Hey Rangi!, Great hack, prolly my favorite gen 2 hack I've played in awhile. Just wondering if there was any way to capture celebi before the elite four? I've tried wonder trade A LOT but still can't seem to get it. There seems to be a pattern when trading certain level pokemon, you seem to get about the same batch pokemon (Ex: Trading a level 5 or 10 bellsprout gets you weak or baby pokemon). I also noticed that the gameshark codes don't work for it either.
Hi! I saw you message about that the game shark codes doesn't work anymore, that is because when Rangi hack the Pkm Crystal room some values in the Hex codes move it in consequence of having edited or added new things,...well i alredy invested lot of time trying diferent codes by myself (except for "Max IV's codes"...Rangi said me both codes) and eventually i found these codes, hope you like it! Enjoy:
-Max IV's, just play with the "xx" values, to maximize values put "FF" in both codes:
The first code maximize the Atk, def and Hp. Note: in this hack the values in Atk and Def determine the Natures of pkms, so, for "FF" value result in a Serious nature, just play with the "xx" to discover the specifit natures that you want...if you don't know the Hex numeration sequence, you just have to investigate it, also...the second code maximize the Special atk, Sp. Def and Speed stats, and this one doesn't affect in any way the natures, so, you can put this code always with "FF" to have maximized values in this stats. Note: if you have a shiny pkm this codes will affect your pkms, becoming your pkm into a normal pkm
-Max Hp EV's:
-MaxAtk EV's:
-Max Def EV's:
-Max Sp. Atk & Sp. Def EV's:
-Max Spd EV's:
You can play with "FF" values once again, but like they actually are maximize the EV's.
-Walkthrough walls (this one Works perfectly, but when you go outside of the borders of maps the game will crash it, don't be scared about this, nothing happend with your sabe data, but you will have to re-start from where you saved the game the last time, ok):
-Send a pkm to Lv 100:
-Learn any move:
This code change the first atk of the first pkm in your party, if you simply disable the code the original attack will be there (without any change), I suggest you simply go to the section "Moves" and, being the active code, you move the first attack to another place (notice that the pokemon will have the new attack twice), once this is done, Turning off the code...the first attack changed and stay in place where you have placed, while attack that you climb to the top, disabling the code, stays as usual (doesn't change). Just play with "FF" values to change the attack (Ex: Moonblast=01FCEADC, Water pulse =0191EADC)
*Note: codes for IV's, EV's and Send a pkm to Lv 100 Works only with first pkm in your party, also you have to Deposit the pkm to see the Effects of IV's and EV's, when you Deposit that first pkm, obviously the "First pkm in you party" change in response to that action, so, if you don't want to alter the second pkm, once that you alredy deposit the pkm that you want to maximize the IV's or EV's simply turn off the code...in addition, when you use the "Send to pkm to Lv 100, occurs the same thing in your party, so turn it off when you deposit your pkm in pc...to see the effects (not in stats...in Pkm current Level) of this particular code you also have to withdraw the pkm from pc, now you just have to use that pkm in battle to nomalize his Exp data (because the Exp bar shows it full).
And that all that I found and all that I need (a wild pkm editor code will be useful, but still I have not found it hahahahahha {XD}
* I apologize if my English is not right, I'm still learning :)