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PokeHumanfication Contest!

  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 13,600
    • they/them
    • Seen Jul 21, 2024


    Hello, and welcome to the PokeHumanfication Contest! This is where you will design and illustrate any Pokemon in Human Form, and for everyone else to rate a judge~! Good Luck, and may the best Humanfied Pokemon Win!
    Host: BinaryPeaches
    Co-Host: Roswell
    Supervisor: Forever


    Because we only have a span of four days, this is how this contest will be done.
    Day 1 (Aug 13th) & 2 (Aug 14th) - These will be entrant days. Be sure to enter your PokeHuman during this time!

    Day 3 (Aug 15th) - Voting Period. Because all entrants are to also vote please be sure to be online on this day and vote. How to do so will be below.

    Day 4 (Aug 16th) - Simple Day. This is when all voting will be counted up, and the winners will be announced! Once they are announced, you may go ahead and congratulate the winners.


    Entering is easy. Either you may tell us beforehand that you will enter and then draw your entry (during the entry days), or simply just submit your entry. Once you submit your entry, it will be on the first post for easy access to the other entrants for the voting period. Please Enter your own art.


    • As what was just said, please enter your own art. If we find out that it is not your own art, there will be immediate consequences (infraction and disqualification from the contest).
    • Be a good sport. Please be respectful, and don't bring down anyone's art.
    • Please be around during the voting period! Those who do not vote will sadly be disqualified. How to vote will be explained below.
    • Have fun with this! . . . Yeah


    For this little competition, everyone will be allowed to vote who they think should win the contest. Here are the guidelines.

    • You may vote for three five people. Among those three five people cannot be yourself. (EDIT: Number of people you can vote for was changed, because there are so many entries, haha~)
    • Don't just think about the quality of the drawing. Think more about the design, and how much it relates to the Pokemon that was Humanfied. You should be able to tell what Pokemon it is without being told.
    • You only have one day to vote (August 15th). Please be sure you're on that day to vote!
    • Please send all votes to Roswell. Do NOT send your votes to me (BinaryPeaches).
    • Yes, voting is a requirement for those who have entered the contest. If you do not vote, you will thus be disqualified. DO NOT FORGET TO VOTE.


    Everyone who participates will get a Participation Emblem. Winner and 2nd place will receive their own little emblem for their collection. :3


    Eternal Nightmare: Gardevoir
    TokioHumaNeko: Mawile
    Tailor: Jirachi
    Loki: Mawile
    Charizard★: Snorlax
    Hybird Trainer: Shiny Haunter
    nmorr: Pichu
    shuichixryuichi: Shiny Umbreon
    Bluerang1: Heracross
    Brendino: Togepi
    Giratina ♀: Exeggutor
    xxkaylabby: Shiny Espeon
    WolfSoul: Pikachu
    Destiny Demon: Delcatty
    ReyRey-Pyon: Weavile
    pwnt2j: Blastoise
    Shiny Politoed: Mamoswine
    ChaoSong: Umbreon
    yinyangmatrix: Marill
    Timbjerr: Banette
    Iqid Loopz: Zangoose
    Saori: Pichu
    Leafbarrett: Gardevoir
    aragornbird: Lugia
    Agent Clank: Ampharos
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    Hahaha I'm so entering, since this secretly was my idea xD. Ok let's see I'm going to do Gardevior as a human kay ;), although she technically already looks human.. -busts out pencil and paper-
    Are you only allowed to enter one drawing? Or can you also enter more?

    Here's mine, I humanized Jirachi. Chose this one. Also had a Humanized Lugia. :)
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    I might do this. *activates GIMP2* Count me in! I'm gonna do a Mawile,because they already look like little girls! ^_^

    A-Aww I feel really bad because I just drew a Mawile for this. .-.;;;
    I hope you don't mind if I submit one as well. [/doesn't really want to redraw something else]

    Anyway, I'm definitely getting in on this! >u< Gijinka's are my favorite~!
    Eternal Nightmare: Ahhh, so it was you? I was wondering who thought of this wonderful idea~! <3 I can't wait to see your entry! I'll put you on the list as Pending. :3

    Tailor: In order to keep the amount of entries down (because the voting process is done by you), only one entry can be entered. Would you like to enter the Jirachi, or the Lugia.

    TokioHumaNeko: Aye! I'll put you on the Entry list as Pending. Can't wait to see your entry. :3

    Loki: More than one person can do the same Pokemon if they want to, I see no problems with it~
    Eternal Nightmare: Ahhh, so it was you? I was wondering who thought of this wonderful idea~! <3 I can't wait to see your entry! I'll put you on the list as Pending. :3

    Tailor: In order to keep the amount of entries down (because the voting process is done by you), only one entry can be entered. Would you like to enter the Jirachi, or the Lugia.

    TokioHumaNeko: Aye! I'll put you on the Entry list as Pending. Can't wait to see your entry. :3

    Loki: More than one person can do the same Pokemon if they want to, I see no problems with it~

    I'll enter with Jirachi, it's my fav Pokemon and it looks better then my Lugia design. I can keep the Lugia for next year :)
    I'd like to do mine with Snorlax :D
    Is it ok if I take a picture of my drawing and upload it on here? My scanner is bugging out at the moment. D:

    They're not very good quality since my camera sucks, and my drawing is not that good, I couldn't color it because my younger and older sister won't let me use their coloring utensils.
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    I'll guess ill enter the only Poke-Humanfication i've ever done.
    I present to you my Shiny Haunter Poke-Humanfication.

    Oh and the thing around his left wrist is a 'Spell Tag'
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    I'm a terrible artist, but my sister had some of her old coloring supplies lying around, so I figured I would try doing Togepi.


    Unfortunately, it looked a lot better in my head... but I guess it isn't TOO bad.
    Hmm... I suppose I shall enter with my homie Exeggutor. I'll get on that.
    i would like to enter[: im going to draw shiny espeon.
    --OKAY i finished[:

    drawn in gimp[:
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    I kinda drew a Mawile-Girl with Black hair,Blonde Splotches in her hair,Small beads that resemble teeth at the bottom,a dress w/bellbottom pants,and a plan to lure a complete idiot off the hill.
    Alright everyone brace yourselves cuz its Gardevior as a human(un colored). Taken via camera phone ;]

    Tailor: Okay~ I'll put your Jirachi in, then. :3

    Charizard★: Great! I'll add it to the list. :3

    Hybird Trainer: Mnnn, hokai. ^^

    nmorr: I'll add you to the list as PENDING. :D

    shuichixryuichi: As I told Tailor, you may only make one entry. I'll put you as PENDING for Shiny Umbreon.

    Bluerang1: Okay! You'll be entered as PENDING for the time being~

    Bredino: I'll add it to the entrants! Thanks for joining!

    Giratina ♀: Hokai! I'll put you on PENDING for the time being. ^^

    xxkaylabby: Sweet! I'll add it to the entrants!

    Wolfsoul: I was wondering who was going to do 'im! Hokai, I'll add it to the list!

    TokioHumaNeko: Cute! :D I'll put it up, then!

    Eternal Nightmare: Wonderful~ I'll go and put it up. :3

    So many entries. XD Time for me to do massive update to the first post, aye!