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FireRed hack: Pokémon The Legend of Anbuja

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    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja

    Hack Info:

    Hack name: Pokémon "The Legend Of Anbuja" LoA
    Hack of: Pokémon FireRed Version (BPRE)
    Language: English


    Hi, I'm Anbuja and I wanted to show you the hack I've been working on for sometime now.
    I hope you will enjoy it, as I certainly did enjoy making it:>.

    If you want to spoil everything for yourself go ahead, or you can blindly trust me.

    - You're only able to play as a boy with different clothes.
    - Anbuja is the Region, you can explore it.
    - Tyrogue is the starter you'll obtain.
    - Cyndaquil, Totodile and Chikorita
    - Post war stoyline
    - Sidequests galore
    - Most graphics are going to be replaced.
    - Day N'night system.
    - Some 4th and 5th gen Pokemon
    - Berry system
    - B/W repel system
    - Dive
    - Physical/Special split
    - And some other stuff that havent ben added to any hack yet, thanks to our ASM guy.

    Current team:
    Anbuja's_BlooDY: Owner, Mapper, Tile inserter OW creator etc.
    FBI agent : Scripter
    Tajaros: Scripter
    Reb0rn: Spriter(Graphics)
    Shadowmrk: ASM guy

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja

    To everyone who made a tool used.
    WesleyFG (Tiles&Ow base)
    Calis project
    Elite charizard
    FBI agent
    Pinkish Purple

    If I forgot someone feel free to VM me

    Im as far as I can be, I don't want to teese anyone anymore.
    When the release is up you see it a little bit down.

    None yet. But I might put an alpha just to show you some gameplay for feedback :>​


    I will re-redit this thread anyways to make it look more appealing<33​
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    YayYayYayz!!! Legend of Anbuja is BACK!!! BACK!!!

    It looks great. You misspelled "Orphan" as Orphin, by the way. I love the new OW style. Would you put in some battle scenes so that I could look at the Battle BGs? Get some banners, too! CSS, or something.

    ★Nifty little shadow below the OWs you've got there.
    ★Love the story so far
    ★I want a Eevee early! Would you give one?

    By the way, what's the mascot Pokémon?
    Wow, this hack looks very nice and well constructed. I love your attention to detail, from the removed shoes tile in the entrance of houses, to actually putting in washrooms, it really depicts great effort and care in a hack. From what I can tell, you've spent many months working on this in solitude, thus effectively reducing your social status. At anyrate you and your clearly wonderful team have done a great job (so it's all worth it) :)
    Quick question, does everyone have a bedroom or just you?

    I think you could add bunny's room and include a secret or 2 (perhaps an event and flag that leads you to getting an alternate starter? Or forme for your starter? Or even just a black belt to boost moves)

    Also you said over twice in your spoilers " after he hands over your Pokemon over"

    I am interested in this
    Wow this game looks amazing, the graphics and everything!

    Thank you very much :>​

    looks promising. Keep up the great job guys.
    Thank you mate , we will :>​

    YayYayYayz!!! Legend of Anbuja is BACK!!! BACK!!!

    It looks great. You misspelled "Orphan" as Orphin, by the way. I love the new OW style. Would you put in some battle scenes so that I could look at the Battle BGs? Get some banners, too! CSS, or something.

    ★Nifty little shadow below the OWs you've got there.
    ★Love the story so far
    ★I want a Eevee early! Would you give one?

    By the way, what's the mascot Pokémon?​

    The Orphin misspelling is one of the tiny little spelling errors I'm getting alot :p

    Eevee huh? I think I can do something there.
    But I don't think one will be available until 2nd gym town.

    As for the mascot, uhhhm there isn't really 1, since you get to intereact with like every of them.
    Just find out :>​

    Wow, this hack looks very nice and well constructed. I love your attention to detail, from the removed shoes tile in the entrance of houses, to actually putting in washrooms, it really depicts great effort and care in a hack. From what I can tell, you've spent many months working on this in solitude, thus effectively reducing your social status. At anyrate you and your clearly wonderful team have done a great job (so it's all worth it) :)

    Wow lol, I didn't know you think this way about the hack :p
    Anyways yeah, this is one of the numerous resets I had to do until now, but I hope that this time it will be the last time.
    Anyways thanks alot for the comment it means alot :>​

    Quick question, does everyone have a bedroom or just you?

    I think you could add bunny's room and include a secret or 2 (perhaps an event and flag that leads you to getting an alternate starter? Or forme for your starter? Or even just a black belt to boost moves)

    Also you said over twice in your spoilers " after he hands over your Pokemon over"

    I am interested in this

    Until now everyone has a bedroom with corespondenting beds :p
    As for the alternate starter at the beginning you have to be satisfied with Tyrogue.
    I've included in the features that you will be able to have acess to 1 of the Johto starters anyways :>

    Also, the bunny room is quit interesting :>

    And yeah, one of tiny spelling/grammer errors.

    Thanks for pointing that out :>

    Also I feel like posting just some screens since I feel some up there aren't really enough.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon  The Legend of Anbuja

    The idea is that your grandfather makes you run some errands before he even thinks of giving you the starter.
    By helping people you can get interesting stuff too.​
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    Wow that's one beautiful hack.The story is pure awesomeness and I like the idea of tyrogue.Just a question, you said that we will be able to evolve tyrogue before 1st gym right? That means that we will have leveled it up to 20 or you reduced it's evolution level? Anyways good luck with your nice hack :D
    this hack looks very good
    Ty =]​

    Wow that's one beautiful hack.The story is pure awesomeness and I like the idea of tyrogue.Just a question, you said that we will be able to evolve tyrogue before 1st gym right? That means that we will have leveled it up to 20 or you reduced it's evolution level? Anyways good luck with your nice hack :D
    Ty for the comment.
    I meant that you will have acess to 1 of the Johto starters before gym1(For people who don't like nonstarters as theyre starters).
    But eh, if you grind alot you can even evolve it on the first route lol, but I might rise it evolving level depending on the lv it will be at the 1st gym.​

    Wait, so will there be Hitmontop?
    Top, Chan and Mon all three of them since they're Tyrouge's evolutions :> .​
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    Oh, how silly of me to ask. I forgot Hitmontop was since 2nd Gen c; . Btw, will you improve Tyrogue's movepool? Cause In 3rd Generation It only knows tackle and only 3 moves in gen 4.
    The results for HotY 2012 just came out, and I already see a HotY 2013/14 in the making. And that is if you are never ever ever getting back together quit on it! I am not reading the storyline yet because you told me not to, but don't make me wait too long! ;) I love the screenshots and how there is a pidgey on the roof and a pidgeotto/pidgeot (Can't tell LOL) flying past. Another thing I like is how you made it so that there was a size diff between adults and teens. The OWs seem quite original, did you make them yourself? Oh! and your mapping is good ^^
    Oh, how silly of me to ask. I forgot Hitmontop was since 2nd Gen c; . Btw, will you improve Tyrogue's movepool? Cause In 3rd Generation It only knows tackle and only 3 moves in gen 4.

    It's no problem lol.
    And yes, I figured out myself today that it only knows Tackle, I will add some fighting moves etc to its movepool.​

    I fell in love with the OWs... they are AWESOME o.O
    The tiles as well... the best of luck!

    Thanks you very much =]
    Good to hear that the work was worth it :>​

    The results for HotY 2012 just came out, and I already see a HotY 2013/14 in the making. And that is if you are never ever ever getting back together quit on it! I am not reading the storyline yet because you told me not to, but don't make me wait too long! ;) I love the screenshots and how there is a pidgey on the roof and a pidgeotto/pidgeot (Can't tell LOL) flying past. Another thing I like is how you made it so that there was a size diff between adults and teens. The OWs seem quite original, did you make them yourself? Oh! and your mapping is good ^^

    Ohhh thank you that you think that :p
    As for the storyline, I think if I keep going like this, until next week I might get an short alpha out (hopefully 1hour+ gameplay irt).
    Also if you really can't wait, I've kept it too simple anyways, there is only told the beginning of the hack.

    Thats a pidgeot, but it is missing his mates :p

    The Ow's were made by me, but using pallete of WesleyFG's Ow base, then porting them to HG/SS style (Looks best tbh).
    Reedited them alot, Hero and rival were too tiny in comparision to youngster's and Lass'es.

    And I try my best in mapping :)

    Anyways, later tonight I might go and drop some more screenshots of the first route and maybe of the next town :)
    This looks very nice. How is your progress btw? Keep up the good work.
    Could you also show the hero sprite? The overworld actually looks good to me.
    Open to suggestions?

    1 go slow and make every area eventful. Take a page from the anime and make us feel for the Pokemon by creating events that circle not just our character, but our main Pokemon too, and perhaps either Pokemon you think a person would have at that time (either by sheer availability or cuz you got a pwnass rock trainer to fight and the only grass type so far is oddish, or the only Pokemon that could possibly have cut outside of cheating is scyther)

    2, not sure if u can just add Pokemon without removing but I would like personally a tyrogue fakemon that doesn't mutate him wildly but rather buffs him up, like machop > machoke, or if female, feminizes it (not pervertedly though, I don't know if gender specific spriting is doable in gen3 though). Not to replace or force a player into it, but as a secret option.

    3. Also not sure if its doable but tyrogue enhancing items not unlike pikachus lightball, or some non-pokemon-specific items replacing those like metal powder, deep sea pearl, etc.

    4. Seemingly nobody trainers from the start or random routes being reused later on with updated Pokemon, so "joeys ratata evolves" if you catch my drift. So people playing will be like "oh wait... I remember you!" Creating multiple pseudo rivals

    5. Try to maximize dual battles, as I feel its a cool dynamic that not every game explores (kinda tired of soloing everything)

    6. Ummm if u can , no hm plz?

    7. Constant beta release? Even if you go every 5 events, take a page from ash grey and go by each few episodes if you will

    8. If a fan *waves hand* has a suggestion or 2 to fill the gap of a boring route, feel free to accept it if reasonable (please lol)

    9. If you got the time, or sprites, can you give alternate colors or patterns to pokes of this region? It adds personal touch. Something like the patterns on the poke gods gengar and alakazam in the anime, or the starter clones mewtwo makes, or the orange islands Pokemon or extreme shellos and gastrodon (for a select few) if you got the time
    wow im in love with the graphics
    Thanks you :)​

    This looks very nice. How is your progress btw? Keep up the good work.
    Could you also show the hero sprite? The overworld actually looks good to me.

    Well everything in this thread is 2 months of work, with things I've worked more then 2 years ago (Ideas etc).
    But the progress is going pretty neat, I didn't expect it to be like this :>​

    Also for the hero sprite I totally forgot to add him, so I will just add him and some other in the next update when i show some more scripts =]

    Open to suggestions?

    Yes I am open to sugguestions, if I add them or not depends if I'd like them or not.
    But I might add things even if I don't want them, but they have to be reasonable.(Not reasonable:add xxx to route 1 coz I love it).

    But even if I take some of sugguestions, I wont tell until I post them :p

    And about the alternate formes or the buffs etc. I'm tbh against fakemon/splices that aren't official so I probably wont add things like that.

    Also the events and stuff are all already planned, I might add here and there something though.
    But usually I know what I want in the maps before I map them :p

    Ty for the list of sugguestions though. :>​
    I like the ds-styled graphics its hard to find a hack like this by an english hacker or an eglish patch for the languages.
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