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Emerald hack: Pokemon Atlas Emerald (Beta 1.0rz) - Update May24 - Game now is Completable

  • 35
    • Seen today
    ATTENTION: Still in Work in Progress

    Thanks to Nintendo, Game Freak and The Pokemon Company. All rights to them.

    Dear all,

    Today I uploaded the 2nd attempt of my Hack, Atlas Emerald.

    The 1st attempt of the hack I used Emerald Final as a base, but I had some problems with music corruption.

    I tried to redo the map insertion again from the beginning, but still had problems. Dearman4 still helped me, when he release the new version of Final maybe I try again using Emerald Final as a base again.

    That's why I decided to do a new attempt this time using a clean Rom.
    Thankfully I was successful and was able to add all the maps without music corruption.

    Please find below more information about the new version of the hack.

    Pokémon Atlas Emerald (Beta v1.0rz)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Atlas Emerald (Beta 1.0rz) - Update May24 - Game now is Completable


    * About the Mod *

    Atlas Emerald mod is an expanded modification from Emerald.

    It's a simple hack to achieve something I always wanted in a gen3 Pokemon rom hack.

    The major change in this hack is the addition of Kanto, Johto and Sevii Island Regions as explorable areas (The new maps use the Tileset already in Emerald).

    The Wild encounters in Hoenn changed to acommodate better the split to other Regions inclusion.

    I did a revamp in graphics to look similar to ORAS artstyle, changed overworld sprites, trainer front and backsprites, Badges and etc. I used some sprites from HGSS, did ones myself and others I found online by talented people as well (kudos to hyo_oppa, love your work). This is a personal project that I'm sharing to hopefully make people happy!!!

    The Pokenav Trainers in Match Calls are modified to be notable characters, gym leaders, protagonists, elite four members, champions and villains.

    Kanto and Johto regions are acessible after getting the Pokénav. Sevii Island needs HM Surf to reach Cianwood City. More details below to how reach these locations:

    1) Kanto - Boat in Oldale Town to Pallet Town
    2) Johto - Boat in Petalburg City to New Bark Town
    3) Sevii - Boat in Cianwood Port, the Port in each Island can reach the next one


    - Kanto and Johto are kind of Semi-Open World.

    - You need Surf to access Sevii Islands

    - Fly is only usable to fast travel to Hoenn Towns/Cities.

    - There's a fast travel between Saffron City (Kanto) and Goldenrod City (Johto) - Magnetic Train

    - There's a fast travel between Vermilion City (Kanto) and Olivine City (Johto)

    - Magnetic Train, S. S. Anne, S. S. Aqua, Seagallop and the minor Region Boats are explorable. S. S. Tidal was expanded. (WIP)

    - All caves are dark

    - Kanto and Johto are accessible after the obtaining the Pokénav (Changed mainly due a possible bug in Pokénav registrations). To full explore the Regions the HMs are needed.

    - Necessary to talk with Rydel first in Mauville City to buy Mach Bike and Acro Bike in the other stores. (Changed mainly due a possible sequence break with rival on route 110)

    - You don't lose money for losing

    - Caution: level of wild Pokémon are balanced based with the original games

    NOTICE: This mod is still unfinished, but is completable (Emerald normal game is complete).

    The trainers in Hoenn Overworld will be distributed/split to other Regions (still WIP), if you see a NPC out of bounds that's because I'm still verifying the best way to add in the game (and to balance gameplay).

    This build is for beta testing. Mostly to verify if all the changes I did broke something. The new regions is to expand the exploration in the game

    * New Features *

    - Kanto Region

    - Johto Region

    - Sevii Islands

    - New graphics (overworld sprites, backsprites, colored Badges, and etc)

    - Level Cap (First level cap Lv. 15. +5 Levels per badge, after 8th badge no restrictions to level 100)

    - Game full decapitalized

    - Gen V Pokémon Sprites

    - Expanded and reworked some Hoenn Maps

    - Minor story changes to add NPCs

    - Pokenav Match Call Trainers are notable characters and NPCs

    - Non-story Trainers in general can be avoided, almost no mandatory battles (Battle them whenever you want, but be cautious they still wander wanting to fight).

    - Kanto and Johto Gym Leaders disponible up to 8th badge.

    - Pokémon League for Kanto and Johto available after completing Hoenn League.

    * WIP *

    WIP - Short Term

    - Improve gameplay balance

    - Continue expanding story and notable NPCs

    - Add items in more maps

    - Improve Wild Pokémon distribution

    WIP - Long Term

    - Finish adding NPCs in empty areas (mainly in houses and Sevii region)

    - Review certain areas to add more content on it (e.g: Ruins of Alph)

    - Continue to expand Hoenn areas (areas that are too short or a little bland).

    - Add more content/events/quests in the Regions (mainly in the parts of the game that is too linear)

    - Finish Trainer Tower (Seven Island)

    - Verify if is possible to add more Pokémons (gen 4, older mons new gen evolutions and regional/other forms, maybe mega evolutions as well) - This probably is way above my capacity right now


    Attention in the spoiler below there's the details of the old version of Atlas Emerald.

    OLD Version (0.9ym)


    * Updates *

    Before updating save in any Hoenn Pokecenter first. Then do a save backup just in case

    v1.0rz Fixed sequence break in Lylicove City (Team Aqua Wailmers positions). Fishing Rods (Good Rod and Super) have new locations in Kanto and Johto. Improved Weather System (Kanto, Johto and Sevii).




    Attachment in the first post or the mirror download below.

    Attention: Saves between v1.0+ version are compatible.
    The old hack (v0.9) version savefile is not compatible with the new version (v1.0+) of the hack. Recommended to start a new game.

    In the compressed file, there's the UPS patch for the new version.

    The old version is on the IPS file, attached as an way to still be available.

    IPS and UPS and Readme file attached in the zip file in this post or the mirror file in the link below.

    New Version (v1.0rz)

    Older Versions

    Patch an Emerald (Trashman) clean Rom.

    Credits/Special Thanks

    I like to thank you dearman4 for the help and inspiration.

    And of course the people of Pokemon Community.

    Verloren5 - Decapitalization and HP Bar Patch
    Li Yun - Emerald Modexe
    hyo_oppa - Front Trainer Sprites
    Haven - Hex Maniac Advance
    Semper#3268 for his extensive bugtesting and proofreading
    scrapisarat#1968 for the new item sprites

    *~*Important Links*~*

    Emerald Final Thread



    • Pokemon Atlas Emerald Patch (v1.0rz).zip
      3.3 MB · Views: 13
    Last edited:
    Hey man is there any documentation for all the wild encounters, tms, items etc?
    Hi RThompson,

    Please use the documentation from Emerald Final Deluxe. For now I didn't made any big change.

    The only change I made is Wild Encounters, but basically I setup the areas from Kanto and Johto with the similar FireRed/Leaf Green/Gold/Silver encounters.

    The starters are available in Safari Zones of each Region.

    When possible I'll create detailed documentation.

    Hope you enjoy even still being WIP!
    I think the idea for this hack, while basic, is novel. A Hoenn hack incorporating other regions (especially Kanto/Johto) is something that's long overdue really. Though if there's one thing I really wanna complain about, it's that of the overworld sprites for characters. I understand you probably wanted them to look sorta more like ORAS, but in all honesty, they just look cursed, as if you gave them really long legs. I wouldn't mind them as much if there was an alternate patch that kept the vanilla Emerald sprites though.

    Some answers:

    * Blazingcody0306

    I'm researching about it, but apparently is related to advance map replacing music data.

    * SomeIdiotFromHoenn

    I added an additional patch with vanilla overworld sprites.

    I'm still very new with rom hacking in general, this is not my first attempt, but it's the first time apparently in my play test didn't have a major problem.

    In worst scenario the maps can be utilized by other people as a base for future projects
    Last edited:
    Are all the regions in Pokémon Emerald Final World v0.9yc completed or not? And will there be a next update for that game? And what about the walkthrough pdf for this game?
    Yeah I like the idea of the game, but i really don't like the legs. Maybe you can make an alternate patch for the original preportions?
    Hi IchigoPlus37,

    Kanto, Johto and Sevii maps are fully explorable and have wild encounters, but they're still almost empty.

    The hack is still in work in progress, but my intention is to continue working on it whenever I have free time.

    In the future I want to:

    -modify maps from Sprout Tower, Pokemon Tower and other indoor areas to look similar to the original areas

    -add more npc in empty routes

    -Finish changing pokenav trainers adjusting the trainer team levels, moves and items

    -Maybe change legendary pokemons locations to their original places

    I'm still very new in Pokemon Rom Hacking. This beta build I shared to people notice possible errors and bugs

    For now people reported two problems, that are not game breaking, but hopefully I can fix or request help to someone help me if possible:

    -Advance Map Corrupted the music data (some music have beeps in certain instrument sounds),

    -Running away from wild encounters near a modified pokenav trainer can change the character your control

    But in overall everything else is working normally

    BTW in future I will change the name of hack to Pokemon Atlas Emerald

    Hi discodriver44,

    In the last version I added a patch with vanilla overworld sprites option.
    Hi IchigoPlus37,

    Kanto, Johto and Sevii maps are fully explorable and have wild encounters, but they're still almost empty.

    The hack is still in work in progress, but my intention is to continue working on it whenever I have free time.

    In the future I want to:

    -modify maps from Sprout Tower, Pokemon Tower and other indoor areas to look similar to the original areas

    -add more npc in empty routes

    -Finish changing pokenav trainers adjusting the trainer team levels, moves and items

    -Maybe change legendary pokemons locations to their original places

    I'm still very new in Pokemon Rom Hacking. This beta build I shared to people notice possible errors and bugs

    For now people reported two problems, that are not game breaking, but hopefully I can fix or request help to someone help me if possible:

    -Advance Map Corrupted the music data (some music have beeps in certain instrument sounds),

    -Running away from wild encounters near a modified pokenav trainer can change the character your control

    But in overall everything else is working normally

    BTW in future I will change the name of hack to Pokemon Atlas Emerald

    Hi discodriver44,

    In the last version I added a patch with vanilla overworld sprites option.

    yeah but i think discodriver44 asked for a patch with the oras sprites but without the longer legs?
    Hi. Is it possible to make additional patch with gen VI exp share? Using emerald final deluxe(exp share edition)
    Can you add an option within the zip file for just the graphical changes per chance?

    You've compiled it very well, and I'd love to have the option to just have the graphical options shifted only, thanks~!
    Dear all,

    A little update. I'm really busy the past months with my work and studies.

    I'm really new with romhacking, and now I see that I was really ambitious with this project. I still have limited knowledge, that's why hopefully I'm able to complete this hack someday.

    This is a passion project for me, and unfortunately I don't have enough time available to keep updating constantly.

    I'm working on it whenever I have free time. So please be patient.

    Today I uploaded a new patch version, I fixed some errors, added a new titlescreen, added the new regions in the World Map, and finished adding the Pokenav Trainers in the overworld. Minor improvements overall.

    I still will continue to work in the topics in WIP in the original post.

    For now the update don't have yet a vanilla overworld sprite version.

    Before updating save in any Hoenn Pokecenter first. Then do a save backup just in case

    Hope everyone have a nice day!!!
    Sorry for the double post.

    Update 0.9yi:

    Updated All Pokenav Trainers, now they all have full Pokémon Teams

    As mentioned before Kanto and Johto Leaders are slight more strong than Hoenn Leaders.

    Brock and Falkner are slight stronger than Wattson. That's because when the player arrive at Slateport is possible to travel to other regions.

    Don't forget some trainers are meant to be like a more challange battles and/or bosses.

    You need to talk with the NPC to begin the battle, so to avoid frustrations save before talking with gym leaders; talking to Red on Mt. Silver; Yellow on Mt. Moon and etc.

    In Kanto and Johto the levels are meant to be battled in the original gym leaders order (e.g: First: Brock and Falkner - around lv 20~30 | Last: Blue and Clair around lv 50~60). My suggestion is following FireRed and Crystal order.

    There's a Kanto League (Indigo Plateau) and a Johto League (I named Amber Plateau, is a rename for Battle Tower location, but in this hack is the Johto League).

    Elite Four in Indigo and Amber Plateau (around level 60~70). And the champions are a little more stronger (There's no need for Badges to access it).

    The Teams, levels and items added can be reworked in future to a better balance (moves as well).

    Gen4 characters trainers are located in Trainer Tower in Seven Island with temporary teams. If possible in future I do like to add more pokemons (gen 4 specific to add them in Sevii and to add to the gen 4 characters teams).

    In theory this update added everything I wanted. Now I'll try to finish the maps of inside areas missing and populate the world with more NPCs, and hopefully I can try polish and Fixes more errors. And soon I try to make an alternate patch with vanilla overworld sprites as well.