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LeafGreen hack: Pokemon: Advanced Adventure

Hey guys, im still around lol

I see my dropbox link got messed up. Ill post up a new link.

Thanks for the continued support over the years and Im glad that so many people have had the opportunity to play my game!
Bad EGG Removal in Advanced Adventure

How to Get Rid of Bad EGG in
Advanced Adventure


If you came across this post because you have Advanced Adventure 2013 (w/ PC issue), this has been fixed in Advanced Adventure 2018.

- Additional Version Info in Spoiler

(All glitches in this version are also present in the older one)

I'm still providing the Bad EGG tutorial in the case you decide to play the outdated version instead.


Hello There! ... I'm Amy. :)

I'm here to provide a step by step tutorial on how to remove that annoying Bad EGG you have in your poke PC.
... If you seen it already, then you Know what I'm talking about!
... If you haven't though, open PC and check the bottom of BOX2 (Box 2 Slot 29), that's where I Always get mine.

If you're wondering, that Bad EGG is what's causing you to be blocked in certain areas by guards and even Professor Oak! For all you know, it may also contribute to other weird things happening in your game.

In short, a Bad EGG is like a computer virus. If a Bad EGG ends up being a hatchable one, it will most likely corrupt your game if you try doing so. It can even corrupt your game just by simply having it in your party. I once had a Bad EGG that corruted my file just from opening it's summary page.

In this game though, you're fortunate! It's not dangerous like ones that happen from other ways (.. like from catch trainer's poke code, etc). From what I've tested, this one is just a flag.


This Game In Particular also has an issue involving:
"Things You Can't See".

*There are invisible corrupted pokemon in PC aswell. Their PC box location(s) are random when you start a new game. You can only see their location by selecting "Deposit Pokemon" in PC menu options, while pretending to put something in the PC. Each one will pack the power of a Game Nuke! Including wrecking your emulator too! if you mistakenly try putting a mon in PC using "Move Pokemon" and have it switch places with one of those invisible things, you're in trouble!!!
...Please Take Precaution and Care.
- Please take what I say as pure honesty.
- I test this game in particular over everything else.

Please keep in mind, the only Safe and Easy way to get rid of Bad EGG's in GBA ROM's is by using cheat codes, of this nature.
Before using such codes, make sure they're compatible with the ROM base you're playing and NOT used in any random order. You can REALLY screw up your game for it!

I also recommend (if able) to create a back up of your current save file (.sav) and put elsewhere, best as a compressed zip file... just in case.

I'll provide everything you need for doing this in Advanced Adventure.
(this also includes any LG USA ROM base)

Please Take Extreme Care Reading Instructions Before and After inputting Any codes!

You Will Need:
.... I recommend using copy/paste function (if possible) to ensure codes are exact.

~ Master Code (M) for Leaf Green USA

72BC6DFB E9CA5465
56671F3A 6F4F4D6B

Cheat Type- GameShark v3 (Action Replay)

~ 4.1 DMA Disable
** This code is necessary for many RAM modding codes, like the one below. Before using such codes, enable this code and enter a different area. This is to prevent game from crashing. **

8D671FD9 6F6BEFF2
78DA95DF 44018CB4

Cheat Type- GameShark v3 (Action Replay)

~ 151- Mew in Box 1 Slot 1
(This is a *Safe* generated inject code I've used myself in Every run of Advanced Adventure, courtesy of Yahoo! Answers.)
** NOTE: This Code is Designed for Use With 4.1 DMA Disable Code!!! **

92260D64 28E61FC9
71D615F6 B41C381B
0D280703 38963967
A4144E58 825677D8
F161D5A4 48F9A2DB
33484F68 A56E77E0
D9942118 228420E7
BBB261C7 60CA157C
3E888B0F ECF35A34
13F1DDB5 F92F747C
5DF00218 A3A1FA5E
E07CF65A 99C82988
8B359280 96B97011
F3C920F0 939FB45E
4681C2C8 CAAFD263
B74BFA2D 24733F53
3354F609 3CB6AF8A
1354C1C3 D10F24B0
D93F2C31 16F87180

Cheat Type- GameShark v3 (Action Replay)

~ 1 junk Pokemon to sacrifice (optional)
* If this is your first time, I Highly Recommend You Doing This. In any case though, I Still Recommend you doing this. It doesn't only ensure you do the process right, it also makes it so you can keep that Mew and it's guaranteed safe for gameplay aswell (with appropriate badge to level). My tutorial will be using this option. But if you don't want it, that Mew is also completely safe to release once process is finished.


1) Place Bad EGG in Box 1 Slot 1 and junk Pokemon in Box 1 Slot 3... with the rest of Box 1 empty.

2) Exit PokeCenter: Input "Master Code (M)" in emulator cheats menu. Make sure it's enabled.

3) Exit town: Input "4.1 DMA Disable" code in emulator cheats menu. Make sure it's enabled.

4) Return to town with Both codes enabled and return to PokeCenter.

5) While inside PokeCenter with 2 previous codes still enabled, stand in front of PC: Input "151- Mew in Box 1 Slot 1" code in emulator cheats menu. Make sure it's enabled.

6) Access PC with All 3 codes enabled then select "Move Pokemon" from PC menu options.

7) Move Mew in Slot 1 and switch it with junk Pokemon in Slot 3.

8) Scroll junk Pokemon to Slot 1 and switch it with "Invisible Mew" (in slot 1).

9) Release "Invisible Mew" then access slot 1 junk Pokemon's menu *Without* selecting anything.

NOTE: If you're scratching your head right now, because you see the junk Pokemon in Slot 1 (with open menu) but PC says that's a Mew... Don't worry, that means you're doing it right! :D

10) At this point, open emulator cheats menu then Disable codes in the following order: Mew, DMA, M

11) Release junk pokemon.

12) Close PC then exit and re enter PokeCenter.

13) Access PC and select "Move Pokemon" from PC menu options, then scroll through PC Boxes *both* Forwards & Backwards.

If you did this right, all that should be remaining in Box 1 now is Mew in Slot 3.

* At this point, if you decide you don't want Mew then release.


Amy May
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It's a okay game in my opinion fun post game but pretty dull story imo. I don't like the fact all the trainers say the same thing (gets pretty annoying) the glitches are not gamebreaking which is good and I love the new redesigned maps. The story starts off great but it could honestly explain more about how your poor and how kids and people are bugging you about your economic status. The final part of the game (where you realize mewtwo was the real villian) Is well done but that's the only few good plot twists in my opinion, other than you realizing Gary took over the Pokemon HQ, those two plot twists were pretty good in my opinion but other than that the game lacked story. The post game with arceus is good and the surprise Brendan battle was pretty neat so the post game helped make the game a little bit better. I would rate this game 6/10 extra points for the neat post game. But other than that thanks for creating a decent finished Rom hack.
this COULD have been a good game... but fails miserably. all these years and the trainers still say the same thing. Is it cool to play as ash or misty? sure. are the gen-modified mons cool? absolutely. but with all the other awesome hacks out there , i cant believe some people LOVE this hack. after getting to grass town? finally after a very anoyingly long trek through the woods i think im done....
Advanced Adventure 2013 Fixed

Updated: 10/23/2018

I teamed up with hacksrepairman in regards to this game. I informed him of what I ran into while testing it.

Thanks to his hard work, he was able to correct this game's 2 biggest issues:
Link Below-

"Advanced Adventure 2013 Fixed" includes the following:

* Bad EGG/Invisible Pokemon in PC issue completely corrected.
... this means ALL problems that happened due to this will no longer occur.

* Route 20: Game breaking tiling issue fixed.

I tested this to it's full extent, including All ingame content.

- Glitches (which were always there):

Village of Fire-
1) Bicycle: Has no ingame function. No reason to even collect this key item.
2) Tiling Glitch: A tiling glitch occurs everytime you enter & exit a building.

TM Case (disappearing TM glitch)-
Triggered after obtaining HM#2- Fly, regardless if there's any moves currently in TM Case.. thus glitching the TM Case itself.

- After that point, w/ Fly always being at top of move list, if the last TM used or removed wasn't from the bottom most part of list.. then any move(s) below it will disappear from TM Case. I also tested using walking through walls code to avoid collecting Fly, inorder to test Surf only. HM#3 Surf will also force itself to top of move list, glitching TM Case, if it's the 1st HM obtained. I also tested without TMs in case while collecting both Fly & Surf (having both on top of list in order) & the glitch is still present. Under regular circumstances, the 1st HM collected will force itself to top of move list & the 2nd HM collected will be at the bottom of the list until more TM are obtained (which further complicates the glitch).

- Glitch occurs when action involves the opened TM Case to be removed from current screen, even if temporarily. Game then forgets everything below the move removed from list.

* Examples, if move selected wasn't from bottom of list:
a) Using a TM on a Pokemon.
b) Giving a TM to a Pokemon as hold item (in party or through "move items" from PC menu option).
...... glitch doesn't take place when selling TMs (in any order), due to opened TM Case never being removed from current view screen during the selling process.

~How To Avoid Disappearing TM Glitch~
1) Before collecting HM Fly (Route 9, on ground).. select "MOVE ITEM" from PC menu options. Have stored Pokemon hold TMs. At this point, the order you store them doesn't matter, due to disappearing TM glitch not being present until collecting your 1st HM.
- All TMs obtained prior to HM Fly: #27 Return, #18 Rain Dance, #19 Giga Drain, #39 Rock Tomb, #34 Shock Wave, #47 Steel Wing, #35 Flamethrower... 7 TMs total.

2) Before collecting HM Surf (Village of Ghosts, behind the Fisherman).. make sure you have PC Pokemon hold TM#43 Secret Power (from Haunted Tower) & TM#4 Calm Mind (from female NPC in same house where you receive Rufflet). The order you remove the 2 TMs does matter at this point, due to disappearing TM glitch being active. Make sure you deposit TMs from the bottom most part of the list 1st (closest to "CANCEL").

3) After obtaining HM Surf, I recommend selling any TMs you have no intention of ever using... They sell for around 1,000 each.

4) Keep in Mind: As you obtain more TMs, the only way to completely avoid losing any is by using or depositing them from the most bottom part of move list (closest to "CANCEL"). Selling TMs is not affected by this glitch & can be sold in any order.

... I Hope This Helps.
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I just wanted to share my experiences with this game with all of you. I found it to be very enjoyable from beginning to end, It didn't really bother me that everybody says the same thing ("Battle me" and "You're really tough"). I ran across the first "glitch" when there were three guards blocking the path to victory road who wouldn't talk or move. After some research here, I found and released the couple of invisible pokemon in box two, and moved the bad eggs to another box, completely emptying boxes two and three. After doing that, I was able to interact with them and complete the first part of the game. The second "glitch" happened when Oak was blocking the way to Heaven's Peak. I went back to Box two and found more invisible pokemon who had somehow appeared there since I emptied the box before. I found and released them, and when I went back to the Stairway to Heaven and entered Heaven's Gate, Oak was no longer there, and I was able to complete the game, becoming the "Guardian of Longetivity". I think that finding the cause of and correcting the so-called "glitches" I ran into was a really cool part of the game, and it worked out well. As far as the bad eggs goes, all I did was move them to another box. I found and released the invisible pokemon, and it all worked out great. I have played many hacks, and this one ranks right up there with the best, in spite of its shortcomings, just because it made me feel good while I was playing it. It was challenging. There was just the right amount of money available, which is different from some of the hacks I have played, and I was able to choose and buy exactly all the items I needed, though no more. As far as what could be improved, I would have appreciated some revival herbs. Taking two turns to fully revive a pokemon was a little annoying, but did increase the difficulty level. And I wouldn't have minded having an Amulet Coin, either. I lost my second HM once, but then discovered the HM merchant. That was cool. (Good fix for the issue.) As far as I know, I didn't lose any TMs. All in all, for me it was a feel good game, I liked the story, and I enjoyed playing it very much. :smile:
I just wanted to share my experiences with this game with all of you. I found it to be very enjoyable from beginning to end, It didn't really bother me that everybody says the same thing ("Battle me" and "You're really tough"). I ran across the first "glitch" when there were three guards blocking the path to victory road who wouldn't talk or move. After some research here, I found and released the couple of invisible pokemon in box two, and moved the bad eggs to another box, completely emptying boxes two and three. After doing that, I was able to interact with them and complete the first part of the game. The second "glitch" happened when Oak was blocking the way to Heaven's Peak. I went back to Box two and found more invisible pokemon who had somehow appeared there since I emptied the box before. I found and released them, and when I went back to the Stairway to Heaven and entered Heaven's Gate, Oak was no longer there, and I was able to complete the game, becoming the "Guardian of Longetivity". I think that finding the cause of and correcting the so-called "glitches" I ran into was a really cool part of the game, and it worked out well. As far as the bad eggs goes, all I did was move them to another box. I found and released the invisible pokemon, and it all worked out great. I have played many hacks, and this one ranks right up there with the best, in spite of its shortcomings, just because it made me feel good while I was playing it. It was challenging. There was just the right amount of money available, which is different from some of the hacks I have played, and I was able to choose and buy exactly all the items I needed, though no more. As far as what could be improved, I would have appreciated some revival herbs. Taking two turns to fully revive a pokemon was a little annoying, but did increase the difficulty level. And I wouldn't have minded having an Amulet Coin, either. I lost my second HM once, but then discovered the HM merchant. That was cool. (Good fix for the issue.) As far as I know, I didn't lose any TMs. All in all, for me it was a feel good game, I liked the story, and I enjoyed playing it very much. :smile:

I agree with you. I like this game a lot and enjoy playing it too, I play it multiple times!
... This hack is the very reason i game test now.
If I didn't like this hack so much, I wouldn't have gone out of my way to have someone fix the Bad EGG/Invisible Pokemon in PC issue or find a work around for disappearing TM/HM glitch to make the issue completely avoidable.

Oh.. I have a feeling the same trainer line used was completely intentional.. I think it adds an interesting flavor to the game tbh. I only wish all the unreadable signs in this hack said something like "What are you looking at?" just to add to it all. xD
- Besides, when people constantly complain about the "Battle me!"... "I lost."... "You're really tough."....
Then they more than likely completely overlooked all the bazaar trainer names used, Which I Like. xD

I'm not discouraged at all having no amulet coin. If you battled every trainer along the way, you can easily rack up over 200,000 by the half-way point of this game.. which is cool considering you supposed to be dirt poor. xD
I like the challenges this game provides, especially towards the end. I personally like how the routes were done on top of that. Even now, after playing & testing this game so many times... I still find myself getting lost in the Cave of No Return every now and then. xD
I think storyline itself provided just enough for the right feel in the game. :)

.... yeah, i like this game too! ^^
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Updated: 10/23/2018

I teamed up with hacksrepairman in regards to this game. I informed him of what I ran into while testing it.

Thanks to his hard work, he was able to correct this game's 2 biggest issues:
Link Below-

"Advanced Adventure 2013 Fixed" includes the following:

* Bad EGG/Invisible Pokemon in PC issue completely corrected.
... this means ALL problems that happened due to this will no longer occur.

* Route 20: Game breaking tiling issue fixed.

I tested this to it's full extent, including All ingame content.

- Glitches (which were always there):

Village of Fire-
1) Bicycle: Has no ingame function. No reason to even collect this key item.
2) Tiling Glitch: A tiling glitch occurs everytime you enter & exit a building.

TM Case (disappearing TM glitch)-
Triggered after obtaining HM#2- Fly, regardless if there's any moves currently in TM Case.. thus glitching the TM Case itself.

- After that point, w/ Fly always being at top of move list, if the last TM used or removed wasn't from the bottom most part of list.. then any move(s) below it will disappear from TM Case. I also tested using walking through walls code to avoid collecting Fly, inorder to test Surf only. HM#3 Surf will also force itself to top of move list, glitching TM Case, if it's the 1st HM obtained. I also tested without TMs in case while collecting both Fly & Surf (having both on top of list in order) & the glitch is still present. Under regular circumstances, the 1st HM collected will force itself to top of move list & the 2nd HM collected will be at the bottom of the list until more TM are obtained (which further complicates the glitch).

- Glitch occurs when action involves the opened TM Case to be removed from current screen, even if temporarily. Game then forgets everything below the move removed from list.

* Examples, if move selected wasn't from bottom of list:
a) Using a TM on a Pokemon.
b) Giving a TM to a Pokemon as hold item (in party or through "move items" from PC menu option).
...... glitch doesn't take place when selling TMs (in any order), due to opened TM Case never being removed from current view screen during the selling process.

~How To Avoid Disappearing TM Glitch~
1) Before collecting HM Fly (Route 9, on ground).. select "MOVE ITEM" from PC menu options. Have stored Pokemon hold TMs. At this point, the order you store them doesn't matter, due to disappearing TM glitch not being present until collecting your 1st HM.
- All TMs obtained prior to HM Fly: #27 Return, #18 Rain Dance, #19 Giga Drain, #39 Rock Tomb, #34 Shock Wave, #47 Steel Wing, #35 Flamethrower... 7 TMs total.

2) Before collecting HM Surf (Village of Ghosts, behind the Fisherman).. make sure you have PC Pokemon hold TM#43 Secret Power (from Haunted Tower) & TM#4 Calm Mind (from female NPC in same house where you receive Rufflet). The order you remove the 2 TMs does matter at this point, due to disappearing TM glitch being active. Make sure you deposit TMs from the bottom most part of the list 1st (closest to "CANCEL").

3) After obtaining HM Surf, I recommend selling any TMs you have no intention of ever using... They sell for around 1,000 each.

4) Keep in Mind: As you obtain more TMs, the only way to completely avoid losing any is by using or depositing them from the most bottom part of move list (closest to "CANCEL"). Selling TMs is not affected by this glitch & can be sold in any order.

... I Hope This Helps.

Thank you very much for your contributions! I will apply this to the original post and give you credit as well for your efforts. Glad to hear many people are still enjoying this game!
I find it a little weird to have your starter be based off of gender. Why not make the starter a tyrant as well? I present to you: Tyrant Pikachu:
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Advanced Adventure
I find it a little weird to have your starter be based off of gender. Why not make the starter a tyrant as well? I present to you: Tyrant Pikachu:
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Advanced Adventure

I forgot to add info about this Pok?mon.

It was a Pikachu genetically modified to fight evil 1,000 years ago

It's a Eletric/Flying type

And it can have the abilities of Static or Cloud Nine.
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At Hero's Village after getting the 8th Badge. Both the main characters mom & a scientist near the entrance/exit of the village say to talk to Professor Oak. I go to his lab, but there's a Pikachu in front of it. I try talking to/examining it, and my game freezes. Am I not supposed to be going to Hero's Village after the 8th badge, or is there some other reason this is happening?
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Unable to patch this successfully. Game just refreshes opening sequence and does not get to the start screen. Tried two different reliable patchers. Playing on MyBoy!
Ended up looking for some pokemon hacks and this one came up. I quite enjoyed the story, sure the trainers had the same dialog but I just skipped over it with the build in emulator speed settings. I ended up catching all the special or traumatized pokemon from every village. Ended up making quite a nice army with it. Ended up using the Gengar as my main pokemon.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Advanced Adventure

Though I was working my way up to being able to beat the level 100 pokemon in the end and my game soft locked. Whenever I try talking to someone to make the story progress it just freezes. I try to go to the Deoxys location and they say i need to beat the HQ, easy enough but when I go to the HQ I freeze trying to fight the first girl. So after wasting 10h~ I'm stuck in this soft lock where I can't do anything to progress and finish the game officially. If anyone has a fix for this I'd love it. It seemed to happen because of a glitch where the story restarted in the middle of the HQ for me. Thanks again for the fun rom though!
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Thanks for the great game produced, yet I got some issues in it
1. I cannot trigger the tyrant zangoose event supposed to be in the route after 1st gym city
2. I cannot find the 2nd gym leader, so I get stuck...
So like I have a lvl 20 pikachu, I'm not sure if there are stones in advanced adventure the leaf green one, how do I evolve pikachu into raichu?