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[PKMN OPEN] Pokémon Odyssey: Search For Cresselia (IC)

The Journeys to the Temples Begin

After not too long, Callimer and Cythera returned to the meeting zone in the bar. Vee checked around to ensure everyone was present. He counted them off, noting that Snype was noticeably absent, though it was expected that he would not be attending. Vee also managed to track down Abel in the city, who had also agreed to go, now that he was no longer participating in the tournament. Lia and Celebi also elected to stay in Erble, under the watchful protection of Airen, John, and Percival. The rest of the group was present and accounted for.

"Are we all here and ready to go then?" Vee asked. "To make sure we understand, Callimer and Kaveri will go to the Temple of Balance. Abel has elected to go with them there. I find it's very useful to have Psychics accompany each group, mostly because of interesting power capabilities that the Temples have for Psychics. The rest will accompany me to the Temple of Life. Now... we do run into the problem of having to walk all the way there from here, which could be quite a long while, as I've heard... but I may have a solution. If we teleport to a location I have been to in Anatellia which is nearby the Temples, we can go in from there. It's much more convenient, and it'll mean that Cal and Kav will return before their fights."

"That's good to hear." Cal answered, only partially broken out of his deep thought. 'Let's all remember to be cautious, and not too gung-ho in all this. Our main goals here are to learn as much as possible about mega evolution, see if we can acquire new stones, and overall just learn whatever the temples can teach us. If we're lucky we may even be able to make constructive contact with their patrons. And Cythera, I hope you'll keep in mind our chat over at the tavern and be on the look out during the mission."

Cythera nodded, only half listening in her pondering of the very same issue he spoke of.

"If you two manage to get inside the Temple of Balance, then making contact may not be too difficult," Vee explained. "But keep in mind, not every legendary is as receptive to 'mon as I am. I have met the Guardians of Balance before. They demand the utmost respect while giving none back. Kyogre I haven't had the chance."

"Let's hope they Sea Basin Pokémon is a little more on the receptive side," Razathiel said dryly. "And if not receptive, lost in the ignorant depths of Mew-level indifference."

Vee turned its head swiftly to Raz. "Mew?"

"Bothering shape-shifter back at Fort Ferrol," the wizard explained with a wave of his hand. "Could have been Darkrai or Mew, perhaps the world's most powerful Ditto or Zoroark. Didn't say anything of consequence and in spite of apparently wanting to help, treated the situation with a complete lack of reason."

"You waited until now to tell me this?" Vee questioned with a bit of annoyance. "This could be big!" Vee exclaimed. "Hmm... maybe... maybe..." It pondered aloud.

"It was actually incredibly uneventful. I told just about everyone else, for what it's worth - happened before I met you, incidentally."

"Well we may have another big player in the mix to talk about later, then," Vee responded. "If that is who I think it is, then we may have more help on our side than I originally thought. But regardless... is everyone ready to go?"

"Of course I am," Cythera answered. "And I'm sure the rest of us are as well. Er, most of us." She looked over at Kaveri with that last statement, remembering the state she'd been in when Vee brought them. Her worry was for nothing, however, as Kaveri had sobered up since leaving the bar.

"All ready," the Floatzel affirmed.

"Yes, let's be off." Cal said impatiently. Abel concurred with a nod as well.

"Hold!" The voice of Percival was heard from behind the group. He ran up to them, panting heavily. "I am... fain I hath caught thee," The Garchomp managed to say as he continued to pant. "I wast wondering if I may accompany thee there. If you would have me."

"I can only assume seeking the tournament-goers out went pretty well," Razathiel commented, before turning to Callimer. "You thinking of keeping armored fancy-pants around?"

Cal smiled at Percival's presence, but it was quickly wiped away by a contemplative frown at Raz's query. "That depends on what Vee thinks. You said the balance-duo are really fickle and picky, right? Could having someone other than Kav and I along screw things up, or should it be enough that we're in the lead?"

"It won't matter to be honest," Vee answered. "Only you and Kav will be able to go inside in the end."

"Well, we still might end up needing help, and the other group outnumbers ours already anyways. We'd welcome the company if you want to join us Percival." Cal finished happily, patting the Garchomp on the shoulder.

"T'would be my pleasure," Percival answered back. "If the enemy be half as ferocious as thee claims, then it would be a travesty not to assist in this quest on my part."

Vee looked around and nodded. "Now I think we're ready," The Victini commented, and closed its eyes to focus.
Snype and the Dealer

Once the two of them were clear from the bar, Snype and the Kecleon were clear from the area, the Kecleon took Snype into an alley secluded from the main streets. "Right, let's get to work. Stay off the main streets, we're not leaving a trail."

"Keheh, bit silly to tell a ghost not to leave a trail. Kinda comes with the type." Snype joked as they moved into the alley. "So what's the job?"

"We'll hear it from the Dealer," The Kecleon answered as he began to proceed through the alley. He motioned for Snype to follow. The Dealer... Snype hadn't expected to meet with the Dealer himself so soon. It couldn't have been Greg then. Snype grew ever more curious as he moved through the ally. What kind of 'mon was this guy going to be?

The pair continued silently, with the Kecleon doing little talking. He was a stark contrast to the type of 'mon he acted like just moments before in the bar. Instead, he silently moved through the alley with precision and caution. He stopped before passing through main streets, and ensured nobody spotted him. He specifically led Snype through chaotic areas when they moved through the main streets, so that they would pass unnoticed. They seemed to tread across much of Daggen. In fact, they doubled back a few times. It seemed to be a natural path, but Snype would have caught on that they moved around in circles a few times.

"...Keheh, pretty specific route we're taking. Feels like we've gone in circles. Pretty sure I've seen this side of the street a few times already." Snype said.

"Just being careful," The Kecleon replied. "Surely someone in your position knows about taggers and followers. Almost there."

"Keheh, course. We've done some similar things back home. Though being a ghost type makes it hard to be trailed. Keheh." Snype grinned.

"Can't take any chances. Not with this," The Kecleon stated, as he approached a door at the end of the alley. A Samurrott waited outside of it, and upon seeing the pair, knocked three times lightly on the door, then again after a two second pause. The door opened, and in the Kecleon and Snype stepped. The place looked abandoned, with dim lighting and a bunch cobwebs forming. Snype no doubt had no trouble seeing, so he would be able to make out a set of Pokemon gathered in the center of the room. Among them were a Servine, Noctowl, Shuppet, and Dewott. They were gathered around another Pokemon who was blocked by those four.

"You have your orders," The familiar voice spoke. "Move out."

"Righto!" The Servine declared. The four Pokemon made their way out of the room, with the Dewott exchanging a glance with Snype on her way out. Now, only one Pokemon remained in the room besides the Kecleon and Snype: Drake the Marauder.

Snype glanced back at the Dewott as she left before turning to Drake, crossing his arms. "Keh. We sure seem to be bumping into eachother an awful lot." Snype said. "But the Dealer huh? Shoulda figured as much with the praise Greg sang last I chatted with him."

Drake turned to the two 'mon, holding a set of papers in his hands. He acknowledged Snype with a nod, then nodded to the Kecleon, who nodded back and turned to leave. Drake looked over the papers in his hands for a moment in silence, not immediately answering the Sableye.

"And ever the talker... its like talking to a mirror. Keheh." Snype grinned as he leaned against the wall patiently.

The Mienshao read over the papers once more, then moved to the side of the room. He scraped two rocks together, igniting a small fire, and tossed the papers inside. "Are the things they say about you true?"

"Hm? What they talk about me here in Karn? What besides that I'm a no good wuss or whatever the hell they're going on about?" Snype joked a bit. "All seriousness though, what things?"

"They say you're one of the best thieves in a generation," Drake responded as he glanced at the Sableye. "Heists, imitation, infiltration, few are you match. Is it true, I wonder?"

"Kehehe, part of the reason I'm not a very good fit here in Karn. I'm not the most "honorble" fighter or any of that crap. But when it comes to stealth? thieving? Kehehehe... I don't like to brag but I've sneaked into some high profile places in the past. Even outsmarted Darkrai himself if that's enough of a resume for ya." Snype said confidently. "Didn't think word would have gotten to Karn."

"It didn't," Drake replied immediately. "But being the Dealer means keeping tabs on things outside of Karn as well, as we have," He explained. "So they are true then. Well, good. Because I'm going to put that to the test."

"Kehehe, been awhile since I've done some actual thief work. Don't worry, the King doesn't get rusty though." Snype pointed to himself proudly.

Drake nodded. "Show me, then. The mission is simple enough," He said as he handed the Sableye a picture of a Pokemon, a Meowth. "We find this Pokemon. We find out where he lives. When we find him, we find out, we infiltrate his house. We find a certain item in his house."

Snype looked down at the picture, inspecting the Meowth in it closely. "Hmmm... alright. I could use some details on the mon though. Should I make contact with the mon and try to sweet talk the info out of him or find some other means to get info on his home? Could be carrying something that has that kinda info. I'm known to be a charismatic fella if you hadn't noticed. Kehehe." Snype said. "Or am I just simply tailing the fella? DId something like that back in Tollen and it went pretty well. Kehe."

"We," Drake corrected. "Are going to tail him from his usual spots. The other agents are figuring out his usual spots and seeing from there. When they get a find, we will tail him home. This isn't the first time you met this 'mon," The Mienshao commented. "You met him just today, in fact. I wouldn't expect you to remember. The unimportant usually don't matter to most when in the presence of someone far more important. That's the way of life. To you, and to most, he's just another face in the crowd. But his unsuspecting face in the crowd is going to change the lives of millions."

"Kehehe... seems like you guys got this nailed down. So if ya say so." Snype grinned as he placed his hands behind his head. "Important mon eh? Yeah can't say I remember honestly. Kehehehe... but I'll take your word for it. The important ones are the kind that get paranoid easily. Ironically makes it easy to sneak around em."

"I'll take your word for it," Drake stated. "Now then... " Drake sat down in his chair and crossed his legs. "You'll run point on this. I'm a decent tracker and infiltrator. But we can't afford any mistakes on this one. I'll follow your lead on what to do."

"Keheh, you're in good hands then." Snype said. This felt... thrilling. Being mixed with the underground, crimes, thievery... the Sableye felt more at home then ever. Whether it was right or wrong, the Sableye truely felt alive for the first time since Tollen. Perhaps this would all work out in the end... and if it didn't, then Snype was confident he could fix it. Working with the underground was his specialty, but there was one rule about working with Snype. Never trust a thief. "Keh, so uh... we just gonna wait around till the others find something then?"

"Yes," Drake answered plainly as he relaxed in the chair.

"Kehehe, woulda stole some of the drinks back at the bar if I knew I was gonna hang around here." Snype said as he looked for his own chair to sit in. The Sableye pulled out his small deck of cards from his bag and started to randomly shuffle them around. It was at least something to do. "Keheh, just curious, just how many drinks DID you have when we first met?" Snype asked with a chuckle.

"I didn't keep track," The Mienshao replied as he leaned the chair against the back to legs and balanced himself.

"Keheh, goes to show how big the operation is I spose." Snype chuckled. "You were darn lucky I dropped by though. Those three looked like they were going really give ya a bad time. Keheh." Snype said with a grin. "Actually I was also meaning to ask, what kinda item are we going after in this fellows house?" Snype asked.

"You think that little of me that those three could have taken me out?" Drake questioned the Sableye.

"Kehehe, back then? I thought you were just some regular drunk karnian. Now? Hmmm..." Snype inspected the Mienshao. "...Kehehe, ya probly could have taken em I'm sure. I've gotten wasted in a few spots like that and managed all the same. I think drunken fighting is a thing or something right? Kehehe. Wouldn't be a bad idea when this is all done and over with eh?" Snype said with a smirk.

"Celebration drinking isn't my thing," Drake stated as he crossed his arms. "This is a job for me."

"Kehehe, well that's all fine and good then.There's other ways to celebrate that sorta thing. Kehe." Snype said. "How long have ya guys been at this? If I was right about Greg then I'd picture awhile."

"Who's Greg?" Drake questioned with a cocked eyebrow.

"Keheh, one of the generals. Don't worry I kept hush hush about our first meeting. Did a few small jobs for the fellow. Nice guy. Might be a fan of yours. Kehe," Snype said.

"I wouldn't know, I never met the guy," Drake stated with a shrug of his shoulders. Before anything else could be said, one of the others, a Noctowl, returned through the open window.

"Spotted him leaving the "Coral Lounge," The Noctowl stated.

Drake nodded and turned to Snype. "Lead on. It's game time."

He found it interesting that Drake knew nothing about Greg... Either he truly had nothing to do with this or something else was up. Snype would just have to rely on Able to find out more about that side of town.

"Right. Hope your good at jumping roof tops. Kehehe. I'll need Ya for directions. I'm still new to town ya know?" Snype said as he kept toward the open window and crawler outside.

Drake nodded, "Coral Lounge is to the south," He explained as they exited the home through the upper balcony and stepped onto the roof. "Straight shot that way."

"Kehehe... Glad ya decided to do this at night." Snype said as his eyes have off a small glow. The Sableye began his move toward the direction of Coral lounge. A meowth shouldn't be too hard to track.

Drake followed swiftly behind, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. He clung closer to the base of the roof so that other 'mon would be less likely to spot him. Through the streets they proceeded, Drake mostly leading for now until they got close enough to the target. Suddenly, Drake stopped Snype and motioned below, where a Meowth was walking home with a group of other 'mon. The group seemed to have been having a good time and were just leaving some bar likely.

"Well at least they're noisy... keheh... stay on their tail." Snype whispered as he continued to follow not too far behind.

The pair continued to follow the group led by the Meowth, making extra sure they weren't spotted. It seemed they were rowdily laughing among themselves.

"And I just stood there, quiet as a f*cking grave!" The Meowth exclaimed with a laugh. "And he kept reaching in!"

"Damn, to think Emps was right there with ya!" A Smeargle commented. "What a lucky bastard!"

"Hell, it was the luckiest time of my life!" He exclaimed. "****... I'm tired, drank too much. I'm gonna call it a night," The Meowth murmured.

"Alright, Jordan, take it easy. Let us know what he does next time around!" One of the others, a Tangela, commented. The group parted ways, with the Meowth going on alone down the path.

Snype quickly realized how much trouble he would be in if he got caught trying to steal from this guy. Though then again, he highly douubted the fellow was close to the emperor... but that was part of the thrill of being a thief. One screw up could cost everything. Snype signaled to Drake to continue following suit.

Drake followed closely behind Snype as the Meowth led them through the streets of Karn. Carnage was still prevalent all across them. The Meowth mostly avoided it, looking past it as if it were a common sight, which it was for him. So many Karnians had now become fully desensitized to it all. The Meowth continued to stumble along the path until he reached a home of his own. The 'mon looked around, then stumbled in and shut the door.

"Alright Drake. Which room do I gotta get in to steal this thing? I gotta know what exactly I'm looking for here." Snype said.

"We're not stealing it," Drake answered. "We're going to find it. Take it back to a nearby safeway house, then bring it back."

"Still doesn't answer what we're trying to snag. Kehehe." Snype stated.

"It's a sack," The Mienshao answered plainly. "A large, brown sack."

Snype seemed to stare at the Mienshao blankly. at the description of the item. "Uh... right... that sure narrows it down."

"You don't have to recognize it," Drake explained. "I'll know it when I see it. You saw it today when the Emperor was choosing the next round of fighters in the tournament."

Snype seemed to get a good idea what they were going for here. Well if it was just stealing a large brown sack it shouldn't be too hard. And hopefully wouldn't get violent. Snype couldn't afford to be caught anyways. He was the best thief around! "...I think I know what your talkin' about. Alright then let's get moving."

Drake nodded. "Lead the way."

Snype nodded. He waited a moment before making this move. After a night like that? Amon was bound to pass out. The Sableye eventually crawled down from his spot and moved toward the meowths house, observing the various windows and other methods to get inside. "I take he'll have this thing in his room... just gotta make sure he's passed out. Hard to wake up after that kinda partying." Snype said, scaling up the walls and peeking into the various windows carefully. Just as Snype predicted, the Meowth was on his bed, snoring loudly, heard even through the closed window. The room was dimly lit, only from the moonlight outside, but the sack could be seen on the floor beside his desk.

This was easy pickings... Snype would hardly figure this sort of thing would be tough to snag especially in a place like Karn. Still never hurt to be careful. "Kehehe... I won't be long. Open up the window on my way out." Snype said as his form suddenly shifted into a more shadowy form, slipping right through the window without even opening it via Shadow Sneak. The Meowth stirred in his sleep, but continued to snore loudly. Snype smirked and continued his approach with Shadow Sneak. He doubted that the bag would be guarded by some sort of system but... he had ways just in case something was set off. Emerging from his shadowy form, Snype snagged the brown bag and turned back to the small window, keeping an eye on the meowth just in case he decided to wake up. As the Sableye approached back, Drake quickly opened the window to allow him to pass through, and shut it as he came out.

"Good," The Mienshao nodded as he extended his hand. "Hand it over."

Snype handed the bag to the Mienshao and got back down from the building. Easy work for the thief. He kept himself quiet for now and let the Mienshao take the lead now that they got what they needed.

"Right, good work," The Mienshao repeated as he examined the bag. "Stay here, watch over him. Don't wake him. I won't be long," He stated, as he scattered into the night.

Being left alone to watch over this Meowth to make sure he didn't wake up or notice... this couldn't possibly lead to anything bad at all. The Sableye perfered to know all of the details before his job. He would have simply left a replacement bag as a precaution otherwise. Just how important was this bag anyway? Snype just had to keep watch for now... Snype slipped himself into his Shadow Sneak form once more to keep out of sight from any passer bys and of course, keep a close eye out on the meowth inside.

The Meowth continued to snore loudly, mumbling in his sleep. "Mmm... cookies..."

Snype winced a bit... mumbling in his sleep. Either he was having a wonderful dream or he was actually contemplating getting up and getting cookies... what was so damn important that they had to steal from this meowth in the first place? Still, the last thing he needed was this guy waking up. Snype hoped Drake would hurry up already...

"Grr... uh... roses!" The meowth shouted in his sleep.

Snype gritted his teeth. This meowth sure liked to talk an awful lot in their sleep, but Snype wasn't going to let that get to his head. Snype had to maintain composure. He knew nothing about this Meowth so if he really had to step in and keep him asleep he'd have to figure out a backup plan quickly.

The Meowth continued to mumble in his sleep for a while. He stirred and stirred, but never ended up waking up. Eventually, Drake returned to Snype's side, with the bag in town. "OK, let's put it back and then we're done." The Sableye nodded and moved up to the window once more, slowly opening it up. He couldn't bring physical objects into his shadow sneak form unfortunately so he would have to sneak in the old fashioned way. Nonetheless, he still had his ways to get around. Snype slowly slipped through the window and placed the bag right back in its old spot. As soon as he did, Snype shifted back into his shadowy form and made his way out the window once more.

Drake nodded and motioned for the Sableye to follow a few blocks away. Once they were sufficiently clear of the house, he stopped in an alleyway. "Alright, then. Good."

"Geez that was my test? Keheheh. A bit easy don't ya think?" Snype chuckled. "The heck was that all about anyways? Did that guy seriously have something that important to ya guys?"

"No, we just felt like doing it for fun," Drake answered in a deadpan voice.

"Keheh, comon Drake I can sense sarcasm a mile away." Snype chuckled.

"That's because I was being sarcastic," Drake replied back. "You think we'd go through all the trouble for nothing?"

"Kehehe, geez Drake, a sense of humor would make your job a whole lot more enjoyable. I'm teasing ya. Was just a bit easy compared to what I usually get mixed in. Keheh!" Snype grinned.

"It's not about the difficulty, it's about the act," Drake explained as he turned away. "You did good. We're done."

"Keheh, hey a guy can go for a bit of excitement ya know? Care to at least tell me what the act was in the first place?" Snype asked. He would have checked the bags contents beforehand. This could have been a bait and swap ordeal.

Drake stopped and turned around to Snype. "We took a bag, we put it back. And that's it. You've done your part, now wait and see."

"Hrm..." Snype stared at Drake with a firm expression. "Don't trust me with that knowledge yet huh?" Snype said.

"Just following orders," The Mienshao replied with a shrug as he turned away again from the Sableye to leave.

The Sableye blinked as the Mienshao walked off. "Keheheh,,, not very good practice to leave one misinformed." Snype smirked as he turned to be on his own way. He was awfully curious just what was in that bag... though as Drake mentioned, they had eyes and ears everywhere. The Sableye looked back up at the meowths room curiously...

"Keheheh... then again... never trust a thief. It's who we are..."

The Sableye was likely being watches as he pondered in his own head. Learning more about this organization would be more difficult then he imagined in that case. He had to figure out just how they had such a good surveillance around the city... at the same time, he had to determine weither or not this group would be a threat or an asset to the team. If Snype recalled, this was the very same bag the Emperor used to choose the fighters in the tournament. What use would they have with something like that? There wouldn't be that many fighters to in the first place. Unless they were looking to rig the draw with their own results... it was the only thing Snype could think of at the moment. But why go through so much trouble? Drake wasn't going to be giving him many answers it seemed... he just prayed that this wouldn't lead to yet another decission that he would overall regret. Snype made his way through town. Maybe the other mon that he saw leaving the first safehouse would have some less vague responses.

Snype and Silence

Snype still had the rest of the night to himself after his work with the Dealer... the rest of the group were still at the temples as far as he knew so that left Snype with very little to do besides get used to the town's layout. If he was going to be doing more thief work then he had to know every crook and cranny in town and have it memorized properly. Course that was difficult enough with all of the violence that the Sableye continued to pass by. He almost hoped those mon that stopped him back at the arena were here so he could properly show them what for. Snype hoped tonight was the last night he would be walked all over by everyone and their mothers in Karn. "Keheheh... geez, drinking and getting into fights... gotta wonder if these Karn folks have any hobbies." Snype said, using Shadow Punch to smash an incoming Machop attempting to get the jump on him. "It is kinda satisfying though I gotta admit..."

"Someone's been a busy 'mon since getting to Karn, eh?" The voice came from above, and if Snype looked up he'd see a Weavile that no one particularly looked forward to seeing, sitting on a rooftop. "Only a couple weeks in and the Emperor already wants to see your guts on the ground," Silence continued with a tone of mock admiration. "And running around doing who knows what else. Nothing that'll f*ck up what we're here to do, I hope?" She narrowed her eyes, glaring down at him. Silence had been keeping to the background since after their first meeting with the Emperor, and she wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the rest of the group had even forgotten that she was there in the first place.

"Tsk. Preaching the Choir sister." Snype said as he stopped and turned up to look toward her. He was almost tempted to just keep on walking but the more he stuck around in Karn, the more he realized that just backing away from his problems would make his situation in this city even worse. "Could say the same to you. Where have you been lately? I had no idea you even followed our group all the way up here." Snype asked.

Silence shrugged. "I'm an assassin. My career is based around unfair killings. If you think Karnians hate you as the King of Thieves, how well do think they'd receive me? Your presence in the group has already destroyed a good portion of our reputation. No need to add me to the mix," she said, then leaned forward and rested her chin on a hand. "Besides, I made a deal with your dead girly that I wouldn't do anything... overtly immoral unless she commanded it. And since Big Green's taken her place, I'm under his orders now. So unless he gives me a task, my hands are tied. All I can do right now is keep quiet and keep an eye on things."

Snype winced at hearing "Dead Girly". "Keh, first off, her name was Lyn. But guess you got a good point there." Snype crossed his hands. "The only thing that messed up my reputation was denying a fight with the Emperor when he offered one to me. I still sorta regret that but..." Snype went silent a second. He almost spilled the beans. "...Well, nevermind. Ya need something from me? Doubt you'd stop by and chat with me for no reason other then to patronize me. Keheh." Snype asked, leaning up against one of the nearby walls.

Silence finally leaped down from her perch, standing with her arms crossed in front of Snype. "I noticed you've been doing a lotta sneaking around with some unknowns, doing Arceus knows what. I just wanna make sure that whatever is you're up to, it's not gonna get in our way. You do have this nasty habit of stabbing your buddies in the back for your own benefit, after all."

"Keh, never trust a thief ya know?" Snype stated. "Can't really speak for that, but I won't let our group take another hit for my activities." Snype said, looking around cautiously. "I'm sure you won't be the last to ask me about it either.." Snype was being extremely vague. He had to be. No doubt he was being watched after the whole job. He would have went back into the meowths house to check on the bag otherwise.

"I don't believe that for sh*t," Silence responded flatly. "I'll give ya the benefit of the doubt for now, though, and trust that ya wanna stop the world from going to sh*t as badly as the rest of us. Probably a stupid a** decision given your record, but like I said... I made a deal, and I don't go back on my deals. If you f*ck up one more time, though... I'll make an exception." She made a slicing motion with her claw across her neck to get her point across, then let out a cackle. "Not that I'd feel much regret over it, though. Your death should've come long ago."

Snype didn't flinch one bit on the slicing motion. "...tsk. I don't think I ever got to even ask in the first place." Snype stepped forward.. "Why do you hate the thieves so much? I've been so clouded by what you did before you outright bailed on us that I never once considered what happened before all of that." Snype looked down at his own claw. "...Considering it was no different to what I did way back when..."

Silence gave the Sableye a deadpan look for a few long moments, before her expression slowly turned to one of incredulity. "I thought ya were an oblivious, idiot bloke, but you really don't know? Do you even pay any attention to the Thieves you lead? I get they've always been a very free-roaming group, but considering there were two corpses left behind when I split, I would've thought you'd at least try to look into it more." She gave Snype a look of pure disgust.

"The Thieves stabbed me in the back," Silence spat. "I was born in that forest, raised a Thief. It was my entire life. I had a place there, or so I'd thought. I had a partner when I was there, Charles. At the time I'd thought we had some unbreakable bond." She rolled her eyes as she recalled her own childishness. "There's was a 'mon that offered us good money to steal something from a rival - good enough money that we gave way to temptation and took the job. Charles made it out, I didn't. I was stuck down in some f*cking dungeon for days, waiting for him to come back for me before I finally gave up and clawed my way out on my own."

"You wanna know what I came back to when I went back to Eden Forest?" She grit her teeth as she recalled returning to what she'd thought of as her home, beaten but triumphant at the time. "Turns out the f*cker had killed the 'mon that hired us, then pinned the blame on me and made it out like I'd run away out of shame. The Thieves I'd grown up with, worked with all my life? They didn't even give me a chance to tell my side of the story. They just straight up took his word for it, and I was supposed to just deal with it while the smug bastard moved on." Silence clenched her fist angrily. "Yet you... you nearly destroyed the Thieves. Yet somehow, while I was scorned for something I hadn't even done, you were allowed to act as their King?" She let out a snort. "Absurd."

Snype stood silently, staring dead on toward the Weavile as he listened to her tale on what happened. "Accepting a job from an outside source was the first mistake... I don't deal with outside parties. I make sure they're reliable before even considering it. My guess is that Charles fella knew that I was away on my mission to expand the thieves before getting you mixed in on this... I can't exactly keep an eye on everyone when I'm on the other side of the world... I wouldn't say Ches is nearly as perceptive as I am either." Snype crossed his arms and turned to the side. "Goes to show how blind I am thinking I can run a trustworthy organization. There's always that one asshole that'll screw everything up. But... I guess he's dead now so what's done is done..." Snype sighed, turning to Silence. "Charles did seem more independent then we usually are... I just wished I stepped in and did something about it before it got out of hand.

"I had no idea what had happened. I didn't even know Charles killed his client in the first place. All I had was the word of the thieves at the time. Keh... but guess that would be something that mon would do. Maybe if I were still there...well, I won't waste my time apologizing Silence. I know I'm far beyond that after all of the crap I've done recently and what you've gone through."

Silence shrugged. "I don't care for apologies anyways. My mum died in the Silver War thanks to you stabbing us in the back, and the Thieves turned their backs on me. My only satisfaction will be watching you all fall. The rest of the world can go to sh*t for all I care."

Snype turned up to Silence and stepped up toward her. "You want to watch us fall huh?" Snype stated out in a harsh tone. "If you really didn't care about us, then why have you continued to stick with this group? Why are you so keen on following Lyn's orders and now Cals?" Snype said, clenching his fist. "If you really wanted everything to go to ****, then why aren't you trying to kill me now? Nobody would notice. Its the perfect chance." Snype gritted his teeth.

"Believe me, it's f*cking tempting," Silence growled, glaring Snype down as she clenched her fists. "Darkrai's world sounds like heaven, if I'm being completely honest. But I've still got at least one reason left to keep that world from becoming a reality, a reason that's more important to me than my own heaven. But I'm not stupid enough to think I can go up against the Lord of Chaos on my own. Unfortunately you and your group are necessary." She lifted a claw and pointed at him. "But know this. Once this is all over, I'll come looking for you, and end you and your Thieves once and for all."

Snype smiled at her. "One person huh...?" Snype said, just rubbing his head a bit. "...Keheh... I won't get in your way from doing what you have to do then. If you really care that much about them..." Snype leaned against the wall once more. "...You aren't the only one who lost something in the Silver War."

Feh... She'd said more than she'd meant to. "I realize that. But what can I say? I'm a petty 'mon," Silence said with a shrug and a smirk. "I won't deny that."

"Hmm..." Snype grinned at Silence. "At least you're honest. I can respect that. Its not exactly something I'm good at being."

I am when I need to be," Silence responded. "I only hide what there's no need to know, or what I need to to protect myself. It's one of the pros of going it alone: I don't have to share what I don't want to."

"I understand..." Snype turned his head. Honestly if I didn't say anything, Few Probobly would have... I wanted. To keep her safe. I told Raz first in order to mega evolve in the first place." Snype crossed his arms. "What would you do if you had that kind of power? The power of a legendary."

"Probably not much different from what I do now," Silence responded with a shrug. "I'm a 'mon of simple needs. All I want is to f*ck sh*t up and improve my own lot in life."

"Sometimes you do what you gotta do to protect your own folks. Even if it doesnt feel right..." Snype said, glancing off to the side once more.

Silence raised a brow at him. "Are you trying to say keeping Celebi hidden kept your Thieves safe? Cause, well... It quite obviously didn't. If you'd gotten her outta there sooner, Darkrai wouldn't have had reason to touch your forest."

"It wasn't really my call to make. The reason Darkrai found her was because of James. Keheh... Honestly, the forest was as safe as it got. Celebi is the reason the forest was a "living forest". Hell I Didn't even know she was the watcher until recently. Back in Antellia. But by then we were on the way to beatruce. Didn't exactly have Alot of freedom for a plan B" Still... Didn't change what happened in the end." Snype gave off a sigh.

I expanded so that of the forest were to fall, the thieves could still continue their work. The thieves are still alive, just recovering, or helping in Gold City. I just hope they can hold out. Until then, I have to keep Celebi safe."

"Good luck with that," Silence snorted. "Your record hasn't exacurly been the best when it comes to protecting sh*t." She tilted her head to the side. "But at least there are some more competent folk to watch out for Celebi as well, so maybe it's not all lost."

"Hmph. I can still try." Snype stated. "Worst comes to shove, I can still Mega Evolve again..." The Sableye got off the wall he was leaning on and continued on walking. "Stay safe Silence. I can at the least count on you to keep me in check f I do another bonehead move."

"You can definitely depend on that," Silence confirmed. She stayed and watched Snype walk away for a few moments through narrowed eyes, before disappearing back into the shadows.

Flashback Post - Just before heading to the Temples - Razathiel and the Emperor

Wandering Karnian streets alone was probably an ill-advised action for most, but Razathiel may have felt more at home amongst the plentiful carnage of than he did in the friendly boardwalks of Ferrol. Occasionally being attacked might as well have been street-side entertainment for the Dreadmage, who often made a show of how fancily he could dispatch his most recent assailant. In spite of being fairly desolate and none-too-inviting, Karnian shops often had more to offer than would meet the eye. The country's warmongering nature led to the conquering of many unfortunate provinces, and, along with the serving taken from them, their valuable goods also made their way into the Karnian economy. Naturally Raz, a connoisseur of rare magical trinkets and artifacts, took great interest in his new discovery and set out to see what he could find; surely someone out there had to have a mega stone lying around, right? Perhaps remains or information regarding Groudon's Gift, or even something completely unrelated but similarly potent. It was as he traversed the boulevards waiting for something to catch his eye that he spotted The Emperor, and the wizard cursed under his breath and grimaced inwardly at the prospect of another meeting with 'señor senseless'.

From the distance, the Emperor could be heard shouting something loudly to his posse beside him, before he ventured into one bar beside him. Most of the other guards followed suit, while one remained outside and approached the Ralts. It was the Scizor guard Razathiel had previously fired upon while in the tower. "Emps wants you to have a drink with him," The Scizor guard stated plainly to the Dreadmage.

"Again?" The Ralts asked with a sigh, looking up at the Scizor with one eyebrow raised. "I suppose now he's at least resolved not to waste his own time asking.

"You were too far away for him to shout you down again," The Scizor explained. "Which means he's paying you less and less mind. For now, you're someone he finds interesting. You keep dodging him, and maybe you won't matter anymore either. I don't know what shithole you climbed out of, but having the Emperor's favor is about as good as you can have it in Karn."

"As good as I can have it?" Raz chuckled. "A pity I'm so vehemently evil then, ain't it? Say... how in the hell does he define 'interesting', anyway? I wasn't aware he had a concept for the bloody word."

"I don't know how he decides these things," The Scizor shrugs. "Sometimes, he just finds certain 'mon interesting. It could be because he finds them worthy opponents. Or because they have the balls to openly stand up to him, or any other number of reasons. Sh*t, one time he dragged this stupid Sandshrew shopkeeper all across the country with him because he took a liking to him. The 'mon died not too long after, but... you get my point."

"And just as there might have been some hope, the hint of some kind of interesting mental judgement is completely dashed by the realisation that they are merely the random actions of a mongoloid," the wizard muttered. "Is there any way you can ferry messages for me to that brick of a 'mon? I honestly can't convey to you just how much I detest his company."

"No," The Scizor replied, clearly annoyed. "Listen, dumbass. When the Emperor invites you to go anywhere with him, that means go with him. There is no other choice. Arceus, I don't know what he sees in you. You're nothing special. Go, or don't go. I don't really care. But nobody leaves on the Emperor's good side being worse off than when they arrived. Nobody."

Razathiel let out a breath of air, "For 'no other choice', whatever I did the last couple of times seemed pretty rejectory. If it weren't for all those other sensible things you said, I'd have thought you had no idea what you're talking about... what were they again? Oh, I remember now, they were nothing because you have no idea what you're talking about. Funny, that."

The Scizor stared at the Ralts for a moment longer and shook his head. "I can't wait for him to kill you," He muttered and turned away. "I gave my message. Go be a fool elsewhere." The Scizor walked off to join the Emperor in the bar.

"All well and good to make threats on others' behalf," the Ralts said, following behind the Scizor. "Frankly, if I were you I'd be less concerned in what he sees in me, and a little more concerned about what he sees in you."

"I've earned my place," The Scizor spat as he stepped forward into swinging doors of the bar. "You still haven't earned yours," He commented as he stepped inside. There, the Emperor and other patrons of the bar laughed away. Other citizens tried to get closer to the Emperor and join in on the fun, while others more or less watched from the side with smile and grins.

"What is given can be taken away," Raz countered with a shrug, holding the doors open for himself with Psychic. "And you seem a lot more reliant on a 'place' than I am, bug. Wallow in dependence for all I care, I'm not the one who'll be caught out at the end of the day."

The Scizor shook his head and waved the Ralts off, sliding to the far side of the bar counter. The Emperor, meanwhile, laughed loudly at something one of his other guards told him. Through his peripheral vision, he spotted Raz by the doors. "RAZ!" He yelled and motioned him over. The Ralts waddled over and stood beneath the Pangoro.

"The fuck do you want from me?" He questioned.

"Drink with me!" The Pangoro demanded as he pushed an over-sized mug at the Ralts.

"Why and to what end?" Raz enquired, snatching the mug. His eyes glowed brighter for a moment as he gave the liquid a once-over.

"DRINK!" The Emperor roared as he motioned for the Ralts to drink. Razathiel grimaced at the fluid and levitated it back up to the counter.

"That isn't how answers work," He said with a scowl.

"When are you gonna get it through your head that in my land, I decide how answers work!" Edgar exclaimed as he took a large swig of his mug. He exhaled with satisfaction and slammed it onto the counter. "Anyway, how badly did you lose against Xander?" The Emperor questioned. "I only ask because I know you can't kill him!" He laughed. "Not because you're too weak. Hell, I probably can't kill him as it stands!"

"Didn't lose," Razathiel insisted. "Went there, fought him, found out what we need to kill him, got out without repercussions. Neither of us are dead yet so the battle is ongoing. It's slower progress towards victory than usual, but progress towards victory nonetheless."

"You lost," The Emperor spat back with a bit of chuckling. "Because he isn't dead. And you said you would kill him!"

"I will kill him. The killing of Xander is currently in progress," the wizard snarled. "He's got a very simple defensive blockade that requires a workaround, but frankly there are so many options for getting around it that I'm surprised nobody else has killed him thus far. He could at least have been betrayed by one of his underlings with access to the same buggery - his fighting style is a fucking tactical travesty."

The Emperor roared with laughter, slamming his palm multiple times into the counter. "You know what the problem with that statement is? If it were true, he'd be dead already. But it isn't, and he's not. You best figure that out soon. I don't want you ending up like all the other pricks who acted just like you and ended up f*cking dying like idiots!" He laughed again.

"As if you've proven to me you know any better than he does," Raz scoffed. "He temporarily survived me on the merits of his stupid plant alone. The fool can fight a mountain just fine, I'll give him that, but he lacks depth and flexibility. You ever run into one of those feckless, incontinent mongrel shitlords who do nothing but repeatedly perform Double Team?"

The Emperor rolled his eyes. "Those f*cks. Think they're so damn smart by just abusing the sh*t out of it, and then thinking they can take me on! Honestly, annoying as sh*t!"

"Had trouble with them?" The wizard asked with a raised eyebrow.

"More like irritation than trouble," The Emperor corrected. "You stay on the throne long enough, and every single type of 'fighter' tries to come at ya," He shook his head and took a gulp from his mug. "And I say fighter loosely. Half of them didn't even deserve to stand in my presence. F*cking dumbas$es."

"Sounds draining," Razathiel shrugged. "Now, is there a reason you want me here? Finally decided to hand out some answers, perhaps?"

"Answers?" Edgar questioned. "The f*ck you on about? I just wanted to drink with someone worth drinking with!" He exclaimed.

"Agh, of course!" The Dreadmage slapped himself in the head. "Hopelessly drawn to my villainous charisma. I should have known."

"More like I've never seen someone so tiny actually able to fight half decently," The Emperor retorted with a laugh. "I'm just f*cking with you, I don't give a shit about your size!"

"Mmm, good," Raz growled, folding his arms. "I doubt I have to tell even you I've heard more than enough comments on the subject. Anyhow; should you wish to drink with me, I will comply upon one - no, FIFTY-! Er... one condition is probably more realistic. One condition."

The Emperor scoffed. "I don't listen to other's conditions!" He roared. "But what is it?" He asked curiously.

"Let Snype conduct his business in relative peace. He's my minion, so I'll discipline him for being a moron whenever the time arises - for now, I need him operating at prime efficiency."

"F*ck no!" The Emperor declared vehemently. "That piece of sh*t needs to learn!" Edgar slammed a fist on the counter, causing a few patrons to get nervous. "Understand, Raz, that the only reason he's still alive is out of respect for Guardia. If not for that, I would have killed him. Because all I saw from him since we got him is him backing down. He cowered when I challenged him. He cowered when I called him out when I was choosing your fights for the next round! Hell, he didn't even f*cking fight in the tournament yet, and he made it through! He's afraid! And I get that he's afraid, but I expected more from a friend of Guardia's! Stupid f*cker! The least he can do is show some Arceus-damn backbone!"

"As he fucking should, but he will learn from me. You are being disruptive," Razathiel accused, pointing at the Pangoro briefly. "You have neither the knowledge nor the attitude to teach, of all things, and although I'm sure you would refute the import of the goals we work toward I can assure you they are indeed of paramount interest to me. And, less importantly, most 'mon on this blasted plane of existence."

Edgar rolled his eyes. "If he learns it, then it's pointless!" Edgar roared. "It's not something you teach! He has to make me change my mind! Not you! Not because of you! And if he doesn't, then find some other way to earn my respect! Because he's trash!"

"I'm not asking you to redefine your entire purpose of being," Raz responded, rolling his eyes back at the Pangoro. "I'm just saying to do your best not to distract him while he's conducting important work. It shouldn't be that difficult to avoid sticking your nose in unnecessarily - I hardly see how seeking him out to engage in what will only amount to some prissy pointless shouting match lines up with your ideology, anyhow."

"I haven't been doing that to begin with! He's not worth the time!" The Pangoro roared. He waved the Ralts off. "That's a stupid f*cking condition."

"Well, if you haven't been doing it, then it should be pretty easy to comply, hmm?"

"Whatever," The Emperor rolled his eyes again.

"Well? You agree?" Razathiel urged.

"Yeah, fine fine!" The Pangoro roared. He grabbed his mug and finished it. "Enough of this stupid shit!"

"Very well then, to business. What was it you wanted me to do, again? Drink?"

"DRINK!" The Pangoro repeated as he howled with laughter. He motioned for the bartender to serve Raz. "Anything he wants!"

"Anything I want?" The wizard raised an eyebrow. "One Groudon's Gift, then. And a couple extra to go. And a castle."

"A drink, dumbass," Edgar replied. "Any drink you want. Besides, you don't wanna drink that sh*t. Makes you too dead!" He laughed again, as his guards around laughed with him.

"I will sample your finest chocolate milk!" Raz announced. A few of the other patrons turned and glanced at the Ralts.

"Er... Chocolate Milk?" The bartender repeated. Some of the patrons chuckled to themselves.

"You heard the 'mon! CHOCOLATE MILK!" The Emperor roared, and the bartender quickly went to work in a scare. The other patrons quickly quieted down. Razathiel lifted himself upward and sat upon the counter, a satisfied smirk upon his face.

"This is what the non-villain folk do with their spare time, then?" The Ralts observed. "Drink and talk?"

"What's with you always talking about villain this, villain that?" The Emperor asked the Ralts beside him, as the bartender gave Raz his drink. "It's f*cking weird."

"Is it not obvious?" The wizard asked, putting a hand to his chest proudly. "I am Razathiel, the Dreadmage, the greatest villain this world has ever known and will ever know - whether most of the feckless sods of this world care to recognise it or not! I can assure you it's not weird, outside of Karn it tends to be the natural order of things to have some kind of hero versus villain skirmish going on. Seems only here that most are confined to some chaotic moral grey area fuckery - though I'm sure even here there's bound to be some kind of good versus evil thing happening in some obscure place."

"Yeah, except the way I see it, you're fighting with the good guys here, not for villains," The Pangoro commented.

"This is a momentary side venture," Raz said with a wave of his hand. "Getting rid of the competition. While heroes often team up with heroes, villains are often at odds - hence, why we have to be stronger on average. Not that Darkrai has many reputable villainous qualities to speak of; nuisance is probably a better word."

"Oh really?" The Emperor asked with amusement. "So what happens if you win and he's gone then, huh? You coming for the rest of us?" He grinned.

"World domination's an enticing goal," the Ralts admitted with a shrug. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't opportunistic."

"Good!" The Emperor declared as he grabbed a fresh mug and downed it. "Keeps things from getting boring!"

"Not good, evil," Raz corrected.

"Yeah, whatever, evil," The Pangoro declared as he had another drink.

"You didn't answer me before, by the by," the Dreadmage noted, picking up his drink and glaring at it suspiciously. "Is this really all non-villain folk do when free?"

"Hell if I know," The Emperor replied. "I'm not all 'non-villain' folk, or whatever. I'm just me."

"Ugh," Raz sighed. "Is this really all you and any other equally pedantic cretins do when free?"

"I'm just me!" The Emperor retorted again. "Don't group me in with anyone else!"

"Holy fucking shit," Razathiel exclaimed. "I'm just fishing for a source of anecdotal information - you don't have to accuse me of mass prejudicial assumption-mongering. Asking if this is all you do is naught but a bloody invitation to tell me what else you do. And for the record, even then, saying that you're a pedantic cretin and asking what you and other pedantic cretins do isn't saying you're all doing the same things; you can pretty easily differentiate it if and when you actually decide to fucking help me out and answer instead of dancing around it like a fucking imagination-less troglodyte."

"You're weird," The Emperor muttered bluntly, and grabbed hold of his mug to down the alcohol. "Did everyone ever tell you that? Not a bad weird, well, maybe a bad weird. I dunno."

"You're fairly weird yourself, in a suffocatingly uninteresting kind of way," the Ralts drawled, pausing for a moment to sip his chocolate milk. "I'm not sure many if any have expressed it explicitly, though I've certainly received the looks that say as much."

"HA!" The Emperor laughed loudly. "Calling me weird? Lesser 'mon have died for less! You've got some balls on you."

Raz tilted his head at the Pangoro and raised one eyebrow. "You demand not to be grouped in with anyone else, and yet take offense to being called weird? I'd understand if you'd been angered at being called suffocatingly uninteresting, but at this point you're just being fucking ridiculous."

"You're missing the point," Edgar retorted with a laugh. "Most 'mon who tried to insult me in any way would be dead by now. Hell, if I wanted to, you would already be dead!" He roared with laughter. "I just find you amusing enough to keep you around."

"I didn't miss that point," the wizard said with a roll of his eyes. "I ignored it. You've repeated that mantra enough bloody times that it's lost all the meaning it never had in the first place."

"Right then!" Edgar continued. "So! What are you going to do to improve your reputation?"

"Kill Xander, maybe head to the borders for some fun afterwards," Razathiel answered. "See, what you may have noticed is there's this thing I'm doing: when you ask a question, I actually answer it. Perhaps you could try."

"You wanna ask me a question?" Edgar asked. "An actual one? Fine! Go ahead!"

"An actual-?" Raz let out an angry sigh. "All right: is this - that being drinking and talking - all that you, and probably your guards as well, are planning on doing on this particular venture, for fun? Was that suitably specific and non-specific for you?"

"This is downtime, watching the tournament is the fun for me!" Edgar replied with a grin. "Although we'll probably be heading to the borders after."

"Well, what are you and your guards doing to occupy your downtime?" The wizard questioned, leaning back on one hand. "Odd as it sounds, this whole supposed end of the world malarkey has my downtime up several hundred percent."

"Mostly this for now," Edgar replied with a shrug. "I know, boring, isn't it? I keep waiting for something exciting to happen!"

"Your guards find this boring, too?"

"It is what it is," The Scizor guard chimed in with a shrug. "It's downtime until fun time."

"Honestly, we should have entered the tourney," The Tangela guard also added. "Maybe put on a real show," He laughed lowly.

"So you poor sods are just as starved for downtime activity as I am," the Dreadmage said sulkily. "That fucking sucks."

"That's the problem with being a spectator," Edgar spat. "Hmm... how much downtime do you have?"

"Heavily variable amounts," Raz muttered with contempt.

"I've got a tee-pee set up in my place," Edgar explained. "Takes us to Styrn. I could send you there for a while."

"I'm not familiar with Styrn. On the borders, I assume?"

"The last line of defense before the hordes," Edgar answered as he extended his hands. "Paradise! Waves upon waves of the f*ckers come through at us at Styrn. A canyon path that takes us into the rest of the country. The river to the west and mountains to the east make this the best entrance to them! And damn if we'll let them in!" The rest of the bar cheered and raised their mugs in unison.

"Sounds like a wonderful venting opportunity," Razathiel murmured, rubbing his chin. "Why, I don't think I've fought an entire army in, what... a month? Two? Once I'm done with current business I'd be thrilled to; unfortunately, I'm somewhat needed. Disappearing just for funsies isn't the most responsible thing in the world, as enjoyable as it would be."

"Heh... there'll always be armies to kill in Karn, so you'll have your chance," The Emperor replied with a grin. "You best find something to do in your downtime then, huh? Why the hell are you going to those temples again anyway?"

"Information, mainly, though if we can recruit one of the buggers to help fend off Shadow-Fuckwit-Supreme then hurrah," the Ralts explained with a wave of his hand. "Mostly just stuff you're not interested in."

"Sounds boring," Edgar yawned. "Who the hell would wanna talk to a bunch of dead statues anyway? Now if the fuckers actually ever showed their faces, then maybe that might be interesting!"

"Ideally, that would be the plan," the wizard murmured. "However, simply 'talking to a bunch of dead statues' isn't without its merits. In some other cases if not this one."

"What could you possibly gain from dead statues?" Edgar wondered. "Hell, they didn't seem so special when I went to see 'em."

"Knowledge," Raz answered curtly. "And knowledge, as they say, is power."

The Emperor scoffed. "Well, maybe you'll find something. Make it all worthwhile. Personally, I think it's bullsh*t! If the legendaries were going to do anything, they would have done it a while ago! Well they had their chance. This is our world to f*ck with now!"

"From what I've seen of legendaries, at least a couple are pretty fucking fickle," Razathiel said with a shrug.

"Fickle's one word, worthless is another," The Emperor spat. "I give literally no sh*ts about legendaries!"

"Fickle as in they may start doing something on a whim," Raz reiterated as he finished his chocolate milk. "Unfortunately, this situation demands of me that I refuse the luxury of being picky. Power is power, as much as it's nigh-impossible for me to feel any sort of respect for the tossers..." The wizard paused to sigh. "And isn't that sentiment oh-so-familiar...?"

"Hehe... ain't nothing special about their sh*tty powers anyway," The Emperor snorted. "I'm pretty sure I proved that with your two worthless legendaries earlier!" He laughed.

"Nothing special indeed," the wizard snorted back. "Power for or from legendaries is essentially free; unearned and undeserved. Raw energy without the experience to properly guide it. Great power without great responsibility. Magnitude without direction. Mere weight to throw around..." The Dreadmage paused, lifting an eyebrow at the Pangoro. "That said, it would be a little hypocritical of you to think so, would it not?"

"Like f*cking hell it would!" The Emperor roared. "I agree completely! Power has to be earned, not handed out!" He spat. "Think I got this way by sitting on my f*cking ass and drinking?" He questioned with a laugh. "The Serving think it's hard to kill a thousand 'mon. I earned that honor a long time ago! I fought every day of my life to get to where I was!"

"Ah yes, hard-fought victories. Completely unaided and unassisted," Raz leaned his head on one hand. "That's what you'd have the world and I believe, yes?"

The Emperor laughed loudly at Raz's response. "Alright, let's hear it. What do they have on me this time?" He asked with a roll of his eyes.

"You think ill of me for asking a question?" Razathiel said innocently. "I accuse you of nothing, I'm merely curious as to what Kyogre would think of how boisterously you claim total credit for your powerful circumstance."

"Eh?" Edgar raised an eyebrow curiously at the Ralts. "Kyogre? What the f*ck does he have to do with anything?"

"Why don't you tell me?"

"You're the one who f*cking brought him up!" The Emperor roared loudly.

"So you're either desperately and violently passionate about preserving your secret whilst simultaneously being tremendously incapable of doing so," the wizard drawled. "Or you're simply a pawn with such impossibly low levels of self-introspection that you've somehow managed to remain clueless about your condition for decades on account of never once questioning a single fucking thing that you or anyone else has ever done. Perhaps heading to the temples will be more eye-opening than I had initially suspected."

The Emperor chuckled. "So that's your theory? I'm some kinda pawn to Kyogre? Or Kyogre in disguise or something like that? That's where I get my power from?" He questioned as he continued to chuckle. He glanced over to his guards, who were also grinning and laughing. "Hey, I'll give ya credit for creativity, that's a new one. Add that to the list!" He cackled, the guards joining him in his laughter.

"Thing is, Raz," The Emperor continued as his laughter began to die down. "Shittier 'mon have been accusing me of cheating or something of the like for years. 'Oh, he's secretly poisoning his opponents! Oh, he's using berries continuously! Oh, his guards help him out! Now, oh, he's actually Kyogre in disguise!'" He mimicked mockingly. "Sometimes, 'mon just can't get it through their head that I'm just stronger than them!"

"Perhaps if you weren't so obnoxiously dismissive about yourself, that wouldn't be the case," Razathiel snapped. "You expect the people of Karn of all places to see a 'mon who, to them, embodies the very essence of power, and not become suspicious when you dismiss questioning and halt investigation? Ludicrous."

Edgar sighed. "The 'mon of Karn don't care for the past!" Edgar retorted. "Because in Karn, the past isn't important! What matters is who you are now, not how you got there! That's the message of Karn! It's one of our fundamental principles. And it's something you can't grasp your tiny head around!" He laughed. "No biggie though, few foreigners do!" He laughed harder. "Anyone can rise," He stated as he stopped laughing and a serious expression came upon his face. "That was always our message. Anyone. Even if once, that anyone was no one. A poor piece of filth from the slums, a homeless, Pancham abandoned for dead, who had nothing to his name," The Emperor quieted for a moment, causing the guards to also quiet down. "Until that Pancham began to test himself against everything. Other 'mon, the buildings, the wilds, the weather. Everything," Edgar raised his mug and took a large swig of the contents. "The past is in the past, where it should stay. That's the reason I don't tell it. I'm not who I was once. I am what I became!" He exclaimed. "The people of Karn don't question me about my past. It's usually the foreigners. Thinking they'll find some kinda hidden secret that'll explain how I got so strong. When you start hearing that story for about twenty years, you get pretty f*cking dismissive about it!" He laughed loudly.

"And yet your message of 'what matters is who you are now, not how you got there' is on the complete contrary to 'power has to be earned, not handed out'," the wizard said through gritted teeth, pinching the space between his eyes. "The tapestry of one's past is what makes up one's being in the present. You, I and all here are products of our pasts. Cause and effect. Such are the laws that bind this world together. We are equations of circumstance and yours does not add up. Your age is missing, lost to the void; were it clear, I could devise how reasonable the rest of your circumstances are, but even as it stands being as old as you are is an anomaly. When power is concerned the past holds extreme import because of how it dictates the behaviour of such power in the present - power earned is often innate and irrevocable, but power given is temporary and often an exploitable weakness. It is Xander's reliance on power given that will spell his end, and you are not in a position to afford the same. If there are any 'mon who can exploit a weakness of yours wherever it may exist, they are the enemies of the cause I attribute myself to assisting, and your end at their hand would, frankly, be a fucking disaster for our goals," Razathiel paused to shrug for a moment and said, "I mean, or maybe I could do it, but I don't want Karn so that side of things is pretty safe," then returned to seriousness. "Still; when I take action to investigate your powers' relation to Kyogre, see it not as an accusation. Instead, if you think my claims false, investigate them yourself, for evil's sake. The word of one so well-versed in the nature and technicality of power as I is not to be snubbed. Actually, to be honest, it is an accusation because it means you've been needing help to be as powerful as you are this whole time and all the while been too dumb to notice, but regardless - it's not just an accusation, it is a warning as well. Heed it, or in all likelihood get fucked."

The Emperor paused and silently listened to Raz. When the Ralts finished, he yawned. "Not gonna lie, that was pretty f*cking boring, Raz," He placed a paw along his cheek and leaned on it. "I'll tell you what, you think I got my power from Kyogre? Why don't you f*cking go to the Temples and ask them legendaries there? As for me, I already know this is my own power. And I know that because I f*cking worked my ass for it," He grabbed another fresh mug that was brought to him. "Oh, and by the way, I consider Xander's power earned, not given. But that's just me."

"Just have me do all your investigation for you then, sure," Razathiel pouted. "And I get what you mean with the Xander thing; it was earned in a moral sense because he did the whole mountain climbing thing, but it's given in a practical sense because it doesn't last. It's not permanent and it can be taken away," the Dreadmage paused to put a hand on his chest. "I'm pretty big on absoluteness. Does wonders for reliability if you have full control of your powers at any given time."

"I could rip off your leg right now," Edgar replied. "That can be taken away!" He stated with a laugh.

"On the contrary, I'm not sure you could," Raz countered. "I'm a Ralts. Look at me. You think you can decipher where my legs end and where the rest of me begins? Hell, even I'm not entirely sure. Besides, even with a leg or two gone, my abilities still hit just as hard."

"If you don't have a hand, though, then you can't hold that staff that... I don't see right now," Edgar replied as he glanced around the Ralt's person.

"The staff is just for show, it doesn't really do anything. It's like my pointy hat that I'm also not wearing right now."

"Well point is, without your arms, you couldn't fight as well," Edgar explained.

"Hmm... no, I think I could pull it off. It'd be pretty much the same," Razathiel said after a moment of consideration.

"Yeah, whatever," Edgar dismissed the Ralt's statements. "I could literally care less about this right now. I'm more interested in what happens next in this tourney!"

"You mean you couldn't care less?" Razathiel questioned with one raised eyebrow.

Edgar snorted, as he looked around briefly. "Yeah, wish that were true," He murmured, before he suddenly snapped up. "I'm f*cking bored of this place! Time for me to go!" He declared as he stood up from his bar seat, causing the counter to momentarily shake. The Dreadmage frowned as his empty cup of chocolate milk fell over.

"Escaping the public shame of your grammatical error, I suppose," the Ralts chuckled, getting to his feet. "For the record, how has the tournament been going?"

"Average," The Emperor replied with a bit of disgust. "Since the second stages, only one death, and a f*cking surrender without a fight. Some good ones too, though. I've seen better before."

"Ooooh, who copped it?" Raz asked with glee. "Anyone I know? Figure it can't have been one of my allies seeing as they all seemed right as rain. Any of the agent fuckers?"

"Some Serving f*cker your boys were hanging around," The Emperor replied. "Another one bites the dust, I guess. Shame, he almost made his quota."

"Oh," the wizard seemed disappointed. "Now, I'm usually all for 'mon dying in general, but that is a bit of a shame, to be honest. What was that surrender without a fight all about?"

"Some sh*thead from Daggen surrendered to your f*cker Snype without throwing a punch," Edgar roared angrily. "F*cking coward!"

"Pfft, that's fucking hilarious," Raz chortled. "What'd he even show up for?"

"Probably to get f*cked up by me later if I ever saw him again," The Pangoro declared vehemently.

"Ah, of course. Death, every coward's dream," the Dreadmage said dryly.

Edgar stretched and yawned. He motioned for his guards to go outside and he prepped to leave as well. Before doing so, he glanced down at Raz and looked at him intently in silence, as if pondering something. The wizard hopped down onto a seat and then to the floor, then walked a couple of paces before noticing the Pangoro's gaze.

"... Need something?" The Ralts asked, raising one eyebrow.

"... There's an old f*cker back in Daggen named Birabarn. Tough son of a b*tch. Real annoying prick, too. I hate him. So do a lot of people. He never liked living here, but he never knew another home," Edgar explained. "He's not liked among us Karnians. But some know him. I once knew him as friend, long ago. Before he f*cked up everything and went off the rails! Stupid f*cking old piece of sh*t." Edgar cursed.

"Yeah, real touching story," Razathiel drawled. "But as it turns out, I asked if you needed something. Because you were gawping at me as if captivated by my dashingly malevolent presence for a moment, there."

"I was just deciding if you were worth telling," Edgar retorted with a snort. "Let's just say Xander isn't the only one who made it up Mount Titan."

"Captivated by my dashingly malevolent presence as you were busy deciding if I was, quote-en-quote, 'worth telling', of course. Fear not; I understand. Tell away!"

"You hear the rest from him, I'm done here!" The Emperor declared and stormed away. "Ain't my story to tell anymore."

"Oh, that's all there is? I'll remember the name. Nice to know this detour wasn't entirely useless," the Ralts noted.

"We'll make a proper Karnian out of you yet!" The Emperor declared as he exited the building accompanied by the rest of his guards. The other patrons of the bar watched the Emperor leave curiously, while others observed Raz with interest, and some with fear.

"Why the fuck would I want to be a proper-? Agh, fuck it," Raz cursed as the Pangoro left. He flung a hand out to his magic room and made a note of the 'mon known as Birabarn. As the wizard finished his scribbling, he let out a contended sigh - although he had definitely still seen this interaction as an unpleasant and unnerving experience, Razathiel had found within himself the ability to retain his composure and not, well... explode into maniacal rage and cause the deaths of nigh-everyone in sight including himself. Either that or it was a stroke of luck, Edgar had mellowed his aggravating qualities for the moment, and the chocolate milk had kept Raz in a good mood. In a placated mood, rather.
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Vagueness and Answers
Snype and Two 'mon, One Stranger than the Other
Erble, Karn

Snype figured the best place to start learning more about his group would be the safehouse he met Drake in. The night was still young so Snype had time to get more knowledge on this group if he could. Drake was extremely vague about their job. It all just rubbed Snype the wrong way. The Sableye had to find answers before he did something stupid again... going back to the safe house could end up getting the Sableye in trouble with the others but the operation was done and over with. He hoped he would be lucky enough to find someone that was with the dealer nearby at the very least. Once the Sableye reached the Safehouse, he mimicked the knocking pattern that the Samurott from before used to get inside. Three times lightly, then another after a two second pause.

Seconds passed without any sign of movement. Then the door opened slightly, with a red-irised eye looking outside. Once it wandered down to Snype, a low snort sounded before the door opened more in order to let the Sableye inside. Snype honestly didn't expect anyone to still be in the Safehouse. It looked abandoned and as far as Snype knew, nothing was really inside of it... still, this was an open invitation for Snype. He slowly stepped inside the door, looking around for the mon who opened it. "Keheh, geez didn't think anyone was still hanging around here." Snype said.

The door closed softly, showing the rest of the Fraxure who'd opened it. There wasn't much to set him apart, except for the fact that his torso was covered in one large tattoo, a series of black lines that twisted and turned around each other. "Remind me who you are," the Fraxure retorted in a baritone, slightly-demanding voice.

"Kehehe, think ya forgot somethin there. What color are the ice sheets of Titan?" Snype said with a small chuckle.

"...Blood Red, but not for long." The Fraxure narrowed his eyes at Snype before snorting again and turning, keeping Snype on his right side as he headed back toward one of the walls of the room.

"Kehehe, just had to make sure. I got the whole city breathing over my shoulder lately. Uh... anyway the names Snype. Thought I'd drop by here and see if anyone was hanging around and low and behold, I find you. Kehehe. With that said, who are you?" Snype asked.

The Fraxure stopped and looked back, fingering one of his tusks. "The Snype who never got to fight Drake?" he asked back, grinning. "I'd wanted to see it happen, myself."

"Tsk don't remind me. I would have liked to fight him myself. Got the entireity of Karn pretty damn upset after that. Especially the Emperor. Arceus knows its gonna bite me in the ass next round." Snype sighed, leaning against the wall.

"Eh, I'm only a little upset, more 'cause of the lack of a fight than 'cause o' who was in it. Everyone'll get over it when you do fight." The Fraxure shrugged and went back to the wall he was aiming for. "'Sides, that's with me knowin' that Drake's with us."

"Keheh, well if you aren't gonna tell me who you are, maybe you could at least give me some sorta idea what you're all trying to do here." Snype said. "Drake seemed very adamant to keep silent.. You folks are trying to change Karn or something like that correct? I've heard it all over, even before I found out this group existed." Snype said, turning toward the Fraxure.

The Fraxure stopped again, now at the wall, and stared back at Snype. "Questions, huh? King of Thieves, I think you were called in the tournament." He stooped down onto one knee, running a hand slowly through what seemed like ashes. "The image does become a little more clear with each assignment...really, though, I think if every question was answered, this revolution wouldn't work out so well." Shaking his head in disappointment, the Fraxure stood up and pointed to himself with a thumb. "Alfred."

"Keheh, a pleasure Alfred. But uh... you're doing it too." Snype stated. "The whole vague thingy. It's not doing a good job convincing me of a just cause. I'd like to think I have the same ideals as all of you but I really don't know if we're on the same page. If my comrades can't be honest with me, how am I sposed to be honest with them huh?" Snype said, crossing his arms. "I understand though at the same time. This whole "operation" has been pretty darn professional keeping everything incognito. I'm honestly impressed. It justskinda irritating at the same time. Kehehe. How are you gonna change anything when a mon with the power of a god is towering over everyone?"

"I'm bein' vague more 'cause I don't trust anyone around here," Alfred growled back, taking a couple steps toward Snype. "Plus, never trust a thief, right?"

"Kehehe, ohohoho, Color me impressed. Someones been doing their research." Snype said with a wide smirk. "Was hoping to save that one for later."

"Lived there once," Alfred replied, "in Valkaria." He fingered his tusk again, then asked quietly, "Yer with the Goldies, ain't ya? Would make sense, Valkarians all travelin' together, yet less sense for thieves and Goldies to travel together."

"Kehehe, ya call em Goldies too huh? Well... we all had a similar goal. Considering Darkrai was attacking our home, we inevitably ended up working together. I spose on top of that, I owed it to them..." Snype rubbed his head. "Kehehe, I guess Drake knows about that little trade secret of the thieves as well huh? Smart..."

Alfred's hand stopped as his left eye twitched. "You fought Darkrai?" He folded his hands behind his back, tapping a foot for a couple seconds. "Jus' 'cause I know something doesn't mean Drake knows it," Alfred muttered. "But that doesn't mean he doesn't know it... Snype... What do you think of Darkrai?"

Snype instinctively pounced his fist against the wall at the very mention. "Darkrai himself... I can't really speak for. The mon that became bonded to his power, Gabe? Well... that's a different story." Snype paused. "He destroyed my home, scattered my thieves, but most importantly, killed someone very close to me... take a wild guess what I think of him."

His eye twitched again as Alfred listened. He didn't respond at first, closing his eyes while rubbing a hand along his left side. This lasted for close to a minute before Alfred opened his eyes and grinned. "Then I'm not the one talkin' more to you."

"Pardon?" Snype raised his brow.

"Hehehehe..." Alfred shook his head in amusement. "Just seein' your reaction. It's someone else who'll tell more. Keeps me a little safer, yeah? S'pose I'm ignoring the thief thing, but hey, we're two 'mon wantin' more answers." After a moment, he added, "Sorry 'bout the whole vague thing, but I have a threefold reason for it. If ye don't go blabbin' to anyone about it, my friend will be more straightforward. Well, anyone but the Goldies you're travelin' with. I'm assumin' they're after Darkrai, too?"

"Course." Snype stated. "Our entire journey revolves around stopping Darkrai's plan. I just want to help make sure nothing interferes with their goal." Snype said, glancing around the room incase others were listening in.

Alfred scratched an itch on his arm. "Makes me wonder why you're here, then... Anyway. There's a two-story house 'round two miles to the west from here. You'll recognize it by the Pidgeot statue in th' yard. Ya should know how to leave no trail, right? Just wait there for an hour. My friend will find you. Just...understand this. This is from me, not from the Dealer or anyone else in th' revolution."

The Sableye nodded to him. This a bit further then he thought he would ever delve into. He was hoping nobody else was in him as they spoke. "Kehe, can do... Still, even with everything going on, I guess I just get a selfish thrill doing this kinda thing."

Smirking, Alfred turned and began walking back toward the door, this time with his left side toward Snype. "Yeah, well... nothin' left here that I can find. By the way..." The Fraxure turned a warning eye onto the Sableye. "We never met. Got it?"

"Kehe, who are ya again?" Snype responded with a chuckle.

The Fraxure snorted in response, pulling the door open and stepping outside, as if leaving his home on a normal day. He closed it behind him, leaving Snype in the old house. Snype didn't waste anytime following his instruction. Two miles west. Oughta be easy enough.


After taking a few detours throughout town, just to make sure he wasn't followed, Snype quickly caught sight of the Pidgeot Statue. "Keh... Well guess this is the place. Guess now I just gotta wait." Snype said to himself, leaning back against the wall and keeping watch for anyone that stood out.

The Pidgeot statue sat on one side of a gate set in a stone wall, which extended around the two-story house mentioned by Alfred. If it was possible for any house to be in even poorer condition than the average home in Erble, then this house did it. The yard inside the wall was strewn with rubble and weeds that attempted to brave the cold, and the majority of the house's windows were shattered or missing. The front doors were slightly ajar. Even the Pidgeot statue was chipped and broken in several places. "Sheesh... figured I'd be hanging around another busted up building. Seems to be a popular meeting spot for these kinda things. Keheh." Snype chuckled to himself.

Time passed, with a few fights breaking out here and there along the street. From the time that Snype showed up at the house, thirty minutes passed... then forty-five... then an hour... then an hour and fifteen minutes. No one had spoken to Snype or even appeared, so far. Snype didn't quite keep count of the hours, but it sure as hell felt like an hour. Maybe he was supposed to meet inside of the buildng? Snype continued to try his patience. Being late was a completely normal sorta thing... but in Karn? Another fifteen minutes passed. Then, a small pebble flew out from the yard to hit Snype's head. "Ack!" Snype grunted as he quickly rubbed his head. "What in the..." Snype turned around searching for the source of the Pebble that just hit him.

There didn't seem to be anybody in the yard, except a small floating shape close to the Sableye's size that drew closer to the front doors. After a few seconds, it stopped, and another piece of rubble flew out at Snype. "Ack! Hey!" Snype moved up to the floating shape, grabbing one of the pebbles that was thrown at him. He sure hoped Alfred wasn't pulling a fast one on him. "Well at least someones trying to have fun in this country. Kehehe." Snype simply replied to it as he moved up closer.

The floating shape simply hurried to the front doors, ahead of Snype as it slipped through the small opening and further into the dark. Snype was guessing this thing was the one Alfred mentioned... at the very least he could play along. Snype followed the floating shape inside of the dark building. Thanks to his own natural night vision, navigating through it was easy enough. "Kehehe, alright where are ya hiding... I'll show ya how to throw a pebble. Kehehe." It was up the stairs in the foyer that the shape had flown up, hesitating just long enough to check that Snype was still following before it disappeared again. The stairs led into a small hallway with six different doors, one being double-doors that hung crooked. Past these, an old table could be seen. A door to the left also stood open, showing part of a bed inside the room. The Sableye observed the six different rooms closely... this thing was clearly leading him somewhere for a reason. He still had to play it carefully though just incase. The Sableye walked through the open door and cautiously inspected the room before walking over to the bed inside. "Hrm... curious place..." Snype muttered.

The door creaked closed, shutting Snype inside the room. A presence showed up directly behind him, and a voice echoed in his surface thoughts, <Helloooo~> Snype froze in place when he heard the voice suddenly speak through his mind. The Sableye slowly looked behind him...and came face-to-face with a ridiculously large face that yelled, <BOO!!> Snype quickly jumped backwards from the sudden boo, practically jumping up into the old bed. This kind of thing normally didn't spook him but the buildup was far too good for him to not humor a reaction at the least! It legitimately got him!

The face rocked backward with laughter, though it could only be heard in Snype's mind. The face then faded as the floating shape from before began flying around in wide circles, still a little giddy from pulling a jump-scare. After a few moments, the shape slowed down and said, <Ohhh, it's been too long~ I do wonder if I'm going crazy sometimes, but only Alfredo is ever around to tell me anyway.> Once it had slowed down, Snype was able to see that it was a black 'A' with a big eye; this Pokemon was nearly the same height as him.

Snype stared at the... well he had no idea if it were a mon in the first place. It looked like a letter. The Sableye sword he had seen this kind of thing before in a book... "Keheh, ah so your the one he was talking about. Gotta say this wasn't what I expected from Karn. Nice to see a mon with a sense of humor for once." Snype grinned, looking the floating letter curiously. "I uh... don't think I've ever heard or seen a mon like you before. Got a name? Oh! Actually wait maybe I can guess... does it start with an A? Keheh!" Snype said in a playful tone.

<Oho, a name starting with an A, that would be obvious, wouldn't it?> the letter 'mon replied, coming to a halt a couple feet in front of Snype. <But nah. Roland's the name, killing's not the game. I'm surprised Alfredo is still alive, personally, though he has taken hard hits before.> Roland blinked before circling again, looking at the Sableye from all sides. <And you?>

Snype stood still as the floating A floated around him. He placed his arms behind his head and gave off a chuckle. "Kehehe, Snype. Justtt Snype. A pleasure to meet ya Roland. I'd shake your hand but uh..." Snype paused with another laugh and watched Roland circle around him. "er, just what kinda Pokemon are ya anyway? Kinda new to me. I swear I've seen your species somewhere before..."

<Of course, what hands?> Roland chuckled a little bit, still circling. <Hmmm, you could say we're an 'unknown' species...>

"Unknown..." Snype rubbed his chin in deep thought. "I think I saw something like ya in a book once. All layed out in sentences and what not. Ya know, being letters and all. Kehe"

<Okay, we'll leave it at that, then~> Roland chirped before growing serious. <Sooo... juuust one more thing to check, Snypey... your head. That is, making sure you are Snypey, and what you said about stopping Darkrai is true. Would ya mind a final security check?>

"H-huh?!" Snype said in surprise. He couldn't really recall the last time he was called Snypey of all things. Though, security check got him a little nervous. "...Keh... well alright. If ya really feel like that's the right thing to do. Just... be careful. I don't even know my own head sometimes." Snype said. "Infact... I could really use that kinda thing... keheheh... do what ya gotta do."

Eh? What's the matter?> Roland asked, stopping in front of Snype again. <Don't like being called 'Snypey', Snypey? Or don't like mental checks?>

"O-oh no y-you can call me Snypey if ya like. It uh... was just an old pet name I had way way back in my younger days with the thieves... eheh." Snype said, rubbing his head a tad nervously. "Uh... guess I've just never had this sort of thing before... at the same time maybe I'm overdue for this sorta thing. Keheh. I'm sure I'm still Snype but... if you want to make sure that I'm actually still myself then I won't stop ya." Snype said.

<Ah, it's more making sure you're not an imposter,> Roland replied, the top of his eye quirking a bit. <And that you didn't bring anyone along to meet me. Aaand, sorry, but I'm not gonna be a therapist or anythin'. Okay? Okay!> Without another word, a thin beam of purple energy shot from Roland, connecting with Snype. There was some resistance at first, due to Snype's Dark type, but he would feel his surface thoughts being scoured, going back through the previous three hours of that night. After that, there was a bit of hesitance before Roland took a final peek at the core of Snype's mind. Unfortunately, there was a bit of pain that came with it.

<Erk!> Roland pulled out, the beam of energy disappearing. <Sorry, I apologize, that was rougher than I'd realized!>

"Kyah!" Snype grunted as he rubbed his head in pain. "Y-yikes... does pyshic stuff usually hurt that much? I"m glad to be a Dark Type... keh... I didn't try resisting you there Roland... what happened?" Snype asked.

The 'A' shifted mid-air. <Erm, lack of practice with anyone besides Alfredo...and that particular relationship is different in itself... Sorry, I hope I didn't do anything permanent, Snypey, er, Snypey. Snypey...Snype...Snype. Okay, Snypey. No...> Roland's eye closed in slight exasperation.

Snype held out his hand. "Hey you alright? Don't worry I still feel like myself." Snype looked down at himself just to make sure, even though the only thing he should be concerned about is his own mental condition. "I hope you at least dug deep enough for me to convince ya I'm the one and only King of thieves. Keheh"

<I'm fine, I'm fine,> Roland answered, opening his eye. <Well, I saw that you didn't go telling anyone else about meeting Alfredo or myself, and... well, yes, I saw part of what makes you King of Thieves. Also saw some other thing in there, not sure what it was...a tether or rope or bond or something? I didn't go chasing that, mind you, no clue what it was.> He twirled a few times, edging to Snype's left. <Okay, conundrum. You're a thiefy 'mon who's done shady stuff, yet you're more concerned about the fate of the world than yourself?...>

Snype kept quiet on Roland catching onto the bond stuff. At least he didn't delve too deep into that territory. No wonder he had trouble digging into Snype's mind. Could have been a small trick by Celebi for all he knew. "Keh, well I can't exactly go around being a thief if there's no world to steal from ya know?" Snype grinned. "Besides, I owe it to someone to stop Darkrai after everything he's done. Maybe ya saw while digging around."

Roland's eye quirked again. <Can't say I did see that part... okay, I did see you wanting to stop Darkraitie, but I didn't really see the 'owing it to someone' part. Um...> He shook himself. <Whatever. Point is, you're fine, and even though I have my reservations about you being a thief, I can be straightforward now, like Alfredo said. Again, as long as you don't tell anyone except your Gold Tribe friends. Deal?>

"Course." Snype said with an affirmative nod. "I'm a mon of secrets after all. My best and worst trait I'd say. Keheh."

<Yep, I saw a bit of that, too,> Roland replied. <Seemed like part of your core, Snypey-- Snypo-- d'oh. So, first of all...> He paused, spinning in a circle, then flew off, opening the door with some of his power to look outside. He then closed it again and flew along the room's walls, ceiling, and floor, seemingly scanning for something or someone. Returning to face Snype, Roland continued, <Anyway, first of all, Alfredo's a double agent trying to figure out the Dealer's Revolution.>

"Keheh, I think I caught that after chatting with him a bit. Guess we're all on the same boat after all more or less." Snype grinned. "Kinda relieving to know I'm not the only one who sees something suspicious with this... but I'm not exactly in the most trustworthy position myself with the dealer. "I joined in blindly because I know if I didn't, I'd never be able to get in close with them. Even if I didn't tag along I figure operations would still go along as planned. So here I am."

<It gets so frustrating after a while,> Roland muttered, <not knowing who to trust, except for only one other Pokemon, and to be spyin' for a long time. Cummon, me checking the room just now? I get so paranoid sometimes. Sorry, tangent. The thing is, Alfredo and I are still not clear on who the real Dealer is. It makes it a bit harder, or maybe a bit easier, whichever, that a few 'mon have claimed the title. That's actually a bit of why Alfredo and I decided I could talk to you. A fresh pair of eyes would help, plus you may see something that connects with tryin' to stop Darkraitie.>

"Ya think the dealer is connected to Darkrai?" Snype asked curiously. "I may have a few leads from outside of town. But I'd like to hear anything you know first."

<What I meant was a 'just in case' kind of thing,> Roland clarified, spinning in place. <Just in case this revolution is connected to Darkraitie. However, that is a personal theory of mine, based mostly on the information gap that I see between the Dealer and most of the rest of us. Which includes not knowing the real purpose behind most assignments.>

"Keh, it's hard to even tell if this group is a threat in the first place. Just feels so out of place in Karn. Though with so many eyes and ears around, ya can't help but be cautious... "Snype rubbed his chin. "...Heck Alot of the things I've seen lead me to think that they even have a general of Karn under the wing of the dealer. Or Hell he could be the dealer himself but that's a stretch."

Roland blinked a couple times. <What was the general's name, again?... Anyway, that is possible. Alfredo and I do believe that the Dealer is a threat, actually. We just aren't sure what kind of threat. Alfredo was assigned to take part in a couple tourneys over the past few years, as part of rigging them. He also, eh, ended up helping to frame another 'mon for rigging one of those tourneys. He and I have also figured out that somewhere along the line, the Dealer's Revolution made ties with outside sources. That kinda takes time to do, I think, except this revolution is relatively new.>

Snype crossed his arms. "Keh, so they intend to rig this tournament too? Guess that's what the whole operation with the bag was all about... well anyways, the generals name was Greg. That's what he told me anyways." Snype said with a shrug. "Seems like an upstanding dude. Hangs out at the emperors front door and is a nut for information. Reaaalllly seems interested in changing Karn as well. Can't help but feel like there's a connection." Snype rubbed his head. He decided to keep quiet on what he assigned able too but for all he knew, the letter 'mon already found that little bit of info while digging in his head. "Whatcha think? Possible connection?"

<Ah, yes, Gregario. Unusual General, going by a lot of Karnians around here.> Roland nodded. <Certainly possible. Maybe probable. How would you know to change Karn if you're traditional and go about fightin' all day long, right? Alfredo knew something had happened in that house, but we weren't part o' the job, so what's this about a bag?>

"It was a simply bait and switch. I snagged the bag, they took it to the safehouse or something, and then put it back. Hell I don't even know whats in it... or what WAS in it. No way I could sneak a peak with Drake and whoever else could have been watching." Snype said with a shrug. "Geez he dosn't even tell anyone else about these jobs? How secluded can you get? It dosn't really do anyone favors if we're all left in the dark... so why so many people?" Snype asked.

<Um...> Roland closed his eye for a few seconds, a bit nervous. <I could be paranoid, but I wonder if I've been watched. Or if Alfredo's been watched. Almost no basis for that suspicion, of course.>

"Pretty damn unprofessional too." Snype interrupted. "...Sorry go on. Kehehe. Had to get that out of my system."

Roland looked back at Snype with a question in his eye. <...Okay... Anyway, we didn't learn details like that so much as we learned the general nature of assignments, which is what has us worried about the Dealer being dangerous. Simple deliveries. Messages. Stealing something. Setting someone up. Fixing or rigging a competition. Working as a trade broker between 'mon in other countries. Taking someone out. It varies. Oh, something a little more specific there. There's been a trade route with some Beatrucian cities. Strange, right?>

"The hell?" Snype questioned. "How do you get a trade route in a city covered in a deadly plague? Granted its taken care of but if there were any weird trade routes, I'd figure my thieves would have noticed that sort of thing. That's ripe for the picking." Snype said, rubbing his chin. "Geez they're more crafty then I gave em credit for..." Snype looked around the room cautiously as well. The last thing he needed was to screw up his position in all of this so early. "Tsk. If they are listening then I'm a dead Sableye. Well more then I already am in the emperors eye at least."

<Eh? Last I heard, not all of Beatruce was covered with the plague, just part of it...> Roland seemed to shrug. At Snype's last comment, his mental voice took on a slightly manic tone. <Yep, and I'm a dead Unown! And Alfredo's a dead Fraxure! We're dead we're dead we're dead! Paranooooiiid...> Roland shook himself, and his voice returned to normal. <Sorry. It really gets to me, being alone with Alfredo and spying and all...>

"Heh... its fine. I know the feeling all too well." Snype said, rubbing his arm nervously. "Nobody else even knows I'm doing this kinda thing. I already have a bad history of keeping secrets from the goldies but this really takes the cake. Keh... ah well that's a completely different problem. I can't exactly get away with telling them what I'm up to without the Dealers goons being all up in my face. I'm kinda on my own here and I don't wanna take any more risks then I already am. I just need to see what kind of threat the dealer's revolution poses before I consider acting on it."

<Hm...> Roland shook himself again. <We're running out of time before somethin' big happens... My unfounded theory about Darkraitie being behind this revolution would make it so very much a threat. If it isn't him, though, and the only end goal is to change Karn itself, theeen... well, then it would be a matter of national security, which means it may be a threat or may not be. That's what I've been watching for, personally - whether anything is a threat to the search for Cresseluto.> Roland brightened a bit. <Hey, maybe I could get a message to the Goldies for you, if you wanted, right?>

"Keheh, I"m surprised so many folks think alike. I'm here for the very same thing. That would be helpful, but you gotta make sure who's watching. If I were as adamant about this as he was, I'd have psychics listening in too." Sype said.

<Nooo problemooo,> Roland replied, <just tell me exactly what you want them Goldies to know. You know more about how they tick than I do, after all, otherwise I might just say, 'Hey, ol' Snypey's gone and joined a secret revolution to figure out who the Dealer is!'> He paused before giving a mental sigh. <Yep, I definitely need a break.>

Snype laughed at Roland. "kehehe! Oh boy that'd sure get em mad! Well... I just need them to know what I'm up to. I also need the group to not to discuss it outside at all. And I don't want them to talk to me about it, they just have to pretend you never told them a thing. I'd say talking to you about all of this is risky enough as is. And I guess also... "I'm sorry for keeping more secrets from all of you. I know I have a history but I had no choice. If anything happens as a result I'll take the full blame. I just want to watch your backs. If this dealer fellow is truely a threat, then my criminal expertise can get me closer. Keep focusing on Karn. I'll make sure nobody is stabbing you in the back. Just keep quiet about it. He's watching everywhere." Cause chances are if i'm working for the dealer, I could very well cause some pretty bad stuff to happen if these folks are truly that dangerous." Snype said, rubbing his arm trying to think of what else to say. "Heh, ya alright? I got some berries on me if you like... er..." The Sableye noticed the Unown's lack of a mouth.

<Hmmmm...> The Unown floated a few inches closer, eye narrowed in thought. <Ya know, I get the feeling they'll be mad no matter what the message is...I mean, based on what you just said.> Roland then shrugged again. <Oh, well, I'll deliver the message, Snypa. Snype. And sure, I'll take a berry! Just not gonna eat it, myself, heh...>

"Its better then me hiding it the whole time. Least its clear I don't WANT to keep this a secret but I need to watch their backs for them somehow. Like I said, change is just another word for bull****." Snype chuckled, holding up a small sitrus berry up to the unown. "Heh, what don't wanna the secret unown eatting technique? Haha!" Snype joked. "Just as long as they understand the situation. If you see a big green Dragonite, I'd tell him first at the least. He'll take the news far better then the rest of them I hope... he can explain things from there if necessary... if the Dealer notices the entire gold tribe so much as having a conversation about the Dealer then I'm not sure what they'll do to me... may be best to just leave it to Cal so he can decide how to approach it. I trust him on that."

Roland shook a little with mental laughter. <Hehehe, secret Unown eating technique. Sorry, it would change the world if I showed it to anyone! T'would be the point of no return!> The sitrus berry floated out of Snype's hand and into a small hole in space next to Roland, which then disappeared from view. After a few more chuckles, Roland said, <On a serious note, okay, big green Dragonite is Callay, right? Okie-day, I can't think of anything else we need to discuss, can you? Oh, wait. Makin' sure, you remember Alfredo saying 'we never met'? In case anyone asks about meetings you've been having tonight. Well, I'll let you know at some point how we can keep in contact later, if we end up sharing more info.>

Snype chuckled at the whole "We never met" bit that the Unown said. "Ah! its some kinda floating letter! Who the heck are you? Kehehe!" Snype joked.

<Yeah, floating letters. Who'd believe it?> Roland's eye fell a bit. <Oh. Those who know about Unown. Hm, anywho, Alfredo and I will figure something out. Catch ya later, Snypey?>

"Kehehe, of course stranger!" Snype said, throwing a thumbs up.

<Okay!> Roland flew right up to Snype and tapped his thumb with an 'A' leg, then backed away again. <Tally-ho!> The Unown spun in circles as he flew toward the closed door. A small hole in space appeared briefly, appearing to be multi-colored until Roland disappeared inside it. The hole disappeared, leaving Snype in the room.
Snype's Nightmare

Snype finally awoke from his sleep which seemed to feel like forever... even though he was in the middle of Karn, the Sableye felt more alive then ever. Considering he had the rest of the tournament still, being in this kind of mindset would do him wonders next round. "...Keh... guess I really needed that last night... thought I'd still be more tipsy after all that." Snype sighed as he laid back on his bed and rested his arms behind his head. "What am I gonna do... I feel like I have the whole weight of the world on my shoulders... how's the King of Thieves end up in a spot like that? Keheh..." Snype chuckled. "Guess if I were Guardia she'd just push forward either way... if I do end up fighting the emperor, I need to have some way to fend him off. To earn his respect... geez.... not exactly a thing a thief would do... kehehe."

"Hey, hey, idiot, wake up!" A voice called out to Snype as he was shaken violently. Upon opening his eyes, Snype would see the familiar figure of Guardia. "Come on!"

"Ack! Hey wha-" Snype's eyes quickly widened when he realized that the mon shaking him around was Guardia. "...G...Guardia?!" Snype said in shock, already feeling himself about to tear up. "W..how... what are... no way... you're alive...?" Snype felt shaken up just at the sight of her. So many things he could say right now... what was going on? "Lyn... oh Arceus was it all a nightmare...?"

"What the heck are you talking about?" Guardia question with a cocked eyebrow. "Arceus, how much did you drink last night? Come on, we've got to get to the meeting! Darkrai ain't gonna defeat himself, you know. Get your lazy ass up!"

"L...Lyn..." Snype rubbed his head. "Y-yeah sorry I just had the most bizarre dream..." Snype scooted off of his bed and walked up to Guardia, inspecting her curiously, mostly her chest. There didn't seem to be a hole in it or anything... she was alive... he missed her right to business attitude. "Are you alright Lyn...? That last hit you took was pretty rough..." Snype said, still calling her by her true name.

"Psh, I'm fine!" She answered with annoyance. "What the hell are you talking about? I told you the Emperor got like that! But now that we have his support, and all the pieces of Cresselia, it's time to end this thing once and for all!" She exclaimed as she continued forward without looking back at him. "Right? That's what you want is to end it, right?"

Snype stared up at Guardia, feeling his face go red at the mention of what he wanted in the end. "I do Lyn... I want nothing more then to stop Darkrai..." Snype said, rubbing his head a bit nervously. "I just want everyone to be safe... especially you Lyn... kehehe... aw geez look at me I'm getting all mushy again." Snype chuckled. "Surprised we got through that without the Emperor kicking my ass. He hated my guts. Kehehe."

"You want to stop him? You want to?" Guardia questioned as she still didn't turn around to him. "Then..." She began as she turned toward the Sableye, revealing the large hole from Darkrai's attack in her stomach. "Why didn't you listen to me? Why are you not focused on stopping him and instead running around with these underground 'mon, like you always do? Why didn't you start taking this serious before? Why, Snype? Don't you know you could have saved me?"

"Wh...what..." Snype took a step backwards when the hole on her stomach suddenly appeared. "L-lyn...I... I wanted to keep you safe... C-celebi... a-and..." Snype felt himself start to choke up. All of his guilt was beginning to crush his shoulders. The Sableye stepped forward and gripped onto her hands. "Lyn I never wanted you to go like that! I...I wanted to protect all of you! I loved you Lyn!"

"You only ever loved yourself," Guardia replied, back, her wound beginning to expand across her stomach, before it spread across her body. She was visibly decaying in front of him, disintegrating into nothingness. "That's all," She concluded.

"LYN! LYNNN!" Snype cried out as he held out his hands to feel any trace left of her. "No.. no! Cel! Cel! Where are you Cel?!" Snype shouted out, rushing out of the room. "Cal? Kav! Cythera! Raz! Anyone?!"

"She's right," Another voice suddenly said. From behind him, Celebi suddenly appeared. "I told you I had to be kept secret. I told you not to tell anyone. But then you told Able. And then everyone else found out. You brought them to me, Snype. And now, because of you, I'm done for..."

"No... Cel don't say that... I can still protect you Cel! I-It's not over! We can still win!" Snype was shaken up again.

As he said this, Celebi too began to apparently disintegrate, a wound on her body appearing and expanding the same as Guardia. "You're already too late. I was marked for death the moment they entered the forest. Why, Snype?" She asked as she vanished.

"No...No! CEL CEL!!!!" Snype cried out as he fell to his knees. "This isn't happening... this isn't happening.... this isn't happening..." Snype clung onto his head tightly feeling as if he were losing his mind.

"What isn't happening?" A familiar Gallade materialized just behind Snype's left shoulder, staring down at him with an eyebrow raised and arms crossed. "You're not losing your mind, are you?" Hanso asked. "And did we ever get to talk?"

"Wha... Hanso...? I..." Snype stepped back from the Gallade. "Hanso I... oh arceus where do I begin..."

"Hm..." Hanso tapped his chin. "Excellent question... How about this? Have you been watching the Gold Tribe?" He narrowed his eyes. "Or flirting with them?"

"Wha? I... I was watching them! I expanded the thieves to make sure I had control of any possibility..." Snype shook his head, not wanting to admit the flirting part. "I did it for my thieves and to keep a watchful eye..."

Hanso shook his head. "Who expanded first? It was my network points that made it possible for you to expand in the first place. You were with Levina thirty years ago, so why not find others on the same team as you now?" He turned his back on Snype. "You know, when we met thirty years ago, in the forest... I could have killed you, right then and there. Then maybe someone else would be King, someone who isn't so weak as you."

"I'm not weak!" Snype shouted out, tempted to swipe at Hanso but of course, held back. "You think I wouldn't figure out you wanted to keep an eye on us too? Why else would the head of SEC want to negotiate with criminals?" Snype shouted.

"Because you can be used," Hanso retorted, turning his head only partway so his gray eye could stare at Snype. "The Sentinels used you... You allowed yourself to negotiate with the head of SEC... James used you to find the Watcher... You're weak. Why is Lyn dead? Why is Celebi doomed? You're weak. Why did everyone wait for you to rest for three weeks after using the Mega Stone? You're a weak link. And that reminds me..." Hanso turned fully to face Snype, morphing into Alexandre as he leveled a cane at him. "When are you gonna return that bracelet, hm? The broken one?"

Snype stepped back from Alex, looking down at the broken Gold Bracelet suddenly formed on his arm. "I...I can explain! I needed this to kill that bastard!"

"Exactly." Alex leaned forward on his cane, getting very close to Snype's face. "How many gadgets do you really need, hm? And how many girls? Levina? Able? Lyn? Cel? Kaveri? Oops... I wouldn't know that. Because you keep secrets, Snype..." He began fading into shadow, which then dissipated, until the last thing to disappear was Alex's blue eye. "...and secrets can kill..."

The Sableye fell down to his knees. Speechless... every single bit of his guilt was attempting to to bite him right back... it wasn't ending.

"Maybe it's about time to move on," Another voice suddenly spoke, and with it, James appeared. "After all, you made the stupid mistake of hiring me, which cause all of this to happen in the first place. Maybe it's finally time to accept what you really are. You wanna know?" James asked.

Snype gritted his teeth and quickly swiped a claw at James in response. "Shut up!! Get out of my head!!"

The claws passed through James effortlessly, and the Blaziken continued. "You're no hero. You are... a traitor. You betrayed Guardia. You betrayed Celebi. You've betrayed the thieves before thirty years ago. All your life, all you did was cheat and lie and steal and backstab. That's just who you are, Snype," James explained, but as he spoke, his eyepatch suddenly vanished, his eyes morphed, and his body transformed. The image of the Blaziken transformed into that of the Greninja Gabriel. "Time to embrace that and answer your true calling."

"No!" Snype attempted to swipe at Gaberiel several times hopelessly, missing at each attempt. "No! No! I won't! I'm not a traitor! I...I'm..." Snype unfortunately couldn't say that Gaberiel was wrong... everything he said was right. His whole life was full of betrayal. What would happen next? Would Cal be next in line? One of the few mon who still had faith in him? The Sableye eventually stopped swiping and just stared down at the ground helplessly.

The Greninja approached the Sableye. He lifted up his chin and forced Snype to look up at him. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown, they say. You've done a lot, but now it's time to throw that responsibility aside, Snype. Time to be the real you again!"

"No... that... I refuse to be like that again..." Snype glared at Gabriel. "I promised to see this though to the end."

The Greninja chuckled. "Great job of that so far, bud! One hell of a job. What are you so afraid of? All you have to do is let go... it's that easy!"

Snype could feel everything slowly distorting around him as he fell down onto his rear in fear. "No... no...! I...it's not.... I mean..." Snype panted heavily in a panic.

The Greninja's hand reached for Snype once more, but this time, instead of seeing the face of Gabriel, it was replaced once more with the morphing face of Snype himself. "Kehehe... it's what we are."

Snype's eyes widened as he was literally staring himself in the face now. "No... no...NOO!!!!! AAHHHHH!!!!" Snype screamed out in a panic, almost instantly though, Snype found himself shooting awake from his bed, screaming loudly.

"Snype?" Celebi questioned as she mumbled awake. "Are you OK?"

Snype quickly turned toward Cel, eyes widened as he crawled up closer. The first thing he did to make sure everything was still okay was to poke her belly, where the wound was before in his dream, and then on her shoulder to see if his hand would phase through again. "Cel... that's you right? Oh thank Arceus..."

"Uh... OK Snype, you're being weird again," Celebi murmured as she rubbed her belly and began to turn over to fall back asleep. "Get some sleep, we've got a big day tomorrow."

"Sorry..." Snype clutched his head. "Just... a nightmare..." Snype placed a hand on his head. "...That's never a good sign considering who we're fighting..."

Celebi frowned for a moment, before she turned over and mumbled. "Just... don't worry about it. It's only a dream..."

Snype sat straight up and just stared down at his feet for a moment. "..geez... it felt so real... Lyn was there... you were there... both of you..." Snype shook his head.

"Just a dream," Celebi repeated again assuredly while not facing the Sableye.

Snype fell back onto his bed, rolling closer to Celebi. "Sorry Cel.... you're right..." Snype sighed, though he was still worried from it all. "...Guess I don't really have to explain much to ya huh?" Snype said. Having a bond was a convenient thing but he really didn't want her to go through what he was going through the whole night. "..."
Snype vs Lord Atlas- Part 1

Round two... Snype was growing extremely anxious looking forward to his first actual fight. The last thing he needed though was for his opponent to suddenly bail on him. Though, he had a good feeling that this Atlas fellow would at least stick around. After all who would dress all mysterious like that for nothing?

"IT'S TIME NOW, LADS AND LADIES!" The Exploud announcer declared. "FOR OUR THIRD MATCH!" He declared, to the sound of overwhelming cheering. "WE HAVE FIRST, FROM VALKARIA, SNYPE!" He roared. Snype's immediate reception was a plethora of boos and jeers, though some did cheer.

Snype crossed his arms. At least he had a few fans out there... despite not having fought at all. He wondered what the deal with that was? "I better get an actual fight this time! If my opponent wusses out then that's going to be a real problem!" Snype said.


His opponent, clad in his black robe and hood, made an appearance from the opposite side of the arena. His scythe burned with a new Power Orb on his back; he walked with a cool confidence as the stadium cheered for him. Once he was one step within firing range, he turned to the Emperor's seat, and bowed. Snype likewise did the same.

"COMPETITORS READY!" The Exploud announced loudly, as the crowd eagerly awaited the beginning of the next fight. "SET... FIGHT!"

"Keheh... Taking me seriously eh? Alright..." Snype held up his claws and got into position. As per tradition, he always began his fights with Detect to get the jump on his opponent. After prepping up, Snype dashed toward Atlas and moved in for a feign attack to bait out a reaction. In response, Lord Atlas pointed the burning scythe at him, and a concentrated, roaring wave of flames was conjured as its master began moving backwards to gain distance. Snype however managed to keep moving forward. Detect allowed Snype to easily avoid the incoming attack and leap over the roaring wave of flames, leaving him in the perfect position to counter attack with his own signature move, Foul Play. "Kyah!" Snype cried out as he quickly move forward to jab Atlas straight in the chest. "Keheheh... charging forward to your opponents without fear or a care in the world... I think I kinda got the gist of what this whole Karn thing is like." Just before the attack connected, Snype caught a glimpse of a purple flash coming from the hooded mon; Atlas was thrown back from the Foul Play, and a psychic blast materialized right where Snype was. The crowd let out gasps. Similar to lightning striking from above, the attack fell on the arena floor heavy like a hammer, breaking the spot into pebbles and rocks that flew in every direction. The Sableye remained unaffected by the incoming psychic blast, avoiding the incoming rocks in the process. The joys of being a Dark Type.

Before the aftermath of the attack, Lord Atlas had leaped backwards, clutching his chest. His robe had been slightly torn on the spot, exposing a blackened wound, burned by the dark-type attack, but there was no sign of him letting up. With a wide gesture, the energy lines of his Magic Room slithered under their feet, all the way across the arena.

"Kehehe... ah Magic Room... clever idea there." Snype commented with a smirk. "Makes my tactics a little more... complicated." Snype chuckled as he held up his claws, ready for whatever Atlas had coming next. "About time I got to fight someone in this tournament. Comon show me what ya got Atlas."

Another purple flash came from Atlas, who remained stationary at a good distance; his burning scythe was raised to point at Snype in preparation for his next attack. The Sableye moved in once more, looking like he was about to wind up yet another Foul Play, but he seeme to punch far too early, his hand seemed to fade into a small portal, before suddenly emerging behind Atlas as a bigger shadowy fist ala Shadow Punch. He could still keep his distance yet apply as much force as he needed. At the same time, a second wave of flames burst from the scythe, directed at Snype. Atlas, however, did not seem to anticipate an attack from behind; the Shadow Punch struck his back, making him sink to one knee in front of the wall of flames he'd just unleashed. Snype watched the incoming wave of flames and ended up taking the hit, holding up his arms and feeling the burning pain hit his arms. "Kyah... keheh." Snype grunted as he used Shadow Punch once again, this time punching the air in an uppercut fashion to make the large shadowy fist hit Atlas from below.

The hooded 'mon tumbled out of the second shadow punch, and again leaped away backwards, just as the second Future Sight materialized behind Snype, but again the ghost-type was completely unharmed. Part of the arena floor was now torn in two as if hit by lightning; Lord Atlas emerged from the ground with only a bit of a shake. And for the third time there came a purple flash from his hood.


"Buddy you're a hot shot in Karn. You DO know I'm a Dark type right? Your fancy psychic tricks from last round won't work on me." Snype said with a chuckle. "Comon don't make yourself look bad in front of the crowd here. Kehehe." Snype smirked. "Future sight though eh? If I were anyone else that would have caught me off guard. Kehehe." Snype nearly lost balance when the arena floor suddenly began to shift and split into two. "Kehehe... now that's more like it." Snype stood firm on his side of the arena. Rather than charge across the arena, he waited to see what other tricks Atlas had under his sleeve.

The next Future Sight struck the arena floor behind Snype, scattering more rocks around with a crackling sound. Lord Atlas didn't seem to expect that it would harm the Sableye... directly. With another wide gesture, of the kind he used to command his Magic Room, he brought forth its effect, and all the stones and rubble his powerful, but seemingly useless psychic attacks had thrown around were shot up in the air, as if they ceased to obey gravity, and the ones behind Snype were flung at him first. Snype turned behind him and back up from the incoming rocks, several of them hitting him directly, one even winding him slightly in the chest. "Kyeh! Keheh..." Snype grunted in pain... it was time to switch up his own tactics. Snype created several blue flames from his hands and fired them toward Atlas in an attempt to burn him with Will-o-wisp.

Lord Atlas let the blue flames wash over him; the blue flames, hotter than the usual red ones, would set a cloth-wearing mon like him on fire like an oiled stack of woodfire, but there was no such reaction. The black cloth of his robe seemed to soak the flames, and what little of them manage to sneak into his hood and sleeves seemed to fail to harm him from the inside. In response to the Will-o-wisp, Snype's opponent raised his scythe once more and unleashed his trademark move, a small bus-sized, shimmering Heat Wave.

"OH! LOOKS LIKE LORD ATLAS IS MOVING AWAY TO FIRE ATTACKS!" The Exploud continued, with many in the crowd cheering. "LET'S SEE HOW SNYPE HANDLES THIS ONE!"

Fire type... Obviously will-o-wisp wouldn't work. The heatwave couldn't be avoided. Not at that size. Snype held up his arms in a futile attempt to avoid the attack, only to be scorched by the intense pressure from the heat. Yelling and shouting came from the crowd; seeing his opponent was on the defense, Lord Atlas advanced quickly towards him so that his upcoming attacks would have an easier way to find his target. As he moved, he was gesturing widely for more of the floating rocks to be shot at Snype. "Yield, now!" Atlas shouted, "or you will die!"

"Keheheh... like Hell I will!" Snype turned his head to Atlas and suddenly have off a blinding flash from his eyes to disorient him. And If nothing else, see who this Lord Atlas fellow truly was. The bright flash revealed tha identity of his opponent beneath that hood, briefly enough for Snype to recognize the familiar face concealed. ."...Keheh... Always were one for theatrics huh?" Skype smirked. Lord Atlas took a step back, dazed by the Flash. Underneath the cloak was none other then his old Delphox friend, Sylvio.

Snype v. Atlas - Part 2 - A cheater?

"Look around," his opponent finally spoke, having stopped his attack. "It's all a big show. Which has me perplexed as to why you would put all this spotlight on you."

The crowd started to notice the pause, and the more impatient ones started to boo.

"Keh, I got my reasons." Snype clenched his fist, still determined to continue the fight. "I made a promise to see this through to the end. I won't let Lyn down. No matter who's in the way." Snype threw out another shadow punch in the form of a right hook toward Sylvio. "And I'm not going down until I face James in this very ring."

The hooded Delphox leaped sideways in a nimble movement, to dodge the right hook; it barely missed. The next moment, he begun retreating and preparing for an attack of his own.

"STOP THE F*CKING FIGHT!" The Emperor suddenly roared loudly from his seat. The crowd hushed and their eyes all moved toward him in confusion as the large Pangoro suddenly dropped from his seat and slammed onto the arena floor. One of his guards, a Victreebell, hopped down with him. The crowd was murmuring and chirping away in a frenzy. Edgar angrily pointed his large finger at Snype. "I've had just about enough of your f*cking actions, you piece of sh*t!" He roared, appearing just about ready to attack at any moment. Many in the audience were fearful about what was going to happen next. Even the Exploud announcer was silent.

Snype turned to the emperor, starring at him dead in still holding his ground. He immediately activated Detect and looked around at the crowd, and then up where Celebi and the others were at with an apologetic look. "Tsk. What'd I do this time?" Snype asked.

The Emperor angrily turned to his Victreebell guard. "Repeat what you said to me!" The Pangoro demanded.

The Victreebell stepped forward and spoke. "Snype cheated in his last fight," The Victreebell declared loudly. The crowd around gasped and murmured in shock. Some 'mon began hurling insults and shouting their displease. The guard continued. "After their fight, I spotted him sitting cozily in a bar with the guy he just 'fought'. They were having a drink and having a grand ol' time. And they talked about the tournament. I got about twenty other guys who can back up that story."

"I've been waiting for a f*cking excuse to rip your arms out," Edgar howled at the Sableye. "Maybe I just found it! Nobody cheats in my tournaments and gets away with it!"

"You piece of shit!" Snype shouted out, "I wanted to know why the bastard bailed on me! Yeah I was there! I admit it! That has nothing to do with the fight though!"

"Yeah, right," The Victreebell stated, rolling his eyes. "Not the way I heard it. You cheated. Got any proof otherwise? Where's your buddy Drake?"

Snype clenched his fist angrily. Just where was the bastard anyway? He had no proof other then word of mouth. The Sableye never should have walked into that Bar.... and now he was about to die to the Emperor just as predicted. He was being walked all over yet again. He wasn't going to back down though. Snype pointed his finger toward the Victreebell. "If he wants to come on out then I'll properly kick his ass just to show you! Why the hell would I do that with a chump like him? If you think I can't handle myself enough to cheat in the very first round then how about you say it to my face?! I ***king dare you!" Snype shouted out, stomping his foot out forward. "If I'm such a weak cheater then you have nothing to be afraid of right?! Common!"

The hooded Delphox sensed things were about to get ugly, and stepped backwards towards the edge of the arena, to be safe from any attacks that were about to be flung. As he stepped out of bounds, the Magic Room's energy lines faded, and the rocks of the shattered arena fell down heavily.

"Good f*cking idea!" The Emperor stated angrily. "We're going to even out the playing field!" He roared. "You advanced without having your fight, so you're gonna have that fight RIGHT NOW! To the death! And if you win that fight, then you fight Atlas again right after!" He screamed angrily. "And your fight's gonna be against... ME!" He declared with a roar.

Snype was tempted to break out his Mega Stone right here and now... he was going to die. Snype had no possible way to defeat Edgar as things were right now. But if he was going to die, then he was going to give it everything he had. "Sounds like a plan! Bout time I made up for pussying out last time we met!" Snype shouted out, holding up his claws.

Edgar nodded. "Good! Take it like a-" Before the Emperor finished his sentence, a sudden flash of light came right before the Pangoro. The small form of Celebi appeared right before the large beast. She placed one hand upon the Pangoro, and looked back at Snype with a saddened frown. Suddenly, a brilliant flash of light encompassed the entire arena, blinding all to it. When the light dimmed, Edgar could be heard shouting again as things came to.

"... you're gonna have that fight RIGHT NOW! To the death! And if you win that fight, then you fight Atlas again right after!" The Emperor was heard screaming again, though seemingly with a little less hatred and more enthusiasm. "And your fight's gonna be against... my guard Jacoby!" He declared as he pointed toward the Victreebell.

Snype could hardly believe what happened... it was like he suddenly traveled back in time. It was a power that Snype had never once witnessed from the Celebi. Infact, he had no idea that Celebi could do something like this in the first place. Seeing the future was one thing but changing the past? Celebi mentioned this a long time ago but Snype never imagined the effect would seem so seemless. He remembered that interfering with history like this would get her in alot of trouble He still had to keep his own blood boiling though. Snype had Celebi to worry about on top of all this. And now he had two enemies to take down just to find her once more. "Good. I can't wait to shut this plant up!" Snype grunted, punching his fists together. Snype glanced around the Arena to see if Celebi was still up in her seat with the others while preparing for battle, holding his claws right up. She was sitting beside John and Lia, with her eyes down on the ground. Snype gritted his teeth and clenched his fist tighter. Snype was thankful to be given a chance to live and hopefully get on the emperors good side.. but he couldn't begin to think of the side effects.

"Right then!" Edgar declared. "Atlas, out of the ring for now, we'll let them settle this first!" He yelled with a laughter and jumped back up to his seat up top with a large tremble.


Snype had Detect prepared for whatever the Victreebel would open up with, but chances are anyone watching would see that coming by now. To the death though... "I'm still waiting. Come over here and call me a cheater. In my face." Snype taunted the Victreebel.

The Victreebell slid forward and unleashed a torrent of sharp leaves forward at the Sableye. "Cheater," The guard declared in a matter-of-factly way.

With Detect still active, The Sableye slipped through the oncoming torrent of leaves. He was surprised the trick continued to remain effective with how often he opened up with it but the Sableye wasn't going to complain. Once Snype got close, he used Foul Play to give the Victreebel a hard jab in his body. "Keheh..."

Surprisingly, the Victreebel blocked most of the hit from the Foul Play with hits large vine-arm, not seeming too affected by the blow, or at least feigning it off enough to recover quickly and unleash a devastating Sludge Bomb from its mouth directly onto the Sableye.

"Gyah!" Snype grunted out in pain from the incoming sludge bomb as he was blasted at point blank. He still had some exhaust from the last fight but at least he could recover if needed using his own supply of berries. He'd have to play carefully. This was a Karnian after all. One of Edgar's guards on top of that. Snype wiped the bits of sludge off of him, though the gesture was to mask his incoming Shadow Punch, aiming to hit the Victreebel from the side.


The Victreebel took the punch to his side, if only to let the Sableye in close again. A grunt of pain came from the plant, but it quickly retaliated with a Leaf Storm, engulfing the Sableye in razor sharp leaves.

Snype took the.incoming leaf storm, attempting to avoid whichever leaves that he could. The leaf storm attacks were fierce but Snype could work this to his advantage... He knew full well the that Leaf Storm takes a heavy toll on the pokemon that used it. "Keheh... The cheaters still standing bud." Snype snickered as he retaliated with Will-o-wisp. The Victreebell grunted from the pain of the will-o-wisp, being charred on parts of his body, but the Victreebel didn't falter yet, as he unleashed another Razor Leaf at the Sableye. The leaves didn't quite hit as hard due to the previous leaf storm. But this was a guard of the emperor. They still took their toll on the Sableye. If he could just get the guy to use Leaf Storm a few more times, Snype could take this round easily... of course, he still had Sylvio to deal with afterwards. Snype moved in and used his arms to attack the Victreebel several times with Shadow Punch, causing several shadowy fists to attack from several different angles. "Kehehe, comon, you can throw out more than that... keheh..." Snype smirked.

"Hmph," The Victreebel scooted back, getting out of range of the fists that were on approach to him. He further propelled himself back by firing off a Razor Leaf at the same time. "Was about to say the same thing to you. You're pretty weak for someone who made it this far. Oh wait... that's right, you cheated." Snype gritted his teeth. Weak... snype couldn't help but think of the dream he had the previous night. The Sableye had enough time to activate Detect once more from the range the Victreebell was at, giving him a chance to move in closer. He didn't want to make the same mistake as before and get himself blasted by Sludge Bomb however. The Sableye chose not to grace his opponent with a response, but instead, moved in closer, looking as if he were about to make the same move that he started the round off with. Instead, he opted to use Flash to blind his opponent.

The Victreebel grunted and covered his eyes, moving back some more and cursing loudly. He fired a wave of Razor Leaves forward blindly, hoping to hit a target. The Sableye took this chance to pounce onto the Victreebell, using one claw to hang onto the large leaf on his head while his other hand was pointed right into his mouth. At point blank, the Sableye fired off several Power Gems straight into the plants maw. The Victreebel grunted and groaned again from the pain of the strikes, especially the hits from the Power Gems. But as Snype fired them, the Victreebel once more took the opportunity to fire off another set of Razor Leaves at the Sableye at point blank range, eager not to see his close distance be wasted. Snype used his claws to cling tightly onto the Victreebel's leaf as the Razor Leafs continued to attack him. Snype wanted to take advantage of the close range himself as he continued to relentlessly fire off more Power Gems into the Victreebel and let out his own battle cry as he refused to back down. "GYAAAHHHH!!!"

"SNYPE'S YELLING LIKE A MANIC OUT THERE FOLKS!" The Exploud laughed. "HE'S STARTING TO SOUND LIKE A KARNIAN NOW, AIN'T HE?" He questioned. By the sound of the cheering, some of the crowd seemed to agree.

The Victreebel cried out in pain, and decided as a last ditch effort to completely annihilate the Sableye. If he was going down, he was taking the Sableye with him. He fired his most powerful Leaf Storm he could muster, striking hard at the Sableye as he began himself to falter.

"Keheheh..." Snype used his position pull the Victreebel's leaf down to completely cover up his mouth. The Sableye could at least try to completely stop the Victreebell's continued assault with his own signature attack! Snype jammed his fist into the Victreebell's body with Foul Play, grunting loudly in pain. He just continued to jam his fist into the Victreebell repeatedly from there. The Victreebel tried to now push the Sableye off with a Vine Whip, also screeching from his own pain. Snype had to think of what to do next. He would die if he lost this fight! If this was a battle to the death, then Snype had to play by his own rules... he had to go for more underhanded tactics. There were no rules toward that sort of thing. The Sableye took a bold move and used his Sharp teeth to chomp at the incoming vine that was pushing him off. He never liked to rely on them due to their dangerous sharpness but it was now or never. Snype jamped his claws into the Victreebell's body once more and unleashed another flurry of Power Gems.

The Victreebel screeched in pain once more, and, his injuries finally getting the best of him, began to collapse onto the ground in defeat. He panted heavily on the ground, unable to fight anymore. Around him, the crowd cheered fairly vigorously a stark contrast at the way they treated Snype before. The Sableye stepped on top of the Victreebell, looking down at him and holding out a hand, prepared to finish the deal. He was shaking in anger, gritting his teeth... this feeling was all too familiar to the Sableye... "Keh...keh... call me weak... call me a cheater. Go on. Let's hear you talk big again. Tell us how you were stomped all over by a cheater. Tell me how weak I am." Snype said in a sinister tone. The Sableye activated Detect... he'd seen Pokemon in these kinds of situations far too often to know where this went more often then not.

The Victreebel grunted and managed to turn to the Sableye. "Hnngh... weak... cheat," He managed to say.

"Enough bullsh*tting around, finish him off!" The Emperor demanded.


Snype gritted his teeth once more. He wasn't going to let this Victreebel get this last word. He would only kill him if he showed mercy... just like Bastille. Snype never wished to kill mon since his days in the Silver Tribe... he vowed not to delve that low. But now... with everything that had happened recently. Lyn, Bastille, Karn, Darkrai, and everyone else who had lost so much from his own mistakes...

Snype didn't care. After all, he was in Karn. This was just what was expected.

The Sableye didn't hesitate to finish the job, using Shadow Punch to crush him with a giant Shadowy fist. He didn't stop there though. Snype continued to attack the Victreebel relentlessly with several more Shadow Punches. "Comon! Say it again! Kehehehe! Humor me!" Snype cackled out as he kept on attacking.

Silence followed the punches from the Victreebel, but the crowd showed their overwhelming approval at the Sableye's actions. The crowd represented the ferocity and viciousness that was Karn, and now Snype showed his side of that culture. Snype panted heavily, staring down at his defeated foe. He wasn't done yet... the Sableye had Sylvio to face still.

Snype & Sylvio

"Alright!" Edgar nodded. "Not bad, but not good enough! No healing, no breaks, no nothing! We go again! Get Atlas back in here!"

Snype turned to Atlas, trying his best to keep balance. He was in pretty rough shape from fighting the Victreebel... All he had pushing him forward now was pure adrenaline.

The opposing duelist entered the arena once more. On his way to Snype, he removed his hood, letting go of the massive, flare-like Delphox ears that were hiding inside. His fanatic followers thrashed and yelled in their own part of the stadium for their master. "Lord Atlas! Lord Atlas!"

"AND BACK TO THE MAIN EVENT AGAIN!" The announcer roared excitedly. "HERE WE GO!"

There was more to his look now than before. Until this moment, one could not see his face. Now, however, Snype could see his countenance. His red eyes were determined, and full of killing intent. "Your skills are commendable, and your spirit amusing," Sylvio shouted. "I would be delighted to renew our partnership, under different circumstances. But I have a goal here. And you're a sacrifice I am willing to make to reach it." He gestured widely, and once again, the Magic Room's energy lines slithered under him, under Snype, and all across the arena.

"I can say the same." Snype said coldly. His wear from the previous fight was obvious enough though. Snype wasnt exactly in the condition to pull off a second round... But he had to try. He was determined to see this through to the end. "The king never dies." Sntoe opened up with something different this time around... Snype often fought defensively and went for more crafty approaches. He went for full on agression this time though. Knowing the type advatage, Snype fired off a series of power gems while running closer to the Delphox.

Sylvio, who had seen Snype use Power Gem in his fight with the Victreebel, raised his scythe in front of him; the attacks struck it in quick succession, and the weapon rocked in his grip, its core shining brightly with each new hit as it soaked the attacks. Fire erupted from Sylvio's sleeves and neck; it surged up to join the natural flames of his scythe, which seemed to grow stronger and burn with vigor fury. Sylvio seemed to have slipped into a more powerful state, to counter what was coming; his next Heat Wave, slightly larger than before, left patches of lingering flames in the air and on the ground.

"K...K...keh..." Snype stopped in his tracks once the large Heat Wave emerged from the Delphox. It was like the entire arena was on fire at this point. Snype just wanted to get up close and relentlessly attack the Delphox, but he knew he's be scorched into a cinder if he even considered it "Grr... Out of my way!!!" Snype cried out as he retaliated with several Shadow Punches, emerging right in front of the Delphox.


Sylvio was taken aback by the Sableye's speed, and the flurry of attacks which he unleashed. One Shadow Punch struck him across the face, fanning his flames and making him stagger backwards, dazed; the second one struck him on his abdomen, sending him further back. The crowd gasped at how the battle unfolded, some cheered and others howled. The third and forth strike were blocked, as the floating stones nearby rushed to form a shield in front of him. All the air had gone from the Delphox's lungs for a moment, and the left side of his face was steaming with shadow from the strike, a black wound on his cheek.

He was hurt from all the hits he'd taken from the type-effective hits, and now that his hood was down, and despite his fur that had caught on fire on his own volition, his weakening was showing. He stood from the ground, breathing heavily and clutching his chest, letting sharp teeth show in something between a smirk and a wince. The flurry of Shadow Punches blew his stone shield to bits, kicking up a cloud of dust. His eyes flew to find his scythe, which was flung from his hand when he was hit; it was on the ground between him and where he assumed was Snype, its Power Orb glowing with energy. Half a second later, the dust began to settle, and his eyes momentarily shone purple amidst the flames that licked his head.

Snype panted heavily like a ferocious beast. His fists were clenched tightly. He showed no signs of wanting to stop his oncoming assault. He noticed the Scythe down on the ground between him and Sylvio. "Stay down! GYAAAAHHHH!!!" Snype cried out as he continued his flurry of Shadow Punches, coming from several different directions this time rather then just simply his front. "I...I'll protect them... I'll protect them... I'll protect them..."

The storm of Shadow Punches overwhelmed the Delphox; they were fast, and coming from multiple directions. He raised his arms to protect his face, until one of them struck him with such force that he was knocked him back and away. But at that very moment, a Future Sight struck near Snype from above; not the ground, like the ones before it, but the scythe, right on its Power Orb, which shattered, unleashing all the power it had stored from the Power Gems into a massive fiery explosion.

"Wha-!" Snype looked at the source of the explosion and ended up taking the full fiery blast.


The Explosion sent Snype rocketing toward the farther arena wall, leaving a devastating impact on it. The Sableye shuddered from the sudden jolt of pain and slid down onto the floor. Snype was on his knee and he could barely feel the rest of his body. "Keh... keh.. c...crafty bastard..." The Sableye sneered as he kept himself put. The Sableye gave off a small glimmer in his eye, staring the Delphox down. He had to end this fight soon or he would actually end up being killed... Celebi's interference would be for nothing. Or worse yet, he would force Celebi to act once more. "I'm so close... I...can't lose... not here.... k...keh..." Snype could feel his senses starting to fade... the explosion truly did a number on the Sableye. Snype held out his hand and aimed it toward the Delphox, prepared to shoot off another Power Gem.

Sylvio got as far as to one knee shakily, before he saw Snype was preparing for another attack. The white energy lines of the Magic Room faded, and all the floating rocks of the arena fell down at once; at the same time, Sylvio extended one arm to his fallen scythe, commanding it with his psychic power to fly in his grasp. Even though the flames of the scythe were extinguished, as its energy core was shattered, he could still use it as a wand. His opponent was down; he would go all out this one final attack. The flames of his body joined the next attack, an immense wave of hellfire rushing across the arena towards Snype.

The Sableye gritted his teeth, mustering all that he could to suppress the incoming heat wave with his barrage of Power Gems. "I won't fall here... I won't die! I'll see it through to the end!" Snype grunted out as the heat wave continued to approach him. The Sableye held up his arms and braced himself for the incoming inferno. "K....k....kyaaahhh!!!!!" Snype yelled out a death curling scream as he attempted to leap over the incoming heat wave. It was hard to see if he even managed to get close to avoiding it, but by the time the wave of fire made impact with the Sableye. By the time the flames had subsided however, the Sableye could be seen motionless on the floor on his back. The Sableye's eyes were closed shut... he seemed down for the count.


It took Sylvio a few moments to come to his senses, panting heavily, still pointing his hand at the fallen Sableye. The flames of his body had gone out, and the black wounds on his chest and face were burning. From what he had seen behind the maze of flames he'd unleashed, Snype had taken a direct hit from that last Heat Wave, for which he'd mustered all of his power. His first thought was that he'd won. He looked around the howling crowd dizzily, and got up on his feet, suppressing a tremble.

A Heat Wave produced by all the power he could muster was a dangerous move. His most powerful move indeed... a move that he'd used countless times in the past in this very city to slay duelists who crossed paths with him; the Sableye didn't seem like he was getting up after that. Sylvio's second thought was that he'd killed him.

His pace as he walked to Snype concealed pain well. Once he was a dozen feet away, the burn wounds that covered almost the whole of the dark, unmoving body of the Sableye became apparent to Sylvio. With the exhaustion from the battle and the continuous shouts and howls from the crowd tearing through his ears and into his mind, the clarity of thought that was usually present with him had abandoned him. He was pointing his scythe at his fallen opponent, but he wasn't sure why. The announcer had said something about sealing the deal...

He glimpsed back for a fraction of a second. He was casting a long shadow... Upon closer inspection of the Sableye's body, one of his hands seemed to be phasing through the floor... As soon as Sylvio glimpsed back, a bigger shadowy fist would emerge from Sylvio's shadow and attack the off guard Delphox. While a dirty trick... he was a ghost type. Expect the unexpected. He had to live to face the final rounds. "K...k...keh...t...too slow..."

Sylvio only managed to turn and yell out in fury, before the Shadow Punch struck him on the chest. He was flung across the arena and into the ground. The crowd exploded in cheers and boos; Sylvio had lost consciousness for just a few moments from the sheer force of the hit. When he came to again, he was staring at the sky, his powers completely spent. His attempts to move failed, and he remained on the ground.

"I... I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" The announcer stammered. "HE TOOK HIM DOWN TOO? BOTH OPPONENTS ARE DOWN, FOLKS!" The Exploud yelled frantically. The crowd cheered and roared, with many also encouraging them to stand.

"K...keh..." Snype tried his damndist to get onto his feet after all of the abuse he had taken from the previous battles. "Y...you said to Seal the Deal... right...? K..kehehehehe....keheheheh..." He joked out. The Sableye's arms wobbled as he attempted to push himself up. However... he could still win in this position... just one more attack... but... "..." Snype stared over to Sylvio, his fist clenched as if he were ready to once more seal the deal with another shadow Punch. All he had to do was will it. But even with everything, he didn't want to kill Sylvio. All he had to do was establish his advantage. "S...st...stay...down..." Snype gritted his teeth, mustering all he could to at least stand up. His adrenaline was the only thing he had left. "k...Keh..."The Sableye mustered the last bit of strength that he could to roll himself onto his one knee. "I'll see it through to the end..." The Sableye grunted, struggling to get onto his two feet as he slowly rose up onto his feet. His whole body was shaking.

"I'll be f*cking damned," The Emperor could be heard saying from his seat, wearing a wide grin on his face as he crossed his arms.

"IT'S OVER! IT'S OVER! THE FIRST FIGHT OF THE QUARTERFINALS IS OVER!" The Exploud yelled frantically. The crowd began to erupt. "SNYPE HAS WON!"
Snype- Changing the Past

Snype was barely out of the arena door after that round. He thankfully had rations that would be enough for him to at the very least, crawl or limp out into the halls. He need to rest or find someone to help heal him up. "S...****...what the hell did I do back there..." Snype muttered as if getting out of a maniacal trance. "...Arceus... broke my own code and killed a mon and I even contemplated killing Sylvio... ngh!" Snype gripped onto his arm. His whole body was still scorched in burn marks from the previous heat wave. Despite using Detect to avoid most of the incoming damage, he was still in bad shape. It was the only reason he lived through that. The Sableye slumped down onto one of the nearby walls to catch his breath. "...So this is what it feels like to be a Karnian huh... keheheh... odd... its kind of thrilling... Keheh..." Snype looked up at the ceiling. He wondered if the others had come back from the temples yet. He'd hate for the goldies to take some hits for being late. At least all of those fights gave them some time.

"Snype!" John came running down, with Lia and Celebi at his side. He moved up to the Sableye and helped keep him up. "Helluva fight you put on! The crowd was going crazy for you!" In the background, Lia merely floating around the trio casually, while Celebi silently stared at the ground.

Snype stared at the Celebi. This wasn't really the place to discuss matters with her... for now he just had to be himself. "Keh... quite a contrast from a day ago. Pretty sure everyone hated me." Snype said, wincing in pain when John picked him off the ground. "Uh... kehehe... did uh... they say anything? Just curious."

"Hated you? Eh... I wouldn't say a lot of people hated you. They just didn't know you," John shrugged. "Well, a lot of peeps were saying that was one of the best fights yet, so you got that going for you!" He laughed.

"H...heh... well that's good. Least I can kick their ass if they decide to call me a cheater again... ugh... I feel like I lost my mind back there." Snype rubbed his head "I haven't fought like that since... well guess I'd say thirty years. Keh... **** I can barely move after all that. Is that normal in Karn? Kehehe..."

"Not moving after a fight?" John clarified. "Hell, probably as normal as you can get. Come on, let's get you outta here before people start recognizing you," He stated as he lifted him up and began carting him away from the packed arena floors.

"Keh... hey gentle now... mnggh..." Snype winced once more. The Sableye glanced around the arena. While he lavished attention, getting surrounded by sudden fans in his state wouldn't exactly be favorable for the Sableye in his condition. At least the Emperor was probably preparing for the next fight as far as he knew. He didn't have the energy to deal with that right now. "Thanks John. And uh... thanks for looking out for both Lia and Cel."

"Hell, it's the least I could do," John stated with a nod. "Besides, they're no damn trouble at all. Lia's the sweetest, and Cel's a nasty trickster, ain't ya, gal?" He asked with a grin, as they left the arena grounds. Celebi didn't respond, but merely followed in silence.

"Cel..." Snype muttered quietly to himself as he just took this chance to finally relax himself. He needed his energy back for whenever the Dealer needed him, and especially for the next upcoming fight. "Where we headed anyway John? Kehehe. Forgot to ask."

"Tavern to rest, unless you had something else in mind?" John asked the Sableye.

"Keh... nah... Tavern sounds good... really need something comfy to lay on." Snype said, glancing around to make sure nobody recognized him on the way... especially around the Tavern. Most mon would probablystill be waiting for the next fight to happen.

John nodded and carried Snype out. Celebi followed at John's side, while Lia danced and floated in the air around them, making subtle circles while she hummed peacefully to herself. Snype just looked over to Celebi... the most he could do was use the bond to see how she was at least feeling. Well, until the two had a private place to discuss what just happened... but Celebi seemed to be doing quite a good job of hiding what she was feeling from Snype. Regardless, Snype could still discern a bit. The most prevalent of emotions seemed not quite to be sadness, but instead, was guilt.

"Airen's been recovering well, looks like you two will be bed buddies," John added as they headed further down the street.

"Keh... lovely." Snype simply chuckled at the idea. "Wouldn't be the first time I've been bed buddies. Got messed up pretty bad back in Beatruce once. Keheh."

"Really?" John asked. "Sounds like you get messed up a lot. Buuut probably to be expected when you're trying to save the world, right?"

"Psh... that last fight was nothing compared to what happened back in Beatruce. Long story really. Keheh...had to use a trump card back there." Snype explained.

"You're like almost dead now," John insisted as he looked at you. "And you say that's nothing?"

"Try being paralyzed for two weeks. Hurts like hell. Kehehe. Its not something I'd like to go through again. But I might be overexaggerating it. My whole body is screaming to my right now!" Snype chuckled, wincing a bit more in pain.

"Well, that's something I'd wan- oh we're here!" John declared as he walked into the tavern. It was relatively empty, with most of the 'mon likely watching the tournament fights. "Merle! Send us a few rounds to our room, yeah?" He declared to the bartender on rotation, a Lickilicky. The 'mon nodded and got to work as John and the rest went upstairs to their room.

"Oh finally... sheesh I better be in top shape before the next fight. Whoever I end up facing anyways. Keheh." Snype chuckled.

"Hell, who do you think it'll be?" John questioned as he kicked the door open to their room. Lia quickly flew in and roamed around. The Tyranitar Airen was snoring loudly, while John place the Sableye on the open bed.

"I kinda hope I face James... or hell maybe Kav will kick his ass for me and I'll fight her. Or Cal. Heh... wouldn't mind facing off with the big guy." Snype grinned.

John cringed a bit. "That James... he's a damn crazy fight, if I ever seen one. How does someone hold that much power?"

"Keh... a couple ways... he just has some more control over it then we do." Snype chuckled. "I got to experience it at one point... you get all of that power and are just rewarded with endless pain. Honestly I kinda pity the guy. Keheh. Being the most Powerful mon around must get pretty boring don't ya think?" Snype said. "Wonder if the emperor feels that way... knowing that you'll never have an equal to face against."

"When we first got to Karn a few years back," John began as he sat down on a nearby chair. "They had a saying: 'Nobody is unkillable,' they say. 'Except Emperor Edgar.' I didn't believe it at first. Until I heard more stories. Now I'm convinced it's gotta be true. Hell, he beat Darkrai in a straight up fight! A guy beating a legendary? No doubt he must get bored! I hear it's a bad thing when it happens, too. But as for James... not sure on him. He's a tough one. But couldn't he have just tried to fight Edgar? I wonder why he never tried?"

"I'm sure he'd know he'd lose. But he probably wouldn't get killed over it." Snype stated. "...****... why the hell do I sound so calm talking about him... I used to cringe just at the mention of his name. I must have taken out alot in that last fight." Snype gave off an exhausted huff.

"Adrenaline might still be pumping, but why do ya feel like that?" John questioned. "I mean, I get it, he's a badass, but it's not like he's got you in your sights or anything. You did alright by him, except for this little 'cheating' thing," He chuckled.

"Heh... nah not the emperor... actually it was the other way around with him! The guy outright wanted me dead! Remember back at the bar?" Snype chuckled. "James on the other hand... well... I dunno." Snype shrugged. "I blame him for Guardia's death mostly, despite it all being Darkrai... but I don't feel as upset as I did before... haven't even gotten to face the bastard and yet... hrm." Snype shook his head. "I'm a complicated fella. Heh."

"****, man," John stated with a frown. "James sure sounds like an asshole... but what's this you talking about Edgar wanting you dead? He didn't seem to bother with you much when I saw."

"Heh, comon he outright said he wanted to kill me. Even in the tournament he wanted a reason to rip me apart. Heck he was even a-" Snype cut himself off, glancing over to Celebi. Time reset at that point but did anybody else even notice? He figured the only one who would have realized time going back was Snype and Celebi. "...attacking me with his guard! I'm surprised I got out of that fight alive. Keheh..."

"He didn't say anything like that at the bar," John said with a shrug. Celebi failed to meet Snype's eye level. "Dunno what you're talking about. I don't think he talked much to you. Only time he really had any beef with you was at the tourney. I'm gonna grab the drinks downstairs, be back in a sec," He stated, before exiting the room.

Snype widened his eyes at what John had said... he was sure that Edgar was all up in his face there... Snype simply looked over to Celebi in confusion. "...Cel. What did he mean by that?"

Celebi merely continued to frown and stare at the ground. She bent her knees up to her chest and sat in silence.

"Cel... what happened back there? Please just talk to me..." Snype frowned. "...I'm kept egging on the emperor like that but I had myself pinned against a wall. I tried so hard to avoid that fate but I ended up directly causing it in the first place."

"... I had no choice," Celebi mumbled. "I didn't have a choice. I saw what was going to happen. So I stopped it. I know I wasn't supposed to, and I'm sorry."

"Cel you don't have to apologize to me... I'm more thankful then anything that you saved me. I just didn't want to make you do something so brash like that. I'm the one who should be sorry. You kept saying something bad would happen and everything..." Snype tried to move from his bed but his body didn't seem to respond.

"But now there's consequences," She replied as she turned away from him. "This is why I shouldn't do things. It never ends good..."

"Cel... what's going to happen? What DID happen? John acted like Edgar never even so much as glanced at me. I know for a fact we had a fight in the bar. He seemed more calm in the tournament." He asked.

"I... went back and changed one thing," Celebi explained in a voice barely above a mumble.

Snype raised a brow... he was already taking a few guesses but he wanted to make sure. "Was it when I denied his fight or something? I know that really set him off... but I don't really remember anything like that even if it did..."

Celebi nodded slowly. "When we were in the tower, the Emperor said something about taking on the Generals and proving your worth. After which, you made a comment about taking him up on that offer. After that, he challenged you, and when you declined, since then, he had it out for you. So I went back and stopped you from saying anything at all to him after he made that comment. We all left, and that was that. That small act... that's what changed things. Now he doesn't hate you, but more or less just didn't pay you much mind. Up until you were accused of cheating. Then he hated you, but not enough to challenge you himself. So he sent a guard."

"Keh... me and my big mouth huh?" Snype sighed. "Back then I was just trying to get friendly with the guy since Lyn was such good friends with him... but when he challenged me I felt like that was where I would end up being killed... if I did fight him there then I wonder if that would happen or if I would be in Raz's place instead." Snype rubbed his head, trying his best to remember Celebi stopping him from saying anything.

"... It's why I shouldn't have said anything to begin with," Celebi murmured. "It never ends well... the more you try to stop something, the more it'll end up happening anyway. I looked into Edgar's timeline with Lyn. The reason the two were friendly was because she earned it. She paid for it, with blood. Her scar. You, on the other hand, tried without ever earning the right, in his eyes. Had you have fought, maybe you would have. Or maybe you would have died. But the fact that I told you, that is what changed everything... I told you, and that made it absolute. If I didn't, maybe you wouldn't have. And now..."

"Cel... you were worried about our bond. Once our bond was threatened you took action. I know its not allowed but technically, you still did the right thing. In a sense, you were defending yourself you know? And your well within your right to do that." Snype grinned. "Sides, I think I made a good impression on the guy after going through that hell. And I don't see Arceus coming down and smiting all of us yet!"

Celebi sighed and glided over nearby the window. She glanced outside of it sadly. "... I'm sorry, Snype. I already saw. I'm sorry. That's all I can say."

Snype quickly shifted to a more worried expression. He was curious but after what happened... "Cel..." was all he could muster out. The Sableye felt like he had let her down again. "...Even if you didn't tell me, I think I would have chatted with the guy anyways... that's just who I am. Opening my mouth and getting into a ****ty situation. Don't blame it on yourself Cel. Please... I'm supposed to protect you from this stuff... I'm just doing a really ****ty job at it." Snype closed his eyes.

"Snype... I-" Before Celebi could say anything else, John returned with plate of drinks in his hands.

"Got 'em!" He said cheerfully. He looked around the room and blinked at both Snype and Celebi. "What?"

Snype smiled. "Heh, nothin' the two of us were just chattin. I could use a drink." Snype said, glancing to Celebi. He'd have to continue the chat later maybe... he just at least hoped he made Celebi feel a little better....
Alex, Obsidian, Kilian, and Greg
Daggen, Karn
We're off to see the Tropius-- wait, Alai??

Morning had come with Obsidian making sure to get up early. They had to get moving fast. Who knew how much time they could afford to have while in Dart? For all he knew, it could take several hours or even a day having to figure out if they could ally with the Tropius or not. On top of that, what if these mon weren't exactly friendly to outsiders? Penance always told him that little inconsistencies could happen no matter what he had planned, which was why you always arrived early to any event. You never knew what could offset any plans you had. And now that paranoid mind of thinking had infested Obsidian's brain. He didn't allow the others to dilly dally much, urging them to quickly eat and get ready to move. They had a general to talk to.

It was only around four-and-a-half hours after falling asleep before Alexandre woke up again. By the time Obsidian was out of bed, the Gardevoir was seated in the middle of the floor, legs crossed as he worked on something in his hands. Sitting on the floor next to him was a small deck of cards; each card, however, was an icy-blue. When Obsidian got out of bed, Alex looked up with a small smile. "Good morning, Obi," he greeted, flicking a few flecks of blue energy from one hand. "How are you this morning?"

Both Kilian's were still lying on the floor, seemingly asleep.

Obsidian sighed, "Didn't sleep too well." He muttered as he rubbed at his forehead, "I know I should have... but I really want to get to him. I have to." He looked over at the frog, "We need to wake them up and get a move on. Who knows what could have happened last night in Dart? I have a target to take down."

Alex held up the new blue card in his hand, which held a bit of frost. "At least don't be hasty about it," he replied. "I see a difference between being quick and being hasty." He looked over at Sub-Kilian, by the window, and flicked his hand, sending the card of energy flying through the air.

The Substitute's hand shot out and snatched the card before it could hit him. Over by the door, Kilian's eyes blinked open several times, and he sat up to check on what had woken him up through his Substitute. "Wha... Oh. Mornin'..." He yawned, snapping his fingers to dismiss Sub-Kilian from existence. "Better ways of wakin' me up, Alex..."

Obsidian let out a longer sigh, "We need to get going! Alex, you know how much this means to me. If this morning Darkrai's forces end up attacking Dart I would never forgive myself. You're my friend. I need you to help me see this through. Now you two get up, we have to get to my contact."

"Of course." Alex picked up his deck of Hidden Power cards, tucking them away inside one sleeve. He then uncrossed his legs and stood up, adding, "It's why I won't be speaking to Anna just yet. We'll be ready to go in one minute."

"Two," Kilian said, getting to his feet as he rubbed his eyes. "Unless you skip your usual 'guess where the object is' routine. I need my knife back."

Alex shrugged and nodded at Obsidian. "Skipping it. If you would, Obi?" He turned away to retrieve his pack and cane from their place on the floor.

Obsidian reached into his pack and pulled out the silverware, tossing it toward Kilian. "There you go. Now, let's get ready to move. I'm pretty sure my contact should be awake by now.... hopefully at least." He made his way to the door and leaned against the doorway, I"ll give you that minute then."

By Kilian's estimation, it was about forty-three seconds later when the three 'mon left the inn-room, heading down the stairs. That was due more to Kilian cleaning up a few of his items which he'd left lying around, including the empty can from dinner. That, he just threw out the window. Once out on the street, Alex spun his cane to point to Obsidian. "Lead the way, kind sir."

The Weavile nodded as he wasted no time making his way down the street, "It's just this way. He's a big guy here, but I just want to make sure that not much is known is all." He explained to the two, "Make sure that you show some respect his way. Out of anyone here he's the most sane. His offer should still be open to us." The dark-type made his way down the main street, not once slowing down. He was definitely a mon on a mission.

Alex sighed a bit as he and Kilian began following Obsidian, keeping pace just behind him. The Gardevoir glanced around at the street, then shrugged and flipped his hand in front of him, neatly landing a navy-blue fedora on his head. Kilian just shook his own head, not saying a word.

Obsidian led the two toward the same tower the emperor usually resided in and made his way inside. He recalled where the Snorlax's office area was and quickened his pace a bit, "Greg? I'm taking you up on that offer now." He stated.

Inside, the large Snorlax was once more sitting behind his small desk. However, the Grand General had his head down on the table, and was snoring loudly. At the mention of his name, he suddenly pipped up. "Hmm? Huh? What? Ah..." Gregory mumbled as he rose his head. A few notes and papers stuck to his forehead as he did so. "Yes, of course... err... apologies, it's been a long night. Teleportation to Erble, yes?"

"Er, everything okay?" Obsidian couldn't help but ask, "You look... sorry to say, like a mess."

"Certainly looks like a long night," Kilian quipped, watching the Snorlax as he pulled his notepad and pen out of his shirt pocket. He flipped it open and made a note. Alexandre was quiet, though he held his cane confidently as he looked around at the room.

The Snorlax waved his look off. "Ah, pay it no mind. I'm just having trouble with a certain Simisage running amok in the city. It is something I thought I would have dealt with by now but... it appears I underestimated him. Something I rarely do..." His voice trailed off as he sighed and looked at the notes in front of him.

"Wait.... is his name Alai?" Obsidian asked warily, "Probably not... not every single Simisage is the same." He sighed and rubbed at his forehead. "Sorry, didn't get much sleep myself last night. I shouldn't get so paranoid, especially now."

Alex snapped his head back to Greg the moment he heard 'Simisage'. Kilian's eyebrows lifted a little as well as he made another note.

"Your paranoia serves you well here," The Snorlax responded with a nod. "It is the Agent Alai."

Obsidian frowned at that, "So.... there's an agent here already... and if we leave...." He let out a frustrated groan, "Why is that no one else can ever take care of them? If we leave Alai here... and he's up to something... this city is important to the emperor. And basically to Karn. If it is taken over by Alai on the inside, then Karn will surely fall. Karn's warriors will have to not only defend from inside, but outside too. I mean, Karn is strong, but I doubt they can hold off two sides at once." He began to pace, "And if we head to Dart now... and the others aren't here... this isn't good. Not good at all. If Alai managed to get in, then probably several other mon from Darkrai's side did as well too. Why'd this have to happen now?"

"One moment," Alex interrupted, fingering the onyx stone around his neck. This was important enough that he considered forwarding the new information on now. Plus, it seemed that Obsidian was conflicted with which way to go now. The Gardevoir looked to the side, thinking, then snapped his fingers. A second Gardevoir appeared next to him, who then crossed his arms as he frowned. "He'll hear anything all of you say, and I'll be back in a moment," Alex said, turning and walking away several steps, stopping nearly to the doorway. He closed his eyes, one hand touching his onyx stone.

Inside his head, Alex reached for two specific minds. <Hugo? Tane? A word with you.> He heard positive replies and said, <Alai is here in Daggen, as of last night. Running amok, according to General Gregory. I want you two to work together, with Tane still keeping an eye on Greg's side of events.>

Kilian glanced at Sub-Alex, then at Obsidian and Greg. "We'll get back to it," the Greninja finally said to Obsidian. "His friends will get onto it. So!" Turning back to Greg, Kilian asked, "How do we go about this teleportation? Here, somewhere else..." Kilian suddenly face-palmed, leaving a small ink smear on his face with his pen. "Sorry, manners!" He stuck his pen in his other hand and reached out to vigorously shake Greg's hand, smiling broadly behind his tongue-scarf. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Greg. Kilian Hauer, here, how have you been? Aside from being tired, that is."

"Ah, err, a pleasure, Mr. Hauer," The Snorlax returned his handshake with a soft shake from his giant paw. "I will have one of my associates come and teleport you from here. I believe it's sufficiently early in the day for few to pay notice. Your destination is Erble, yes?" He questioned.

"No... it was Dart." Obsidian muttered out. He looked over at Alex, "I'm not... this morning I was sure that we had to go. Now... I'm not so sure. Alex, this Alai isn't like the others. I know that much. I heard Ben talk about him. He's not like them. He's... charismatic, and actually willing to talk to others. Every other agent would rip your head off. He won't. That's what makes him unpredictable. If we leave... will we regret it?"

Alex near the doorway didn't respond, standing silently as he communicated with someone telepathically. <That's what I'm still trying to figure out, Tane, which way to go. It's important we find out whether Xander has Groudon's Gift, and Obsidian really wants to avenge his father. But it's also important that we find Alai and stop his meddling. ...Yes, Hugo, I realize he knows about all of you, at least indirectly.>

Sub-Alex shrugged. "Choices are irreversible," Lucien replied through the Substitute. "I think we'd regret it either way, personally. Something will happen no matter what we choose. Hm..." He put a finger to his chin, smirking. "I wonder...would you be able to go on to Dart while your best friend stays here?"

"Cut it," Kilian said, pointing a pen and a frown at the Substitute. "Decisions, not needling. Besides, how would splitting up work, this time?" He rubbed his head with his pen. "Hm...running amok, you said, Mr. Greg? If I may ask?"

The Snorlax leaned back in his smaller chair for a moment and sighed. "Let us just say he is hampering with my business. Assaulting my associates. Overall, ruining my affairs, and thus the affairs of Karn. Should he persist, my entire operation could be threatened. And... if I may add to your point, Mr. Obsidian," Greg continued. "The fact that he is willing to talk and manipulate his enemies that way is the very reason he is so dangerous. I originally had your 'mon Able look into him and return something that was taken from me. But I instructed her to stay away from the Simisage. And not to contact him... I fear I may have been originally mistaken. I believe I may need the assistance of your group to deal with this matter, whether upon their return from the temples, or yours from Dart, or both. This assistance will not come without its rewards. I may have something you need," The Snorlax cleared his throat. "But Dart, you say? I can get you close enough, I have had an associate in that location before. He'll be arriving shortly."

Obsidina glanced at Kilian and Alex, "But... if we do leave now..." He sighed, "He manipulates people. Even if Alex has friends here... what if they get turned? The reason we are heading to Dart is for personal business, things that won't affect the war. If we leave this here, then the war itself could be made even worse. If we can take out an agent, or at least ruin his performance.... and he's no Xander." Obsidian rubbed at his temples, "... Gah! Why does this have to be so hard?"

Kilian blinked, raising his hand a bit. "Personally, I thought we were also aiming for Xander, or at least finding out whether he really does have...it. Hum...Hey, Obi? How important is your personal business? Or rather...how important is it to you versus trying to deal with Alai?"

Lucien/Sub-Alex hid his mouth with his hand, snickering a bit. Clearing his throat, he added, "If it helps, the friends are very, very firm in their place. They've had opposing viewpoints presented to them. All the same, speaking for myself, I think we oughta split up. But I can't speak for him over there." He jerked a thumb at the real Alex.

"I think splitting up is a bad idea, this time," Kilian interjected.

<No, Hugo. I will not leave Obi alone for avenging his father. Xander's strength, we can worry about later. Alai is here, now.>

Obsidian crossed his arms, ".... Everyone already knows of Xander. At the very least, they would be told by Vee I imagine. If we could take him down with tools and what not, then the others could more easily take him down. For the longest time... I've wanted to kill him. You know that well enough. But... if that costs the world its chance to continue on? If that causes death overall? I'm not sure if that's a better option." He shook his head, "And if we're here now... with Greg and help on our side... maybe... maybe we can take Alai down." He looked at Greg, "How much damage has he caused here? And in how much time?"

The Snorlax leaned forward a bit and cleared his throat. "I assumed you were only going back south to find your Tropius, not to go after Xander again... are you sure that is wise? Would it not be more beneficial to await your other companions when they return from the temples?" Greg questioned. "As for the Simsage, he has been... disrupting my operations for quite some time now. Quite a bit has already been undone. Thankfully, I have many contingencies, but the damage has been felt. Make no mistake sirs. If my operations do fall, then Daggen, and perhaps all of Karn, is left defenseless on a level much different than militarily."

".... If I do this for you, then after wards I want a teleport to Dart." He stated, "At the very least... if he dies... I want to know he's dead." Obsidian frowned, "I've wanted it for so long, but this war is more pressing. Where has he been seen, and what has he been doing?"

Meanwhile, Kilian was writing more and more in his notepad. "I apologize for interrupting, Obi, Mr. Greg, but here's my final vote," he said, looking up again. "We don't split up." At Lucien's raised eyebrow, he added in his defense, "Hey, I see merits in both options, really. But neither one would be successful period, I think, if we split up to try and cover both. Dividing won't mean conquering, this time."

Finished with his own conversation, Alex turned and strode back to the other 'mon. Without waiting to hear what he'd missed, he said, "Xander's danger is a military offensive and rebellion in Karn, as well as us not knowing the source of his strength. We suspect, but we don't know. Obsidian..." Alex looked at the Weavile. "I understand that you want to find the Tropius. But we can stay around and hope he stays alive longer. Alai's danger? Infiltration." The Gardevoir raised his hand. "I vote we stay."

Lucien coughed into his hand. "So, to sum up, I think we're staying, unless I misheard. Clogged Sub' ears, after all." Alex smirked a bit. "Oh, yes." Lucien turned to the General. "I echo Obsidian's question, but I also add, you said you may have something we need?"

"He has been... interfering with my operations," Gregory answered broadly. "Intercepting messages, dismantling drop points, infiltrating safe houses. Stealing valuable resources and information. Compromising my associates," The Snorlax nodded. "And yes, I happen to have something I believe you will find very useful. And if you successfully remove my Simisage problem, I am willing to give it to you."

Obsidian nodded, "Alright... first off. Can you get a map of the city out? Mark on it where these attacks have taken place. We can see if there's any pattern to them if he hasn't hit every single place. Secondly, where has he been spotted? Does he have any hang out areas? Thirdly, given associates are compromised... do any of them have any baggage we can use against them? We might not be able to find Alai, but managing to grab his underlings and getting them to talk is a start, and we'll need anything we can get out mitts on to make them compliant."

The Snorlax shifted uncomfortably in his seat for a moment. He pulled out a map on his desk and handed it to the Weavile. "A map of the places he has been," He explained, showing a very detailed map of Daggen with hundreds of points marked on it. "But I know his tavern of residence is in East Daggen, called Galleon's Gamble. As for my compromised agents, those who have turned as you describe it at least... I meant that they were compromised in terms of bringing into light what they were working on, and for whom. But for those who have turned... they are long gone from here now. The Simisage... he is working in the city on his own, from what I can gather."

"So... he sent those who turned against you out of the city? Do you know where?" He asked him. "Why would he remain in the city without any help on his side?"

Continuing to write, Kilian stated, "He freed two other Agents. Not killing anyone that we know of kinda makes him more reasonable for other 'mon in conversation, maybe less likely to try killing him. There's less organization if a single operation has too many 'mon working in it, depending on the situation. Hum..." He paused to review his notes, then turned a page. "Oh, yes. It also makes him harder to track down, I would think, except for the running amok. Erm...wait." Kilian looked up at Greg. "Sir, did you say you know his place of residence? Surely Alai didn't broadcast it...right?"

"He has certainly not been hiding it," The Snorlax answered. "I have sent 'mon to his residence before. They either returned with a failed mission, or didn't return at all. Not killed, of course, but I doubt it makes it better...." Once more, the Snorlax shifted. "Perhaps this would be best to leave with the rest of your companions when they return?" He questioned them. "I mean no offense, of course, sirs," He backtracked. "I just need you to understand. I do not want you to be baited into him being "reasonable" as you put it like all the rest. I need to make this clear. He is not reasonable. He is not a good 'mon. He is manipulative. He is conniving, and he will try to steer you off. If you attempt to follow through with this assignment, I would like him to be removed from Karn. Permanently, if possible. I fear what would happen to you if you try a more diplomatic approach."

Obsidian smirked, "I lived with a blathering duck for all my life." He looked outside, "... He won't even get a chance to open his mouth. We know where he is. We'll head in and take him out before he knows what's coming. I know from what the others said in Anatellia that he fought with berries. I have a plan, and I think it might just work."

Kilian pointed his pen at Greg, a serious look on his face. "Diplomacy didn't work last time. I've heard his side of the story. I have absolutely no interest in switching sides. Period. Zilch." The fingers holding his notepad twitched a bit at the small half-truth. "And I have no interest in waiting for the others."

"Rest assured, sir." Alex tipped his hat at Greg, smiling to reassure him. "We will do what we can to remove him, just like Obi here said. After all, he does work for Darkrai." Glancing at the detailed map, he added, "We'll also discuss plans before ever approaching Alai."

Gregory nodded and stacked a set of papers neatly on the side of his desk. He leaned in and folded his arms across each other, and then continued. "Then I suppose there are only two things left for me to do. The first is to wish you luck. The second is to provide you the same word of caution that I have given to many others before you. Understand that this Simisage is by no means a pushover. I have gathered much data which has concluded one thing: he is treated at the same top-level tier as the Agents Grett, Mr. Eidragon, and General James. Which means, however much trouble you would have had with either of those three, expect the same amount with this one. Another reason perhaps I caution that you come at him at your best possible form, and with as many of your allies as you can muster. Good luck, gentle'mon."

Obsidian gave a nod to the two, "I have a plan. Alex, it looks like you have friends here, right? Gather them. Once we're all together then I can you let you all in on it."

Kilian's pen twitched, and he muttered something as he scribbled one of his notes and resumed writing. "Good luck to you as well, Mr. Greg," Alex replied, tipping his hat again. "And have a good day. I hope it'll turn out better than your night did." He turned and nodded back at Obsidian, beginning to walk out of the room with Sub-Alex following.

The Greninja continued reviewing his notepad and writing a bit, before looking up. "Oh. Leaving. Right, good day, sir!" He shook Greg's hand one last time before turning and following the rest of the 'mon out.

Once outside of the tower and back on the street, Alex turned his head toward Obsidian. "You seem sure about delaying your revenge, Obi."

Obsidian frowned, "I don't want to, but I remember how we didn't kill Grett back in Valkaria. Now look at him. If we allow Alai to just walk around here we'll lose Karn."

Alexandre nodded in response, staring ahead once more as he rubbed his cane's handle with a thumb. He then smiled. "Well, then, onward and onward. We have friends to meet and talking to do! Not necessarily in that order."

"... Now that I think about it... what sort of friends do you have here in the city?" He asked Alex, "Are they friends of the Gold Tribe? I imagine if Guardia made any friends here then she would share such information with Hanso. I know she wouldn't allow Penance near that kind of stuff."

The Gardevoir stopped walking and was silent at first. Gradually, he could be heard chuckling, which grew in volume until he laughed for a few seconds. It was a laugh of relief. Finally, Alex turned fully to the other 'mon, snapping his fingers to make his Substitute disappear. "Oh, Obsidian." His eyes glowed blue as he prepared to teleport the trio. "You're about to find out." And with that the three disappeared in a flash of light.
Obsidian, Alexandre, Killian, Able
Best Plans of Mon​

The house they appeared in was located somewhere in the southern section of Daggen. A brief flash of light occurred before Alexandre, Obsidian, and Kilian appeared in the middle of an almost-bare room. There was a couch pushed against one wall and a coat-hook in the corner. Alex loosened his cloak and tossed it lightly, psychically moving it to hang itself, before sitting on the couch.

"Wait." Kilian seemed almost frozen as his head turned between Alex and Obsidian several times. "Wait, you're actually... Are you sure, Alex??"

"Yes, I'm sure!" Alex insisted, resting both hands on his cane before him as he looked at Obsidian. "Where to start, though?"

Obsidian frowned at him, "So... this is a house that Guardia probably used while she was here then?" He asked the two as he looked about, "Looks unassuming enough. A good place for people to meet with her, I imagine. So, where are these friends? Are they natural Karnians or such?"

Alex shook his head. "Guardia doesn't know about this place." He paused, his smile slipping. "Didn't. Sorry, I forgot that Lyn...died..." Clearing his throat, he continued. "This is just one room. We'd find a few of them through that door over there." Alex nodded at a door in the wall opposite of him. "And not all of them are native-born. Generally, I had them move on into Karn for their positions."

"... You had them move?" Obsidian tilted his head, "So, is this some sort of plan you and Guardia had going? Or probably Hanso." He nodded, "Okay... so Guardia scouted out Karn and had some Gold Tribe move here. Not too bad of a plan, to be honest."

By this time, Kilian's hands were fidgeting as he backed away a couple steps. Alex's smile continued slipping away as they spoke. "It began with my father, but we didn't include Guardia, Obi. And I couldn't ask anyone of the Gold Tribe to do that. They have their lives, their duties to perform. No, there are 'mon here who came with the purpose of watching Karn. Theoretically, it's great and it's long-term. In practice..." Alex shrugged one shoulder a bit. "Could use some improvement."

Obsidian was silent for a moment, ".... Didn't... include Guardia? But, how could you get people here then? If not Gold Tribe... wait, how long has this been going on? Was this some sort of new plan just this year? I mean, we didn't keep it quiet that we were heading to Karn eventually."

Alex was silent as he counted something in his head. After a few seconds, he answered, "Hm, I'd say the first 'mon moved here around fifteen years ago. The next few years after that saw several more coming, individually, of course. It had to look like it was simply someone moving away from Valkaria and coming to Karn, little more than a change in residence and lifestyle. Like I said, long-term. Besides, Karn is volatile."

Obsidian wasn't ready to respond. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. He crossed his arms, thinking, "... Fifteen years?" He finally asked as he looked down at the ground, "Right?"

"Right." Alex took off his fedora hat and flicked it toward the coat-rack as well. "That was before I was really involved, but Obi, I've wanted to tell you all along. All along. My mother and father needed eyes and ears in Karn..." He hesitated, battling with a sense that he shouldn't be telling this. "...and in Valkaria. And in every nation that Valkaria has been in contact with these past thirty years."

As Alex talked Obsidian turned about to the door, opened it, and walked right on out. Kilian could be heard muttering, "Now you've done it." Obsidian closed the door as he kept on walking. To where, he didn't care. Now this had to be some sort of bad dream. Maybe he had misheard Alex? Maybe Alex had said fifteen months. Not that bad when he thought on it, and maybe it was his lack of sleep that caused his ears to not function correctly. He had heard that some nights without sleep could cause hallucinations. All he had to do was get some fresh air and make sure his ears weren't clogged. That was all.

"What's the big idea?!" Kilian snapped as the door closed behind Obsidian. He shoved his pen and notepad back into his pocket, staring at Alex like he had lost his mind. "How is this gonna help us against Alai?!"

"Greg's warnings," Alex replied, standing up and heading for the door as well. "If it's a choice between me telling him and someone else telling him, I'd rather it be me. And I'm glad I'm finally telling him."

The next room Obsidian had found was a hallway that went on in both directions; faint morning light could be seen streaming in through a doorway at the left end of the hall. As Obsidian walked through that doorway, a Metagross glanced up from where he sat at a desk in one corner. A front door was in the wall leading away from the hallway. The Metagross shifted and turned about. "Who are you?" he asked in a steely voice.

Obsidian glanced over at him, "Oh just someone who's probably hallucinating a bit at the moment." He replied back, "You mind if I step out for a bit?"

The Metagross frowned with his eyes. "I wouldn't mind if you step out for good. How did you get in here?"

"Hold on," Alex said, appearing from the hallway. He saw the Metagross and sighed. "Morning, Haris."

Haris's disapproving look deepened. "Alex. Is this someone new for my branch?" he asked, waving a leg at the Weavile.

"No. Obi, wait, please." Alex turned back to look at Obsidian.

Obsidian didn't listen to him as he stepped outside, closing the door behind him and taking a deep breath of fresh air. He just had to clear his head. He just misheard Alex, that was all. Just a simple misunderstanding.

"No? Then I fail to understand the meaning of this," Haris grumbled, tapping a claw on the floor. "If he's not a member, and he's not here to see me, then he shouldn't be here."

Alexandre swiveled his cane toward the Metagross, his voice stern. "Mister Argyris. It's my decision to bring Obsidian here. If it wasn't for the fact that Alai is here in town, and that ultimately the time to fight Darkrai came weeks ago, I decided it's time for Obsidian to know." Letting Haris digest the new bit of information, Alex stepped to the front door and opened it slowly, simply watching Obsidian for the moment.

Obsidian walked about a bit outside, mostly to stretch and make sure that he was fully aware of everything around him. He looked back over at Alex, ".. Five months, right?" He asked.

Alex couldn't help but sigh, his earlier relief masked by something akin to weariness. "More than that. Please, come inside." He stepped aside to make room for his friend.

Obsidian stared at him, then made his way back inside, pushing his way past the Gardevoir, "Of course it was." He muttered angrily. "Of course. That's just the way things are done these days, right?"

Kilian had made his way out to the front room, where he stood talking quietly with Haris. "Obi," Alex started, closing the door, "if it weren't for the fact that Penance was raising you, I would have told you years ago. Only because of how close an eye he kept on you."

"Of course." He bitterly replied, glaring at the Gardevoir, "It's always about him, isn't it? Even when he's dead it'll only be about him. Penance this, Penance that. Great to know that I can't ever keep a secret. Thanks for such a stunning revelation."

"No, that's not the point." Alex spread his hands helplessly. "No one else was supposed to know, especially anyone who would tell the secret to kingdom come. Obi..." He stopped, searching for something better to say.

"Oh, so I would tell?" The Weavile sneered, "You know what? Forget it." He brushed a hand through the air, "I've already been through this cycle like, what? A hundred times already? You're just like the others. And you know what? That's fine. Splendid even. Let's just get this stupid job done? Got it? So get all of your 'friends' together and let's tackle this now."

"Obsidian!" Alex snapped, frustrated. "I wasn't worried about you telling. Heck, I thought it was gonna be a big relief to finally tell you." He ran a hand over his hair, blowing out a breath. "Come on, then. A few of them are already in the other room. I want you to meet them. Haris?"

The Metagross' eyes turned to him. "Alex?"

"Please call in anyone who isn't occupied." Alex then walked back into the hallway, heading for the room they'd vacated moments before.

Obsidian followed wordlessly, not in the mood for conversation at the moment.

Inside the room, Alex stopped by his cloak and tapped it. "Albin, Milu, Kaiden, Sam. Come on out, please."

Nothing happened except for a voice to ask in Alex's mind, <Are you sure about this?>

The Gardevoir frowned. "Yes, I'm sure."

Still nothing for two seconds. Then the cloak rustled, shapes taking form inside it, before they spilled out through the bottom. The four 'mon quickly picked themselves up and floated to Alex's side, eyes blinking at Obsidian. There was an 'A', 'B', 'X', and 'N'. All four were Unown.

Obsidian leaned against a wall and let out a huff, "So, anyone have any plans? Cause I'm not doing all the work."

Alex raised an eyebrow at Obsidian. "You said for me to get all my 'friends' together." He paused as Kilian walked in, followed by Haris. The Metagross still disapproved of Obsidian, but he remained silent as he settled against another wall. Alex continued, "Alai uses berries, correct? I figure that we can disable that temporarily if we bring someone who knows Magic Room, but it would be better for someone to take them away permanently."

Kilian raised a hand hesitantly, notepad and pen back in hand. "Eh, who's leading the planning? I mean, Obsidian did say he has one."

"We all contribute," Haris stated, looking around at the others. Resting his eyes on the Weavile, he added, "If the two of you are done talking, that is."

The Weavile took in a deep breath, "First off, we need to know the area that Alai is in. I'm sure that you all know how Karn is structured. What with fifteen years and all. I'm sure the place has windows too. What I need is a nearby area I can hide in. The idea is simple. Wait for Alai to pop around a window while being distracted and I throw a poisoned icicle his way. He dies once he gets hit."

"And I assume you know something about where Alai is," Haris said, looking expectantly at everyone else.

"Galleon's Gamble," Kilian rattled off, making notes in his notepad. His hands were fidgeting again. "According to Mr. Greg, anyway. And he handed us, er, Obsidian, a map of the places where the Simisage has caused trouble. Hum... But, wouldn't we want to try and get some more information out of Alai first? I don't mean listening to his drivel, but other info."

Haris scraped a claw on the floor. "He's more trouble alive than he is dead."

Alex was still looking at Obsidian, having sat on the edge of the couch. "Unless anyone happens to know where the last piece of Cresselia is," he said. "And if someone we know knows, then why leave Alai alive? Therefore, poisoned icicle." And if anyone did, then it would be Obsidian or anyone else who had been in Karn for the past two or three weeks.

"Yeah, we know where it is. The only things he would know are where Darkrai's guys are, that's it. So if you want that, we could just capture him and then make him squeal with some torture. The only problem is he's strong, and he could probably break free if we do that. So really, that's taking too big of a chance." The Weavile sighed, "So basically I can go through with two plans. The first is to try and kill him from a far. He gets so busy fighting you all or talking to you all that I strike him through the head with an icicle that is poisoned. Other than that, I can get in close instead and while he's fighting I slice his berry container off of him. He wears some sort of container on his body, from what the others said. So I slice it off and squash his berries there. Whichever way you all want to go."

<Information,> the 'A' Unown said, twirling around Alex's head. <We could get information from Alai.>

Alex shook his head. He wasn't up to being a perky magician at the moment. "No, Albin. Alai already knows too much. It would be better off to strike him down. It sounds like your poison will be the finisher, Obi, so to distract Alai..."

"We go knocking on his door," Kilian muttered. He was a bit miffed that his idea of keeping Alai alive for information was shot down. "The one at Galleon's Gamble, anyway. Hm, but an inn-room is kinda tight quarters..."

"We still need to confirm he's there first," Haris pointed out.

"Hugo is working on that," Alex replied. "And besides, if nothing else works, we can watch and wait for him to return. Also, inn-rooms have windows. Alai can be pushed toward that as part of the distraction, so Obsidian can get a clear shot. Sacha, unless we get someone here who's better at one-on-one fighting, you'll take point in doing that. Hum, Haris? Is Fintan available?"

Haris hummed a bit, closing his eyes. "Yes, Mr. Carter is available. He's on his way here."

Alex nodded. "Okay, so we have someone coming with Magic Room, then."

"Good. Just keep him busy and I'll take him out. I have enough training with that. Distance is my main game." Obsidian kept his eyes glued to the floor, "Then we can be done with this."

"So... we find Alai at his room, I distract him, the Klefki can disable the berries thing, and we get Alai to where Obsidian can shoot him down." Kilian looked around, waiting only a moment for anyone to add to what he said. "Okay, then. So before we go fighting on an empty stomach, I think I'll, um, go fix us a quick breakfast."

The Metagross just looked at Kilian before shaking his head a bit. "I'll show you what we have," Haris hummed, claws clanking as he walked out the door.

Once Kilian followed him out with a last glance at the Gardevoir, that left Alex, Obsidian, and the four Unown in the room. Alexandre kept his own eyes on the Weavile, hands clasped in his lap. "Obi...please forgive me..."

Obsidian let out a weak sigh, "... I trusted you so much. And I dunno... I just have this feeling that Penance has ruined much of my life. And you just.... you just set that in stone for me. I thought that it was my own paranoid thinking... but it wasn't. And I don't know how to think about that. What else has been kept from me by others? Am I just a weak link now?" He let loose another sigh, "I know I shouldn't think like that. I know I should be more positive... but I can't be. So much has changed ever since Penance went away. I guess... he was a buffer. But now he isn't. I'm not sure how to feel about that."

Alex looked down at the floor, tapping one of his fingers against the others. "I think...he held you back too much. But he's gone now." He looked up at Obsidian. "It's not about him anymore. It's about you. I don't think you're a weak link. You've held yourself together so far, including the...hundred cycles of secrets." Looking down for a moment, Alex glanced back up again. "Tell you what. If you feel ready, then anytime after we take down Alai, I can tell you anything you ask about my secret life. I won't hold anything back."

<Alex...> Albin began in a warning tone.

Alex held up a hand to stop the Unown. "I'm tired of keeping secrets from my best friend."

Obsidian was silent for a moment, ".... Now you'll be honest? So... what don't I know? Is your name even Alexandre? Are you even a Gardevoir? I just...." Obsidian sighed and rubbed at his forehead, "I don't know what to think anymore. I don't know what I can even trust even more."

"Yes, I'm Alexandre, and yes, I'm a Gardevoir." He shrugged. "I'm not sure, either. I'm not used to breaking this to my friends... Of course, I wouldn't blame you if we stopped being friends after this." Alex was trying to be sincere; he just wasn't sure where this conversation would end up. "Hum... Well, one other thing you don't know is that these four aren't the only Unown I work with. There are more, including Hugo and his team. It gets a bit tricky in directing them, sometimes..."

Obsidian sighed, "I thought.... I dunno what I thought. I guess I assumed that since we were all together in on this that we were finally trusting each other. You know? That we finally were respecting each other in some grand way. Heh, what an idiot I was." He shook his head, "Penance always said that no matter what, a mon only cares for himself and no one else. I've seen that in pretty much everyone I've met. Snype with him deciding that only him knowing a legendary was in his forest was the only thing that mattered, with Abel and how he decided that to feel better about his sister's death that he had to stop communicating with yet another selfish action, with Callimer and how he wants to take down James alone even though it might be better with help. All selfish decisions. And you're just like them. And I guess deep down... I am like them too. We're all selfish... and we're all going to die because of it." He sighed, "I don't care if we're friends or not after this, Alex. Because we're all sacks of s**t in the end. And in the end... that's our downfall. Even mine with wanting revenge. I just didn't realize it yet."

Alex's hands tightened a little at Obsidian's words. Before he could reply, however, Kilian stuck his head back in through the door. There was a small egg smear above one eye. "We never came up with a backup plan, did we?" the Greninja asked, looking at both of them. "I mean, let's say the first icicle misses. Do I keep distracting him and hope he's too busy to watch out for a second icicle? I also thought about just showing up at his door and knocking, and when he opens up, I just try to stick him right then and there. If nothing else, that would lead into the distraction."

Obsidian smirked, "I know of something.... after I finish speaking to Alex." He looked back at the Gardevoir, "... Would it be selfish of me to try to keep you as a friend? I would like to, honestly I would. But... I've just been so selfish. All my life... I've wanted to take revenge. You know that. I think I've been selfish with honesty too. I always wanted to know everything, hell, Penance told me every day that knowledge was power. I guess... I just figured that if people became friends then they shared knowledge or something. I guess... am I stupid or something? Out here, out under Penance's wing it just... I guess I understood wrong. I guess everyone lies to everyone as much as they can. Maybe you didn't lie as much as you wanted, but you still did. In the end, I guess we're all selfish. I guess we all want to keep our own little secrets and ensure that no one once hears about them."

"Whoa, now." Alex pointed a finger at Obsidian. "I know you've seen bad examples already, but not everyone lies so much. I know a few 'mon who sincerely try to be honest. And..." His finger dropped slowly as he tried to think of what else to say, before shaking his head. "I guess in a perfect world, there wouldn't be any lying... Buuut, it would be kind of boring if we didn't have to work at it. Okay, in theory, honesty is best, at least according to my father, and I believe him. In practice, well..." Alex's head dropped toward the floor. "Man, we screwed up big time."

Yes, you so did, magic boy.

"Shut up, Lucien." Alex looked back up at Obsidian. "Yes, it might be selfish for either of us to stay friends, but at least we can watch each other's backs from now on. Just because a lot of 'mon might lie doesn't mean we have to anymore."

Leaning against the doorway, Kilian coughed into a fist. "Makes me wonder what we'll tell the rest of the searchers..."

Obsidian closed his eyes, "... Back there, when I decided to go after Alai... something hit me. For so long, I just had this need to after him... and then I decided not to." He frowned, "When we came into Karn, I just wanted to find him and rip his throat out... but I've been thinking about it more and more now. My father, I barely knew him. I mean, there's not much you can know when you were but a baby when one is sent out to die. Ever since I learned about revenge when I was little, I wanted to do that. And, after a while, that's the only thing I felt. But is it right to take revenge for someone you don't know? And then I heard Alai's name... and I remembered Penance. I'm not sure if Alai killed him... but that same feeling I felt for killing the Tropius came back, but it felt... real?" His face scrunched up, "That's the best way to describe. It felt more... personal. And without even thinking, I just went for it. I've known Penance my entire life basically." He sighed, "I'm not sure if Alai killed him... but it might be a start there. Even when I try to not be selfish, I still am." He let out a shaky laugh, "Before you said about a perfect world. Funny thing there is that Penance told me the same things when I grew up. That if everyone was perfect then there would be no fun. It just... reminded me of that. I'm sorry man. We can be friends. It does remind me of other things too. Like... with all this selfish talk Penance told me once that the most selfish mon lives to the end. So... maybe I need to stop with all of this? Here I am, in my twenties, and still questioning how the world works even though I know well enough. Maybe... this time we can be a bit selfish?"

Alex smiled a bit. "Hey, I did call him 'uncle' occasionally. Maybe we both hung around him a little much. But yeah, even though you want to know everything, it'll be a looong time before that happens. Probably won't know everything until after we die. I would say, at least try to be less negative."

Obsidian nodded, "Yeah... that can work. Alright, back up plans. If I can't hit him with the icicle, then I'll need one of you to try and cut him and get the poison in him.' He took his pack off and pulled out his container of black liquid. "Think ya'll can handle that?"

"Hm, not a whole lot in there," Kilian muttered, stepping closer to Obsidian and the black liquid. "Yeah, can do, especially since I got my knife back, and Alex has his needles. How potent is this?"

"It'll paralyze his heart muscles." Obsidian stated, "Plus the muscles it gets funneled to. Get it along his chest area or anywhere really, and those muscles will be paralyzed after a bit. It'll eventually reach the heart. So if I can't hit him and you do, or even if I do manage to hit him, you'll have to wait a bit before it hits the main target. So you'll have to basically keep your guard up until then."

Kilian looked over at Alex. "Fintan's Magic Room won't affect this, will it?"

Alex shrugged. "It affects items, which would include your knife and my needles, actually, now that I think about it. The poison, though? So odds are, simply stealing away Alai's berries would be a better idea."

"Well, go ahead and do that then." Obsidian stated, "See if anyone can try and, say, psychic his berries off of him. It should be easy enough I would think. Just have some unown go ahead and rip it off him or the like. From there, we can poison him. But I doubt he has specific berries ready to counteract my poison. Even then, if I hit him from behind, he probably won't notice the poison. Both it and the icicle are liquids, so if it drips down his back from the wound he would assume that it is water, I would think."

"Let's see...we go to his door, confront him. I try to stab him at the very first, which either works or leads into the distraction. We try to take away his berries, push him to window, you stick him with your icicle. Failing that, we try to poison him via knife and needle." Kilian blinked. "Alai comes to the door, sees Alex and me there. Could he know anything about you being around, Obi?"

"Yeah, we'll need one of the psychics to be disguised as me. So, basically an illusion bracelet. I'll take the invisibility one, just to make sure no one around is a part of Alai's spy network possibly. If anyone spies me while I hide then this would be for nothing." Obsidian stated with a nod.

"Did we remember to grab that tech?" Kilian asked, turning to Alex.

Grinning, Alex said, "Yes, we did, some days ago in Gold City. Hannah works great despite all the pressure there. There hasn't been a lot of time since Tyren's counter bracelet was recovered from Tollen, so she had only...let's see. Two illusion bracelets, three shadow stones, one memory wiper. I think. All modified to, heh, counter the counter."

"That could work... but not for long. If they have tons of SEC under their command then this might be the only chance we have to use it. In order to take out an agent, I think it's worth it. Especially a high ranking one." Obsidian thought for a moment, "So yeah, this can work. We have enough contingencies, I believe. Unless we can also convert some of the liquid to a powder.... do you know of any plant types with sleep powder or poison powder in the city? If so, we can try and coat the powder with the liquid too. Throw a bag or jar at Alai and have him breathe it in. The only problem there is that it's airborn then and anyone in the room will be in danger."

Kilian shook his head. "I think that's going a bit far. I don't want to risk being poisoned if there's no antidote. Wait, is there one? Because Alai could potentially catch anything poisoned and turn it right back at us."

Obsidian frowned, "If I had some berries.... yeah. This poison is made with a very well kept formula that Penance taught me. It's a mix of some berries and some other ingredients. If I had some specific things, then I could make an antidote for it. Problem is I doubt Karn has those things here."

"Huh." Kilian drummed his fingers on his arms, thinking. "And what are those things?"

"Berries, powder, stuff like that." Obsidian answered casually. "If everyone else has secrets they want to keep, well, I figure this can be one of my first." He said. "Besides, can't let such information be overheard. You never know if a ghost type is overhearing."

Smirking, Kilian replied jokingly, "Alrighty, then. Mysterious contact, check. Mysterious antidote recipe, check. What else is there?"

"Sacha, please, not now," Alex groaned, rubbing his forehead.

"Fine, fine. Just trying to lighten the mood after your...well, both of your talking about secrets and selfishness and whatnot." The Greninja shrugged. "Thinking, though, there is a small storage that Mister Argyris has here. You'd have to ask him about taking a look, juuust in case the right ingredients are around."

Alex was thinking back to who else might take point with Kilian. There was the Klefki, the Unown, the idea of taking a psychic with them... "Without an antidote, I suspect it wouldn't hurt to bring a healer with us, at least to delay any poisoning we might get." He shook his head and stood up, retrieving his cane with a psychic pull. "I'm going to ask Haris just who exactly is available."

"That can work. Just try not to get poisoned. Once it gets into the bloodstream... well, it's a tricky process after that. Time is of an important matter. Which does lead me to my next concern. We have to take away Alai's berries just in case he's able to prolong his poisoning and get away to someone who could cure him. That means making sure he can't cook up a recipe and also having mon laying outside and ready to slow him down if need be. Perhaps some traps too... it depends." Obsidian frowned, "He could potentially be fast."

"Don't forget, I'll be coming along," Alex replied, tapping his cane on the floor. "Depending on what Haris says, I may end up being the only psychic available, aside from the Unown." He stopped, counting something in his head. "Albin, there are currently six on Hugo's team, including himself, correct?"

<Correct,> Albin replied hesitantly. He looked at Obsidian and floated closer, beginning to circle around him as much as he could with a wall to one side.

Alex nodded. "Thank you. So the Unown and I can focus on taking away Alai's berries and slowing him down. Fintan knows generally how to keep a 'mon from fleeing for at least a few seconds at a time, so I believe we'll bring him along after all."

Obsidian nodded, "Alright, so we get the berries away from him first. I'm not sure if he would know how to counteract my poison. Getting as many tools out of his hands as possible will be key to get my poison to claim his life. To make this work we also have to make sure we have a backup plan, just in case the worst happens. If my poison doesn't take him down, then we'll need something else. A trap of some kind we can spring on him. Any of you know how to make traps?" He asked the two.

"Weeellll, I have wanted to try my own version of a trap that was set for my father once," Alex replied. "One of the things he told me about, a while back, was how he'd discovered that Paradox was born. Of course, that was inside the mind, and this would be Alai's place we're crashing, not our own..."

Kilian shrugged. "Sorry, not a lot of experience with traps. My style has usually been more chasing than waiting, at least with journaling." He rubbed his head, then frowned as he pulled his hand away with the egg smear on it. "OhsnapI'llbebackgottasavebreakfast!" The Greninja rushed out of the room, leaving Alexandre trying not to laugh out loud. The 'B' Unown followed Kilian at a slower pace, blinking.

<We can spring one of a few different traps,> Albin relayed, still circling around Obsidian and observing him. The other two Unown had begun wandering around the room, with the 'X' Unown disappearing behind the couch. <With four of us, we can spring a barrier around Alai should he wander into our area. With up to ten, it would be stronger. Depending on how many of us are present, we could set almost any kind of trap you could think of.>

"Er... is this guy alright?" Obsidian asked Alex as he kept a wary eye on the Unown floating around him. "This is kind of personal space he's invading now."

<I'm getting a better look at you,> Albin replied, though he did back off a few feet in order to leave Obsidian's personal space. <I would apologize, but if Master SharpEye does not intend to keep secrets from you any longer, then I need to know who it is he's letting in.>

Alexandre shrugged apologetically. "Albin and other Unown tend to do that sort of thing, Obi. I've asked them before to not get too close to whoever they're observing, but I try not to actually control them anymore than I would control you, Kilian, or any other 'mon." His eyes lit up briefly with a new thought. "Oh, one of Alai's strengths seems to be mobility. We're able to make ropes and that sort of thing out of energy, which is easier if done in advance. That would fit into a trap."

Obsidian returned his attention to Alex, giving him a quick nod, "That's true. Maybe if we can use some psychic power to keep him immobile. If we can't get his berries away from him, then how about restraining him enough so he can't even grab them? That sounds fine enough." He stated.

Alex twisted his cane in his hand, then nodded back. "Yes, that sounds fine to me, as well. So first plan, poison Alai. Second plan, pin him down with psychic energy. Or Hidden Power energy." He turned and pushed the end of his cane between two of the couch's cushions, wedging it so it would stand on its own. Alex then brought his hands up together and drew one away from the other, forming a thin rope of ice energy between them. As he continued to repeat this motion, making a coil of rope, Alex grinned and added, "Pre-action plan, eat breakfast, assuming Sacha's absentmindedness didn't ruin it."

Obsidian sat on down, "We need to come up with a few more back up plans as well. This is a dangerous target, one or two ideas won't stop him."

Kilian walked in through the door again, this time carrying a tray with two plates and cups on it. The 'B' Unown came in behind him, psychically carrying another plate and cup. "Well, in addition to scrambled eggs," Kilian started, heading for a table in one corner of the room, "Haris managed to get a small selection of fruit and berries. And obviously, there's meat. Again. This is dried, though, it was already ready to eat." He put the tray down and pulled the table out into the middle of the room. "I guess we head to Alai after eating?" Kilian asked.

"Unless we're still planning, yes," Alex answered, glancing at the food. "We'll know more once I speak with Haris for a moment." He nodded to Obsidian and Kilian before leaving the room, cane in hand.

Kilian blinked, accepting what the 'B' Unown was carrying. "Eh, he could've just telepathed Haris, I thought..." He looked back at Obsidian. "Do you think he's feeling distraught? Oh, hey, I rhymed a bit there..."

All of a sudden, the Unown in the room began flying back to Alex's cloak in the corner, disappearing inside it. <Not a word that we're here,> Albin conveyed to Obsidian and Kilian, being the last to go. A moment later, the cloak appeared as if nothing was inside it.


Matilda and Able were barely exiting the inn when the Accelgor stopped and put a hand to her head. She seemed to listen to something before shaking her head and turning to the Ninjask. "Well, chances are that you aren't meeting with Mister SharpEye just yet," Matilda stated. "Something seems to have come up, which, I'm sorry to say, means I need to go as well."

"Huh? Well hey you wanna inform me or something?" Able asked her, moving in closer. "What other shenanigans are going in in this city? I can help out ya know!"

"Um..." Matilda nervously twitched a piece of membrane back into place. "It's not my place to discuss it right now..." She backed away a few feet, giving Able an apologetic look. "And, well, um...oh, forget it. Bye!" Matilda turned and began flying away at an urgent pace, swerving around two Mankeys who were fighting over something on the ground between them.

"O-oh! Uh... okay!" Able said with a confused expression... she wasn't going to be satisfied with just that. She was sick of the secrets. Was Greg truely involved with that Dealer group? Was Alai telling the truth? And what was SEC up too... Able was still a part of the Gold tribe's group! She deserved some kind of involvement! Able decided to simply follow suit... she had to make sure SEC wasn't going to mess up Snype's plan. Outside parties made their jobs extra complicated. especially SEC. Ironic considering the Ninjask Network was designed to bypass their systems completely.

Matilda's route, which only ever slowed down in order to avoid being hit by Karnians, zigzagged through several streets, alleys, and over rooftops throughout Daggen, sometimes going in circles. At a few corners, the Accelgor stopped and turned in a circle, watching her surroundings and looking out for anyone following. Eventually, Matilda stopped somewhere in the southern sector of Daggen, at a house that looked just like any other on the street. That included a few burn marks and several bashes and scrapes along the outside walls. Matilda stopped and turned in a circle again, looking for anyone else one more time before she flew straight up and over the house, into the back yard.

The Ninjask folllowed Matilda... her thief training and quick speed was enough to keep her on Matilda's tail. Perhaps she was expecting Able to follow her? Whichever the case, she was getting sick of this secrative behavior from everyone she had been bumping into. Greg, Alai, the guy from the Bar, and now Matilda? She was beginning to wonder if she was still in Karn... When Able saw Matilda fly over the house, the Ninjask slowly moved up closer to stay on her tail. This could be the meetup location if anything... the least she could do was listen in on everyone but knowing SEC? they likely had Psychics all around to make sure nobody was listening in.

Suddenly, the Accelgor doubled back and flew up above the roof again, letting out a small 'Eep!' as she stopped herself from bumping into Able. "Able, whyyy?..." Matilda shook her head and closed her eyes with a sigh.

"I'm sick of secrets Matilda." Able huffed. "You are the fourth mon to keep shit away from me in this city. You think I'd sit by idly while you do who the hell knows what? Greg, the mon with that weird pass phrase, Alai, and this whole Dealer stuff I keep hearing about. What's going on?" She asked.

Matilda twitched several pieces of her membrane into place as she spoke, looking anywhere but at Able's eyes. "I really wish I could tell you, especially because you're friends with Anna, but, well, it's not my place... Ohhh, confound it all." Matilda put a hand to the side of her head, closing her eyes once again as she became silent.

"Dammit is it really that hard to get some answers? It feels like the only mon giving me some proper answers is that bloody agent! He might be lying for all I know but hell! Maybe he isn't! I want to find out just whats really going on in this city! So if you know any pointers on that, or this Dealer guy then that'd be just dandy!"

Matilda flinched at Able's outburst, but she kept her stance. A moment later, she flinched again, which was followed by the Accelgor's face brightening a bit. She opened her eyes and dropped her hand. "They confirmed it, Able," Matilda said, visibly relieved in body and voice. "Mister Argyris is against you coming inside, of course, but Mister SharpEye wants you inside. Just follow me through the back door." She held up a hand as if to defend herself against anything Able would say. "I promise you, we're not going to stab you in the back or anything like that. It's a meeting about the Agent, actually..." Matilda turned and began flying back toward the backyard, expecting the Ninjask to follow.

"I chatted with him for a good twenty minutes. You damn well better be bringing me in there." Able huffed as she followed Matilda inside. "If they got a problem then I'll give em a firm talking too."

"And I'm sure Mister Argyris will talk right back at you," Matilda retorted, reaching inside her membrane as she stopped at the back door to the house. She began humming a tune and pulled out a key, inserting it into the door's lock. Still humming, Matilda opened the door and gestured for Able to go in first. Once they were both inside, she closed the door behind her and put her key away. "Right this way," Matilda said, floating through the kitchen and toward the front. She glanced at a few bowls and boxes that were left on the counter, some sporting dried fruit.

In the front room, Matilda came to a halt as Alexandre and a Metagross looked over. Alex smiled as he waved a hand at them. "How are you today?"

"Miss Read," the Metagross greeted with narrowed eyes. "This is Able, then?" he asked, turning his eyes to the Ninjask.

Able gave off a small wave. "Nice to meet you too." Able said with a small hint of Sarcasm, still slightly urked but at least she was here now. This wasn't exactly the place to go off being proud about her network considering these were the people she had worked so hard to bypass back in the day. "Yup! That'd be me! So whats all this here? Having some kinda secret meeting and all that? Never saw SEC as the shady types!" Able joked.

Matilda jumped a little when the Metagross let out a guffaw of laughter. "This is no SEC outpost, missy! Now I'd rather you turn 'round and forget you ever met us!"

"Do calm down, Haris," Alex interrupted with a grin, tapping one of the Metagross' legs with his cane. "Miss Able, you already know Matilda. This grump here is Haris Argyris, who lives here. He does have a point, though. These 'mon here, they're not members of the SEC." Looking up as the back door was heard opening again, Alex added, "Directly, that is."

"Oooohhhh the plot thickens." Able said with a hardened stare. "Any other hard hitters you wanna drop while we're ahead?"

Alex raised his eyebrows in mild surprise. "Well, I would have liked for you to be in a better mood, but this doesn't seem to be the day for that sort of thing."

"Sorry." Able shook her head. "From running back and forth and being lied to the past week I'm not exactly the cheery bug I usually am... as hypocritical as that sounds considering recent events."

The Gardevoir gave a shrug. He glanced past Able as a Chimecho and Klefki stopped in the doorway. "Good morning, Fintan, Soroush."

"Oh hi there!" The Chimecho greeted back, coming up to Able's side and beaming at her. "Are ya new to the sigh, then? I'm Soroush, this is Fintan, Mister SharpEye, what are you doing here, I thought you were busy outside o' Karn!" The Klefki, Fintan, merely blinked at Able.

"No, no, Able here already has her own occupation," Alex replied, waving a hand in the air. "Able, if you would like to come this way, Obi and Sacha are in another room."

Able glanced over to the Chimecho giving off a small chuckle. "Uh... nice to meet you two. But yeah I kinda wandered on in. If ya want something done you gotta do it yourself you know?" Able said as she followed Alex. Out of some crazy precaution though, the Ninjask prepared Detect. Perhaps she was getting paranoid herself now.

Alex led Able down another hallway, bringing her to a room where Obsidian and a Greninja were eating breakfast. The Greninja was staring at the cloak in one corner, a puzzled look on his face. "We have another guest here," Alex announced, stepping to one side to allow Able inside.

Obsidian glanced over at the sound of Alex's voice, soon spying Able as well, "... So we're using Snype's people for this too?" He asked Alex, "Does he know about this place as well?"

Alexandre shook his head. "No, Snype isn't in on this, either. Able here decided to follow Matilda and find some more answers. However, I decided to let her in. According to Greg, she already met Alai. And besides, she is part of the Cresselia searchers Obi."

Obsidian gave a brief nod to that, "Alright then… well, Able, we're currently figuring out how to take down Alai. He's one of those generals in Darkrai's army and he's making a mess of things here. If we can take him out then the capital will be somewhat secure from his activities. If this place falls, Karn falls. If Karn falls, then we lose a very big ally to our cause.That's what we're trying to prevent. We've already gone through some scenarios to kill him off, and hopefully we'll come up with a few more."

Able just blinked at that. "Huh… er… kill him off huh? Well that sure escalated quickly." She simply said, buzzing around the room. "And uh, nice to see you again too Obi. Straight and too the point eh? Alright…"

Obsidian held out a hand, "I prefer to be, now more than ever. I've seen you around and heard about you but it's sort of funny this is our first proper meeting. In any case… it's important that we take him out." He lowered his hand once the handshake was over and turned back to peer down at the table, "If he manages to take out this city… it won't be good for Karn. Keeping him alive is too dangerous, especially since he's already turned some of Greg's people against him."

"I almost agree with you, kid," Haris boomed, shoving his large frame through the door. Behind him, the other three 'mon filed in and joined the relative circle of 'mon around the table and couch. The Metagross added, "If Alai weren't working for Darkrai, however, I would rather let him rattle Greg's cage."

"Oh so you are gonna join the sigh?" Soroush asked, interrupting and watching Able. "I know you have your own occupation already, but you wouldn't really be allowed in here if you weren't joining, what's going on again, who's Alai?"

"Alai is the Simisage working for Darkrai," Kilian answered, pushing his part-full plate away. "Food right there, if anyone needs to eat. Same in the kitchen." Haris narrowed his eyes at the Greninja, rubbing the floor a bit with his claw. "But yeah, Able, planning to kill Alai. I already suggested we leave him alive, but that was kinda shot down."

Able flew over to Killian. "Seriously? Shot down? L-look I know he's a dangerous mon but, really? Killing him?" Able said, sounding a tad distressed. "I know he's done alot of infiltration work but the mon hasn't hurt a fly! It just doesn't feel right. I talked to him for a good hour or so and he didn't lay a single finger on me. On top of that, Alai's only one problem to worry about in Karn which is why I'm here in the first place." Able explained before flying to the center of the room. "Weird question for all of you! What is the color of the sheets of titan? Trust me it's important."

Obsidian blinked a bit, "... I would imagine if they are part of a mountain then white? Cause snow?" He crossed his arms, "What's this about?"

"I haven't seen them," Kilian answered, cocking his head, "so I wouldn't know."

Matilda and Soroush registered confusion in their eyes, while Haris and Fintan merely watched. Alex finished chewing, looking thoughtful as he asked, "Yes, what is this about?"

"It relates to a situation I'm investigating along with Snype in Karn. I take you've heard of the dealer right?" She said before flying down a bit lower. "A very odd underground organization in Karn… it's a bit out of place all things considered. Snype first suspected Greg being mixed in with the organization and I've been looking around to see if there was any truth to that. He sent me on a task to deliver a simple letter to one of his friends. Seemed innocent enough but the guy seemed to be really upset at Greg. Something about losing several men… then he suddenly asked that very same question. The thieves are familiar with codewords and some of their tricks so I answered Red. I mean, folks who go up mount titan usually die on the way up right? I got it wrong of course but the mon shifted his tone drastically and sent me on my way immediately. Like he was trying to confirm something. I can't help but feel like there's some sort of link with all of this… heck even when I spoke with Alai, he said that something else was afoot in Karn as well. I thought he was tricking me at first, but considering what happened…" Able paused and began to think.

"What's this?" Matilda asked, peering down at the map on the table. "A map of Daggen?"

"Greg handed it to Obi when he told us about Alai being around," Alex answered absentmindedly, staring into space. "Alai has been to each of those points, in order to disrupt Greg's operations."

Frowning at the map, Haris groaned, "I recognize a few of these points… Ha! Alai against Greg? Now I want to meet him! He's gotta know something!"

"You all are forgetting one important thing. Alai is our enemy." Obsidian glanced around the table, "I have no love for Karn myself, but this is a battle for this world. From what I know, he has a way with words, very similar to Penance in that regard. He might sound nice, but he works for Darkrai. Able, I don't know what he said to you, but he is trying to make you forget about his allegiances. He works for Darkrai, he wants to kill Arceus, he wants to make sure this entire world is destroyed, or at least enslaved by Darkrai. I personally don't want that to happen. I'm pretty sure no one in this room wants Darkrai ruling over them. The plague in Beautruce will be cupcakes compared to what else he could throw at us, and in case you forgot thousands lost their lives and hundreds were enslaved to his will. Keeping one general alive is too risky. We tried that with Roxanna and James, and look at how that turned out."

Able shook her head. "I know I know. I'm not saying to let Alai do what he wants. But if there's something else going on in Karn that could entirely ruin our own plan then we gotta look into it! I don't know what the Dealer is up to or what the heck Snype found out on his end of things, but I gotta know what's going on and see if it's even a threat to begin with! That code phrase is one of the keys to finding out if there's some other threat in Karn... just before I delivered that letter, I overheard two mon on some kind of job and mentioned Alai on top of that. He was getting in their way. I need to find Alai again and get more answers and that sure can't happen while he's dead! The only big thing i heard from them was "someone" taking care of the Alai situation. Well, a "He" to be specific."

"We've been trying to figure out the Dealer ever since he showed up!" Soroush piped up quickly. "He, she, it, whatever, we've also been looking at Greg, I mean, they both could be threats, but there's no concrete connection we've come up with!"

"So there's my thought again," Kilian added eagerly. "Instead of killing him, we could try to get information out of Alai. And yes, Obsidian, he does have a way with words, I think he's genuine about his reasons for following Gabriel. But even though Gabe's end goal seems to be different, I agree that it can't be good. Hum… so how about this? We go with the planning we've already done, except instead of killing Alai, we knock him out, possibly with a different kind of toxin. Or… what was that about finding Alai again?"

"Ya know I think you're trying a little to hard there. Heheh" Able chuckled. "Seriously I know where to meet the guy. I can literally knock on the front door and say hi whenever I want. Though… Greg didn't want me to go do that… but since when do thieves follow the rules huh?" Able snickered. "Alai offered me to help join him at stopping Greg before, but it would be suspicious if none of you did what Greg had asked. As far as information goes? I think he'd be willing to tell me whatever I ask about it. And hopefully the code phrase from before…"

Obsidian was silent for a moment, thinking over everything that had been said. "Able." he finally said as he looked at her, "... You do have experience in this. I'll let you try this. I'll let you ask Alai questions and see if he's with us in some manners. But." He held up a claw, "If he's not. If he's someone who will be against us now and forever as long as Darkrai lives… then we will kill him. I'm giving you this chance, but I can't allow another James or another Roxanna to happen. Understood?"

"Believe me. I understand more than anyone…" Able said, recalling back to what happened in the forest. "Besides, if he was lying to me, then I won't exactly have alot of reservations on it to begin with you know? I'm sure he's at least with us in terms of the whole Greg and dealer buisness. I just need proof of some means toward the Dealer or hell if Greg is even connected in the first place. Could be coincidence! I just have to make absolutely sure." She explained. "Heh, sides, last I heard, Alai's one of Darkrai's top agents. I don't think killing or knocking him out would be the easiest thing! Heck he could be stronger than Bastille… I'd say this is our safest option for now!"

Obsidian frowned, "Anything is possible. Know that. But for now… just do what you need to do. I have a feeling he'll probably try to get information out of you. You two weren't followed, were you?"

"Not that I'm aware of," Matilda answered quietly, twitching a piece of membrane back into place. "Well, besides Able, I'm surprised she was able to keep up with me...then again, it's probably not that surprising...ohhh…"

"Hey," Kilian lifted a finger, "might be a good chance to really test out one of the modified shadow stones. We're sure it wouldn't malfunction if Alai had a counter bracelet, anyway. That way, if things turn more sour, I'd be there to help, and Alex could see into my mind to see where we are and 'port in, along with anyone else needed."

"Perfect! Having some backup just incase would be nice!" She said with a grin, looking around cautiously. She was wondering if she had been followed. It seemed like the sort of thing Alai would do that's for sure… she decided not to say anything. Even if Alai was listening in, it didn't really change her plan. "Guess you and I will be tag teaming this little mission eh?" She said, giving off a playful nudge toward Killian.

"If Able managed to follow you, then I'm sure there are some eyes out there that followed you two as well." Obsidian sighed, "Be careful heading out. We may have unexpected company, in any case."

"Tsk, well if they wanna come out then that's only going to make proving my case easier!" Able laughed.

Obsidian lowered his head, "Let's get this done quick. The sooner we clear up if the city is going to fall, the better."

"Good, because the suspense is killing me," Soroush sighed. "Are Greg and the Dealer connected, or are they not? Maybe we wouldn't know at all if this Alai didn't show up, really, judging by this map, he's been busy. Who wants breakfast?"

"Well, then let's head out," Kilian muttered, standing up. He paused and asked, "Erm, unless you need to eat, Able?..."

"Oh! Uh…" Able felt her own stomach somewhat vibrate, causing the bug to give off a faint blush. "Eheh… well I guess I was kinda in a rush this morning. Food sounds good!"

"Okay, food, then talking to Alai. Sounds like a plan!"
Able VS Alai, Round 3

The Ninjask quickly made her way back to the tavern she had met Alai previously. If he wasn't there then at the very least she could figure out what he was up too. The Ninjask needed this information to figure out what was truly going on with the Dealer and more importantly, if Greg was truly up to something. She knew Killian wouldn't be too far behind in case things went sour... all that she had to worry about for now was getting the information that she could and maybe sweet talking the guy into revealing more then she intended. The Ninjask quickly made her way inside of the Galleon's Gamble and made her way back to the Bartender. At the same time, she looked behind er to make sure nobody had been following her. Granted, keeping up with a Ninjask was a very difficult task in the first place. All she had to do was ask Bob about Alai. If she was lucky, the Simisage wouldn't be too far or maybe in his room.

"Look who it is," Bob the bartender greeted the Ninjask with a nod of his head. "Back for more?"

"Hiya Bob! You know it!" The ninjask said, playing it off casually. "Is Alai hanging around here? Wanted to chat with him for a bit." She said with a cheery expression.

"Talk, huh?" The bartender sighed. "That what you call it? Well, like I said before, don't go breaking nothin'. Same spot, third door down," He pointed above.

Able looked up at the door and back to Bob. Something felt off... "Heheh, thanks! I'll be back for some drinks hopefully!" The Ninjask cheered before flying up. Just in case though, she activated Detect... maybe at the very least she could give the Simisage a fun little scare! Though maybe that wasn't too wise of a thing to do with an agent but she did oh so love to see the guy get flustered! As soon as Able made her way to the door, the Ninjask recklessly opened it right up! Caution to the wind. "Guess who's baaaaccckkkkk!" She said happily.

As the Ninjask opened the door quickly, Alai was already in front of her, jumping at her in the air, prepared it seems to take her out. His speed was nearly blinding, coming as a reaction to her fast action herself, which in itself was impressive. But his reflexes seemed almost beyond compare. At the last minute, Alai broke off from his attack and stopped right beside Able. "Gah! Able! What are you doing?! Sneaking up on me like that! S-sorry!" He quickly apologized.

The Ninjask thankfully was fully prepared with Detect but even with her temporarily enhanced senses, that kind of speed was difficult to keep up with! Something she never imagined would be taken account for. "Hehe! Knew I'd give ya a good scare! Yikes I should have had a feeling you'd be on edge. Sorry bout that! Guess better that than flying in on ya doing something like showering eh? Or whatever ya do." She joked with another sly laugh.

"I mean... I wouldn't know why you don't think I don't shower," Alai shrugged. "It's not like I'm some freak or something... haha, but yeah, your buddy Greg's been hounding me for a while. Sending a friggen army after me. I hardly get a break now. He must reeeaaallly not like what I'm doing!" He chuckled.

"Haha! No I didn't mean like that! Maybe you're like, a bath person or something I dunno! But uh, enough about that! I don't need to know about your personal hygiene! Too much information!" She chuckled once more. "I ended up taking the box back to him. I figure keeping close to Greg for more information would have been the best option rather then, ya know, being hunted down. Aha... Glad I did because I found out a couple interesting things. Greg reaalllly doesn't want me dropping by to see you." Able said, giving him a small poke on the chest. "For shame! I was starting to actually miss you and everything!"

Alai chuckled somewhat nervously. "Gee... thanks! But, really? And here I figured you'd be a bit mad at me for sending you back empty-handed."

"Pleasee I sorta expected it." She winked. "Classic bait and switch. My boss has done that plenty of times. I know my infiltration tricks Alai you sly bastard. What the heck did you even take anyways? That box just seemed to have names of various mon in it... er, if ya don't mind me asking!"

"So the big Snorlax didn't even tell you," Alai muttered and shook his head. Alai frowned, before his expression became more serious. "Why'd you come back, Able?"

Able's expression likewise, turned serious as well. "I'm having trouble trusting alot of folks in this town Alai. But you've been the most straight out of all of them." She explained. "I was wondering if you knew about this phrase. Someone asked me, "What colors are the sheets of mount titan?" earlier. I was wondering if you happened to know about that." Able said, flying over to his bed to at least sit down.

"I think it's, 'What color are the ice sheets of Titan,'" Alai corrected with a small raise of his finger. "But no, never heard of the expression before," The Simisage said jokingly. "It's a Dealer phrase. What people in their camp say to each other to greet each other."

"I knew it had something to do with the Dealer! Snype was right to keep me around Greg... he had me deliver a letter to a Hitmonchan friend of his. The guy sure seemed pretty pissed off about losing Men due to Greg until he asked me that phrase. I responded with red but I'm guessing I was wrong since the guy shooed me off after taking the letter." Able sighed. "Can't believe it takes agent of Darkrai to be honest with me. You better not be tellin' any fibs bud! I'll know mister infiltrator!" She snickered.

"Oh, will you now?" Alai asked playfully. He paused for a moment and continued on. "Say Able, that Hitmonchan. He wouldn't happen to be a fella named Dill, would he?"

Able seemed to pale a bit. "U-uh... yeah he was... oh geez, I didn't do anything bad for ya delivering that letter did I?" She asked worriedly.

Alai waved his hand dismissively. "No, no, don't worry about it!" He exclaimed with a smile. "He was just involved in something else I was looking up earlier. Damn psycho story, I tell ya."

"Wait, does it have to do with those two other mon I saw while I was on my way delivering the thing? They mentioned you getting in their way and having someone else deal with you... it was a sneasel and houndour or something. I figured it'd be connected." Able chuckled. "Strange how we seem to keep some weird connection with this whole task even when I'm on the other side of the city!"

"Hmm, nah, no relation," The Simisage responded. "My thing has to do more with a story I heard from down south. I doubt you'd wanna hear it. It's pretty darn brutal. But... I'd love to hear what the Sneasel and Houndour said!" Alai stated with another smile.

"I didn't really catch a whole lot... they just said stuff about someone having them "dancing around a ghost" and stopping somebody before they get cleaned out. I figured it had something to do with the dealer or something along those lines..." Able got herself more comfortable on the bed. "They said something was already set up. If they screwed up then everything would be lost. They seemed worried about you ruining everything. I haven't the slightest clue what they were on about though. Think its the dealer?" Able asked.

"Hmm... maybe," Alai pondered. "Kinda sounds like it!" He exclaimed with another smile. "But what do I know?" He added with a shrug. "Sounds all mushy to me."

"Heh, you seem to know a lot of things Alai. I'd be surprised if you didn't at least have some kinda hint." Able smiled. "Hey whatcha still standing around for? Comon sit down with me and relax a little! I won't bite or anything." Able said, playfully swatting out her two claws.

Alai chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head. He then nodded and proceeded over toward Able. However, before he reached there, he stopped suddenly, his smile vanishing immediately. He paused and looking out the window for a moment in silence.

Able turned toward Alai with a frown. "...Alai your sending me alot of mixed signals here. eheh..." Able said.

Alai continued to stare motionlessly out the window. His ears twitched up and down a few times. But suddenly, he broke off from his trance, and looked back up at Able. He smiled again. "Hmm? Oh, sorry about that! I've just been under a lot of stress recently... these guys coming after me are tough..." He said with a weary sigh. "I don't really know how much longer I can go at them, to be honest. Heck, I was thinking of just getting out of dodge recently."

"They're really that tough?" Able questioned, tilting her head. "Your one of Darkrai's top agents! Heck I saw your technique when I barged in the room. Your certainly a force of nature Alai, but I don't think even you can take on a general and his army by yourself." Able chuckled. "I swore you were almost as fast as me. Maybe a litttleee faster? I could feel a hint of jealousy for sure. Hehe!... comon sit down and take a breather. My boss does the same thing sometimes." She smiled invitingly.

Alai smiled again and hopped up on the bed beside Able. He tucked one knee to his chest and let the other hang over the side of the bed. "Nah, I'm nothing too special. Thing is, one of the good things about Revoll, back when he was around, was that he knew how to hype us Agents up quite a bit. I mean, sure, there's some good ones among us, but it's not like we're undefeatable 'mon that they always say. Those are mostly stories for the soldiers. Keep 'em going. Give 'em hope. But it's true, me against an army, THE army of Karn... hehehe... maybe I was a bit too zealous. After all, this country has the most soldiers. And they're strong ones too. Eventually, you just get worn out."

Able gave his arm a small pat. "Heh. You know how we feel when we're going against all of you now huh?" Able said. "Karn's one thing but we're at odds with Darkrai constantly. It gets tiring for us but that's just how it is..." The Ninjask slowly flew up to the air and behind Alai, placing her claws onto his back. "Here this oughta help ya relax. Ever get a massage from a Ninjask? It's kinda intense but works like a charm, That is, if ya don't mind that kinda contact with your enemy." She said in a teasing tone.

Alai laughed again nervously. "U-uh... no never tried it! But I guess I'm willing to give it a go!" He turned slightly away from her to give her access.

"Heh, you sound more nervous then ya did before. Especially when I'm chatting with ya like this." Able chuckled as she placed her claws onto his back to get herself ready. The Ninjask used her claws to at least get a feel for where she was going to loosen him up at before she really got to work. At least this way she was getting closer to the mon. She'd be able to lean more this way for sure. At the same time though, Able really did legitimately like the guy. Having a simple conversation and interaction with the other side like this just made Able rethink the war as a whole. "You're a good mon Alai. I'm happy someone on the other side at least is willing to understand the situation from both sides. Its not an easy thing to do." She complimented.

Alai sighed deeply. "It definitely isn't," The Simisage agreed. "Not a lot of 'mon are willing to give it a try."

"Heh... you're one of the more pleasant ones to talk with in this adventure. Ironic since your kinda the enemy... alright brace yourself! This could hurt a little! Ya may feel a bit of pent of aggression here and there!" Able chuckled as her claws suddenly began to rapidly pound at his back in the form of a massage, topped off by Able's trademark speed as she flew up and down the Simisage's back.

"Oh! Ah! WOW!" Alai exclaimed as the Ninjask went to work on his back. "Dang, that's impressive!"

"Hah! Told ya!" Able chuckled as she continued going to town to loosen the Semisage's muscles up a bit further. "Ha... you know... I never did ask, you told me what Greg was going to do but I never did ask what his real absolute plan was... he wants control but... I figure its related to the dealer. One big goal... I suppose that's what my boss is trying to figure out near the tourney as well. They can't just be here in Daggen." Able said as she continued his massage.

"You think they're around other places too?" Alai asked during the massage. "Ah... nice... hear anything from Snype about them?"

"Nah... he's farrrr up north. He's participating in the tournament up in Erble. Snype said that Greg told him he'd stay in contact... Though communicating from that far away in Karn is kinda difficult for me. I'd kill for that kind of information. Who knows what's going on up there..." Able sighed as she began to go for his shoulders next. "Doesn't hurt too much does it? I've occasionally done this with Snype a few times. Haha. I maaayyy have injured him one or two times though in practice. At least you have pretty firm muscle compared to him!" She said.

Alai chuckled. "It's perfect, no worries!" The Simisage let out another satisfying sigh. "So your guys are all participating up in the tournament then?" He asked the Ninjask.

Able chuckled and pressed up slightly against his shoulders and rubbed a bit slower. "Heheh, careful there bud. You're not trying to get info from me to give to your big dark master are ya?" Able said in a teasing tone, flying a little closer as she kept rubbing his shoulders. "Hehehe, teasing aside, pretty sure the entirety of Karn would know who's in that tournament by now. So I'll give ya a pass... for now." She said before finishing up on his shoulders. "Anything else need loosening up? Feet? Legs? Neck?"

Alai rose himself up and stretched. "I think I'm good. Thanks a lot! Oh, and I didn't mean it like that! I was just asking out of concern. See... I've got a few of my friends in that tourney too," He frowned. "I really don't want them to be fighting each other and... well, I know you ran into Roxy before, but James is a whole 'nother story. Plus, there's someone else. Someone worse."

"When I think of someone worse, Xander is the only other thing that I can think of but... someone else?" Able asked, perching back down onto the bed. "Hard to keep track of all you agents honestly."

"Oh, this one's not with us," The Simisage muttered, his expression going stone cold. "It's about that thing I was telling you about earlier. That Dill had to do with," He explained. The Simisage leaned back along the bed post and continued. "See, Dill's what you call a company leader. Leads his own band of mercs across Karn. Mostly Daggen, but they get hired out sometimes to other places. So I picked up some information that they get hired out to go south. Apparently there was someone who stepped into Karn that no one knew about," Alai gestured to Able. "And if you know anything about Karn, they don't like foreigners moving around without getting the Emperor's approval first. So, they get a group together, and they were basically planning on wringing this dude in. Bring him in, see the Emps, and go from there. Or just send him on his way. Now, let me explain something to you. These guys... they aren't pushovers. This is one of the best Karnian merc groups around. And by Karnian standards, pretty upstanding guys. Don't hurt women and children, never take jobs against the poor or disenfranchised. Hell, they've turned down good paying jobs for cheaper ones because it was the "right" thing to do. If you ask me, Dill and his people are all right," Alai said with a nod.

The Simisage frowned again. "Or, were alright. A little while ago, they find this 'mon. This foreign guy. And before they even give him as much as a warning, he cuts them down without mercy. Without feeling. Without even thinking about it. Burns them all in one big pile too. Like they were garbage. This guy... he's the devil, if I ever heard of him. And they were completely taken off guard by how nice he originally was. Last I heard from what I scouted out, he was on his way to the tournament too," Alai explained with a worried frown.

"W...wha?!" Able said with a paniced expression. "A foreigner? Wha... do you know what species he is? Does the guy have anything to do with the Dealer? If he the reason you've been so stressed out? Ah... damnit! If I could get in contact over in Erble I could at the very least warn Snype and the others..."

"Well, can't Greg do it?" Alai questioned. "Last I heard, the guy had connections to psychic communications and teleportation to the big cities. Least that's what I heard... hmm, I don't exactly remember his name... kinda forgot. But I remember he was a Garchomp. Armored, I hear."

"A Garchomp... well I guess I could ask Greg... infact maybe... wait wait wait. I'm losing track! First there's this talk about Greg doing things and now theres this Garchomp going to the tournament. How long ago was this?"

"Hmm... must have been a bit over a week ago?" Alai thought on it. "I don't know the exact dates, it's what I got from one of Greg's scouts."

"That was about when Snype left... hmm..." Able rubbed her head. "That Garchomp might be out of our hands right now but I can at least try to get in contact with Snype... maybe through Greg or other means. Ugh..." Able gave off a sigh and drooped onto the bed. "I never imagined so many things would happen all at once in Karn. Every time I find an answer there's ten more left to solve."

"Yeah... it's this place," Alai agreed with a sigh. "Karn never's gonna change. It's always gonna be the way it is... it's an affirmation for me. It's one of the reasons I'm fighting for. To change from places like these. But I can't do anything else here, I think. Might be time for me to bugger out of Daggen," Alai said with a shrug.

"What will you do if you do then?" Able asked, getting up and flying up a bit closer to him. "I'd still like to find answers here in Daggen myself... but what about you?" Able said, still trying to keep her own sweet talk going to get answers out. "Maybe there's more allies here then ya think you know?"

Alai shrugged. "I dunno, probably head to Anatellia. Things aren't going to hot for us there. Or maybe I'll just go back to the Path of Nations. Things aren't running as smoothly since Revoll's gone," Alai sighed, before chuckling. "Heh... look at me, telling the other side we've got our own problems. Not really good tactics there," He added with a shrug. "As for Daggen, well, I think I've seen just about all I wanted to of this place. I'm hoping whatever I did stopped enough of what Greg's got cooking up, but I can't really be sure. His pockets are deeper than I thought."

Able chuckled at that. "I'm pretty sure Greg doesn't wear pants to have pockets in silly." She joked. She did recall that the other folks wanted to have Alai out of Karn anyways. At the very least it'd be one less agent to worry about in Karn... but surely there was more she could get out of him. "Even if you do leave, we'll continue doing what we can. Ya know, between this Garchomp, The Dealer, and Greg anyways..." Able sighed. "What's Greg up to? You gave it to me brief but I've never gotten a solid answer. If there's anything you can tell me..." The Ninjask reached down to hold up one of Alai's hands with her two claws. "I can at least try to finish your job while you look out for your own."

"You know Able, I wish I knew," The Simisage muttered as he rose up. "The Dealer, Greg, this Garchomp. I'm not sure how it's all connected. I'm not actually sure if the three even are. I personally don't care much for the Dealer. I was more worried about Greg and this Garchomp. The Garchomp because he may be after my friends up north, and Greg because he was looking into starting up something against Darkrai, while the rest of Karn was more or less not fully committed into it. I didn't want that to happen," Alai walked closer to the window. "I think I stopped what I came here to stop on my end... but I wish you luck on figuring out your whole mess."

"Alai..." So Greg wasn't completely lying... he was simply scheming a means to face against Darkrai. The Ninjask had nearly fallen for the trap yet Alai seemed to just outright admit it. At the very least, she was still doing Gregs request at getting Alai out of here, despite going against what he said. "You really are a sly one. Heheh. Nearly getting me to turn against him in my search for answers. You'd make a good thief." She said as she flew beside him. "Alai, if this war between us ever ends. Do you really think it'll be worth all the bloodshed?" She asked.

"If we win, yeah," Alai stated as he opened up the window. "I have to believe it. I have to. I hate killing. I hate fighting. But if I could save so many billions more by doing it, then yes," He nodded firmly. He then back away from Able and glanced at her with a serious expression. "Oh... you misunderstand me. I was serious when I was talking about Greg before. He's conniving. He's a bastard. And no, you shouldn't think he's with you. Yeah, he was trying to possibly go after us, but I was doing you guys a favor. Because if I wasn't here, busting up his operations, then you'd have an even bigger problem to deal with," Alai explained. "Wanna know what was in the box, Able?" Alai asked, but before Able could even respond, Alai continued. "It was a Mega Stone. An active Mega Stone. Intended for one of his 'mon. Because Greg has 112 active Mega Stones in his possession," Alai stated in a completely seriously expression. "Yeah, I'll let that number sink in for you. And guess what? If Darkrai does lose, and he continues on as General, guess who he'll probably be coming with next with those stones?" The Simisage questioned as he opened up the window. "I cut his operations down, by the dozens. Think he's your friend?" Alai questioned, before he jumped out of the window. "See ya!"

"A-Alai!" Able shouted out as he jumped out. "What about the one you stole?" She asked, hoping it'd reach him. Seeing the stone for herself would at least confirm everything that was said. If this was true, then Darkrai would only be the begining of their worries... from the end of the street, Alai turned around briefly to the Ninjask, opened up his bag, and displayed a stone in his hand, not dissimilar from the stone Snype had wielded before. He then turned back around and disappeared from sight. It was true then... Mega stones weren't exactly common to keep around but 112? The Ninjask turned around once more and looked around the room wherever Killain was hiding having listened in on everything. "...Well... that's one problem out of our way... but..." Able turned out to the window, looking out to the large tower in the distance. For every answer, there were ten more questions to follow suit.

A Greninja gradually materialized out of thin air, a few steps behind Able. "Yeesh," Kilian muttered, holding a modified shadow stone up to his eyes. "I doubt this would've lasted much longer on full throttle. But seriously, 112 active Mega Stones?!"

"I didn' believe it either. But Alai had a Mega Stone. I mean, that's a problem for a completely different day but..." The Ninjask sank back down on top of the bed. "What the hell do we do next...."

"Well, I, for one, am going to be very very grateful that Alai didn't find me," Kilian replied, beginning to pace in circles around the room. "I'm actually not sure he didn't, since it seemed like he heard something, but if it was from the window, then I guess not. I really need to remind Alex that the two of us hanging around Karn, without really seeing the Emperor, might have repercussions, and we've already been noticed by at least one Karnian. If Greg has that much power, then no way would I want him or any of his lackeys to convey messages to those in Erble, not when we have our own methods. We need to learn more about this Garchomp, whether he really is that brutal, Alai's generally been straightforward to both of us, at least I haven't found anything to be a direct lie, who is this Garchomp? I think Hugo would be tailing Alai now, or at least trying to, that way we can know if he really does leave Daggen. Greg could destroy Valkaria, Able!" Kilian stopped in front of the Ninjask, breathing hard after his rant. He shook his head and blew a deep breath. In a calmer tone, he added, "I apologize, that doesn't happen often. I just couldn't wait any longer after Alai left."

"Maybe we can ask some of our own? Obsidian was away from Daggan for awhile so maybe he saw a Garchomp while going after Xander? He's the only one I can think of right now. Everybody else is up in Erble where that Garchomp could be by now..." The Ninjask flew back up into the air and flew around a bit aimlessly. "...Snype talked about this every since he first received his own. About mon gathering a ton of these stones and abusing their power. I never imagined it would happen during our current war. What if that's just their plan? To lure Darkrai into Karn and eliminate him through those means? He would be defeated in an instant sure, but then we would have an entirely different problem on our hands!"

Kilian fidgeted with his shadow stone as he stared at Able, then smiled. "You know, if you hadn't followed Matilda and showed up, I think we wouldn't have learned this much from Alai." He held out a fist toward Able. "Awesome. Even though Alai's a matter for another time, again."

"He's out of town at least... or so he says. I believe him at the least. Either way we technically did our job right? That IS what Greg wanted. Hehe. Besides, if he's saying the truth, Darkrai isn't doing too well." Able chuckled, flying on over to Killian and poking him on the face. "Funny it takes onneee little thief to do the job! Greg shoulda had me come over here in the first place!" She bragged.

Wrinkling his face after the poke, Kilian muttered, "No fist-bump? Okay, fine." He dropped his hand before continuing, "If Greg is waiting for Darkrai to invade Karn more fully before the Mega Stones go into action, then we have a breathing period. See, we kinda don't want Gabe to finish up with Valkaria, either. Hum..." He rubbed his tongue-scarf, then asked, "Did Alai leave anything in here?" Kilian looked around the room from where he stood, then walked to the bed and began examining it foot by foot.

"Heh, well ya better not find any bills laying around for the room cause I'm not payin for that. Well uh, I'll at least pay for the drink I never picked up downstairs. Haha. I'll share some on the way out." Able grinned before exploring the room herself. Though as she searched around at her usual quick speed, nothing seemed to be found. "...If Alai really means what he says, how the hell did Greg get such a huge supply of Mega Stones? I mean, we worked our asses off just to get one of them!" Able said.

"Nothing of consequence here," Kilian sighed, smoothing the bed covers before he stood up straight. "I imagine he's had a lot of time since becoming General, or maybe even before then. It couldn't have been too easy for him, either, I imagine...oh, boy..." His eyes widened a little, and he rubbed his head as he turned to Able. "112 active Mega Stones, Able... I might be thinking overtime, but what if he also has inactive Stones??"

<Kilian. What's happening?>

Kilian jumped a little at Alex's voice inside his head, but he closed his eyes and thought back, <Alai and Able spoke, Alai decided he's done enough and it's time for him to leave Daggen, and he dropped at least one bombshell that I need to tell you about in person.>

Alex's voice turned urgent. <Which way did he go?>

<Uhhh... Ask Hugo. I'll ask Able.> Kilian looked back at the Ninjask and asked, "Um, which way did Alai go, by the way?"

Able flew out the window once more, followed by the Greninja, and pointed in the direction she last saw Alai. Her expression showed that she knew what was likely to happen next if they caught up to Alai. "He was at the end of the street last I saw him. He's almost as fast as me though so good luck."

<Hugo's team are trying to tail Alai. They're having trouble with his speed and the city's layout and Karnians, however. I'll let Obi know.> Alex sounded a bit disappointed. <Depending on what he thinks, we may or may not try to engage Alai.>

Kilian sighed again, leaning against the windowsill with one hand. "Yes, I saw how he reacted to you opening the door without warning. 'Mon, I have a lot of things to write down once I get back to my notebook... Able. If Alex and Obsidian decide to pursue Alai before he disappears again, then I'll need to get over there to try and be damage control. I'd probably get pummeled, myself, but you don't need to come along."

Able looked down for a bit. "...If I go with you I'm afraid I might do something I regret. But I can at least keep up with him and see his movements. I dunno, I know he's our enemy but I can't help feel like I'm betraying the guy you know? Its weird. Heheh... being able to talk with the enemy like that..."

Smiling behind his tongue-scarf, Kilian replied, "I think I understand. I did see the two of you talking and massaging, after all." He reached out a finger to poke Able back. "You did mention a drink, though. Might want to take care of that."

<Kilian,> Alex's voice dripped with a little sarcasm. <Congratulations. By allowing Able to speak to Alai without your intervention, you have reduced one of Obsidian's major plans to ashes and dust. There are too many variables now, so we're not pursuing him. Hugo and his team will continue trying to tail Alai, but that's it for now. Please come back here.>

Kilian grimaced, but he thought back, <Will do.> To Able, he said, "Well, bang goes the attack plan, Able."

"Phew... Er, I mean... Sorry. I know he's still a threat and all that. Dunno if obsidians gonna be happy but right now I think Alai is the least of our worries right now." Able said, shifting to mutter. "Geez he coulda at least said "Thanks for the dire info " Or somethin..."

"Er, I actually didn't tell them the whole thing yet," Kilian replied, rubbing his arm. "If Alai's to be believed, it's too big a thing for me to just telepath about. Speaking of which, 112 is a big number for active Mega Stones." He drummed his fingers as he continued thinking aloud. "Alai's an Agent, so what he does is meant to spread chaos. I think. Going by everything I've heard from Alex. Ah, whatever, we're likely to discuss this with Alex and Obsidian, anyway. And yes, Obsidian will not be happy. Want to get that drink before we head back? No worries, I'll leave all of the drink to you."

"Heh, Comon killian no need to be a lightweight." She teased, making her way out the door. "Would be rude not to. Heh. I'll be quick though. We gotta get back and tell them before somebody does something stupid."

"Hm, no, really," Kilian responded, slipping out a second shadow stone to replace his first one. "Invisible 'mon drinking out of your cup?" He twisted a knob on the second stone and disappeared from view, before following Able out the door and down the stairs.

The Temple of Balance: A fighting chance

The group of Kaveri, Callimer, Percival, and Abel braced the familiar cold of Anatellia for the entire day. It was a familiarity Abel didn't necessarily want to experience again. Daggen and Erble were cold, but the surface of Anatellia was colder. Abel expected to travel along the expansive caverns underground, as they had done months prior during their time here. But Vee informed them that the Temples were actually older in some cases than even the ancient tunnels built long before. It was somewhat astounding to Abel that these structures were able to withstand the harsh Anatellian winter for so long and still be around. He questioned how in tact they would be.

But his doubts were soon put to rest, as the group reached what could only be the Temple of Balance. It looked, for lack of a better word, ancient. Moss hung across the outer temple walls. The stone building was worn from the centuries of punishment it endured from Anatellia's surface. And yet, it stood proud and strong all the same, with much of it still intact, and quite prominently. Markings were etched across the temple's outer walls. Abel figured they would be able to read it as they got closer, but even then, the Medicham couldn't make it out. A large statute of the two Pokemon the temple was dedicated to was prominently placed in front of the temple, the duo of Reshiram and Zekrom.

"There is... something mystic about this place," Percival commented. "I feeleth it in the air."

"Exciting, isn't it?" Kaveri chirped, rubbing her paws together gleefully. "It is the temple of a Legendary- er, Legendaries?" She paused, giving the statues an interested look. "...After all."

"In mine own land, the duo art a single being," Percival replied as he too examined the statutes. "The bond between those folk shareth one heart, one mind. But two powers. Perhaps that is wherefore they art but one guardian."

"One heart, huh?" Cal said, pulling Kaveri close for a quick hug. "I don't mind the sound of that too much. I just hope they're willing to help us."

"We're a charismatic bunch. I'm sure we'll get through to them," Kaveri stated confidently.

Cal nodded, then took a few steps past the statues and looked around. "Percival, you seem to have heard more about the balance duo then us, how exactly do you reckon we get in contact with them? Just continue through the temple until they find us?"

"I am sorry," Percival answered. "I doth not know much about the temple interactions. This be my first time ever at one."

"They will come to you. If they are called," A voice called up to them. The soothing, serene voice was that of an oddly colored Dratini, who sat at the top of the doors as she called down to them. The Dratini had markings across its face, tattoos of some sort, resembling some that Abel remembered seeing in Anatellia. "If you are worthy."

"Are you one of the priests?" Abel asked the Dratini.

"Once, maybe," The Dratini answered. "Before the one-eyed executioner came and took our lands away... now, I just linger among the ruins... you are the first Karnians to come for to our temples in... quite a while. I wonder if the Guardians will find you worthy."

"Well, there's only one way to find out," Kaveri said as she marched forward to stand next to her brother. "So all we have to do is go on in and call for them? And if we're good enough for 'em they'll come on out? Sounds simple enough."

"If you're good enough for them, they will let you come in," The Dratini corrected.

"And the remainder of us?" Percival questioned the Dratini.

The Dratini glanced at them and shook his head. "You will likely not be let in... but maybe there is something you can do to help," The Dratini began. She motioned toward the two statutes of Reshiram and Zekrom that glanced down on the path toward the temples. "It is said one of 'pure intention' can stand on the path of the duo, and by doing so, prevent all others from venturing inside, 'at the cost of their own body.'" The Dratini moved her tail along the Temple's outer markings as it make its explanation.

"At the cost of their own body?" Abel questioned skeptically. "Like pain or something?"

"No, no," The Dratini answered. "Meaning the path to the Temples' interior is locked, so long as the one who guards it remains in the position. But should they move or fall, then the path is reopened. It is insurance to make sure those who pass inside are undisturbed. But again, only those with pure intentions can do it. Intentions without ulterior motives."

Abel paused silently for a moment, as he and Percival exchanged a long glance with each other. Percival eventually broke off and moved forward. "I shall be of delight to guard thy entrance, Kaveri and Callimer. Though I expect no enemy to come, pass through here they shall not under mine own watch. I shall assure that." He added with a smile.

Abel merely glanced down at the floor, and sighed. "I guess I'll keep watch of Percival then."

"This doesn't pose any direct danger to the one guarding the path if no intruders show up, does it?" Cal questioned his much more diminutive cousin, trying not to think back to how he used to feel as a child. His attempts failed, and anyone looking closely enough would be able to see the agitated wave of his tail, and the slight twitching of his left antenna as he recalled all the self-loathing and thoughts of uselessness from his youth.

"There is no danger for the guardians to the Guardian," The Dratini answered with a nod.

"We shall be fine, Callimer," Percival stated with an encouraging nod. "Now onward, the both of thee!"

The Dratini gestured to the enormous doors of the Temples. "Stand before it. Sealed they usually are, but open and gather they will to those who call them are worthy."

Cal stepped in front of of the gargantuan gateway and looked to Kaveri. "You ready, Kav? We're about to prove we're the best siblings ever. With the legendaries who know best and everything."

"When am I not?" Kaveri retorted lightly.

"When you've had too much candy, or booze." Cal countered with a chuckle. "Arceus forbid if I should ever have to see both at once."

Kaveri punched her brother lightly in the side. "Hey hey, candy is a booster[/]. It improves my performance."

Cal's chuckle almost broke into full-on laughter at the slug from his sister and he pulled her close. "Until about the thirtieth bag, hehe." He shook the silliness out of his head and looked up at the doors. "Guardians of Balance! My sister and I, two warriors sharing an origin, and blood, seek entrance into the inner sanctum of your temple!"

Silence followed the Dragonite's declaration. Neither the Dratini nor Percival or Able moved as they observed the gate, to see any signs of... well, anything really. But for the few moments after, nothing appeared to happen. Abel wondered if something else needed to be done, if they had to say some sort of words, or offer something to them. But no other instructions were given, and even the Dratini 'priest' said nothing.

Then below the Vian siblings appeared a large circle marked into the ground. It was bright white and dim at the same time, half covered in black, and the other in white. It spun around the two counter-clockwise, giving off a low hum as it did so. Every so often it slowed its spin, as if the black of the circle focused on certain bits of Callimer, and the white on Kaveri, before it sped up again and alternated the other way around. This continued for nearly a minute, before the circle stopped, and vanished beneath their feet. Silence came once again, before the large doors of the temple began to creak and grind open. For all those who observed, the Dratini, Abel, and Percival, all they saw through the opening was darkness. But for the Vian siblings, a path was present. A lone, stone path directing them to the darkness, with two, enormous figures at the end of the path inside.

Kaveri let out a low whistle of awe at the dramatic opening then reached up and grasped her brother's much larger hand, ready to walk in with him. "Let's do this then."

"Yes, let's." Cal agreed. "We'll be back out...at some point, guys. I hope you stay well, and everything stays quiet out here." And the two began walking side-by-side down the mysterious stone path. Cal found his gaze occasionally bouncing between the statues of the duo, wondering just what was in store for him and his sister.

The two proceeded inside, and the large doors closed shut behind them. No natural light seemed to penetrate the room. Yet somehow, the path before them was as clear as day. Despite this, all they could see was this path, and where it led. Beyond it to the sides was nothing but pure black. The large figures became more clear as they approached closer. One black, one white. One Zekrom. One Reshiram.

As the two siblings came closer, something else penetrated through the darkness from the sides. Nothing physical, but something heard. For Kaveri, it was a new experience, something she would have never heard before. Like a thousand voices fluttering around her head at once. For Callimer, the sounds seemed oddly familiar.

Cal's antennae pricked straight up. "It's them..." He muttered to his sister. "I hear the voices of the other Dragonites, the ones in my mega stone. Kav... do you hear voices too? Other Floatzel maybe?"

"Yeah, I hear them," Kaver said as she rubbed her head. "Gives me a bit of a headache, geez. So this is what you were talking about hearing before?"

Cal nodded gravely, but kept his pace even. "Yes, in my case, they were the voices of the souls sealed within my mega stone. Countless other Dragonites whose power will rush into me when I mega evolve. You think that means a stone you could use might be here?"

"I guess we'll find out soon enough," Kaveri mused. Her gaze was fixed on the two imposing figures at the end of their path. She wasn't certain exactly how they should address them. She remembered something about treating them with respect, but she didn't wanna be all... standoffish. But what if she came off as too unstandoffish? After much deliberating what finally came out of her mouth as they got closer was a chirpy little, "Hi!" She followed it up by raising a paw in greeting and waving it ecstatically.

The two legendary Pokemon did not answer immediately, awaiting the two to approach sufficiently close enough. Then, as the pair stared down the Vian siblings, energy gathered around them. On the side of Zekrom, white energy burst forward across the darkness on the left side of the path, engulfing it and then swirling around the contrast of the black body of the legendary. On the other side of the path, where Reshiram resided, the blackness conformed as energy around it, and gathered around him. The contrasts of black and white swirled around them, and then slowly dissipated. The two legendaries began to speak.

"You have summoned us," Zekrom announced in a low, rumbling voice.

"We have answered," Reshiram announced right after in a lighter, more echoing voice.

"You have been judged," Zekrom continued.

"And we have deemed you," Reshiram responded right after.

"You will ask." Zekrom glared down at the Vian siblings.

"We will answer." Reshiram mirrored Zekrom's action.

"We wish to know all that you can tell us of the 'walk', and we seek your bond." Callimer answered solemnly.

The eyes of the two legendary Pokemon shined momentarily, and then they spoke.

"The walk is our gift to the world," Reshiram replied in its light voice.

"The walk is our curse to the world," Zekrom articulated right after in its lower voice.

"To better understand us, we crafted the stones," Reshiram continued.

"To better understand us, they used the stones," Zekrom followed.

"Only for the worthy." Zekrom stated with a nod of its head.

"But the worthy have long died." Reshiram shook its head.

"Greed set in," Zekrom stated.

"The desire for power." Reshiram said.

"They fought for them."

"They hurt for them."

"They killed for them."

"They died for them."

"So we cut them off from the walk," Zekrom stated.

"Stopped making more," Reshiram followed right after.

"The world is not worthy to have them."

"You are not worthy to have them."

"You seek our bond."

"You are not worthy to acquire it," Zekrom concluded.

"And what makes you so sure!?" Cal challenged, keeping his voice even and reaching into his bag. His hand shot free from the bag and held the stone that matched his scales aloft. "I have communed with those who came before me. My sister and I are closer than nearly any two 'mon you could find! We fight together, for the same purpose: to protect all those dear to us, and the very cycle of you guardians. We've faced he that wishes to destroy the cycle itself face-to-face and survived. We are worthy!" He held his head high, resting his free hand on Kav's shoulder.

Kaveri bared her teeth in a challenging grin. "Test us if you feel the need to," she said, arms crossed. "We didn't come all this way just to get shot down without being given a real chance."

"You know nothing of worthiness," Reshiram answered. "You have heard the voices, but are deaf to their meaning."

"You have seen the spirits, but you are blind to the world," Zekrom replied right after.

"You are no more worthy to hold the stone than this world is worthy of continuing on," Reshiram began their patterned exchanged.

"Regardless of your beliefs, the end of this cycle is soon to be upon us," Continued Zekrom right after.

"The damage from Giratina."

"The endless chaos of Gabriel," Zekrom continued.

"And the countless other perversions."

"This world is set for doom."

"And Gabriel now will be the catalyst."

"Your destiny is present in front of you."

"You exist now because he allows it."

"And you will end because he desires it."

"What know you of worthiness?" Reshiram questioned the pair.

"What know you of carrying the world?" Zekrom asked right after.

"Yours are but two small voices."

"From one nation."

"On one land."

"On a single continent."

"Apart of a larger world."

"In a single cycle."

"Over which perversion has already set in."

"We are old. Very old."

"And we invite you to contemplate how insignificant we find you." Reshiram concluded.

"That's exactly it." Callimer retorted calmly. "We are two who came from one. One nation, one land, one continent, on one world, the only world we ever have and perhaps ever will know. And we have one goal: to protect this world, and when we need to be, we are one ." He stared first at Reshiram, then Zekrom, unwavering even with them contradicting him in their own sanctum. "There is nothing we can't do together, I don't care how cliché it is. And if you two are so sure this world's time is over, than I dare you to prove us wrong."

The Guardians of Balance were silent for but a few brief moments, before the eyes of each legendary Dragon began to shine. "No matter what you try to do," Reshiram began.

"The world is already doomed," Zekrom finished.

"But if you cannot hear us," Reshiram added, with the darkness of his side of the chamber appeared to react to the legendary's glowing eyes. The darkness slowly began to whirl and move in circular motions, as if it were a physical thing that was being torn down.

"Then we will show you," Zekrom added right after, his own side of the chamber of pure white reacting in a similar way, as if it was also morphing or altering forms. The two sides began to come in contact with each other, the darkness mixing with the white, as if two colors on a painting palette began to touch and mix together. The entire chamber dampened into a grey background behind them, replacing the previous contrasting black and white backgrounds. But the grey background surrounded the four Pokemon entirely, with the path behind the Vian siblings seeming to disappear entirely. Upon this grey background, other mixes of colors could be seen. Light blue and white filtered in, as if a picture was being formed. This picture was blurred at first, but soon formed into appreciable images. And the first which came along was a familiar shot of Gold City, before it was ever attacked.

"You are familiar with your own home," Reshiram stated, and at its words, the image altered, displaying the horrors of Darkrai's assault which continued even now. Gold City was on fire, surrounded by armies and flames.

"Of the wars in Anatellia," Zekrom continued, the grey background altering once again to show the enormous caverns of the northern country, with the Sons of Arceus engaging enemies from the Dark Moons and the Reverse Kings.

"Of the conflicts of Tollen," Reshiram's words changed the grey background again, showing the various parts of the forest of Tollen, as Hellguards fought along the borders of various enemies, from the savage Morrians, to the Pentosarr warriors in armor, to ragtag bandits from the south.

"The pestilence of Bastille," Zekrom now displayed Beatruce, where feral 'mon trampled across the north of the country, slaughtering all those in their path. The dark fog of the Drapion pierced through those lands, with the golden, mysterious eyes of the Priest hidden within his fog.

"Even here, in Karn," Reshiram insisted, and displayed sights from the borders of Karn, where hundreds upon hundreds of Darkrai's forces clashed with Karnian soldiers upon the plains.

"And this is but a taste of the world's struggling," Zekrom explained, as the grey image altered again, displaying another fog, one of purple instead of the darker one, but with Bastille seen within it as well.

"For the minions of Gabriel have been at it for many years," Reshiram continued right after, now showing other images, of Xander trampeling across Karn's tundra, followed by sights of Roxanna terrorizing across the Anatellian caverns. These images soon concluded, to show older images, of a Zangoose Gold Tribe member beside a Haxorus, destroying Valkarian cities. The image faded soon after, replaced by another one with a group of Pokemon, also Gold Tribe members, led by another, different Zangoose, facing off against a large, powerful Garchomp within the main citadel of Eternity City. After that image faded, another was replaced with that same Zangoose leading what appeared to be an army against a much larger force of fossil Pokemon.

"And this is your history, the appreciable world that you know," Zekrom explained, as the last image faded. Replacing it right after, was one of another land, one that was unrecognizable to the Vian siblings. It began across a field of lush plains, with green as far as the eye could see, behind background of an enormous building, one that seemed to tower into the clouds. Below the building, a gate the size of which has never been seen before, was placed between two statues of some Dragon Pokemon, pointed toward the enormous gate. In an instant, that image changed into the same image, but where the green plains were surrounded by flames, and the sky torn with black cracks, as if the world around was crumbling.

"For there were other conflicts across the world which damaged it," Reshiram added, as the scene continued to play out. Across this black, damaged sky, the form of another legendary, the mighty Giratina, sliced across, cutting across the nearby mountains and approaching a group of gathered Pokemon on the plains. There, the enormous form of Groudon awaited the legendary, surrounded by a Victini and another trio of legendary quadrupedal Pokemon. The two sides were just about to clash a battle of the titans, before the image once more vanished and altered.

"Conflicts which damage the very soul of the planet," The image changed again, this time displaying a mountain with a large peak, an enormous pointed mountain which sat just behind a city spreading across the mountainside. The sky was a mess, lightning and rain pounding across the city and the mountain. Up above there, what appeared to be a Zapdos danced across the sky, gathering the lightning which shot across and harnessing it into its own body. However, the sky continued to punish across the mountain, until one, powerful strike clashes at the mountain peak, ferocious enough to split the entire mountain's peak from the base of the mountain. The last image seen before the image too disappeared were gigantic pieces of the mountain falling across the city below.

"Like the Mega Stones you access, the planet too has a soul it keeps intact," Reshiram explained, as another image began to form across the grey background.

"And each disaster across the world, natural or unnatural, damages that soul," Zekrom picked up, with one more image being displayed. This time, it was one of a hooded 'mon, covered in darkness, save for one of its eyes, which shone a bright green. This Pokemon was within a chamber of sorts, where sixteen pieces of mosaic, each colored different, were placed upon smaller altars which surrounded one larger one in the center. Light from a cracked roof shone upon this altar in the middle, and the hooded Pokemon approached this area, reaching out with his hand, before the image once more vanished. This time, no other appeared, and the scene of the chamber of Reshiram and Zekrom returned to the way it was before.

"The soul of the world has been damaged for too long, for thousands of years now," Reshiram spoke again to the Vian siblings.

"And all the while, the Guardians were incomplete, and thus the soul had no full protection to balance it," Zekrom added.

"This world is too far gone now, especially if Gabriel continues as he is," Reshiram explained.

"And we do not believe you can stop him," Zekrom concluded.

"That doesn't mean we can just give up!" Callimer snapped. "Gabriel wants to end the cycle, he'll find you two, and he'll destroy you just like the rest, permanently. If Gabriel really is the end of this world, and the birth of a new one, then at the very least he should have to prove that he can make it happen no matter what stands in his way! And we've already taken steps against him, steps towards really being able to fight him before we got any help from any of the guardians. A group of regular pokémon from all walks of life have stood against a god, the god of chaos, no less! A god whom every other god so far has either hid from, fled from, or crumpled beneath, we have stood up to. And we've even met someone Gabriel himself couldn't beat one on one, Emperor Edgar Rionhart of Karn! He may be bonded with a legendary too, for all we know, but he still did it himself! We're willing to fight, to give everything we have just to give this world another chance at life! We don't ask that you fight alongside us, all we ask is that have faith in us, and give us your blessing!"

The two Guardians stared down at the Vian siblings in a momentary paused of silence. They did not respond immediately as they have at Callimer's other comments. Neither moved, except subtle gestures of their arms, and small shining in their eyes. It was as if the two communicated with each other without saying a word.

"... End the cycle?" Zekrom inquired.

"Emperor Edgar Rionart," Reshiram repeated what Callimer said.

"Andaras," Zekrom stated toward Reshiram right after.

"He still fights," Reshiram stated back to his brother.

The two Guardians fell silent once more, then from the center of both of them, an object came out from where the light and dark met, an orb which floated from the two legendaries and over to

"We do not believe you will succeed," Zekrom reiterated to Callimer and Kaveri.

"But we will allow you to try," Reshiram repeated right after.

"We have activated them both to their fullest potential."

"Both of you can walk, it is up to you what you will do with it."

"Andaras will have helped with the adverse affects of the walk,"

"Wait. Andaras?" Cal interrupted, jolting his head away from Kav's prize to look back up at the twin legendaries. "I don't know that name, who is this 'Andaras'?"

"Our brother, before he became the behemoth of life," Reshiram responded.

"The Guardian Kyogre, who your companions seek to contact," Zekrom added, before glancing up toward the exit. The two legendaries exchanged another look.

"Now go, he is not long for this world." Reshiram stated and the legendary gestured outside.

"You may still be able to say your farewells," The Zekrom stated right after, as the chamber around them began to darken. The path in front of them began to dissipate, and the white and black background slowly began to change and alter. Zekrom and Reshiram too began to slowly vanish.

I am the Gold Tribe

The massive doors of the Temple of Balance shut tightly, leaving Percival, Abel, and the Dratini out alone in the cold. The Dratini continued to rest upon the top of the temple, while Percival continued to stand at the crossroads of the two dragons. Abel stood a bit in front of him, watching around the cold exterior of the temple. The air was freezing, and the wind howled, much so that the Medicham almost didn't hear the Garchomp conversing with the Dratini about the specifics of the protection the Dratini mentioned earlier.

"So long as you stand between the balanced duo, and are of pure intention, then the path before others is blocked," The Dratini explained to the Garchomp. Abel broke off from his silent thoughts, and examined the two of them. He was surprised by what he saw, with Percival slowly being surrounded by a clear energy of some sort, almost like a veil.

"Intriguing," The Garchomp examined the energy as it began to slowly encompass him. "Of what energy be this?"

"It's old energy," The Dratini continued. "Mounted by the Balance Duo themselves. Some legendary Pokemon are more secretive and kept than others. Some wish never to see this world or their 'mon again. For Reshiram and Zekrom, it is as close to that as you can be. So they adopted certain measures so that only certain Pokemon can enter. And upon entering, other Pokemon cannot follow."

"And while I stand, nay others can?" Percival questioned as the clear veil of energy surrounded him and extended behind him around the entire temple.

"Yes," The Dratini nodded. "Although you will be limited in your movement because you need to be around the two statues for the ability to remain in place. You are are also partially protected by the energy, but not quite as much as the temple. Which is why your friend is here to watch your back, I guess," He concluded while gesturing to Abel. "To watch your back."

"I see," Percival stated with an understanding nod. "Then we shall ensure that!" He exclaimed with a smile.

"Boy, did you bet on the wrong Ponyta," A voice came through the cold winds across the snow plains. The intense storm which seemed to be raging for a while was slowly subsiding at that moment, with the air breathing more than blowing now, and the hail retracting into mere snowfall. Through the light fall, a figure approached the group. Abel, the Dratini, and Percival watched the figure approach. He was a shadow among the intense weather, but as he came closer and as the weather subsided, the form of a Sceptile became much more apparent.

"Grett," Abel muttered lowly.

Percival turned to the Medicham. "Thee knoweth this sir?' He questioned him.

Abel nodded slowly. "An Agent."

"Don't be bashful Abel, we know each very well, don't we?" Grett questioned with a smirk as he approached the temple closer. His pace was calm and relaxed. But every soft step into the snow caused the trio more and more anxiety. "After all, you brought me here."

"What?" Percival questioned as he glanced to Abel. "That gent is falsing, right?" He asked the Medicham. Abel did not reply.

"Oh come on now, Abel!" Grett stated louder as he continued his approach. "You remember your conversation to Gabriel in Beatruce! How you lost your sister Anzu. How you would do anything to get her back. How you would send us whereabouts of the group. And you lived up your end of the bargain."

"... I.." Abel began lowly, but was cut off by Grett again.

"You can have your sister again, just as we promised," Grett said with a reassuring smile. "Now this shield around you and the temple… I probably could break it eventually. But I don't think I would be able to do it in time to reach and kill the duo."

"K-kill the duo?!" The Dratini priest exclaimed anxiously.

"Killing the Watcher is one thing," Grett answered. "But those Guardians still around would still be a bother for Gabriel until they're dead too. And since they've been effectively hiding from us this entire time, we had to find a way to lure them out. And so we have."

Abel continued to stare toward the ground in deep silence. Percival seemed completely shocked at the situation, his eyes darting between Abel and Grett.

"And now, you could do me a big favor here to seal the deal," Grett continued. "Just take down the Garchomp here for me."

Abel looked up at Grett. "What?"

"Yeah, help me take him down, and then I'll go in and finish the rest," Grett explained. "That's it. That's all you need to do. And then Anzu will be with you again."

Abel stared at Grett in silence. Beside Abel, Percival spoke. "Abel… Abel, I implore thee! Make the right choice here!" He pleaded. "I have only known thee a short time, but I know thee are not liketh this!"

"What the f*ck do you know?" Grett interrupted again. "About this 'mon's loss! His pain and suffering? His representation of an organization that's done nothing for him but dragged him along while his country burned, and his family suffered!"

Abel's hand clenched at Grett's words. He felt anger pass through his entire body at that moment. The rage fueled him as he turned away from Grett and toward a nervous Percival.

"Think about all those you lost. That they caused," Grett continued. "Not just Anzu, but all those others in Beatruce. That could have been saved. The citizens, your family. Gold Tribe there. Hell, think of all the others whose blood is on their hands too!" He insisted. Abel stepped forward to Percival, his fists bleeding from how tight he was clenching them. "Even Guardia," Grett added with a smile. Abel paused, and instantly at her name, his clenched fists loosened.

The Medicham stared blankly forward. He looked at Percival, but his thoughts were elsewhere. Guardia's name echoed through his skull, causing him to think back. To her near-lifeless body lying along the docks of Fort Ferrol. All of the group had gathered around to save her, but it was for naught. And in that moment of despair, she passed along a few words to the rest of them.

Abel looked up to the sky and closed his eyes, allowing the light snowfall to fall along his face. There was a moment there, one moment, when Guardia spoke and looked directly at Abel. One of her last words she said. A moment she felt the need to gather up the last of her strength she could at that moment, and say something directly to him, or to emphasize it to him. Abel had been in grief since Beatruce. He had been detached from the group. He hadn't been thinking clearly. And for a few times, he wondered if he even should be with them anymore. But regardless of that, he thought on her words. Remember why we do it. Why we fight.

Why we fight. For the longest time, he acknowledged that he was in the Gold Tribe because his younger sister had joined. She was his world, she was the one person he needed to protect. But Abel could have done that outside of the Tribe. He joined because of another reason. A reason Abel believed in that moment Guardia wanted to emphasize to Abel. A reason Cal wanted to reemphasize to Abel during their fight, and through his actions. Abel sighed deeply, as the small bits of blood on his fingers slowly dripped off of them and onto the snow below.

He turned around to Grett and assumed a stance, prepared for fighting. "You know, a thought occurred to me," Abel began, as Grett's smile began to vanish off of his face. "Anzu is my sister. But Anzu is dead. And there's no bringing her back. I am my sister's brother," He acknowledged. "But I also have two other siblings in there," He pointed with his thumb at the temple. "And they're my family too. I may be a Beatrucian, and Anzu's brother. But… I'm also Abel "Atrox" Onderon. And I am the Gold Tribe."

Grett paused for a moment, seemingly shocked at what Abel was saying. Abel quickly leaned over to Percival. "Try to contact Vee."

"But, you'll never get Anzu back," Grett stated to the Medicham.

Abel didn't back down the slightlest. "Then I won't get her back."

"But… you'll die."

Without wavering, Abel responded. "Then I'll die."

The Sceptile stormed forward toward the Medicham with blistering speed, causing snow to rise up from his very approach. Abel raced forward to meet him, and the two 'mon clashed. Abel tried a Brick Break combo on the Sceptile, striking hard and fast with a series of palms across the Sceptile's body. Yet Grett intercepted them, blocking left and right as each power blow were to hit. One briefly nudged his shoulder, causing the Agent to wince, but Grett retaliated quickly and mercilessly, launching a Leaf Blade across Abel's chest.

The Medicham stepped back and grunted from the pain. As he staggered, Grett took advantage and powered forward, launching a flurry of leaves at the Medicham. Abel held up his hands to protect himself, but was overwhelmed by the powerful attack. Through the burst of sharp leaves, Grett emerged once more, and struck again at Abel with a Quick Attack, which pushed him back. Abel tumbled across the snow, cracking various of his bones as he did, but he forced his body into a halt in an upward position. He yelled from the pain, and fired a Psychic directly at the Sceptile.

Grett grunted, staggering back for a moment at the counter he didn't expect coming, but once it subsided, he was on the move once more. Abel tried again to launch a Psychic, but this time the Sceptile made his way to Abel too quickly, striking him with a set of powerful body blows, half of which were combined with his Leaf Blade. They gave the double effect of both slashing and bashing the Medicham.

"Abel!" Percival shouted helplessly from between the two statues. He tried stepping forward, but the Dratini stopped him.

"No! If you go now, the veil will break and that monster could get inside!" He exclaimed. Percival clenched his jaw, and watch the slaughter continue. Grett tossed the Medicham to the side like a rag doll, and turned toward Percival, who furrowed his brows. As the Sceptile began running over to the Garchomp and Dratini, he was suddenly struck at the side by a power Focus Blast from Abel. The shot was a direct hit to Grett's side, causing him to tumble over to the side. He looked over to the source of the attack, at Abel, who panted heavily and whose body was seemed heavily bloodied already.

"You fool, just die already!" Grett called out and fired another storm of leaves at the Medicham. Abel forced his body to move, hearing small crack as he staggered through the snow. A rain of leaves crushed at the snow from all sides as Abel ran to avoid them, though eventually they caught up to him and slashed across his body. Abel, however, had been masterfully running closer to the Sceptile, to try and position another attack. With him closer by him, he unleashed another Focus Blast at the Sceptile.

Having just launched an attack, Grett could only cross his arms in front of him to black. The Focus Blast was remarkably powerful to the Sceptile, who had experienced them before against Abel in Anatellia. For some reason here, they felt much more potent. He attack caused Grett to slide across the snow before coming to a halt. Steam rose from the Sceptile's arms, as he angrily glared at Abel.

Once more, Abel panted and positioned himself between Grett and the Temple. "Not happening," He stated with determination. Grett relentlessly charged forward. Abel tried to intercept his upcoming hit, but he suddenly found Grett sling forward and land a crush blow directly to his abdomen. Abel grunted and coughed up blood, before Grett moved in again and repeated the process. He landed another crushing blow to Abel's chest, and then a dual set to his face. He continued the process, mercilessly beating him without Abel seeming to be respond. Then he landed another crushing Leaf Blade on him, causing him to tumble to the ground below. Grett glanced at the Medicham's broken body, and began to storm toward Percival again, but his leg was suddenly grabbed.

Grett looked down in shock, seeing Abel, who seemed barely an inch away from death, grab him so firmly. He tried shaking him off, but he wouldn't let go. He tried kicking him with his free leg, but he wouldn't budge. He fired a set of Leaf Blades on him, but the Medicham refused to let go. "Let. Go. Of. Me!" Grett exclaimed as he continued to strike at the Medicham.

Grett eventually lifted Abel up, but Abel only gripped tighter onto Grett's arms now. Grett slashed at the tendons in his arms, causing a pool of blood to erupt, and for Abel to finally seem to lose his grip of Grett. The Sceptile then tossed him into the air, and launched a powerful Leaf Storm at the Medicham. Not even able to yelp anymore in pain, the body of Abel merely took the attacks and he tumbled down. But Grett wasn't done. He swiftly approached Abel as he began his decent, kicking him down to the ground. Then, a beam of green energy started forming toward Abel as he was tumbling.

Abel's vision began to give. The image of Grett in front of him, powering up his attack, was blurry now. He could barely see him, but his eyes darted away from him and toward the sky above. He looked at the clouds, the breaking clouds that let in only portions of light from the sun. He never looked often into the clouds, just to gaze at them.

So many thoughts had passed through his head. Did he succeed? Were the others safe? Did this mean anything? Was it worth it? Would he see Anzu now? Would Guardia be there too? Would there even be an afterlife? So many questions, and yet none of them he could answer. Abel continued looking through at the sky, as he saw from his peripheral the green flash of Grett's attack be released. Everything was slower now, as if time itself had slown. He saw a blur, a movement among the clouds, like a swift image that appeared and then reappeared. Was it Celebi? It looked like her. But, why did she come? Was it all in Abel's head? Had he gone so far as to start seeing delusions toward the end?

Or maybe it was a sign. A sign that said that this all was for the Watcher. That she was alive, and it was because of his actions that she was. That he died so that she would live. So that the group could finally gather up the necessary strength to find the rest of Cresselia, to finish this nightmare. He'd like to think that was what it was. But regardless, Abel knew that this was the end of the line for him. Whatever legacy he would leave behind for the others, he knew in his mind, he died as he lived. And that thought gave him comfort.

Abel closed his eyes. He is the Gold Tribe. He was the Gold Tribe.

Back in Gregory's Office, a few days prior

"You know, he was lying." Obsidian reiterated for the upteenth time. "And I was serious about what I said back there. It'll come back to haunt you, you know." He stated to the Ninjask. "In any case, we go in, give him the run down, and then regroup elsewhere. I really don't want to have to go after any minions he has in the city, and I'm betting you that they'll find at least one or two of them running about now. You going to help us track them down or make friends with Oh yeahthem too?"

"He probly was but we still got him out of the city." Able huffed. "If he was lying them I guess I'll find out sooner or later yeah? If he was then I'll be the one doing the hunti-... Sorry, haunting." Able stated.

Obsidian's frown lifted a bit, "I suppose... anyways remember, just a status report and we can see if we can get any boons out of this." He looked toward the Tower of the Rising, "Just like any other kind of meeting..." Obsidian muttered to himself as he led the way inside. Even though Alai was out of the city he had no idea if anyone here had been taking orders from him. He thus made a beeline for Greg's office, "Greg? We're back, and ready to report." He said as he walked inside.

Gregory nodded to the group as they entered. "Ah, welcome," He greeted. The Snorlax was looking much more fresh than the last time they saw him, but he still appeared a bit weary. "I trust you're coming with good news, then?"

Obsidian gave a firm nod and crossed his arms, "Alai has left the city, but I am having Alex and Killian check around. If he set up an operation here I am certain that he would leave underlings to keep things running while he was gone. If they see any suspicious activity they'll let us know. We checked his room... but there wasn't anything he had left behind, I am sad to report. The only other thing I have to relay is that Alai was trying to spread a rumor about yourself. It was something about you having a few mega stones on hand, and apparently he was trying to convince some in our party that this meant nefarious intentions on your part." Obsidian withheld his need to gaze at Able, "However, I have to doubt the legitimacy of his words. Mega stones themselves are rather hard to come by, and honestly the propaganda he's trying to spread will backfire in his face in due time."

Greg silently glanced at Obsidian, pausing for a while before he gave the Weavile a smile. "Mega Stones? He claimed I had some? Why, that's quite preposterous. I assure you. I do wonder where he came up with the idea. But, of course, as I've cautioned before, it's dangerous to believe anything that 'mon has been saying. It was the very reason I cautioned against talking to him in the first place... something I suspect you may have not listened to," He stated while giving a quick glance to Able. "Curiously, what else has he mentioned about me?"

Able silently grunted. "Dammit you shouldn't have told him that part..." she said in her head. "Yeah I didn't think I'd get wrapped up in this again ya know? I at least talked him out of town so gimme some credit Greg." She said.

"I thank you for that," Gregory acknowledged with a nod of his head. "But it brings me back to my question: what else did he tell you?"

Obsidian glanced warily at Able, more or less confused as to why she was so generic, "Nothing else really." Obsidian stated, "Regardless of what he says or doesn't say, he is an enemy. He shouldn't be trusted in what he says."

Gregory glanced at the Weavile, and then at the Ninjask, and sighed deeply. He reached for his spectacles, and placed them on the table in front of them. He then rubbed his eyes gently, before looking down at the them. "You know, gentle'mon, transparency is usually a benefit in business relationships. I have tried my best to be as cordial with you as possible. But if you insist on continuing to lie to me, I would like to know why that is, exactly. After all, we're after similar goals, are we not?" He questioned them two politely.

Able closed her eyes and flew up to Greg, staring him straight in the eye. "Greg." The Ninjask simply stated. "We are Greg. At the same time though, I'm a thief. I have my own agenda to follow at the same time. There was something I meant to ask you earlier. Your friend asked me this earlier and I wanted to know what it was." Able asked.

"What color are the sheets of titan?" She asked plainly. "If you don't know then maybe I could get in contact with Snype. Kinda curious what he's been up too... Been awhile ya know?" Able chuckled. "I'll understand if our relationship is a little sour now. Alai is a manipulative little shit. If its too much trouble I'll fly up there myself."

Obsidian frowned at Greg's tone, "... Well, all he said else was not to trust you, but honestly that's the enemy speaking. Why are you so hostile?" The Weavile asked. "You know we're allies here, Greg. Well... I am at least."

"Allies tend not to hide things that are pertinent," Gregory retorted. He sighed again and picked up his spectacles and placed them back over his eyes. "And Able... you still have not technically answered my question. Although Obsidian has somewhat touched on it. But I do expect some answer to my own inquiries before I give some of mine. That is only fair, is it not?" He questioned. "Listen gentle'mon, I am very pleased, and quite shocked really, that you were able to get Alai to depart. His departure is excellent news. And I am thankful for that. As promised, I will help you. But I still need a bit more information before I do. So tell me, had he given any reason to you as to why not to trust me? I suspect he must have."

Obsidian shook his head, "The only thing he's stated before was that you hoarded mega stones. But if that were the case then you would have used them already, no? You see, the logical fallacy in Alai's thinking is that you have all these stones, quite a bit, and yet haven't used them once? Surely a mon who has many resources such as those would have already used such things against Alai, no? Or others too. That's where his lie comes into effect, at least to me." Obsidian explained.

Able just seemed to look at Obsidian with awe. Subtly clearly wasn't a strong suit for seekers. "...Sides, if Karn really had that many Mega Stones they probably would have just, I dunno attacked Anatellia by now or something. They'd win in a heartbeat with that kinda power. Seems kinda silly now that I think about it." Able shrugged.

"Unless of course the intention of the one with such power was to launch a surprise attack that most likely would have been ruined if anyone unsavory were to be listening," Greg commented. "I do advise in the future to keep wary of what you say. Just in case, gentle'mon. Regardless, you could have merely asked me, gentle'mon," Greg replied with a shake of his head. "I could have easily confirmed or dispelled such rumors of having power of that magnitude, an entire one-hundred twelve of them, in fact."

Obsidian stared at him for a moment, "... But..." His lips formed into a frown, "... So, what he said... heh." He rubbed at his forehead with one hand, "I guess what I discussed with Alex was right."

"Ohhhh yeah! I told ya so Oby! One point for Able!"" Able playfully nudged at the Weavile before the fact that everything Alai had said was true began to sink in. "Wait... Seriously?!" Able looked around the room once more to make sure nobody was actually listening in. Not that it mattered. Alai had already known about it... which in itself could be a problem. "Dammit... either way I got manipulated. He told me the truth but still got away with that kind of info. Ugh!" Able swiped recklessly in the air. "One-hundred twelve though... geez Greg, its kind of hard to believe even with you telling us straight in the face like that."

"No, you misunderstand," Gregory explained. "What he said was a lie, a complete lie," The Snorlax continued. "I have none. And never have. What I do have... is this city. And the next, and most others. Emperor Edgar is in charge, but I own the eyes. And the ears. And I know what is said and where. I've known for quite some time. What a bartender says here. What a waitress says there. What any number of the dead on the street speak, if they could. Or if they're dead. Gentle'mon, most especially Able," Greg stated with a small frown.

"I am this city. I am its heartbeat. Its blood. Its brain," The Snorlax explained. "What you've said. What you've done. It comes back to me. Me inquiring before?" He stated rhetorically, subtly nodding his head. "It was but a mere formality. A sort of test, you could say. I wanted to see if you truly did work with me, for me, for my benefit. If you could be trustworthy. But... ah, Able. You stick true to your thief roots. Something I cannot blame."

"G...Greg..." Able looked down at her claws with an upset expression. "...I...I guess once I become one, you can't get out of it huh?...eheh..." Able said, doing her best not to tear up. This was Karn. She had to stay strong.

Obsidian frowned, "... So it was all a test... you knew about these lies that Alai were spreading. But... well," He dropped his voice a bit, "What's the point of Alai spreading these rumors? Surely if mon think you have all these stones then surely they will never attack you?"

"He did not spread lies," Greg elaborated. "He only told them. To you," He explained. "To misdirect you, I imagine. And as I suspected from a few of your reactions earlier, it seems to have succeeded, to some extent. I explained to you earlier about what he was capable of, Able. You should have heeded my advice."

"I took it for granted at first. I didn't want to be on standby while an agent was running amok." Able said, looking back up at Greg. "Kinda weird of Alai to just leave though if none of that were true. He'd probably still be hanging around to mess you up. He said he was heading to Anatellia last I recall." Able explained. "I'm sorry and everything Greg but what's done is done. We still ran Alai out of town in the end. Even if he manipulated me to no end, it didn't hinder any of your own operations right?" Able asked.

Gregory nodded. "Yes, I suppose you held up your end of the bargain," He agreed. "He is out of Daggen, and that's the important thing. And as promised, I will provide you with something you will find highly valuable. I do hope this experience has taught you to avoid that Simisage from now on. Arceus knows you will likely encounter him again knowing your goals."

"So... what is this reward?" Obsidian asked.

Gregory nodded and shuffled under his desk. He looked around for a while, before he seemed to find something, and enclosed it into his fist. He extended his fist forward, and turned it around, revealing what appeared to be a few leaves off of some plant. Or perhaps some petals off of a flower. "This, gentle'mon, is what was inside the box your carried before, Able. Not stones. I did not tell you before because it would have been dangerous for you to know. And yes, the Simisage has retrieved the other bit of quantity that I had. But for your purposes, it will suffice. I present to you, Groudon's Farewell."

"Bastard... tricking me into thinking he took a stone... who knows what he'll do with that..." Able sighed.

Obsidian stared in awe at the plant, "If Alai stole a lot of this... then whenever we meet the agents next.. they will all be invulnerable to our attacks, or nearly so. Raz straight out almost killed Xander, but this plant saved his life." He slowly reached out a hand and took the leaves, "Maybe... just enough to make one of us like Xander. Immortal in a way." He stated, "Or we can use it to poison another. If the agents have it then they'll all have cures against it. It's best to be used as a restorative on our side." He gave a small bow toward Greg, "Thank you."

"You're quite welcome," Gregory answered with a nod of his head. "And do not worry, his quantity is not enough to hand out to all of the other Agents. I suspect it will only be enough for one other... I am curious as to what he will do with it though. For some reason I do not believe he has any interest in keeping it. Most likely because of what he said to you the first time around, Able."

"Maybe he already knows who to use it on. Either way I really screwed the pooch on that one. This is what I get for not following the job." Able said with a sigh before floating to Obsidian. "Go on Obi. Rub it in my face. Say ya told me so! Don't hold back either! Comon! Gimmie all you got!"

Obsidian took in a deep breath, holding his head up a bit, "Are you serious, Able? I am the head of the Enforcers. I would never in my lifetime stoop to petty smugness." He gave a nod toward Greg, "So... is there anything else to discuss?"

Able gave off a small huff and poked the Weavile on the head. "Awww comon! You gotta take an opportunity while its in front of ya you know? I'd strangle anyone else who'd try to do that kinda thing!" Able joked before turning back to Greg and then down at the plant... "...Woah woah woah, hold on a second Greggy, how the heck do you have this anyway? Last time you said you didn't know anyone alive who made the climb, let alone have this plant!" Able stated. "What's up with that? After all that talk about hiding things eh?"

"I merely stated that I was unfamiliar with many who have made the climb," Gregory responded with a slight smile. "I do not recall ever saying I had none. And given the nature of this plant, accompanied by the general parameters of the situations, you would understand why I would keep it a secret. Especially since not long before, you were just coming back from your chat with Alai without mentioning it to me."

Obsidian nodded, "I'm starting to learn that some secrets are best kept that way. Thank you once again, Greg. I'm satisfied with what we have. The sooner I get this to Cythera the better off we'll be. Once we get that boiling then we'll have someone who can take on Xander."

"Hey I'm not done yet! I still have a few things I gotta find out myself. Greg ya never answered the question about the sheets of titan!" Able asked eagerly. "Your friend seemed to use it as a code word, we thieves used to do that sorta thing awhile back when trying to stay incognito. Your the heart of the city right? So you have to know about it." She asked him.

"Hmm... well, ice sheets are typically white, aren't they?" Gregory asked with a polite smile.

"Not on titan Greg." Able said with a chuckle. "With how many folks died up there? I figured it'd be red from all the blood being spilled up there."

"Well then there is your answer," The Snorlax replied with a nod. "Red. What is your curiosity with this anyway? I would be best not to mix yourself up in these sorts of trifling affairs, don't you? After all, if there was a codeword for something, then perhaps whomever uses it does so, so that unwanted interlopers do not attempt to find out things which are none of their concern."

"Snype's concerns are my concerns." Able said. "The only thing I could imagine using something like that would be this Dealer fellow. Your Hitmonchan buddy seemed kinda upset with you before throwing that out there. I had to ask you because he's your friend. I'm asking the heart, eyes, and ears of the city here. Who's the Dealer?" Able asked before going into thought again.

"I don't think that's the question we should be asking." Obsidian said, "I think a better one is... if this Dealer is a friend, or a foe. An ally to our cause or not."

"Or perhaps a better question," Gregory responded. "Is the identity of this 'Dealer', or his allegiance, of any consequence to you?" He questioned them. "From what I know of this individual, his or her affairs lie with Karn, not with Darkrai. Not with the Seekers. Or the Enforcers, or Cresselia, or the Thieves, or anything of that nature. Perhaps it is best if you leave the matter alone. If it doesn't seem relevant."

"But it is relevant." Obsidian began to explain, "We need Karn's help in the war. To take down Darkrai we need more than a single nation. If this Dealer makes it so that working with Karn is more difficult, or straight out causes us to lose any ties to Karn, then that affects us greatly. So... yes, it does seem relevant, especially with how much power he or she has."

"... You really do not intend to drop this matter, do you?" Gregory questioned as he examined the two of them. "Either of you?"

"I know if some mon walked into Valkaria and started demanding to know my business, I would be peeved too. But... this is for a greater thing than Karn. A greater thing than Valkaria. This is the world we are talking about. Darkrai wants to change everything and if we have a remote hope of stopping him we need everyone's help. Karn's included. And if this Dealer will be resistant and uses their influence to make it so Karn doesn't help, then it could spell disaster. No, Greg, I won't drop it." Obsidian tapped his foot a bit, "So... is the Dealer someone who would have a problem with what we are trying to do here?"

"Knowledge is a powerful weapon right Greggy? You said so yourself." Able said. "I wanna make sure no shady groups in Karn are going to backstab anyone while we're fighting Darkrai."

Gregory exhaled deeply, once more taking off his spectacles and dumping them on the table. He leaned back in his chair, his heavy weight causing the chair to creak and squeak. "Blood red, but not for long," He stated to them. "Blood red, because so many have died on the plains of Titan. So many young, hardy fools who seek to make it to the top, who seek power. Who seek nothing but strength merely because it is part of our culture. But they also say 'not for long'," The Snorlax explained. "Because they want to change that. They want to change the culture of Karn. To change how we act, how we maintain order, how we perceive other nations, how we treat each other. Karn's culture has always been death," He concluded as he stared at the two of them. "But not for long."

Obsidian slowly nodded, "I see. In that case who do they side with... who do you side with? Us... or Darkrai?"

"Neither," Gregory answered. "We do not care about your fight. Yet. Because our fight isn't won. If there is no Karn, there is no point for anything else. So do not bother with that question. Or any relating to them."

Able flew closer. "We? So then you're..."

"I am the Dealer, yes." Gregory answered.

"Heheh... you know, Snype had a feeling it was you before he left." Able grinned. "That wasn't exactly something I could just up and ask you though unlike all of the other stuff. It was what I was the most interested in."

"What if we were to help in your fight then?" Obsidian asked, "Karn cannot change today, nor tomorrow. It takes much to reshape a nation, but it helps to have help. Being able to spread education, medicine, other public services could go a long way in changing Karn's identity for the better."

"I appreciate your concern, Obsidian," Gregory began, but then shook his head. "But having an outsider like you bring all of these 'foreign' concepts here would be detrimental to our goal. That is not how things work in Karn for now. Besides, you are already helping us more than you know. Or rather, Snype is."

"That's the boss for ya!" Able said happily.

"Indeed, he is doing very important work for the Revolution," Gregory continued.

"Revolution eh? I'm guessing you've kept the boss informed then more or less on that front. Having eyes and ears all over Karn must be a hell of a thing huh? But how do you plan to change a whole nation just like that? The emperor kinda has most of the say in that front right?" Able asked.

"It will not be easy, but we have a steady plan put together," Gregory explained. "All we have to do is begin executing it. Nations are built on solid foundation."

"Yeah sure. You definitely know your stuff Greg!" Able cheered as she flew around a bit. "But how are ya gonna pull off that kinda thing? Karn's huge! I just want to be sure it won't cause trouble for the Goldies you know Greg?"

"What I would like to know... is if despite this Karn would be able to help us out." Obsidian sighed, "Greg... there is something else I need to tell you. Something drastically important."

"All in due time," Gregory answered Able, before he gazed upon Obsidian curiously. "Oh? What is that?" He asked.

"It regards the fate of our world." He glanced about, "Look... we know Darkrai is after bigger stuff here. We know what he's after. And I'll tell you this here and now, we'll need your help, and soon. Darkrai has taken something to Valkaria, and if he manages to open it then everything changes. After that there will be no Valkaria, no Tollen, no Karn. He'll gain ultimate power over everyone and everything. You heard about what he's been doing in Beautruce and Tollen, right? The plague and making everyone ravenous monsters that kill each other? Imagine him doing that to the entire world, even here in Karn. Everything that's been accomplished here would be flushed away in a mere second. I need you to understand that. What happens in Valkaria won't affect only my group, it'll affect the entire world."

"I realize there are many things said about what the supposed 'Destruction Saint' will do," Gregory answered after Obsidian concluded. "While you say that he plans to allegedly enslave the world, for example, I've heard other things from my own associates. From spies, from their soldiers, even from Alai. So, with respect sir, I will withhold judgment on that for now. I plan to take this one step at a time. And the first step is to secure Karn."

"What has Alai said?" Obsidian asked.

"Exactly as he's told Able," Gregory answered with a nod of his head.

"Yet he lied about the stones, and I have a feeling he may be lying to you two as well." Obsidian frowned, "What if I were to tell you that a legenday came to us and told us Gabriel plans to kill Arceus? And he's going to do so soon in Valkaria?"

"I do believe I have a decent idea about why he lied about the stones," Gregory responded, seemingly completely calm about what Obsidian stated regarding Gabriel's plans. "But if what you say is true, then it's something we will defintiely address when the time comes. As of now, I will be open with the options we have before us. And, as I stated before, with respect sir, Karn will come first."

"That's how Karn works ya know? You really do care about the state of Karn. I know I'm not exactly on the top of your trust list but I'd like to keep helping you at the very least." Able said happily. "Oh yeah, I don't think anyone mentioned, Alai talked about a Garchomp entering Karn not too long ago. At this rate I'm going to just take it with a grain of salt but just incase, did your buddies run into the guy at all?" She asked.

"We've run into many Garchomp in Karn," The Snorlax replied simply. "I would usually say you have to specify, but judging by what I believe, I may know who you are talking about. A very... perculiar character."

"Alai mentioned he was armored. The guy was even afraid of him. He's most of the reason that he left town... he isn't in Daggen anymore but actually up where the tournament is with Snype and the Gang if I remember." Able explained.

"Indeed, that is accurate," Gregory confirmed. "In fact, I do believe he was spotted with your group along the road, and in Erble as well. If you would like, I can pass along a message of caution to your allies. I would be careful around the 'mon."

"Yeah! See if you can get in contact with Snype or Cal! But geez you think he's odd too? Just who the heck is this guy? If he's with Snype and the gang then who knows what happened since then? If he's got an agent sweating bullets then hes gotta be a big deal..." Able wondered aloud.

"As I have gathered from my information networks, he was a very powerful warrior back in his home country," Gregory explained. "I'm not sure of his exact purpose here, but he has been a problem for a few of my associates in my General capacity, and beyond it."

"Huh? So... He's not friends with the agents, Karn... but what about the goldies? Gah I really gotta tell Snype about all this... I-" able shook a bit. "Sorry, I'm getting excitable, I guess this is what Snype feels like when he's doing all this kinda work. Not my strongsuit as you could see. Hehe."

"Do not trouble yourself," Gregory reassured. "And do not worry. I will pass along any message you have for Snype. I can message him anything you would like to say to him. The both of you," He stated to the two of them.

"Oh yeah! I guess he would be the quickest to contact all things considered!" Able said happily. "Well, I guess an update on whats been going on downtown here. I don't know whats happening up at the tournament but they could connect. You can even tell him I let Alai off. I'll be honest with the boss." Able said with a bashful grin. "Oh! Anything you wanna deliver to the boss Obi?"

"I would say sent something to Percival as well. Let him know the rumors being spread about him. Also, let them know we have the plant Xander uses, and that Alai is nothing but a filthy liar. Don't trust anything he says." Obsidian stated.

Gregory nodded. "I will pass along that information to Snype. Is there anything else you need?" He asked.

"Percival? Hmm... well, I cant say I have anything else. But I guess as an update from his side would be nice to have. Alai mentioned agents were hanging around up there too which would make sense."

Gregory put on his spectacles and scribbled a few notes down on what he was going to pass along. He nodded as he concluded and placed the pencil down. "Very well then," He stated as he smiled at them. "I will pass this information along. Now then..." He began has he removed his spectacles once more. "Here comes my request for you two. I am going to need you to remain here in Daggen for me."

Obsidian frowned at that, "What for?"

"Fair enough! Planned on sticking around anyways!" Able said.

"Well you see, sir," Gregory began as he leaned forward onto his small desk. "Now that you have certain privileged information regarding our organization in your possession, I'm afraid I must take extra precautions to ensure that information is not released to certain parties. So certain plans and motions come into fulfillment, I will need you here in Daggen, under my protection."

Obsidian sighed, "Well... I guess I can see your point there. Can we go anywhere in the city at least?"

"Within reason, yes," Gregory nodded. "I will have my associates accompany you. Do not worry, they will not be a bother."

"And... are they waiting for us outside? ... Did you have this all planned out from the beginning?" Obsidian asked.

"I most certainly would not have revealed privileged information like that," Gregory shook his head with a bit of a frown. He lifted up his large hand reassuredly. "Again, do not worry, they will not be a bother. You will not even know they are there. As you do not now."

Obsidian quickly looked about, "... How long have they been following us then?" He asked. "I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with this."

"I am not sure I am comfortable with you possessing the knowledge you have, but we are in the position we are in, and that is that," Gregory responded with a shrug of his shoulders. "So let us make this as painless and as pleasant an experience as we can."

"Is that a threat?" Obsidian asked point blankly.

Oby, please..." Able spoke up. "Last thing we need is bad blood with the guy. It makes sense he would want us close with that kind of info. Snype practically had me on a leash with the stuff he told me. I'm a thief and you talk a lot. Not the best folks for dire info. Hehe."

"Please listen to Ms. Able," Gregory stated with a curt nod. "Understand that this is a very troubling time. I mean you no offense. I am just ensuring the security of my operation. Of Karn. Please, feel free to travel the city as you please. But I must ask you not to travel outside of it. I will provide you with decent accommodations, and food will be brought to you if necessary. Now, is there anything else you require."

"No." Obsidian said after a few moments. "I'm perfectly.... fine." He muttered out.

Able looked over to Obsidian. "...Right you had business outside of town and I just dragged you into mine..." Able sighed before turning to Greg. "Ya wouldn't happen to have heard about a certain tropius my friend here has been lookin for have ya? I know we can't leave town but would hate for oby here to lose his chance after I dragged him into my little mission." able said, throwing a wink toward Obsidian.

"It doesn't matter anymore." The Weavile replied, "If he wasn't dead when I had my chance to get at him, he's dead now. I'm finding more and more that life hates whenever I have something planned."

You give up too easily oby. Lets at least hear what big Greg has to say." Able grinned. "Sorry, sounded like a fun nickname."

"Your Tropius is alive and well," Gregory confirmed with a nod of his head. "He made a splash at Xander's camp when you attacked it, last I heard. He was among those that attacked it to give you folks a chance to escape."

"Xander could have easily killed him." Obsidian pointed out. "Not like I'll have any time to even go and find him. I already made my choice. Alai was the more important target."

The Snorlax chuckled somewhat humorously. "Dearest Weavile, I understand your sorrow right now, but let me direct your attention to where you are, respectfully. This is Karn. And the Tropius is a former Grand General. And not even Arceus himself can kill a former Grand General easily. Perhaps after all this is over, you can go and find out for yourself."

"... I doubt it." Obsidian shrugged, "I've survived up until because of one thing. Luck. Being in the correct place at the correct time, and having mon near me that kept me alive. Either that or being out of the hot spots. This is coming to the end. Once we head back to Valkaria everywhere will be a hot spot. There will be no correct place to be while there. There will be no correct time to stand in spot a or b to avoid an attack, because a hundred more will be rushing at me. I know I'm nowhere near a Gold Tribe's level of endurance, that wasn't my priority in life. I've read numerous plays, scanned historical accounts for years now. Guys like me don't survive wars. The poets, the dreamers, the planners... we're the nameless faces that are forgotten about. The others though.. they're going to be the heroes." He chuckled and closed his eyes, "They're going to have the buildings named after themselves, and it'll stand for five hundred years, and around that time any mon alive will have no clue as to why a building carries that particular name. They won't remember what happened years upon years ago. And from there they too will be forgotten, as ashes to dust. And then the cycle continues on. It's how the world works, and I've come to terms with that."

"... Hm," The Snorlax commented with a small raise of his eyebrow. "Pardon me for the noisiness, but it does not quite seem you have come to terms with that. Or else you would not be searching for this Tropius in the first place. Sir," The Snorlax leaned back and observed the Weavile. He pointed at him with his spectacles. "It seems you have some searching to do. And I do not mean for that Pokemon. I mean for your place in all of this. Because if you truly do not believe you are among these 'heroes', then maybe your quest is not to find this Tropius after all. You see, being a hero is fantastic. It does endear you to many, and it does give you recognition. All warriors have this about them. But a hero is not defined by just being a warrior. Take Able. Or someone in a position like myself. Are we any less important because we do not fight on the front lines?" Gregory questioned. "Maybe 'mon like you and Able and I won't be remember. Maybe some will remember us. But if it were not for Pokemon like us, there may not be a future to look forward to," The Snorlax answered. "I take comfort in knowing I can build that. That is... of course, just my thoughts. I apologize for the digressions. Will there be anything else?"

"Fame is pretty nice I spose, but as long as I'm helping even a little bit, I don't mind I'm brushed over in whatever history books they make. The Ninjask network was kinda supposed to be a secret in the first place after all!" Able chuckled. "Snype always likes working in the background... so I guess my whole place in this would be to work in the background of the background! If that makes any sense. Heheh. I'm fine with it either way. I'm no fighter but I know what my strengths are!" Able said.

"He always wanted to be in the history books." Obsidian shook his head, "Sorry, off topic. No, there's nothing else."

Able tilted her head and turned back to Greg. "Yup! That oughta do it! I'll let you know if I see anything weird while flying around town Greg! Let me know ASAP when Snype responds!" Able said cheerfully.

"Good-bye," Gregory waved them off.

The Temple of Life
Featuring Vee, Razathiel, Cythera, Rattles, and Kyogre

"Ah, there's no mistaking it!" Vee exclaimed excitedly as the group arrived in what could only be the Temple of Life. A wide, expansive stone building, the temple looked more like a dome than a traditional temple. Once, perhaps it had a smooth, perfect surface to it, globing around into a perfect sphere. Now, it was cracked, and worn, and covered in snow. It appeared to be completely surrounded by a lake, one that was frozen, and likely has been for a long time.

"I've never had the chance to be to this one, but it looks the part," Vee continued. "Sad to see it so untouched by 'mon. I wonder if James' occupation drove the acolytes out?"

"Maybe they sensed my encroaching presence of disaster and fled in terror while they still could," Razathiel mused.

"Probably has something more to do with that mercenary taking this place over," Vee responded. "Let's not waste time," They began their approach closer to the snowy temple. "Kyogre is the Guardian of Water and Life, but he is more than that too. He is very old, one of the oldest Guardians. Old enough to have been around when Gabriel walked the earth. I think if anyone can understand the threat of Darkrai, it would be him."

"Understand and thoroughly do bugger all about, yes," the Ralts murmured.

"I wonder about that," Vee retorted as he continued forward, gliding over the icy lake around the temple. "Recent developments have me thinking otherwise... now, are we all going to be going inside?"

"I assumed that would be the case," Cythera answered with a raised eyebrow. "Is there a reason for it not to be? Should we be expecting anything that warrants a watchmon?"

"I think a better question is," Raz spoke up. "Would you mind if I, Razathiel the Dreadmage, terrifying scourge of all good in the world, attended a meeting with the Guardian of Life? Of course, it's all very interesting so I want to go in, but I'll defer to your judgement if necessary."

"The thing is, while some legendary 'mon, like me, are generally laid back and can take all sorts of..." Vee paused to find the right words. "... brevity, some legendaries do not feel the same way," Vee explained. "There is a deep, residual entitlement of absolute respect they felt they are owed. Insults, backhanded comments, even interruptions could prove hazardous. Of course, I don't really know how Kyogre himself will react, having never met him. But I've run into enough legendaries to know a lot of them are pretty stuck up. So I say the choice to go inside is entirely up to you. But if you do, don't be... well, you," Vee stated to Raz.

"Uh," Razathiel grimaced, turning to Cythera and Rattles. "What do you two think?"

Rattles was the first to answer, writing "I want Raz to come. He is a valuable source of information."

Cythera mulled over her assistant's response for a moment before sharing her own thoughts. "I know Rattles only really means this as far as her own research, but I feel like it's true outside of that as well. Despite his personality, he's shown himself to be of the more mentally apt members of the group. If we want to get all the information we can from Kyogre or whoever else is there, I think he should join us." She then turned to Vee, giving him a charming smile. "And if he starts getting out of line, you can just teleport him out of there, can't you? Though having seen the emperor, I guess there are 'mon who like that sort of thing. Maybe Kyogre is one of them."

"Somehow I doubt that," Vee muttered. "But very well, perhaps you're right. Let's do this, then," Vee declared as it moved forward toward the temple. The path leading up to the temple was frozen and slippery, but Vee simply glided over it and toward the front of the large entrance. The Victini paused for a moment and closed its eyes, motioning for the group to stop as well with its small hand. "... sorry, just making sure my connection with the other Temple group is up. I don't want any surprises so I linked up with Abel in case anything were to happen that would need my attention there, or vice versa."

"Wait," the Dreadmage blinked. "I'm going in?"

"Yes, yes, let's go!" Vee declared. "Unless you prefer not to?"

"I just didn't, I mean... wow," Razathiel shrugged and let out a puff of air. "I want to go in, sure, I just didn't really expect this."

"Well, it's happening now, so be nice!" Vee stated and walked forward. The Victini touched the enormous stone doors of the temple, and sucked in a deep breath. "Hmm... very peculiar. These Temples, by all accounts to an outsider, look abandoned and desolate. But I could feel the energy here. Whether he is drawn to like-minded presences, or feel the need to be here, or has always been here, I expect we'll have company inside."

"Well then, let's not keep them waiting," Cythera said with a frown.

Vee agreed and concentrated on the gigantic doors before it. The Victini closed its eyes and appeared to wait, as it continued to lightly grasp on the large opening. A few moments later, the Victini opened its eyes, eyes which were shining a bright, pure white. At the opening of Vee's eyes, the entire door was flooded with energy from the small Victini's body, the same, white-colored energy as the Victini. It washed over and through the door, seemingly being absorbed by it like water to a sponge. The energy sunk into the door, and when all of that energy was seemingly dispelled from the tiny Victini's body, there was silence again. A moment longer, the group waited, before Vee pushed on the door, and the massive stone gates began to part slowly. They gnarled along the top and bottom of the entrance, scraping along the ground as the stones scratched upon each other. Eventually, the doors parted open and the inside was revealed.

There was little light in the gargantuan room. The only light which steadily shone through was from the open doors. Even then, the overcast and heavy snowfall didn't do well to fully illuminate the temple inside. Vee lit a small fire along its hand to brighten up the room, revealing one large room inside. The path was stone, similar to the outside. Pillars were aligned across the outskirts of the temple, but a pathway with columns on each side were also presented in the very center. The pathway continued toward the center of the temple, up a set of stairs, before it stopped on a stand.

Vee pointed to the stand in the middle, which overlooked a large clearing in front of it, directly in front of a large pool of water. Water which, by all accounts, ought to have been frozen like the outside, but which was running steadily from an unknown source. "Where we present ourselves," Vee explained as the Victini walked down this path. "It's here where Kyogre will show himself... or not. I don't really know his criteria. Come to think of it, I don't know much at all about this Guardian."

"Fear not," Razathiel assured the Victini. "I am well-versed in the nature of these temples. None of you were there for it, of course, but it was I who initially made this group aware of these sacred places! To successfully summon the Guardian of Life, those of noble intention must reveal unto me- aghem, uh, Kyogre, reveal unto Kyogre- their deepest darkest secret! And/or weakness!" The wizard paused to place a hand on his chest. "A harsh trial indeed. Also I hear leaving a bag of gold and a plate of cookies for them helps. If you feel like trying it I'll be more than happy to keep stealthy watch should Kyogre be enticed."

"Our deepest secret?" Vee questioned skeptically. "I've never heard of anything like that."

"Probably because he made it up," Cythera huffed. "We shouldn't be wasting time with stupid things like this, what with Valkaria gradually being destroyed and all. Now Vee, you said you sensed a presence? Are you unable to figure out where it's coming from? Even a general direction should do."

"Well, you don't have to be so blunt about it," Raz grumbled, folding his arms. "For all I know it could work- either Kyogre has a single criterion and I'm plagued with untrustworthy sources, or Kyogre's criteria is supposedly somewhat arbitrary... trial and error, I guess?"

Vee huffed at Raz and then proceeded toward the center of the stand. "The energy is concentrated right over here... hmm..." Vee began to concentrate right in the center. "Come over here with me," He told the others. "If we concentrate here, maybe he'll approach us. Kyogre! We humbly summon you here to us, Guardian of Life!"

Vee glanced around in silence, hoping for something to happen, but nothing immediately did. He cleared his throat slightly, and bellowed again. "Guardian of Life! We hum-"

"I have heard you the first time!" A loud, bellowing voice declared authoritatively. From the large pool of water in front of them, an enormous figure began to emerge. The figure's large form engulfed the entire room in waves of the water as it roared across the area, though somehow avoiding the area where the group stood. The legendary Kyogre towered over the smaller 'mon in front of him, glancing down below at them with an expression Vee couldn't quite pinpoint. "A Victini, a Ralts, a Ferrothorn, and a Floette. What an odd group to keep."

"Charmed," Razathiel murmured.

Cythera looked up at the massive Guardian in awe, speechless for a good few seconds before giving Vee a light psychic push. "Go on then, Vee. Tell it why we're here."

Vee stumbled forward from the push, glancing back at Cythera, before the Victini cleared its throat. "Ahem... we-"

"I already know why you are here," The behemoth's voice boomed throughout the chamber. Again, the Guardian bellowed with the sound of authority, almost in a yell, but yet somehow measured enough to not appear so. "Do you think me blind to the state of the world? Gabriel is content in eradicating us all, and everyone else save a few are too damn foolish to do anything about it," Kyogre declared. "It was only a matter of time before you reached out. I would ask what took so long, but then again, what can I expect? No one understands the threat. No one is aware. And for that, everyone will suffer."

"Oh, we want Kyogre's help with the Gabriel business?" The Dreadmage asked his companions absentmindedly, scratching the back of his head. "I mean, I just had some questions about Edgar and maybe Groudon's Gift and stuff. I guess if Kyogre wants to help with getting us over the final hurdle or something it wouldn't hurt... are there any other world-ending catastrophes coming up that they can help with, Vee?"

Vee visibly paled at Raz's statement. He began to try and hiss something under his breath at Raz, but the booming voice of Kyogre cut him off. "You think yourself a comedian?" The Kyogre demanded of the Ralts. Before Raz could speak, Kyogre continued. "You think yourself capable of fighting Darkrai, when you aren't even capable of evolving?" He asked, his voice thundering across the chambers. "If a fool is what I am to deal with, then so be it! To think I thought your group had any sense at all."

"Well this is going worse than I expected," Cythera grumbled, already sounding tired, before looking over at Vee with a strained smile. "Vee, I miiight have been wrong. Can you get him out of here please?"

"Well, it's reassuring to see you've decided to take the situation seriously, now that you've finally finished with your fucking bath," Raz snapped at the leviathan, ignoring Cythera's protests to Vee.

"Enough!" The Guardian snapped, his voice booming with authority. "I will answer your questions, and then you will leave. I have not the time to converse with you. Yes, I know of what these folk call, 'Groudon's Gift'. Pah... Groudon, it was my gift to the world! One this world scarcely deserved. Yes, I know of the Emperor of this land. He was my chosen, my vessel. He was my answer to Darkrai's escape, thirty years ago. A one-of-a-kind 'mon I felt deserving of my gift."

"So then... noble Guardian," Vee began, trying to approach a more subtle, polite tone so as to counterbalance Raz's remarks. "He has your power and abilities? The Emperor?"

"He has my gift of life," Kyogre answered, his voice echoing across the halls. "So long as our bond is in tact, he cannot be killed by most means. His strength is his own. As I said, a one-of-a-kind 'mon. The most exceptional of you, as I have selected."

Vee frowned a bit. It didn't seem like that was quite the answer he was hoping to hear.

"Makes sense," Razathiel commented, noticeably less antsy. "I can only assume you're aware he is completely oblivious to your influence."

"He is not, entirely," The behemoth responded, without glancing down at the 'mon. "He questioned once, perhaps, a while ago. But has for a long time now put it out of his mind. I thought it for the best regardless," Kyogre stated. "An attention like that would bring about unwanted advances. I sought to preserve his position as Emperor. I knew he would need it. So I subtly adjusted his thinking on matters too, to the best I could do without distorting his own personality. The subtle expansion of territory, the measured approaches, the freeing of the slaves, all part of my design to ensure he was well-liked among this barbarism. To remain in power when the time to fight would come. And so it soon shall."

"Soon shall?" Vee questioned the Guardian.

"When your nation is decimated, Gabriel's attention will turn here," The Kyogre answered bluntly. "When it does, he shall not find an easy foe."

"Wow, thanks." Cythera griped. She struggled to hide her disgust of the Guardian on her expression, but she wasn't willing to overtly challenge them. "Now, you said he cannot be killed by 'most' means. So are there things even he should fear? And does Groudon's gift, or your gift or whatever offer a similar protection to that of the Emperor's bond?"

"It originates from the same ability," Kyogre explained. "'Groudon's' gift is my gift. It is the gift I bestowed upon Rionart. Although while the gift of the boiled plant is more temporary, mine is not. While others would lose their ability if afflicted with the plant, my chosen would eventually recover. It is why he has survived this long when so many have tried to see him killed."

"Is there another way to remove the gift of the boiled plant?" Raz asked. "Besides afflicting them with the un-boiled variety,"

"Only by my power, or perhaps my brother's," The Kyogre answered, his voice as booming as ever. "Or perhaps by those strong enough to overcome it. Those who have walked with us."

"Speaking of," Cythera chimed, "I was told that those who do such have their very souls damaged. Is there any truth to this? And if so, how might one go about repairing the damage?"

"Putting that amount of power into you is not without its price," Kyogre confirmed with a nod of his head. The very act sent the water below him to tumble over and around the area. "Once, long ago, Pokemon weren't affected by them as much. But we changed that. Your greed went too far. Now, there is a price for holding that power. Theoretically, I can take that away, temporarily. But so can a healer who also walks with us."

"Theoretically, huh?" she mused. "Well whatever, I'll make it work. Now I just need the damn stone." She looked up at Kyogre and put her hands together. "Esteemed Guardian of Life, you wouldn't happen to be in the possession of any mega stones you're willing to part with, would you?"

"But I thought you did not desire my help," The Kyogre stated with a hint of sarcasm in his booming voice, as he glared briefly at Raz. "That you were only here for questions and nothing else. That you were more than capable of handling Gabriel on your own. Is that not the case?"

"What are you looking at me for? It's her business, not mine. I'm not the one asking for a stone," the wizard huffed, raising one eyebrow at the leviathan. "And for the record, needing is not the same thing as desiring. The sooner the legendary moron whose idiocy is terrifying enough to leave nightmares of sheer horrific stupidity in its wake kicks the fucking bucket, the better for everyone on this blasted plane of existence."

"Hmph, too bad, I would have helped you, if you but swallowed your pride," The behemoth replied as he waved his enormous fin to the side. The water to the side of the fin formed a bridge of ice beside the group, where upon it lay a set of three Mega Stones. "One for a Florges. One for a Greninja. One for a Weavile. I've imbued my own power within them, so that your first transformation will be without the repercussion many experience," The large Legendary Pokemon glanced toward Cythera. "Learn from it. And master it. The second time will be on you. And if you cannot do it, you aren't worthy of holding this power to begin with. But be warned: the lasting effect will still take effect upon the third transformation. Death."

Cythera's eyes sparkled at the sight of the stones. She took a moment of pause at the Guardian's words, but she didn't think on them very long. "I have yet to meet a healer better than me, so if I'm not worthy of it then nobody is. Well, aside from you, oh Guardian of Life. I'm sure you're a magnificent, unrivaled healer!" She smiled at him while gently picking up the stones with her Psychic power. "And thank you for overlooking the transgressions of our foul-mouthed companion, dear Guardian." She shot an accusatory glance at Raz.

"Don't act like you didn't have the chance to stop me from coming in here," Razathiel chided. "I'm not sure what else you expect of me; take away my penchant for confrontation and vulgarity and what do I have left... besides my power, my villainous reputation, my endless wit, my mountain of treasure and my devilish charm?"

"You are nothing but a fool," The Kyogre interjected as he glanced at the Ralts. "But I am not so foolish myself to stake the world against the words of a fool."

"That makes two of us," The Dreadmage commented dryly.

"Uhm... Lord Guardian," Vee began. "There is another matter we wish to bring to your attention. You are aware of Gabriel's true plan, right?"

"His true plan?" Kyogre questioned skeptically. "He has a true plan?"

"Yes, unfortunately," Vee replied grimly. "It appears his intention is to create a new world. He seeks to do so by... unlocking the Ancian and destroying Arceus. He also seeks to destroy the Guardian cycle."

Kyogre paused for a few moments, glancing down at the Victini and scrutinizing it. "... And you believe that?"

"We have good reason to," Vee responded with a nod.

The large behemoth sighed deeply, his breath carrying across the chamber and causing the waters around to tide. "I expected more from a Victini. Such a thing is preposterous."

"I know it sounds unbelievable, Guardian, but we have reliable information that states Gabriel will be opening the Ancian," Vee continued.

Kyogre rolled his eyes. "He would need to find an actual portal to there, and to even try... such a thing has not been done before. It is unlikely if it would even work."

"But what if it did?" Vee questioned. "What if that was his plan?"

"I do not sully myself with unbelievable hypotheticals," Kyogre stated dismissively. "But you are free to believe what you wish. Your words will not dissuade my actions. I still have full intent of stopping Gabriel from his plan, whatever it may be. If this is truly what he seeks to do, my actions are unchanged."

"Your actions," Razathiel echoed. "Gifting Mega Stones, bonding to a Pangoro and... waiting for the envoy of chaos to come to you? More than that, certainly."

"What would you have me do?" Kyogre questioned, his voice rising as he said so. "While fully bonded, I cannot provide significant power to anyone else. And I am no fool to go pick a direct fight with Gabriel. Not as he is now. He has surpassed any reasonable level to do that."

"Uh," the Ralts tried to hide his surprise behind a cough. He hadn't expected that to be all Kyogre had done. "Fully, erm, bonded, you say? Sounds slightly different to the bond you share with that prick back in Anatellia, Vee."

"It's a different bond," Vee answered with a nod. "As I said back there, there are many different ways to bond, for many different reasons. A full bond like this one involves placing a large portion of something into another, sort of like a transference. Sometimes it's power. Sometimes it's memories. Sometimes it's something else. It's why the Emperor has never truly been defeated, I suspect. Maybe he could have died from one of the many assassination attempts on him, or perhaps his body would have given to old age, or something else. But Kyogre prevented it." Vee concluded, to which Kyogre gave a subtle nod.

Cythera, who had seemingly been lost in her thoughts, suddenly piped up and asked, "Guardian, what can you tell me about your selection as a Guardian by the Watcher? Forgive me if this is a taboo subject, but she has been travelling with us of late and I've been curious."

"Travelling with you?" The Guardian inquired. "What do you mean travelling with you?"

"The Guardian was bonded to one of our own, an-"

"And he revealed that bond to you?!" The Kyogre raised his voice, causing the water below him to splash violently across the chamber. "Is he an imbecile? A buffoon? Does he know what he has done?"

"No, no, Guardian, he did not reveal it simply like that!" Vee insisted. "He was being pursued by Gabriel!"

Kyogre seemed to calm a bit, and pondered in silence. "... perhaps there is something to these words you have been saying. He truly intends to end the Guardian system? Has he gone mad? Hmm... perhaps he has a long time ago... I must ponder this more... as to my own selection, most of us have left those lives behind a long time ago. I was once an Empoleon, an Emperor of my land, who was approached to be selected. And I accepted. For someone wishing to protect the world, there was no better honor. There was no need for a decision."

"Uh... I thought you said you knew why we were here, that you weren't blind to the state of the world," Raz said with a grimace. "I'd assumed there was some kind of surveillance thing going on, but if you didn't know about the Watcher business, erm... well, do you think we should take a minute or two for an update of sorts? There's a bloody load of stuff that happened, and if you didn't even know about the Watcher then... whew. I mean, just... whew."

"The Watcher is shielded from my view, from all Pokemon's senses," Kyogre explained in his booming voice. "Maybe you've noticed before that you could not sense their presence, scan out their life, detect them. Even from us, they are hidden. Save for those bonded to the Watcher. Which begs the question on how Gabriel managed to find them in the first place. I am certain I know most of the other happenings of the world, but to the Watcher I am blind. So tell me now, what else has occurred?" He demanded.

"In order of importance I guess?" The wizard suggested, turning briefly to his companions. "We're just about there on Cresselia, I think is the main thing. Two of three pieces secured, in the process of securing the third- which is in the possession of your bonded Pangoro, by the way. The others should be able to win it from him rightfully, but should they fail I don't suppose there's some kind of subtle influence you can impose to ensure its correct safekeeping."

"Yes, yes, I know this," The Kyogre said dismissively. "Is there anything else actually important that has occurred?"

The group continued to explain a few of the happenings of the world. Many of which, Kyogre appeared to already have some knowledge on, as he quickly and impatiently ushered them along to the next topic. A few times, he asked them to elaborate more, but for the most part, he moved them along to the next topic. When they were concluded, the mighty behemoth Pokemon pondered for a moment, taking in all of the facts.

"Hmm... I see... I think there may be something to Gabriel trying to annihilate the Guardians. If such is the case, then he is truly mad. But it is pleasing to see some legendaries have not completely decided to foolishly sit out the fight," Kyogre commented. "Mew is a valuable ally. It has a wide variety of abilities, likely helping those against Darkrai as we speak."

"Well they didn't give me any indication of that," Raz huffed. "If anything, the bloody thing was a confusing spanner in the works, if a minor one. Certainly not any help, at any rate."

"I doubt you would get any indication," The legendary Pokemon commented sourly.

"Come on," the Dreadmage moaned, folding his arms. "They just kept shapeshifting and telling me loads of stuff I already knew! On top of being particularly unhelpful in identification and suspicious in their actions and lines of questioning..."

"I don't care," Kyogre responded dismissively. "Stop wasting my time. Ask any other questions you have, or I will depart."

"Raz, tell them about your little experiment," Cythera said while she examined the Florges mega stone. "I'd like to see if they have any comments on the wisdom of such an endeavor."

"Somehow I doubt the Guardian of Life would share an appreciation for, er... such endeavours," Razathiel said hesitantly, raising one eyebrow at the Floette.

"Speak, or move on!" The Kyogre demanded more forcefully, causing the tides of he waters to rumble and overflow across the chamber.

"Well," she explained, "put simply, he and Vee intend to channel a Florges mega stone's energy into a shiny stone, then evolve me with said charged stone. I, of course, had my doubts as to whether or not this was a good idea." It seemed like she was going to say more, but she decided to cut her explanation off there.

"It is foolish to meddle with the stones," Kyogre commented simply. "I would not attempt it. Next."

Bits of rubble flew up as a pounding resounded throughout Kyogre's chamber. The source was Rattles, who had written out, "Where are all the other Guardians?"

The legendary Pokemon moved forward closer to the group, and eyed the message pounded in by the Ferrothorn. He glanced down as he wrote it, and scoffed after she was done. "They have effectively abandoned this fight," He answered.

"Why, Guardian?" Vee asked with a frown. "Why don't they help the world now that we need it?"

"Because they are fools!" Kyogre boomed. "Cresselia's been gone for millennia. The Balance Guardians believe this world to be doomed beyond repair and so are preparing for the end already. The lake Guardians have always been isolationists, against direct intervention. The fools. And Groudon and Rayquaza?" Kyogre snorted, causing the water in front of him to splash forward. "They are afraid to try. They believe Darkrai beyond their capabilities of stopping. Cowardly fools," He cursed.

"I have a question," Raz began, stroking his chin. "You said earlier that it would be foolish for you to pick a direct fight with Gabriel, yet your bonded, the Emperor, claims to have won such a fight. Hell, he showed me the memory - granted, he didn't actually kill the bastard, but I'll be damned if it wasn't toe-to-toe."

"... The Emperor did not win that fight," Kyogre answered in a lower voice. "He was holding back. He did not even transform into his true form. Curse him for breaking the Guardian's gift. He was taunting me. The bastard. He was likely showing me that he was back, showing the Guardians. Or perhaps he had another motive. The Emperor was his equal in that form. But had Gabriel wanted to, even at his weaker state, the Emperor wouldn't have stopped him."

"Egh, crud," the Ralts cursed. "I'd suspected the Dark One might have been holding back. Regardless, it seems as though you and your bonded are not quite on the same page on a lot of these issues. I suppose that's to be expected when you don't intend to have him made aware of his true situation - is there not more you can do to sway his influence seeing as you are putting so much effort into this bond?"

"Doing so has its disadvantages, but I am capable," Kyogre retorted. "But I will not, until I need to."

"Just be prepared for that time to come sooner rather than later," Razathiel grumbled.

"I will do as I please, when I w-" The mighty Kyogre began, before he suddenly stopped himself mid-sentence. "Others approach." The behemoth stated as he raised his enormous head through the chamber to observe.

Vee similarly looked around, feeling the same thing. As the Victini looked up, it noticed that light snowfall began across the chamber from the inside.

The Intruders in the Temple of Life

"Intruders?" The Dreadmage perked up, his crimson eyes glowing as he turned to scan the area behind him. "Hopefully a few 'mon whose very spirits I can shatter into oblivion. I could do with a little venting."

The snowfall inside the temple was growing fiercer every second, to match the pace of the snowfall outside. Someone was at the doorstep, a great shadow blocking almost all of the entrance. When the huge 'mon stepped inside, a rush of chilling air followed him, and with every one of his heavy steps that echoed in the pathway of the columns, the thicker the snow that fell from the ceiling was. As the figure came within range of Vee's light, it was clear: he was an Abomasnow of extraordinary size. He seemed deeply tired, likely from the journey to the top, but perhaps that was a facade. Or perhaps he was always tired. He took a moment to regain composure, putting his hands behind his back and bulking up his chest; the snow of his Snow Warning started perching upon his shoulders and head. His lazy eyes, red as if from the lack of sleep, glanced at each mon of the group before him. Genuine amazement showed on his face when he saw Kyogre.

He cleared his throat discreetly. "Greetings," he said to the lesser 'mon. "Would you please kindly step aside?"

"So, uh, Big Blue," Raz murmured back to Kyogre. "You don't have any outstanding reasons why I shouldn't obliterate this lapdog of Darkrai, do you?"

"Lapdogs," Kyogre clarified as he examined the Abomasnow curiously.

"... He's not alone," Vee muttered.

"I didn't say he was," the wizard snapped. "But unless the head fuckwit himself is here or there are fifty of the curs, I'm not inclined to feel all that threatened."

Faint footsteps began to resonate through the chamber, as other figures began to emerge from the outside and appear beside Wyatt. To his right, Roxanna and James emerged. To his left, Xander and Alai also followed suit, along with another 'mon in a black robe and a hood with red lining.

"It would be oh, so amusing to see you try," Roxanna commented gleefully at the Ralts.

"Hey, guys!" Alai greeted with a polite wave of his hand.

"Gabriel," The Kyogre muttered lowly but loudly, his voice echoing across the chamber.

"Vee," Cythera said, her forced smile unable to contain the fear in her voice. "You should probably prepare to teleport us away. Now."

"Mediocre entrance! Three out of ten! Try harder!" Razathiel growled at the approaching agents before turning specifically to the Zoroark. "And yes, I agree; it would be hilarious to see you jump so willingly into a fight you have already lost, you pompous imbecile!"

"Feel free to go," James responded to Cythera. "We're not here for you."

"You are outnumbered," the 'mon with the black robe said in a whispery voice, "and outgunned, as it seems. I would listen to him if I were you." He signalled to the agents around him, nodding towards Kyogre. The agents started moving in a crescent around the 'mon in front of the Guardian.

Wyatt, the Abomasnow in the middle of the crescent, stepped forward. The snowfall inside the temple had gotten intense; flakes kept piling and piling on the floor. His fists clenched into massive balls of leaves and he took on a battle stance. "I was hoping I wasn't going to have to be violent."

"Shoot!" Vee cursed as it looked at the others. "I can't teleport inside of here!" The Victini exclaimed.

"Now why the bloody hell not?" The Dreadmage grumbled in annoyance.

"Let them come," The great behemoth Kyogre boomed through the chamber, causing momentary pause to some of the Agents. "If Gabriel has come to see me fall, he won't find an easy opponent!" The Guardian exclaimed, as the wave of water below him began to slowly rise and surround him.

"I believe we would rather avoid to fight a Guardian right now," the Agent in the hood said. He motioned with his arm, claws showing momentarily in Vee's light. Out of the claws, a dark, purple energy erupted and shot past the mountain of water Kyogre was forming.

"Wha-" Kyogre began as the dark energy dissipated through the water, and directly impacted the Guardian. "ARGH!" Kyogre roared loudly, causing the entire chamber to shake ferociously.

"Bring it down!" Roxanna declared. "Make sure Gabriel's power takes effect! The rest, distract the interlopers!"

James and Xander approached beside the cloaked 'mon and darted toward Kyogre. Roxanna, Alai and Wyatt, meanwhile, turned to face off against Raz, Cythera, Rattles, and Vee. Razathiel waved a hand and bathed the room in Psychic energy, imposing the will of his Magic Room on everyone inside.

"We have to stop them!" Vee declared as the Victini shot a powerful Psychic forward.

"Kyogre needs to lift Xander's gifted power," Razathiel said to his companions in as hushed a manner as he could bear. "The Ursaring needs to be slain before he becomes problematic. Roxanna should be monitored to keep track of her illusions. James is a null factor for now; avoid him but otherwise ignore him. All I know of Alai is that he likes to use berries and now he can't. The hooded 'mon is likely Gabriel. Fuck if I know what to do about him, same case as James for now."

Rattles stepped forth in a defensive stance, ready to Protect if things went badly. Cythera cast Lucky Chant on her allies and began charging her flower with Wish energy, but she doubted it would be enough. She pulled out her Mega Stone and held it out to Vee, hurriedly asking, "How much power is in here? Will it be enough for us to stand a chance? How long will it take to put its energy in a Shiny Stone?"

"If it's fully-powered up, I think it could be instantaneous!" Vee declared as he avoided a Dark Pulse from Roxanna. His Psychic he unleashed missed his intended target, Alai, as the Simisage moved and bounced around the chamber. Vee then hurriedly spoke to Raz. "Looks like they're only sending the Zoroark, Abomasnow and Simisage after us now. James and Xander are occupying Kyogre. And from whatever that cloaked 'mon is unleashed, he's in no position to do anything to Xander!"

"Do it, then!" Cythera commanded, giving Vee her stone. Vee nodded and immediately began to concentrate on the active stone. "Rattles, cover him! Raz, the shiny stone!" Rattles leapt in front of Vee, withstanding an attack headed his way only to be healed right back up by Cythera. The Dreadmage wasted no time in psychically chucking the evolutionary gem the Floette's way, then hopped off on a cloud of Psychic energy.

"Kyogre!" Razathiel growled into the water suspending the Guardian of Life as he passed over it, channelling psychic force to ready an attack. "Lift the Ursaring's fucking protection, for fuck's sake!" The large Kyogre merely roared in response, deferring a small glance toward the Ursaring, while pushing back his wall of water toward the three Agents targeting him.

As Raz channeled his attack, Alai intercepted and struck at the Ralts on his side with a kick as part of his Acrobatics. "Still here, bud!" The Simisage cried. Razathiel let out a frustrated noise and was launched away, burning some of his power to maintain stability in the air.

"Piss off, you berriless prick!" The Dreadmage snarled, spinning upwards and loosing the last of his channelled energy down at the Simisage. The Simisage widened his eyes and brought up his arms to protect himself as he was struck by Raz's attack and flung toward the water, disappearing into the walled whirlpool of waves.

Vee meanwhile had finished concentrating on the stone and handed it to Cythera just as the Shiny Stone was chucked at her. Roxanna attempted to grab at it before it was sent to her, but the Victini unleashed a torrent of flames at the Zoroark, which forced her back.

Meanwhile, two spheres of ice formed on the Abomasnow's hands, and like pushing a boulder, he threw them forward into what joined the snow falling from above, becoming a Blizzard that was aimed at all foes who stood before Kyogre and him. Vee immediately aimed to try to counter the intense Blizzard, firing off a wave of flames at the Abomasnow's formidable attack, keeping it at bay. He looked to the others at the moment to try and stop the rest, as he now seemed to be preoccupied.

The moment Cythera grabbed the stone, it burst in a flash of blinding light, releasing a shockwave that blew away everything around her. She feared that the stone had been unable to contain all that power and that they had failed, but within moments, the light released by the exploding stone began to gather once more. It flowed into Cythera, causing her to emit the telltale glow of evolution. Her body changed until it resembled a Florges, but it did not stop there as more and more energy flooded into her, boring into her tiny form seemingly endlessly.

Her body warped in its struggle to contain all the energy, and she screamed in agony. As it continued, the scream changed from one of suffering into one of anger, and then into laughter. Her shapeless body compressed itself into a form similar to a Florges, yet different. The cloak of light around her shattered, leaving behind a Mega Florges. The bouquet that normally circled a Florges' head was larger and floated around her neck only slightly away from her body, with more flowers streaming down from the edge. Yet more flowers floated around her, almost like butterflies in the way they moved. Leaves had also grown from her back, hanging down to resemble coattails.

"What a rush!" Came her first words after her evolution. Her face bore a look of ecstasy. She looked down at her hands, still trembling from the ordeal. She opened and closed her right hand a few times, so used to holding the flower that once channeled her power, now fused with her body and multiplied.

She wasted no more time before trying out her new abilities, spreading her arms wide and releasing a great wave of green energy that filled the Guardian's chamber. Blades of ethereal grass covered temple, filling all above with healing energy. The intensity was great enough to inspire real plants, long since weakened by the weather and trapped beneath the temple's stone floor, to sprout through cracks formed through the ages. More than just intensity, Cythera's new form brought with it greater control of her power, and she channelled this vast flow of life energy to focus exclusively on herself and her allies. Then, she raised an arm to cast Lucky Chant, the meager barriers from before being enhanced to sturdy shielding that wrapped around the vitals themselves with no obstruction to the 'mon containing them. Razathiel cackled with mad glee, taking the shockwave as a sign that the mad science experiment had somehow worked.

"You're all fucked now!" The wizard exclaimed, finishing the sentence with a 'maybe' in his mind. He flung Magical Leaves at the cloaked 'mon and landed on the ground, on lookout for another sneak attack.

James, who was having difficulty with the wave of water in front of him, quickly counter the leaves by unleashing a torrent of flames at the incoming leaves. His move caused Kyogre to momentarily break free from him and force him back with a wave of water, but James endured and quickly recovered to continue to keep the legendary steady.

"Oh, shoot," Alai commented as he emerged from the water soaked, examining the new Mega-Evolved Florges in front of them. "Uh, might want to hurry up there with that, guys!" He cried over to the three 'mon taking on Kyogre.

"Oh, yeah, cause you have the hard job!" James spat, as he inhaled a sharp breath, and soon began to Mega-Evolve himself. The wave of water in front of him dissipated from the intensity of his heat. The Blaziken soon began to push through more easily with the water and unleashed flames toward Kyogre's thick hide, which illicited a loud groan from the behemoth.

"Accursed fools!" The large Kyogre roared as he glanced around him. Both James and Xander seemed to be steadily passing through the wall of water he had erected. The beam of chaos being flung at him was clearly draining him, and at a very fast pace. "Do you realize what you're doing?"

"We thought about it a lot, I assure you," The 'mon in the hood said. He seemed to be holding back, letting the other agents step forward.

Cythera charged a great bundle of wish energy, which she sent through her terrain to reinvigorate the Guardian. "Go forth, my immortal soldiers!" She ordered her comrades. "Hold nothing back! Destroy them!" She let out a laugh that was likely a bit more villainous than she intended. Rattles held her ground, increasing the gravity around her to restrict her foes' movement. She didn't want any of them getting away like Alai had. Meanwhile, Razathiel skirted around the temple, keeping himself on his toes on the recoil of Dazzling Gleams which he launched toward the Agents attacking Kyogre. The Dazzling Gleams hit their marks, but didn't seem to deter the two formidable Agents for long, as they continued to press forward.

Vee, seemingly pushed forward by Cythera's words, unleashed a powerful Fire Blast at the Agents. Roxanna, who was forced back before by the wave, instantly skidded to the side to try and avoid it, but was still struck by the powerful flames. Meanwhile Alai used his advanced speed to narrowly dodge the torrent of flames.

Kyogre felt invigorated by the effects of Cythera, and let out a mighty roar. But the beam of chaos continuously seemed to effect him. The legendary glanced around the temple, and gritted his teeth. "Go!" He roared, causing the entire temple to begin to shake. The wave of water around him began to rise. Vee could feel the power of it strengthen tremendously in that moment. But it was a strange power surge. In Kyogre's body, it seemed like his energy was leaving. But his attack around, the wave of water across, it was only growing. "Leave!" He commanded to them. "These louts will be buried here!" He declared, as the water pressure began to rise to an exponential level.

"Uh... I think we should take his advice here!" Vee declared to the others. The Agents, catching note of the enormous water forming around Kyogre, seemed also to be moving away from the legendary. Alai was nowhere to be seen, Roxanna cursed and darted toward the temple doors. The others began to make their move away from the large behemoth too.

"What!? No!" Cythera protested, fueling Kyogre with another burst of Wish energy. She looked around at the fleeing agents desperately. "Rattles, don't let them leave!" Leaping onto her side, Rattles quickly spun toward the exit, blocking it and increasing the area's gravity.

"Burying them won't fucking work!" Raz barked, launching yet more Dazzling Gleams at the distracted Agents. "I refuse to waste this golden opportunity! If we can't see one of these fuckers dead now, then when will we be able to?"

A Dazzling Gleam struck a retreating Wyatt on the chest and he staggered, only for a moment. The snow that had been falling rushed to join his Sheer Cold attack that was targetted at the portion of the wave coming towards him; he then turned around and made a run for the entrance.

"Out," the cloaked 'mon shouted. "It's done!" Being in the back of the Agents, he was the first one seen to step out of the temple through the massive doors and into the snow.

"If we don't leave right now too, we'll be killed as well!" Vee protested to the group, just as the large legendary unleashed a mighty roar. The tidal wave he had been rising, at that moment, began to descend, washing away everything in its path with tremendous ferocity. Both James and Xander were washed away in the roaring tide. Roxanna seemed to make it out of the temple despite the high rise of the gravity. Vee cursed and looked back at the group. "NOW!"

Cythera growled in frustration before rushing over to the exit with the others. "Rattles, let's go!" She ordered as she reached the Gravity field, to which Rattles ceased her attack and fled alongsinde her. She made sure to launch one last bundle of Wish energy as she passed the exit, then focused her attention ahead. Meanwhile, with the intense gravity lifted, Razathiel rocketed upwards on a cloud of Psychic energy towards the exit.

"Fuck you, Kyogre!" The wizard spat.

The group barely managed to make it out of the temple, just as the roaring waves crashed across the temple grounds, flooding it entirely. Oddly enough, once the water reached the massive doors in front, the water abruptly stopped and went no further, as if there was something preventing it from doing so. Then, the enormous doors of the temple abruptly shut, and any sight or sounds of water appeared to be gone. Vee panted heavily, looking first at the temple, and then around at the immediate area. No Agents were immediately present around them. "We made it," It muttered.

"Fuck! Fuck it!" Raz cursed, launching small psychic blasts at the ground in frustration, sending up little tufts of snow in small puffs. "That fucking whale fucked it all!"

"Kyogre just saved us!" Vee exclaimed. "What are you even on about?"

"Massive wasted opportunity!" The Ralts wailed. "Could have been so easy! Guess it'd be fucking ridiculous to assume that a massive fucking fish would know anything about bait, but still..."

"Vee, can you sense anything?" Cythera asked the Victini. "Like the dwindling energy of an agent that might have hopefully gotten caught in that wave, or Kyogre's energy to make sure nothing went wrong and he's fucking dead? Because really, who scares off their healer when they're trying to not die? Especially when I'm that healer?"

"I can no longer sense Kyogre here," Vee stated as the Victini closed its eyes. "But not because he's dead. In fact, I'm certain he's not. He merely was unsummoned," Vee explained and focused more. "No Agents around here, they must have all teleported away or something. But we should be thankful. Kyogre helped us out a bunch right now."

"But he could have helped us a lot more, so fuck the prick," Razathiel snapped. "If I can't be spiteful at someone who saw fit to mock me rather than help me then what kind of self-respecting dark wizard would I be? Hell, I'd say that's a pretty justified outlook even on relatively low levels of evil on the morality spectrum. And that's not even counting how inconsiderately the pillock battled with-" the Dreadmage paused mid-thought as he turned, catching a glimpse of Cythera and in that moment remembering that the 'mad science experiment' had actually occurred.

"Oh, don't be like that," Cythera chided. "After all, Kyogre is to thank for my newfound power." She spun with delight. "So, so much power! This will help the group far more than any information or whatever else he might have would."

"No, no, fuck the whale-" Raz disagreed, shaking his head. "Vee and I are the cause of this. Except it wasn't really Vee that much. It was me. My idea. I take credit. What Kyogre did was unknowingly provide an asset that we could use nefariously for our own goals!" The wizard finished with a prideful flourish, before beginning to levitate around the Mega Florges with an excited gleam in his eyes. "But the experiment is not yet over, no - I wonder what the true limits of this form are. Will it even wear off? This is actually really fucking promising... have you even seen yourself? Look at this shit! This is cool as all hell! Cool as hell for people that dislike cold climates!"

"The power coming from her... it's incredible!" Vee exclaimed. "And no, it's not going to wear off. This is Cythera now. But I wonder what the long-term repercussions are? How do you feel, Cythera?"

"I feel wonderful!" She shouted cheerfully, spreading her arms wide. Raz ducked. "This is it! The power I've been looking for all this time! I feel like a fucking goddess!"

"So, uh..." Razathiel slowed to a halt and plopped back onto the snow. "Me next?"

"You had your chance," Vee snapped to the Dreadmage. "Why couldn't you be polite? Why did you have to be... you?" Vee questioned.

"I think you just answered your own question, Vee," the wizard replied with a sigh. "Likewise, you had the chance to have me stay at the door."

"Yes, but then you'd probably be dead right now," The Victini replied back. "All of the Agents would have overwhelmed you. So in hindsight, it was good you came along. And it was your fault for not keeping your mouth shut!" Vee insisted.

"Pretty sure I could have made it through a door, I wouldn't plan on dive-bombing the pricks like a fucking Electrode," the Dreadmage moped, arms folded.

"Well either way, we've got a pretty great advantage here now," Vee continued. "Now that we have these stones, and with Xander's immortality gone, we can start getting back on track!"

"Oh, Kyogre actually did lift the Ursaring's gift, then? Thank evil, the pillock at least did something right..." Raz muttered.

"Yes!" Vee exclaimed excitedly. "The strange energy I felt in Xander before reawakened when he was here, but after that massive wave struck him, it vanished. The tidal wave washed it away. So as long as they don't have anymore of that Groudon's Farewell lying around somewhere, I do believe we're in the clear now."

"You really don't think they have more?" The wizard questioned with a raised eyebrow. "I'd rather not be so naïve as to take the chance on such an assumption. I would rather we be prepared; thankfully, I have a lead that may assist us with such preparation. Supposedly, there exists a Pokémon in Daggen who possesses a sample of the plant. Goes by the name of Birabarn."

"Hmm... you might be right," Vee agreed. "But the very fact that we have Mega Stones helps as well. Even if he does have more, with enough power, we could counteract his ability as he utilizes it. But it couldn't hurt to also check this lead out."

"Sounds like everything's finally going well for us! For once." Cythera chimed. "Vee, you can communicate with the other group, right? Do you know if they've finished up over there?"

"Ah, right," Vee began as the Victini closed its eyes. After a few brief seconds, however, the Victini went stiff and opened its eyes cautiously. Vee gathered everyone next to him. "We have to go!" Vee stated suddenly, and the group vanished from the Temple of Life.

Outside the Temple of Balance

The scene directly outside the Temple of Balance was a wreck. The ground around the temple was charred and slashed from the intensity of the battle. The snow was burned and clawed. Smoke rubble from the outskirts of the temple was everywhere. Percival tried to squint his eyes to get a view of Abel anywhere, but had no luck. He also saw no sign of Grett, who had all but vanished as the temple doors began to reopen and both Kaveri and Callimer had reemerged.

"No!" The tired cliché was the first word out of Cal's mouth as he flew over with all the speed he could manage to alight beside Percival and lay a hand on his shoulder. "What happened? Where's Abel?!"

After seeing Callimer and Kaveri exit, Percival stepped off from his spot, with the light veil that was covering him and the temple instantly evaporating. "... I am sorry, Callimer," Percival began to explain as he frowned and gestured toward the rising smoke. As it slowly evaporated, Abel could be seen lying a few dozen meters away in the snow, motionless. Percival moved forward toward the Medicham while he continued to explain. "That gent madeth me remain here and guard the door, to ensure thy meeting wend uninterrupted. 'Twas a Sceptile."

"Grett..." Cal muttered, feeling no doubt whatsoever about who the attacker was. He flew to Abel's side and lifted him off the ground to rest in his arms. "Come on Abel, you're not done yet, you still deserve a chance to live your life... This war can't take everything from you! You-you...you've fought too hard not to see it all come to fruition!"

Abel's body gave no signs of life, instead collapsing forward in Callimer's arms. Percival stood over Callimer with a frown on his face, while the Dratini floated over and lay there in silence.

"His squarer wast incredibly stout," Percival explained. "But Abel wast fearless. That gent did not backeth down for a second. He wast resolute, more than I have ever seen in mine own short time knowing that gent. That Grett, he tried to enter the temple, but Abel would not allow it... I am the Gold Tribe, he sayeth..."

Cal stared down at the body in his arms, and felt his throat tighten. He managed to fight off the threat of gagging just there and then, but that didn't stop the misery from flowing freely through him. This was far from the first time one of his brothers in the tribe had been lost to him, and it wouldn't be the last, but the thought that Abel had died barring entry while he and Kav were trying to gain an edge against their enemies made it hurt all the more. "You were the Gold Tribe...you are the Gold Tribe. Go peacefully to your rest, brother. You can relax with Anzu now, and watch the fruits of your sacrifice, we'll fight the battle for you from here on out."

"And thee may account me a willing participant," Percival declared as he slammed his large armored shoulders with his fist. "T'would be an honor to square alongside such noble souls as thee. In thy fight in Karn, in thy battle against Darkrai, consider me aboard," Percival firmly stated with a nod. "For thy noble intentions of the Gold Tribe, for those thee have lost, for those thee protect."

Callimer continued to stare at the lifeless body in his arm until Percival began to wonder if the Dragonite had even heard him, then in one swift motion Cal stood up and yanked the Gold Tribe arm band off of his fallen brother. "Abel was all about practicality...he wouldn't want this buried with him...at least not yet, not when it can still stand for what he stood for." With painstaking care, Cal set Abel back down in a more relaxed position, and held his hand out to Percival, offering the Garchomp Abel's emblem. "Percival, I'm sure you must have other obligations to worry about, and a life to return to when this is over but... I'd be honored if you would fight alongside us a while longer, and I respectfully invite you to take up this emblem and fight with us as more than a comrade, as a brother. In the short time I've known you you've shown boundless courage, and peerless honor. It would only be honorary for now, but if you accept, and we make it through all this, you'd be welcome to call yourself one of us formally afterward, even if you don't go with us after it's all over.

The Garchomp stared at the golden armband in wonder. He reached out for it and nodded firmly. "You honor me, Callimer," He replied humbly. "'Twould be a great pleasure to square alongside such honorable folk as brothers and sisters!" Percival exclaimed at Callimer and Kaveri.

Kaveri thumped her paw against Percival's back. "It'll be an honor fighting with ya too, bud," she said with a grim smile. She looked over to Abel and the smile disappeared. "We should bury him... or something. Maybe even see if we can lay his body to rest in Beatruce, if we can find a way to get it there. I think he'd like that. He was very much of the patriotic sort, yeh?" Then she shook her head. "But then with all we've got going on now, I don't know if we've got that kinda time to spare."

"He's finally going to be with Anzu again...he deserves to be buried with her too." Cal said glumly before turning to their newest brother. "Percival... If you accept, I think I've thought of the best first duty for you within the Gold Tribe. Carry Abel, for now, and protect him as best you can if we get into another fight. It's time we go meet up with the team that went to the Temple of Life and make sure they're okay. If there's more for us to do there, we'll ask Vee to teleport Percival back to the inn, or to Gregory's office to arrange for a fitting transport coffin. When we can, we'll make sure Abel's delivered back to Beatruce, so they can mourn him properly, and lay him to rest with Anzu once things are under control enough for them to retrieve her from where I-" A gag that turned into a deep sniffle interrupted the Dragonite, forcing him to double over and take a deep breath to stifle any chance of a sob escaping at the thought of what he'd done.

Before Percival could answer Callimer or reassure him, a sudden flash of light brought Vee, Raz, Rattles, and the newly Mega-Evolved Cythera directly in front of Callimer, Kaveri, Percival, and the fallen Abel. Vee looked around as it reappeared and brought his attention to Abel. "... We're too late..." Vee muttered.

"Motherfucker..." Cythera said with a sigh, pinching her nose. She immediately went to examine Abel. Her frown deepened after looking him over, but she still began gathering a great bundle of Wish energy to infuse into his lifeless body. There was no reaction. "Tch... Guess even like this I can't bring 'mon back..."

Razathiel cleared his throat into his hand before asking, "What happened here?"

"A Darkrai follower," Percival answered grimly. "Grett wast his name. He sought entrance into the Temple of Balance. Abel prevented that."

"He gave everything he had..." Cal muttered, more reserved and somber than any of them had seen him since Guardia's death. "Even though I was one of the Pokémon he was protecting, he saw past that. Y'know... I had worried ever since our time in Beatruce that Abel hated me for what happened to Anzu, and that maybe he'd become disillusioned with our entire journey, and maybe even the Gold Tribe. But he came back to us in the end...Which reminds me," Cal shook off some of his grief and stepped over to put a hand on Percival's shoulder. "I'd like to officially invite you all to welcome the newest member of the Gold Tribe. It looks like Percival is staying with us, soon he'll need a title for all his new brothers and sisters to call him by."

"Ceremonial as t'may be, I welcome the title," Percival nodded. "But consider me an ally in thy square against Darkrai."

"Well, good to have another ally," Vee concurred. "And it looks like Abel's sacrifice wasn't in vain. We got a few Mega Stones from Kyogre. And, as you can see, Cythera is now permanently Mega-evolved too!" Vee exclaimed excitedly. Cythera put her hands on her hips, proudly showing off her new form. "While not as powerful as when the others would Mega Evolve, this is still great. Also, for the stones he handed us, he removed the first-time effects of not being able to move for weeks on end. He also said Cythera through her powers would be able to do the same for the two of you," Vee gestured to Kaveri and Callimer. "Assuming you guys got some Mega Stones. I hope you guys did."

Cal really looked at Cythera for the first time so far in that meeting and his eyes widened. "That's amazing! So then one of my hunches was right...I'm glad I brought her with me to see James then." After a moment Cal's brow furrowed and he looked troubled once again as his gaze darted between Raz and Vee. "I don't suppose they offered any method for us to survive Mega Evolving more than twice?" There wasn't much hope in his voice, but he felt the need to ask regardless.

Vee shook its head. "Not on our end," The Victini answered. "So, as before, when we choose to Mega Evolve, we should choose so carefully."

"And try to keep me around whenever you do," Cythera requested. "I'll need to get as much interaction with Mega Evolution as I can if I'm going to figure out how to counter this pesky death issue."

"I'm sure you'll find a way." Cal assured her with his best confident smile. "And when we get back, I have something I'm going to order, hopefully it can be made in time for the next round of the tourney, it's fairly simple."

"Well now that I've been to these places, getting Cythera to you will be a lot easier," Vee added with a nod. "So while you finish your end and get the last piece of Cresselia, we'll finish what we began and set off for Xander again."

"I assume everything worked out well on thy end?" Percival inquired at the group that traveled to the Temple of Life. "Give Kyogre bestowed upon thee the stones and the gift of evolution."

"Could've worked out a hell of a lot better if the bloody whale had any sense..." Razathiel grumbled.

"We... ran into a bit of trouble," Vee elaborated. "Kyogre did give us the stones, but Agents came as well. They came as a group, seemingly after Kyogre. He managed to escape, but he was forced back from his summoning..." Vee's mind wandered for a moment, as the Victini seemed to ponder his own words. "Well, this is an interesting situation now."

"What is?" Percival questioned the Victini.

"Well see, a summoning to a Guardian's temple is a fairly powerful ability. Imagine being anywhere across the world, and having the ability to appear practically anywhere on a whim. It's a feat very few can do. Guardians only, and only in certain conditions. But a temple summoning, as we had just done, requires a Guardian to arrive on his own accord, and to depart on his own accord. Kyogre chose to come to the Temple of Life and meet with us... he didn't choose to leave. He was forced from it. And with that power the hooded 'mon was throwing out... hmm..." Vee continued to contemplate for a moment. "When a Guardian is forced to leave from a summoning, a price must be paid. A price is always paid. They will depart, but part of their power is cut off from them. Left behind. Their connection to the world isn't as attenuated. Certain influences of theirs could be lost. Some marks they made on the land could be washed away. Some bonds they formed could be broken."

"You're saying the Emperor's fucked?" The Dreadmage muttered. "Oh, tragedy - how ever will I cope?"

"We need to get back to Erble." Cal said more urgently. "This could be terrible."

"Indeed," Percival agreed.

"Maybe..." Vee nodded as the Victini prepared to teleport them all back toward Erble. "What I'm saying is, the Emperor may not be bonded with Kyogre anymore. And if that's the case..." Vee hesitated for a moment, before proceeding. "Well, there's a serious consideration you all ought to be making. I'm not really sure if any of you are thinking about it now. If he isn't bonded anymore, then that means he could potentially be killed. What I'm saying is... before some Agent tries... why give them that chance?" He questioned the others. "Why not try taking him out ourselves?"

Razathiel paused for a moment before letting out a long 'ooooh'.

"Kill Edgar?" Cal muttered. "But...he...We'd have to finish the tournament before we even consider it. He'll be watching every match and we can't just interrupt it all to challenge the Emperor to a duel. And...if it comes to that I guess we'll have to decide who should fight him and officially claim the title. I wish one of us could have become bonded to Kyogre, Zekrom, or Reshiram during this whole mess, it would have made things a lot simpler to have that kind of strength."

Vee shrugged. "I'm only laying it out as an option. I figure, if he's mortal now, and he holds a title like that, with so much power attached, why do we even need to keep him in power? Why not have one of us there instead? Food for thought," The Victini concluded, before it smirked. "And I highly doubt we could have gotten a Guardian to bond with us. That's practically unheard of. In fact, Kyogre doing it was already rare. What's the likelihood they'd do it with any of us?" Vee questioned.

"We don't know for sure that Edgar isn't bonded to Kyogre anymore, though. Until we know for certain, we could well be throwing our lives away if any of us challenges him," Kaveri pointed out.

"Good work everyone." Cal announced. "We should get back to Erble before they decide to disqualify any of us. But first..." He focused solely on Kaveri. "Do me a favor. I know having a Mega Stone must be really exciting, but it took a ton of practice before Snype or I could tap into that power. I don't know if maybe as a reward the Duo made your stone easier to access, but my decision stands regardless. We need to be as sparing as possible with these stones, and you just got yours. Kav, don't try to use your stone in your match against James unless he absolutely forces you to. That's not a request as your loving brother, it's an order as your leader."

"No worries there, Sentinel," Kaveri said, holding her paws up in the air. "I don't plan on touching it unless he goes Mega first. I'd rather save it."

Cal smiled warmly and suddenly broke the serious facade to hug his sister. "Good, do me a favor and kick his ass so I don't have to fight him!"

Kaveri wrapped her paws as far around the big green Dragonite as she could, patting him with a paw. "Don't worry, big sissy will keep the scary chicken away from you," she said in a mock voice of comfort.

"And I shall do my due diligence in disposing of that nasty Roxanna," Percival declared. "With great pleasure."

"Mmmm," Razathiel groaned, his shoulders slumping. "Was hoping I might have that honour, but I suppose it's best she just dies some way or another."

"Well, whatever we decide, I suppose we'll figure it out when we're back in Erble," Vee shrugged, and once more closed its eyes. The group gathered around, and a moment later, they were gone, leaving nothing but charred snow and the remnants of blood...
Brief Regroup
Karn- Snype's Room

It wasn't too long after the message from Greg. Snype was still stuck in bed, at least able to move himself around but his healing process was still fairly slow on account of all the burns. He could go through more of his berry supply sure but he was betting on recovering by the next few days. Unfortunately for Snype, he was a very impatient sort. He couldn't sit around on his ass before the next fight! He had to prepare himself... his next fight would be the most difficult one yet. Percy, James, Kav, Cal, Roxanna, that Wyvern fellow, any of them could be his next opponent. Snype was eager to get himself up and moving.

A large crack suddenly sounded as the entire group that had travelled to the tournament suddenly teleported right in the middle of the room. Celebi jumped back slightly at the appearance.

"There we are," Vee shouted.

"K-KYAH!" Snype shouted out in surprise from the sudden teleportation of the group, The Sableye moved himself against the edge of the bed, looking forward at the large group ahead of them. "C-cripes! Give a guy a warning before teleporting into his personal room like that! Keheh!" The Sableye said, catching his breath.

Cythera frowned the instant she saw Snype. "Well, King, it looks like you're still as careless as ever." She began to charge a sphere of Wish energy, the bundle she used to form now fitting in a single hand.

"Careless? Please! I was fighting for my life there! Sylvio was a damned monster in that Arena... oh yeah, he's around so uh... keheh, that's a thing." Snype looked over to Cythera... or at least, what he thought looked like Cythera, checking her up and down. "...Uh... woah you're uh... different... that IS you right Cythera?" Snype said. He could practicly feel the wish energy from where he was laying at.

"A lot has happened..." Cal grumbled from his spot in the group squinting down at the foot of Snype's bed without really seeing anything in front of him.

Cythera smirked. "My new form is indeed rather glorious, isn't it?" She couldn't help but giggle a little before controlling herself and launching the sphere at Snype. As soon as it touched him, he began to shine with a light that enveloped his wounds, leaving them completely healed and leaving Snype himself feeling better than he did even before the fight. "I might have gotten just a little stronger with it as well," she added, grinning with full knowledge of how much she was downplaying it. The Sableye shot himself out of his bed once the wish orb had hit him. Indeed, he was better then ever! He wished this was his condition before his battle against Sylvio! Still... he had other matters to worry about before thanking anyone.

"...What happened out there?" Snype looked among the group. "...Where's Abel at?"

Callimer grimaced painfully at Snype's question, then stepped aside so he could see the Gold Tribe's newest member...and what he was carrying. The Sableye's face suddenly shifted into one of terror upon what he saw. "No..."

"He wast... incredibly brave," Percival declared to Snype. "Squared against an Agent called Grett."

The Sableye clenched onto his bed sheet, making small claw marks through it. "...D...damn... he hated me with a passion and I never got to wrap that up with him... maybe if I went there with you then..." The Sableye shook his head. He knew he didn't have a choice but to stay either way. Not just with his workings with the Dealer but for Celebi's own safety as well. Celebi, upon seeing the body, merely floated off to the far side of the room away from everyone else and placed her knees to her chest. She remained like that in silence. Vee briefly glanced her way, raising an eyebrow, before his eyes widened for a bit and he frowned again.

"His sacrifice gave us what we needed," Vee stated, as the Victini gestured to the Mega Stones and then Cythera. "More Mega Stones, freshly active, as well as a way to prevent the long coma-state that comes with transformation. Although not everything worked out. Like Percival said, Agents arrived. But to both temples. To put a long story short, we believe the Emperor was bonded to Kyogre, but we also believe that bond may be broken now."

Snype turned his head toward Celebi at the state of her reaction... seeing folks like this must have been hard enough for her... unless this turned out to be one of the side effects of tampering with time... it wasn't something he should really tell the others. Even if he had planned to do so, Snype quickly was thrown aback by the comment on the Emperor. "W-what?! So... you know that means Darkrai could go right up to him and just take Karn right?!" Snype said. He had worried about this happening ever since the beginning of their adventure. It was the very thing Snype hoped wouldn't happen should Darkrai return. Now it just seemed more likely then ever.

"Not likely." Cal countered. "Gabriel's smarter than that, it wouldn't work to his advantage. We also learned that none of Edgar's strength came from the bond, just his near-immortality. That means it was with his own strength that he fought off Gabriel once before. It'd likely take Gabe a lot of effort to kill Edgar even in his true form, and once he showed his hand he knows we would all charge in to stop him, likely with several mega evolutions at once. That's one fight I'm not sure even he and all his agents could win with raw power. What it does mean, however, is that there is no way we can let Edgar remain neutral. At this point, it seems our only two options after the tournament are either to get him fully on our side...or for one of us to take the throne themselves..."

Snype looked to the side at the thought of the Gold Tribe taking the throne of Karn. At the moment, it'd give them the edge but after the war...? Well... it'd just be something Snype would have to worry about later. It was an awful lot of control for one faction. To be fair though, The Sableye had been mostly doing the same thing more or less with his own thief expansion before that hit the dust. "...Keh... well I can't say what the right choice is there. But it'd moreso be a matter of who would actually have enough of a pair to go through with it." Snype said, staring straight at Cal. "...But guess we can think about that after the tournament rounds huh? I had to squeeze in quite a bit of time there for you guys. Kehehe... Fighting Sylvio, then one of the Emperor's men, and then Sylvio again. Least you guys won't be late to your next fights eh?"

Cal lightly punched Snype's shoulder and smirked. "Yeah, you did great. I'm not sure it would have been worth it to get the stones if we all came back removed from the tournament. This is likely the only good chance we'll have to get rid of Roxanna...and James without anyone else interfering. Come to think of it, now we can easily afford to go all-out in our matches, thanks to Cythera! Recovery from regular injuries may as well be a non-issue at this point."

"Heh I'll say. I feel like a brand new Sableye at this point, not to further inflate ol' Cythera's ego further. Kehehe" The Sableye joked, winking at Cythera.

"Yeah, yeah," Razathiel grumbled, a little grumpy at not being really noticed thus far. "Cythera's great. Heals are great. Everything about it is ****ing great. What a wonderful permanent mega evolution brought to you straight from the magnificent mind of me, Razathiel the Dreadmage! Who performed the experiment in spite of the fact that he didn't directly gain anything material from the venture - you're welcome." The wizard folded his arms and glanced momentarily at the Victini. "And Vee too. Vee helped, I guess."

"I'd say that's an understatement," Vee muttered quietly. "Well?" Vee questioned louder. "I know you three have to go participate in the tournament, but what about the rest of us? What should we do?"

"Indeed, we can talk about how great I am later," Cythera snuck in one final brag before moving on. "But no matter what gets decided, I'll need to stay with Vee. While I've always been confident in my ability to keep 'mon alive, being able to keep our group as well as Kyogre safe against Darkrai and his full force of agents makes my value indisputable. However, I need to actually be there." She glanced at Abel's body with a frustrated look before continuing. "I feel that Vee's ability to keep in touch over a distance as well as teleport will be valuable in getting me to whoever needs help whenever they need it. Any objections, Vee?"

"None from me," Vee added with a nod.

"We should probably follow the Groudon's Gift lead in Daggen," Raz suggested, still a bit mopey. "But now that the bond may be broken, we'd best keep tabs on the Emperor as well. Do we have eyes on the bastard? I'd guess Snype has something. The only problem is actually having a plan that involves doing something once our eyes spot any kind of trouble..."

"Well, since he's watching the tournament, we'll have plenty of eyes there, I think," Vee replied. "Ah yeah, that guy the Emperor mentioned to you," Vee shrugged. "Could be worth checking out. Maybe we can get Anna, Able and Obsidian to help us too. Any idea where in Daggen he is?"

"Not particularly," the wizard admitted. "He's supposedly not well liked, which should mean he's fairly well known. Asking around shouldn't take too long."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Vee nodded. "Let's get to it, then. Good luck with your rounds of the tournament," He waved to the others. He also made one last glance to Abel's body, before he prepared the four of them to be teleported away.