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News: Pokémon Snap Re-release on Wii U in Japan

Awesome I hope we get it also I loved playing pokémon snap when I was younger I would love for them to bring out a new game but I guess the best we are going to get is pokémon go
I know people want a Snap sequel but this re-release is just as great. It makes me start to think which other old Pokemon games will be getting re-releases like this, hopefully it'll be getting an international release as well.
I'm glad to see the continuing trend of Pokemon re-releases, even if they're not available in the US (where I live) yet. I suppose this is to keep the hype coming all year for the twentieth anniversary. Whatever the reason, I wholeheartedly support it.

I don't own a Wii U, and I picked up this game on Wii VC release already, so I probably won't get this version if it becomes available. (Although if enough Pokemon games are re-released exclusively on Wii U, maybe I"ll have to cave and buy one...) I really wish this game were more extensive, though (63 Pokemon, or whatever the total is, isn't a large enough group). I still would prefer a sequel to the far-too-short original game, but it's still a great game, and I would definitely recommend that everyone give it a try (and/or try it again if it's be a while since you last played it).