega evolve our pokemon is it with gen 5 meta game can we get starters with hidden abilties
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    can we mega evolve our pokemon is it with gen 5 meta game can we get starters with hidden abilties

    * Pokemon Gen I-V have Gen V movesets
    * There is no way to get hidden abilities This is now possible in v0.5.2 with the use of Dream Candies

    In the next update, v0.5.1, that I hope to release on Sunday, there will be:
    * Mega Evolutions
    * Gen 7 pokemon (including starter options, so there will be 21 starters to choose from)
    * More Gen 6 pokemon like Pumpkaboo and Phantump
    * New battle backgrounds

    If you'd like to wait for these features, check the thread again on Sunday :]

    I can also update the movesets for pokemon Gen I-V to be Gen 6, but I'm not sure yet if I'll be doing it in v0.5.1. Let me know your preference.

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    Hey. First off, great game. I'm thoroughly enjoying the story and like how broad it is and the quests. Keep up the good work.

    I ran into a problem though: (I don't quite know the format for writing something with spoilers in it so...) *Spoiler Alert* During the Willie quest in Sylen City, the scene where we confront the thug that has taken his pokemon, my game had to stop, save and close because my machine froze for a moment. The issue being when I reopened the game and loaded the save, my game freezes. I think it's due to it saving mid-scene. Can you help me?
    Hey. First off, great game. I'm thoroughly enjoying the story and like how broad it is and the quests. Keep up the good work.

    I ran into a problem though: (I don't quite know the format for writing something with spoilers in it so...) *Spoiler Alert* During the Willie quest in Sylen City, the scene where we confront the thug that has taken his pokemon, my game had to stop, save and close because my machine froze for a moment. The issue being when I reopened the game and loaded the save, my game freezes. I think it's due to it saving mid-scene. Can you help me?

    Hey, Thanks! ! I'm happy you're enjoying the game and the story so far! :]

    If your machine froze in the middle of a cutscene, then it's probably stuck in some state where it can't get out from. Let's switch to PM, I'll probably be able to manually fix your save file.
    I can't participate in the tournament in Dooriver City (my pokemon are still under level 30). After paying the 800 fee, the woman asks me to choose my participating pokemon, but the game never goes to the pokemon selection screen. Instead, the game immediately cuts back to the tournament lobby, where the woman says "You changed your mind..." and gives me my money back. Please fix, since I cannot proceed in the game due to this glitch.
    I can't participate in the tournament in Dooriver City (my pokemon are still under level 30). After paying the 800 fee, the woman asks me to choose my participating pokemon, but the game never goes to the pokemon selection screen. Instead, the game immediately cuts back to the tournament lobby, where the woman says "You changed your mind..." and gives me my money back. Please fix, since I cannot proceed in the game due to this glitch.

    Sorry that happened. I've sent you a PM regarding the problem, hopefully I'll be able to figure out why it doesn't work for you :/

    Also, I've updated the game to version v0.5.2 which contains the following changes:

    * 2 more player character options
    * Dream Candy
    * Stone of Light + New Eevee Evolution - Valkyreon
    * New Light-type Pokemon Wispaur and its evolution
    * PokeKata mechanics and dojos in Dooriver and Sylen City
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    This looks so dang gorgeous! My eyes are going to frequently visit this thread. The battle backgrounds in particular stand out to me the lost. I really wish you luck in the long run!
    Nice, this indeed looks like a quality fan game.

    If you don't mind, would you answer these questions?

    1) Is there any other Pokemon assigned to Light type aside of the fakemons?
    2) What is Light's effectiveness (strong/weak) against other type?
    3) What's the reason for raising the Pokemon's level cap?
    Do you guys know where the Dusk stone is? I need one for my Murkrow. Or the eviolite I need something for him.
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    I'm on Route 105 and I have no idea what i'm doing help

    We solved this through PM, but if anyone else gets stuck on this part, you can watch this video:

    Dusk Stone location:

    @Inner Rhymes
    Aw, thanks! :] That's nice to hear!


    Sure! :]

    1) Currently only fakemons and Valkyreon (new Eeveelution) have Light type as one of their types

    2) This could be subject to change, but right now it's:
    Weak to: Dark
    Resists: Light, Fairy
    Strong against: Dark
    Immune to: Fire
    Resists Light (alongside other regular resistances and weaknesses)

    3) Since your Pokemon reach around level 55 after beating the 5th gym and only half of the game is beaten at that point, I anticipate that you'll easily break the usual lvl 100 cap by the time you reach the endgame. However, this raised level cap has no influence on the game right now (as the game only has 5 gyms at the moment), so perhaps I'll remove it from the features list in favor of something else for now.
    Hey thanks for the answers.

    I imagine there won't be other type changes or would you consider changing other typing's effectiveness?