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[Developing] Pokémon: Lost Souls


Where the pickle surprise at?
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    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Lost Souls

    Pokémon: Lost Souls


    Hello there Pokécommunity! It's Carmaniac here (Well no duh) and today I'd like to present to you my (Rather old) Pokémon Emerald remake; Pokémon: Lost Souls. This is not like most remakes where the game developer has decided to base the game (Insert how ever many years here) before or after the series. I've decided to pretty much base it the same time as the existing series, but rather than just recreating it with new graphics, I've decided to remake this in a way that I would like to see the series be made. Anyway, the game is pretty much based the same time, with the same story, only adjustments to it. I've currently been working on the game for about 6 months, although only just really picked up progress in the past 3 weeks (Yes I'm a lazy sod.)

    Game info:​

    --Team Leader--​
    --Team members--​
    -Rayquaza; Overworld sprites.


    Welcome to the world of Pokémon, my name is professor Birch. There great turmoil here in the Hoenn region. Team Magma and Aqua are at it once more, they plan to use the legendary Pokémon Groudon and Kyogre to pursue their foolish plans. Team Magma want to use Groudons ultimate power to expand the land beyond it's limits while Team Aqua has the dream of mastering the seas and expanding it across the lands. It is up to you, Brendan/May to fight against the foolish teams and to stop them from disturbing the once peaceful balance of the Hoenn region. You will face a tough time trying to stop them, but hey, on the bright side at least you can pursue your dreams of becoming a Pokémon master! Good luck fellow player.


    All new interfaces.
    PokéNav making a powerful comeback.
    Brand new tiles not used before.
    Extra places new to the region to explore.
    Battle League challenge.
    Easy way to change your party around.​

    Battle League:

    Battle league is a new series of trainer on trainer challenges that I am bring into the Hoenn region. This will feature a set of trainers on different islands of the region. The challenge is to defeat all trainers on each island in-order to gaine a different rank. You will be awarded certain prizes for defeating each island and a badge as it were.


    Map(Warning quite big)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Lost Souls

    The menu took quite a bit to do, but basically, you're able to switch your Pokémon party around from there now, also able to check their Health and Experience. You can now also select the colour for all of the game from the options. You are able to choose out of 7 colours.


    Princelegendario a.k.a. Heavy Metal Lover
    Calis projects - template.
    Luka. S.J. - Scripts + major help in teaching me coding.

    Help needed:

    I'm currently in need of spriters willing to help me re-sprite the Hoenn trainers and overworlds. Although any help in other sections would be appreciated.
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    From what you've shown me over MSN, this looks very promising!
    Loving the Hoenn remake part though, can't wait to see more :D
    I can help with the trainer sprites and OWs if you want. I've had a number of attempts at each. Could I be the OW/trainer spriter?
    I can help with the trainer sprites and OWs if you want. I've had a number of attempts at each. Could I be the OW/trainer spriter?

    If you send over a PM with some kind of an example of your work I would much appreciate it.

    Minor update, started working on the battle system and have a few mock ups for other systems, also got the region map ready to have it's locations put in.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Lost Souls
    Lets hope this project will flourish beautifully. After thoroughly reading the first post I think this would look better in 4th gen or 5th gen style. Maybe with HGSS ows or something, it'd suit the menu style greatly. On the whole it looks good.
    Lets hope this project will flourish beautifully. After thoroughly reading the first post I think this would look better in 4th gen or 5th gen style. Maybe with HGSS ows or something, it'd suit the menu style greatly. On the whole it looks good.

    Thank you, although already have a style chosen, just didn't really bother to transfer my player to the map XD.

    Slight update, just showing one of the features for the Pokénav, this feature is mainly for those that like to do random doodles.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Lost Souls
    Kind of sucks about how far this thread is going down, but oh well. Here's just another update on the programming side progress.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Lost Souls
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Lost Souls
    So this is a remake made in RMXP? How far are you on the story? Any concept Gym leaders you can share? I would like to hear a alternative perspective in the ruby story line, like from a NPC's perspective :) that would be cool. I never played sapphire :P
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    The interface is a bit strange, but still like it. About the graphics, will they be changed?
    Just a casual update coming through, coded up the message system, started to sprite my own tiles too :)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Lost Souls
    Feel like updating this thread is rather pointless haha, oh well.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Lost Souls

    Yeah I got bored and started learning how to do things. Currently this features the following; Loads up all images contained within the backgrounds folder automatically, positioning every image on screen, currently set background shows solid, image goes solid when mouse hovers over, background updates instantly. Hey lookie, it comes with a video, although one feature is not shown in it as I couldn't be bothered to update the video.
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    Wow, I really like the new menu and message system.

    About your mapping, I got a few questions for you:
    Why is there lava in Littleroot town?
    Why did you remove the ledges from the first route?

    There's not really much else to say, it's nice to see a Emerald remake, even though I'd rather see a completely new game with all these awesome features.
    Wow, I really like the new menu and message system.

    About your mapping, I got a few questions for you:
    Why is there lava in Littleroot town?
    Why did you remove the ledges from the first route?

    There's not really much else to say, it's nice to see a Emerald remake, even though I'd rather see a completely new game with all these awesome features.

    I'm not sure if I'm honest, I just ended up mapping like that XD. And even though it's an Emerald remake, it's still got a new region. I was just lazy creating a new story for it until I had any of the work made for the region first.

    Anyways, I've mainly been working on tiles mapping and other peoples games so finally got enough motivation to get some proper work done to the game. The Atakai region finally has maps! Took me long enough, but they're here at last. I'll have to warn you first, the maps are still in very heavy work in progress, with tiles missing and a lot of mapping errors which I've fixed, just not changed the upload screen yet. Anyways, I need to stop rambling on about them and show what people would expect to see. (Warning! Very big map)
    Game is interesting, a few features that are pointless like the doodle pad thing but still im impressed how much your programming skill has improved..
    Why did you post such a huuge map? large parts of it are inaccessible, some of them won't even be visible to the player. I think it would be better if you divide the map into smaller parts to prevent "wasted" space. Other than that, it looks pretty good, can't really give it a proper rating since it isn't finished yet.
    I really wish I could help out with this sort of thing. I know very little about scripting and actually just starting to learn a bit about it. I tinkered a bit and I could very well make some great maps. And if anything, I excel in the English grammar. I can peruse through everything to check for spelling and grammatical issues, just to help out in any possible way. :)