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Ruby hack: Pokémon SkyLine

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I do not exist.
  • 8,593
    • Seen May 26, 2024
    Hack Information...
    Hack Name: POKéMON SkyLine
    Hack Base: POKéMON Ruby (U)
    Hack Author: destinedjagold

    Author's Introduction...
    Hello everyone. I am destinedjagold, the creator of the three Ruby Destiny games. Anyway, here I am, again, presenting a brand new hack that I named POKéMON SkyLine. Please bear in mind that this new hack of mine is NOT connected to the Ruby Destiny series.
    Anyway, this is a solo hack, meaning, I am doing EVERYTHING by myself. So don't rush me!
    Now, off you go~

    The Story's Prologue...
    You are the son/daughter of Prof. Birch in the Hoenn Region, and you decided to travel the region of Kanto via riding a boat, but when evening came, a weird and violent storm appeared, and the ship you were on board was attacked by very large groups of water-type POKéMON, sinking the boat to the bottom of the ocean.

    The Story...
    You woke up on a shore, and found an Eevee who seemed to be washed ashore as well. The Eevee decided to come with you as you try to continue your trip to Kanto, but after travelling to a town where the port was located, you decided to travel this brand new region instead; the Crest region.
    Along the way, you'll meet up with a number of trainers who are also on the move of achieving their own dreams. Friends or foes, you'll be a part of their lives, and they will to you.
    Later on, you'll be meeting Team Aqua once again, and you will do your best to try and foil their evil plans as you travel around the region, but are they here to cause chaos, or something else?

    Region: Crest...
    The tropical region of Crest is located far east from the Kanto region. The region is occassionally being visited by countless thunder storms due to the mass ocean surrounding it.

    - A brand new region: Crest.
    - Play as the hero/heroine of the Hoenn Region.
    - You will start your journey with an Eevee.
    - Available POKéMON are the original 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation POKéMON.
    - Available POKéMON has their animations.
    - The return of Team Aqua, and another set of evil organization.
    - You can get the National Dex instead of a normal POKéDEX.
    - You HAVE to talk to trainers if you want to battle them.
    - You can battle every trainer again after you receive a brand new badge.
    - The gym guide will give you a Fresh Water, so be sure to talk to them.
    - Each town has an NPC that will reward you if you beat their gym leader.
    - A weather system, an original script by me.
    - Some rivals.
    - The return of the Chip Battle mini-game.
    - ...and some other things...

    - Trainers will reward you will less money.
    - Palletes will not change if it's night time.
    - The game has no physical/special split.
    - The clock is not based on your computer.
    - Some POKéMON's backsprites has no animation.
    - Some POKéMON's backsprites are still the same old one in Ruby/Sapphire.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon SkyLine
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon SkyLine
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon SkyLine
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon SkyLine
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon SkyLine
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon SkyLine
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon SkyLine
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon SkyLine
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon SkyLine
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon SkyLine

    Bugs / Oddities...
    - Tile errors and movement permission errors here and there...
    - Grammar and spelling errors, as well as text going over the textbox...
    - The title screen is NOT yet final... I am having problems editing/fixing the palletes...
    - In trainer battles, if you knock your opponent's first POKéMON, or if they switch their POKéMON, you need to wait for the new sent out POKéMON's animation before the battle resumes...
    - The door animations of the PokéCenter and the Gym are bugged.
    - Some trainers' PKMN are level 10. I don't know what causes this bug.
    - The '?' in the PokéDex has error animations.
    - Some level 10 PKMN in the wild needed a huge amount of experience to level up.
    --- The level 10 PKMN will level up to 100 when given a Rare Candy.
    - Team Aqua members and Suicune appears in Route 3-B if you haven't received the PokéDex yet.

    PKMN Changes...
    - Poison-type moves are now strong against Water-type POKéMON.
    - Zangoose can now learn HM Cut (if a clawless(?) Diglett can Cut, why can't a Zangoose?).
    - The move Cut is now a Grass-type move.
    - The move Strength is now a Rock-type move.
    - All trade-based evolutions will now evolve through stones, levels, happiness, etc.
    - All fire types can learn HM Flash (they have fire, for crying out loud).
    - Mr. Mime can now learn HMs Rock Smash and Strength.
    - Ralts can now learn Confusion at level 2.
    - Pikachu can now learn Volt Tackle at level 30.

    New Q: Are you still working on the game? It feels like you've abandoned it.
    A: Sorry 'bout that, but yeah, I'm still working on this. Life is making me busy at the moment...

    New Q: Are you going to add 4th/5th gen. PKMN / items / abilities / moves?
    A: No, unfortunately. That is beyond my capabilities.

    Q: Is this the fourth game of the Ruby Destiny games?
    A: Nope. It's a completely new hack, and unrelated to the Ruby Destiny series.

    Q: Are you planning on changing the tiles/sprites/OW into something else?
    A: I've worked so hard for these tiles, so I see no reason of changing them. No to the OWs. The trainer sprites are being worked on by Crosell.

    Q: The game has no more mugshots of gym leaders?
    A: Yep, sadly.

    Q: Why Eevee?
    A: I suddenly started loving the little cutie... o.o

    Q: But I don't like Eevee.
    A: Then, after you defeated Rivals Kevin and Jorex in Route 1 and before obtaining the PokéDex, go back to Starlight Beach.

    Q: Can we obtain POKéBALLs early in this game?
    A: Yep, but not too early.

    Q: How can I activate the National Dex?
    A: Go and talk to Prof. Birch inside the tallest building in Twinkle Town. He'll explain how.

    Q: Which of the first three gym leaders should I battle first?
    A: It's up to you to choose.

    Q: Where's Cut?
    A: In Twinkle Town.

    Q: Where's Rock Smash?
    A: In Moonlight Town.

    Q: I got three badges now, but I don't know where to go next.
    A: Head inside Mount Starlight after you got HM RockSmash.

    Q: The guy won't give me the Rock Smash!
    A: Go to Route 3-B, north from Moonlight Town. Trigger the event there.

    Q: Can I also choose which gym leader I'm going to face first after the first three?
    A: Yep, but you can only choose between the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th.

    Q: Where's Surf?
    A: In WindString Town. Obtain 5 badges first, by the way.

    Q: How can I get that blocking tree out of the way?
    A: Get the Wailmer Pale inside the house in Route 8.

    Q: Can you change some of the POKéMON's backsprites to (a/an) (whatever) one?
    A: It's frustrating to add their second frames just for the sake of their animations. If you want me to change them, index them yourself and send it to me.

    - the tool makers - for the tools, of course.

    - POKéMON Hackers Online - for the FireRed font patch.
    - Gamer2020 - B/W midis.
    - Erma96 - pink tree tiles.
    - Lan / CHAOS / IcyKerpymon - Some trainer sprites.
    - HackMew - POKéMON backsprite sheet.
    - Dragoon - POKéMON OverWorld Sprite sheet.
    - Barubary - Some trainer sprites.

    - The original plan was to use the gym leaders' used types in Johto, hence why the first three uses Flying, Bug and Normal, but later, I find it difficult to implement.
    - I planned to recycle all the soundtracks from LoG to SkyLine, but meh...
    - The original plan was to, once again, include some 4th and 5th gen PKMN, but I settled on doing something different for a change.
    - The reason why you're playing as Landon/May is because I am too damn lazy to edit the OWs of everything: walking, running, on bike, fishing (hence why there's no bike on LoG).
    - 'SkyLine' was suppose to be a temporary name while I haven't found a good name for the hack. But after a few weeks, I finally thought that I should name this as 'POKéMON Crest', but I got used to call this as 'SkyLine', so, there you go.
    - The tiles were supposed to be the same as LoG, but I felt bad about the tiles I made for the suppose-to-be-remake of RR, so, yeah...
    - After the new tiles were inserted, every map has to be remapped. The only map that still has it's same layout as before is Route 3-B.
    - The grass on sand were removed.


    Beta 1.3 (Fixed)...
    - Download Links...
    SendSpace | MediaFire

    - Beta Information...


    Beta 1...
    - Download Links...
    SendSpace | MediaFire

    - Beta 1 Information...

    By mavy42...
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon SkyLine

    By mavy42...
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon SkyLine

    By mavy42...
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon SkyLine


    Ending Message...
    Again, this is NOT part of the Ruby Destiny series, so don't start posting something related to the Ruby Destiny games, nor consider this hack the fourth Ruby Destiny game, 'cause it's not!
    Also, remember that this is a solo hack, so please don't rush me.
    If you find any bugs that you wish to report, please include a screenshot. No screenshot = bug didn't happen (although this doesn't apply to all cases).
    And also, if you're wondering why I made a new hack, despite what I told you that I am no longer planning on making another hack, well, let's just say that if I'm dead bored, instead of doing nothing, I hack. I started this hack on mid-January, 2012, by the way...
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    A new hack by you is surely to be great. And for a 6 Badge beta, it makes me more excited.

    I like those screens of yours; especially the region map. Nicely done.

    And the 'washed-up on the beach' opening is already an intriguing start to this hack. Keep it up dude. ;)
    Wow a new hack by DJG! nice

    1) i think "Horizon" might be a better name than "Skyline", they both have the same implications but the former sounds nicer

    2) possible to introduce a challenge mode/or a World Tournament style like in B2W2?

    3) poison types are good against water types...does it imply that poison types resist water moves?
    Nice features! Damn Jagold, you always surprise me! I like how you decided not to repeat some things. (mugshots, 4th and 5th gen, titles, etc) Keeps Skyline unique.
    Yes! Skyline is HERE !!!!! Your new tiles are awesome and evee is a great starter! And finally i can play as landon in a hack since the most of the hackers change hero ow's
    Awesome, i'll try now!
    edit: I found a little bug
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon SkyLine
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    Superly awesome, i'll try out now.

    I'll post my findings

    Here's something in my mind right njeeuw:

    1. Eevee is a great starter, gives you a nice choice for different types of pokemon.

    2. Name draw my attention, nice.

    3. Tads of RPG influences are nice, as showed in LoG

    4. Please don't overprice pokéballs and put the element game in here as well

    5. I like the way you meet your "rivals"

    6. I like the way you can walk up to slightly higher areas, instead of stairs, it looks realistic!

    I miss a donate button, you're the most dedicated hacker here and it takes time, so is the one on destinedjagold.webs.com correct?

    Btw: Can you be a gym leader? :p (as in the in game character, or perhaps the champion of the league, so you just wait for challengers to defeat :) )

    Btw2: Ruby 1.0 or 1.1? Since you didn't know there was a 1.1 with LoG, maybe you based in onto it now?

    As of late I play more and more hacks, but I find yours to be the most intriguing. But at the end in LoG I kind of lost the story, too hard to understand when playing the game whilst watching a movie or doing something else. A less complicated plot would be appreciated :)

    And then: The lowered names, keep them :) I like it better than all those caps

    And why aren't names any longer than 7 chars?
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    Nice hack Destinedjagold!

    This hack should be as great or greater than the Ruby Destiny series!

    And it's really cool that you added animations to the sprites and make trainers battle all over again! :)
    okay already played and gotten 3 badges to this point
    my team:
    lvl 21 marshtomp
    lvl 20 ivysaur
    lvl 17 zangoose (srs a real pain to lvl thanks to erratic xp req)

    some stuff and feedback:

    1) i think "Horizon" might be a better name than "Skyline", they both have the same implications but the former sounds nicer

    The story(the real story) will connect to the sky.
    At least, that's the plan.
    Hence why it's SkyLine.

    2) possible to introduce a challenge mode/or a World Tournament style like in B2W2?

    I do plan on adding that.
    But I might get lazy and ditch the idea.
    Who knows...

    3) poison types are good against water types...does it imply that poison types resist water moves?

    Nope. =/

    Awesome, i'll try now!
    edit: I found a little bug
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon SkyLine

    Yes, text going over the message boxes are already on the list of bugs on the first post.
    I am aware of them.
    But I'm lazy to fix them at the moment.

    4. Please don't overprice pokéballs and put the element game in here as well

    I don't plan to increase the items' prices in the game.

    6. I like the way you can walk up to slightly higher areas, instead of stairs, it looks realistic!

    Ever since the Red/Blue/Yellow versions first appeared, I absolutely didn't understand the 'stairs'...

    I miss a donate button, you're the most dedicated hacker here and it takes time, so is the one on destinedjagold.webs.com correct?

    Erm... yes?
    But, think wisely. You might need the money sooner or later. =/

    Btw: Can you be a gym leader? :p (as in the in game character, or perhaps the champion of the league, so you just wait for challengers to defeat :) )

    My character's role will be revealed in the game.

    Btw2: Ruby 1.0 or 1.1? Since you didn't know there was a 1.1 with LoG, maybe you based in onto it now?

    I think I'm still using Ruby version 1.0
    At least, that's what A-Map tells me.

    A less complicated plot would be appreciated :)

    ...I think stopping an erupting volcano isn't really complicated...
    ...really, that's the story I came up with when I was starting the hack.

    -if u decide not to have eevee, u can return it to the guy at the beach in exchange for...any random gen I-III starter? is that correct?


    -hmm first 3 routes already have lvl 13-15 pidgeotto and zangoose, very dangerous especially for those on nuzlockes. yes they may be very rare but its still always a possibility to meet it when still at a low lvl. almost died to a sword-dancing zangoose if not for mudslap evasion hax. (and caught one thanks to it lol) consider slightly lowering their lvls?

    I'd like to call them as mini-bosses.
    Even LoG has them.
    Adds a little challenge.
    (Reminded me of FFXII where a giant t-rex was outside the city x,x)

    -first gym has a chansey and its quite funny seeing potion being used even when 3/4 hp is still remaining (due to its high hp). any way to tweak its ai better?

    Well, you can choose which gym you battle first.
    Also, yeah, the Chansey was a pain, but my bros and I managed to beat her, so the Chansey stayed.

    -the gym music when first played is very high-pitched, tone it down a little?

    Some of the music may be changed in the future.

    -lol doduo is mispelled as "dodou" or intentional?


    -lvl 10 skarmory, heracross etc. u mentioned it. might have something to do with ur script to reenable trainer battle after every badge obtained i guess

    It's a 'feature'...no really, it's a bug, and I have no idea how to fix that.
    I tried to ask for help, and did the procedure of fixing it, but I broke the ROM instead.
    I have a theory as to why that is happening, but I need further proof to strengthen it before I'll squish that bug.

    It has nothing to do with the script though.
    Fair enough.

    I found that in the twinkle town (nice alliteration btw) an extreme sunny day starts, with nothing putting an end to it...
    Is this a mix up with Groudons effect in Ruby?
    So I finished it (got 6 badges and I presume that's the end...)
    But it seems I missed Volcano event... because I cannot surf from the endangered city. o.O

    Anyways here are some thingies =)

    Am I lucky? xD

    These phrases made me laugh :D

    Also some out of bar texts aren't worth mentioning.
    But the 10 level bug is interesting... there were too many Pokémon with this bug...

    Oh, and could you edit Charmeleon's moveset to make it more usable?
    My Charmeleon is on 33 level and it does NOT have any useful moves o.O
    Srsly 33 level Charmeleon only with Ember and Scratch? :/ That doesn't really work...

    Anyways my team is
    Espeon 41
    Ampharos 30
    Charmeleon 33
    Wartortle 30
    Ivysaur 31

    Oh man, I'm actually forced to use starters :/
    Anyways, how can you evolve Eevee into another Pokémon? o.O I mean there are no evolution stones in game o.O
    i love the character and their sprites they're so original and kawaii~
    Also where can i get a moon stone
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    This hack is really awesome! I can go on and on how great this game is but, I don't want to spoil it for the others. Great job so far! (:
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