As I said before:
You can sprite ANY of these:
Chaccaw - Evolution of Chatot, be as creative as possible here guys. Incorporate elemants of violins, opera, musical notes, barber shop quartets whatever.... again Normal/Flying
Seaqueen - Female evolution of Goldeen (ill make seaking male). Water
"Sneasel Prevolution" - Were looking for pure cuteness here guys. Dark/Ice
"Lapras Evolution" - I'm not so sure about putting this one in but if it is itl resemble a
Liopleurodon somewhat. Water/Ice or Water/Dragon or Water/Steel
"Tropius Prevolution" Whatever you feel like as agian I'm not so sure on this one. Grass or Grass/Flying
"Medicham Evolution" - hopefully to remble vishnu somewhat, i might not put this one in. Fighting/Psychic
"Luvdisc Evolution" - when i first played emerald I originall though lovedisc became milotic. It deserves an evolution so make it an atrractive one. Keep the hart shape. Water
"Bannette Evolution" - now this idea IS NOT entirely mine but i saw some cool pictures of bannete as a puppateer of shupettes and it made me think that its quite a good idea as its screaming out for evolution. Ghost
^The Lapras Evolution is still up for grabs, as the other one was copied. You could try your Lapras idea. It might look nice.