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PokeDex Shop
Welcome to my Trade Shop!
I've made this shop for anyone just looking for Pokemon to fill their dex. As such, the pokemon will be normal pokemon. No IV breeding, no egg moves or such things.
I have the shiny charm in both Sword/Shield and BDSP and if a pokemon I breed for you ends up being shiny it will still be yours.
My trainer's name is vincent in both games.
There is no real limit to how many pokemon you can request at a time: if you want to trade for all Sword exclusives in 1 go, we can do that. Do keep in mind that the more you request, the more time I will need to breed and hatch your pokemon, as I only breed on request. I will also handle requests first come first serve, in the event multiple people request something at the same time.
All Trade Corner rules apply.
[Payment (in-game money)]
I already have both the Galar and DLC Dexes complete, as well as my BDSP Dex. I'm doing this just to help out.
That said, breeding does cost money. Every time I drop a pokemon off I need to pay 500 pokedollar/ingame money. As such I request you attach an item (or items), to your first or first couple pokemon, worth the cost of me breeding your pokemon.
For example: a Pretty Feather sells for exactly 500 pokedollars, and as such will cover the expense for breeding a single pokemon.
These can be found in both the Isle of Armor (around some of the rocks in the water) and the base game (route 5 bridge, Wild Area), not guaranteed though; what feathers you get is random.
Say you want 10 pokemon bred. You'll need 5.000 pokedollar worth of item(s). You could do 10 pretty Feathers, but could also give the first pokemon you trade a Nugget.
25 pokemon? 12.500 worth of items; you could do a single Comet Shard, or 2 Nuggets and a Rare Bone, or some other combination that gets you to 12.500
Below are some sell prices for items regularly found in Wild areas in Sword/Shield, so you can get an idea of what you might need:
-Pretty Feather: 500
-Pearl: 1.000
-Stardust: 1.500
-Rare Bone: 2.500
-Big Mushroom: 2.500
-Big Pearl: 4.000
-Nugget: 5.000
-Star Piece: 6.000
-Balm Mushroom: 7.500
-Pearl String: 10.000
-Comet Shard: 12.500
In BDSP, as you might have already sold treasure items like the ones above, you could also have it hold:
-Nest Ball: 500
-Poke Doll: 500
-TM16 Light Screen*: 1.000
-Full Restore: 1.500
-TM14 Blizzard*: 2.750
-TM68 Giga Impact*: 3.750
-Vitamins: 4.900
* = The mentioned TM's are Purchasable at the Veilstone Department Store.
[Online Times]
I will check for requests at least once a day. I will usually be available for trading in the evening; my time zone (Netherlands: GMT +1 or +2, depending on DST).
Sunday & Monday is my weekend. I will usually check a couple extra times these days.
[Breeding: Starters]
I can Breed any of the starters:
-Grookey/Scorbunny/Sobble - for whichever starter you have bred.
-Rowlet/Litten/Popplio - for whichever of these you have.
-Bulbasaur/Squirtle - for whichever of these you have.
I can also breed charmander, but you should be able to get one yourself after beating Leon.
Crown tundra update:
I can now also breed:
-Treecko/Torchic/Mudkip - for whichever of these you have.
You can get all 3 in one game, but you might have bad luck getting a specific one. For example: you keep finding Grovyle/Sceptile and Marshtomp/Swampert, but never seem to find a Combusken/Blaziken.
[Breeding: Version Exclusives]
I can breed all Sword and Shield exclusives, and trade them for their counterparts as listed below:
Base game (14):
Shield: - Sword:
Ponyta - Farfetch'd
Corsola - Darumaka
Larvitar - Deino
Lotad - Seedot
Sableye - Mawile
Lunatone - Solrock
Croagunk - Scraggy
Solosis - Gothita
Vullaby - Rufflet
Spritzee - Swirlix
Goomy - Jangmo-o
Oranguru - Passimian
Drampa - Turtonator
Eiscue - Stonjourner
Expansion 1, Isle of Armor (2):
Shield: - Sword:
Heracross - Pinsir
Skrelp - Clauncher
Expansion 2, The Crown Tundra (2):
Shield: - Sword:
Kabuto - Omanyte
Gible - Bagon
Other Exclusives: Appletun/Flapple
I can either trade:
- an Appletun for a Flapple or a Flapple for an Appletun.
- an Applin holding a Sweet Apple (for Appletun) for a Applin with Tart Apple (for Flapple) and vice versa.
A single Sweet or Tart Apple can be obtained daily from the Axew's Eye island. They can also possibly be obtained from the Dappled Grove (I've gotten a few here at a time, several times). In both areas they are sparkly wild area items.
At least I think its daily. I don't check every day but whenever I do there's usually a new one as long as a day has passed. You might need to be in post-game for these to be replenish-able.
[Trade Evolutions]
If you need help with trade evolutions, I can help too. You will however need to provide any required items yourself.
As I will merely be bouncing your pokemon back to you, this service is completely free.
[Touch Trade Only!!!!: Legendaries]
I can also touch trade version exclusive, as well as choice legendaries. Version exclusive legendaries are the box art ones.
Choice legendaries are the ingame ones where you need to pick between two and can't get the other in the same game.
To prevent you from running off with them you'll need to fork over your own legendary as collateral. I will not accept any other legendary as collateral, just their counterparts (to prevent someone from just sending me like a Zapdos and doing a runner with my Zamazenta or Zacian).
For example: If you need Zamazenta to complete your dex, you'll need to touch trade your Zacian for it. If you want Zacian's Dex entry you'll need to touch trade your Zamazenta.
Touch Trade = Sending each other a mon, and then immediately sending it back again. So for example: I touch trade you my Glastrier for your Spectrier so you get it's dex entry, and then I send your Spectrier back for my Glastrier.
Touch Trade Legendaries (either way):
-Zamazenta - Zacian
-Regieleki - Regidrago
- Glastrier - Spectrier
Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl
[Breeding: Starters]
Although all obtainable in a single save file, sometimes a certain starter can elude you for a pretty long time.
As such I can Breed any of the starters from the first 4 generations:
-Bulbasaur/Charmander/Squirtle - for whichever of these you have.
-Chikorita/Cyndaquil/Totodile - for whichever of these you have.
-Treecko/Torchic/Mudkip - for whichever of these you have.
-Turtwig/Chimchar/Piplup - for whichever of these you have.
[Breeding: Version Exclusives]
I can breed all BD and SP exclusives, and trade them for their counterparts as listed below:
Brilliant Diamond: - Shining Pearl (16):
Caterpie - Weedle
Ekans - Sandshrew
Growlithe - Vulpix
Seel - Slowpoke
Electabuzz - Magmar
Scyther - Pinsir
Murkrow - Misdreavus
Gligar - Teddiursa
Kecleon - Stantler
Seedot - Lotad
Mawile - Sableye
Zangoose - Seviper
Solrock - Lunatone
Larvitar - Bagon
Cranidos - Shieldon
Stunky - Glameow
[Breeding: Daily Swarm/Daily Binocular Pokemon]
Given how luck based the Daily Swarms and Binocular Pokemon are, I'm also offering the Pokemon you can only get via these methods, for anyone who just can't find those last couple Swarm or Binocular Pokemon =)
You can just send whichever Swarm or Binocular Pokemon you did manage to obtain over for them.
Daily Swarm Exclusive Pokemon:
Daily Binocular Exclusive Pokemon:
If it's not listed here, it's not exclusive to these methods and can be found elsewhere; usually the Grand Underground.
[Breeding: Feebas]
Although there is a nifty calculator out there to help you obtain a Feebas, if you'd rather trade for one I can breed a Feebas.
Their spawn tiles reset daily and finding them without that calculator is a hassle.
You can just send me a Magikarp for the Feebas.
[Trade Evolutions]
If you need help with trade evolutions, I can help too. You will however need to provide any required items yourself.
As I will merely be bouncing your Pokemon back to you, this service is completely free.
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