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Emerald hack: Pokemon Energized Emerald - Global release

A good hack I am a bit disappointed that having three abilities rarely changed how i assessed available Pokemon only
really moved me (Swarm Guts + Moxie) if the first two are active that's a certainty of neutral damage even on not very effective hits with stab and a choice band every hit is now effectively super effective though that makes it harder to trigger guts and also scarf is better for
at that point. and that's without the moxie boosts.

Outside of Pokemon that were given entirely new abilities most of them were of similar power and benefited npc's more then the player due to pokemons challenge being about slowly whittling the player down over time.

I noticed a few surprising additions
who never left my team once obtained due to my fondness for ice types gives a sample of what i expect to be true if you applied this experiment is certain later generations or even just imported a bunch of later gen abilities and pokemon they would outclass anything emerald has to offer.

Final team was
I was very tempted a few times to change up my team but my issue with emerald is still some of the best additions to the game came from black 2 white 2 movepool changes and TM's so nothing too enticing for me out there i did think most of the changes and alterations to abilities are pretty neat though even if none of them really make a mediocre pokemon particularly
Your reply for Pokémon Energized Emerald is well-written and informative. It provides a good overview of the game's features and changes, including the new triple ability system, quality of life improvements, story additions, and new areas and Pokémon. I especially appreciate the links to the download patch and ROM patcher, as well as the note for current players.

Here are a few minor suggestions:

In the first paragraph, you could change "wilder and more intriguing battles" to "more dynamic and strategic battles" to better emphasize the impact of the triple ability system.
In the second paragraph, you could mention that the IV buffing service and buyable Rare Candies are endgame features, so that players don't expect to have them available to them immediately.
In the third paragraph, you could add a sentence or two about the new story and areas, such as what kind of challenges players can expect to face or what new Pokémon they can catch.
In the fourth paragraph, you could mention that the game is still under development, but that it is regularly updated with new features and fixes.
Overall, I think your reply is excellent and will help potential players to learn more about Pokémon Energized Emerald and decide whether it is a game that they are interested in playing.

Thanks for the help! I'm not a great writer.
Pokemon Energized Emerald V1.0.21

patch download - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IHKIgNX8LM97M1NVw9_CiYuB5WRsJ0iy?usp=sharing

-Fixed bug that made battles become Deoxys boss battles after losing to Deoxys.
-Fixed bug where Pokemon with the Wish Maker ability create an infinite loop after switching in.
-Minor overworld map tile updates.
-The Mauville TV Station in-game trade has changed from requesting a Nosepass to an Aron.
Pokemon Energized Emerald is a revamp of Pokemon Emerald that offers an enhanced and expanded experience in gameplay, story and graphics whilst keeping with the themes of the original game. My changes aim to make the game more fun yet also providing a good fair challenge.

The biggest gameplay change in Energized Emerald is that Pokemon can now have up to 3 abilities working at once, creating more dynamic and strategic battles. Players will have to consider more mechanics bouncing about in battles than in regular Pokemon games and will also find that game balance has shifted, as many Pokemon have strongly benefitted (or not) from the multiple ability change. Some Pokemon gain abilities they didn't have before, like Gulpin who now has Corrosion, which also by the way is upgraded to now make Poison moves be super effective against Steel types! New abilities and moves have also been added to further improve on Pokemon themes and battle performance, Whismur does more damage with sound based moves with its new Volume Up ability and Gardevoir can use the new move Singularity to protect with black holes!
Outside of battles are many quality of life improvements. HMs are no longer required to teach to Pokemon to traverse obstacles, only the badge and a compatible Pokemon is required. Grinding has been significantly reduced with things like stronger vitamins, an IV buffing service and buyable Rare Candies (for the post game), so making that perfect team takes much less time.
See the lists below for more extensive details of gameplay additions and updates.

The story has been revised with more ORAS elements, and it also continues after beating the Pokemon League with a brand new story! The overworld has been updated so players will see more bustling urban areas, more labyrinthian dungeons and also brand new areas containing Pokemon not found in the wild in vanilla Emerald which is tied to the post game story. All gen 1-3 Pokemon and their future evolutions and pre-evolutions are available in this game, for a total of 419 Pokemon. There are also 26 regional forms available, and some of them are accessible before post-game!

This is a rom hack of Pokemon Emerald using the pokeemerald-expansion decompilation project as its base: https://github.com/rh-hideout/pokeemerald-expansion.
The rom hack started in December 2021, using the version of pokeemerald-expansion at the time. Most updates to pokeemerald-expansion since then have been implemented in Energized Emerald. The game will continue to be updated to add or improve features and fix bugs.

Download the patch for V1.0.21 here!
Use the ROM patcher to patch it with a Pokemon Emerald ROM (ideally a Pokemon Emerald Trashman ROM).

NOTE FOR CURRENT PLAYERS: The V1.0.5 update changes the name of the ROM. If you have played a previous version of Energized Emerald, you will probably need to change the name of your save file to continue using it from pokeemerald.sav to EnergizedEmerald.sav.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Energized Emerald - Global release
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Energized Emerald - Global release
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Energized Emerald - Global release

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Energized Emerald - Global release
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Energized Emerald - Global release
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Energized Emerald - Global release

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Energized Emerald - Global release
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Energized Emerald - Global release
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Energized Emerald - Global release

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Energized Emerald - Global release
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Energized Emerald - Global release
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Energized Emerald - Global release


New Abilities

Updated Abilities

New Moves

Updated Moves

Possible Updates

Known Bugs

This is by far the best Emerald romhack I have ever played... I spent years trying to find something like this... Its like experiencing Pokemon Emerald for the first time all over again... Im blown away...

My first ever Pokemon games were gen 3, but my brothers first pokemon games were gen 1. Both me and him love generations 1-4 as a whole. The absolute greatest generations... Anyways let me start off by saying thank you, this gives me a chance to bond more with my brother currently because over the years we fell off. No matter the things going on in life pokemon romhacks bring us together. Its surprising how somebody elses creation can bring happiness to a whole lot of people. You should feel proud and honored to have made such an amazing and unique experience. Engergized Emerald is legit the DLC Emerald never had. The fact we can use 3 abilities... I am just shocked and blown away...

I am almost 200 hours into the game and still havnt completed the postgame there is soo much to do. From making a living dex, getting every symbol, all the way to making the perfect team... There is more than just those examples. The reason I didnt complete the postgame yet is because I got kind of confused? Like not quite sure where to go or what to do only found 2 legendaries so far Moltres and Zapados. None of the others yet. Even though im failing to complete the postgame currently im still having absolute fun training and battling along the way with multiple abilities. Its a fun and engaging experience that I think everyone needs to try. Maybe the postgame is bugged, or maybe im just a bad gamer lmao... either way I love this romhack.

Are you taking suggestions? If so I would like to share some of my thoughts...
1) Day/Night cycle simulating real-time while also including shaders for each Day/Night cycle. Making it so its visually nice during the Day/Night. Certain pokemon appearing during the Day, and certain pokemon appearing at Night.
2) Regarding "Perhaps a more interesting Tate & Liza event to get Jirachi?" make something similar to what Cosmic Emerald did and do a Moon event for Jirachi. Use the spacestation at Mossdeep and make an event that takes you to the moon for a new storyline just to get Jirachi and a new area to explore and train as well. Where you can only go there after completing the post-game, and only from there you will have access to the Moon Event. By a new storyline and areas to explore and train at the Moon itself, i meant just more trainers and a few areas to explore while not too much in-depth storyline. Nothing too much but, just small enough to where it becomes just a cool place to visit and train your pokemon. Imagine training your pokemon for the battle tower while on the Moon? That would be crazy.
3) I have never used Mega evolutions or anything past gen 4 before. Can you please make it optional in the settings menu to turn on and off Mega evolutions and the other variants from newer generations. Making it so its optional rather than enforced?
4) Regarding "A better way for Mirage Island to trigger?" how about making it so on the first and only the first of every month there is a 1/10 chance for a NPC to spawn in the Dewford cave. This NPC if found randomly within this cave will tell you a secret upon speaking to he/she then immediatley run away as if he/she was attempting to escape. Leading to another sidequest story to follow. Lets face it ive been all over that cave and the new design for it is amazing dont get me wrong, but after going into it so many times... It feels empty and useless. This gives the Dewford Cave a reason to explore it besides if you were attempting a living dex. After catching all the pokemon Dewford Cave offers there really isnt much to do inside of it. The NPC can act as a castaway who somehow made it to Dewford and settled within the cave leading to a whole story that can be written about it. That NPC castaway can be the guardian of Mirage Island and can grant you the way towards it for a price... In order to access Mirage Island after completing the Dewford Cave NPC Castaway sidequest the price can be maybe the retreival of the guardians lost Wobbuffet. This can be a special Wobbuffet symbolizing the protector of Mirage Island. The guardian is the NPC and the protector is the Wobbuffet. Reunite the guardian and the protector and only then can you seek the way to Mirage Island.
5) Can you add more to the casino? I actually work at a casino IRL and would love to see more done with it in Pokemon Emerald. Is BlackJack possible? If not all good this was one of the more wilder suggestions that ive never seen done before. Also make it so you can store more than 9999 in the coincase and gamble more... the casino is still pathetic as always no offense. Not your fault at all was bad in the original emerald too.
6)A new way of navigating the pokedex. Lets be real. Lets be honest. I love the pokedex and all it offers... But we need to rethink it altogether. Maybe a newer updated and unique pokedex that is not only easy to navigate and search specific pokemon but also with a cleaner UI and overall user friendly experince while using the pokedex itself. Currently its cluttered and not clean. Could be better, not neccessarily a huge issue though just a small QoL solution.
7) A way to create/remove soil to plant berries anywhere. Therefore allowing you to create a farm in any area you'd like. Just another QoL fix nothing too big.
8) Regarding "Increase number of PC Pokemon storage boxes (annoying to do late in development since changing the sava data format will invalid previous save data)." this is very much needed if someone were to do a living dex there will only be 4 spaces left over. Just enough space for a living dex. We need atleast 20 is fair. I do however have a question, once this or if this does happen we would all have to make a new savegame correct? For example the pokemon I just spent the last 200 hours training couldnt I just hypothetically export the save file onto my pc use PkHex and copy/paste the pokemon I spent 200 hours training onto the new savegame? Therefore eliminating the need to complain about having to make a new savefile... Like if people complain about having to start over just tell them to just use PkHex to copy/paste the exact pokemon you had into the newer savefile and start again. That way you will atleast still have the Pokemon you spent all that time training. For example I play Energized Emerald on my S23 Ultra but use PkHex on my Thinkpad to transfer data back and forth from other roms I played. It really isnt that hard so I doubt many people will complain. I would also like to say more backgrounds would be night... the PC itself is still generic as always.
9) This is a must... I have beaten the elite four hundreds of times now... that is how i got most my pokemon to level 100 because you can challenge them over and over again. Anyways the money is the issue. Its too easy to make money. That is however not a bad thing. Can you make it so there is no money limit as well as no playtime limit? In previous romhacks when I would play over 1000 hours it would just get stuck at 999:99 and not show my exact playtime. Same with my money, right now currently within Energized Emerald my money has been maxed out for a while now. I can buy legit anything all from battling the elite four... if thats gonna be the case making it so you can go past the original maxed limit would be a unique feature to provide. Making it possible to continously earn money to see how much can really be made...
10) Please provide more instructions on the post-game because right now I am currently 200 hours in and have absolute no idea where to go or what to do so ive been primarily focusing on training my pokemon. Like at first glance after beating the elite 4 it was cool to have another whole new story to follow afterwards but then i got confused when I visited every new area and found nothing big. Just new areas with trainers and grass nothing else. I found Moltres and Zapados but none of the others? Maybe its just me and I am oblivious but if its not just me it might confuse others as well. I tried looking for youtubers playing energized emerald to see them play the game alongside the post-game to know and understand what to do, but there were not any? I found 1 in spanish but after they defeated the Pokemon league they stopped? Not a single post-game video can be found onnyoutube about Energized Emerald.

Anyways please never stop creating what your doing here is gods work you truly should be happy with what you accomplished. This romhack is a solid 8/10 and can easily be a 9/10 with just a few more improvements. Either way I am going to recommend this romhack to everyone I know. This is truly one of the best Pokemon romhacks I have ever played. Seriously I truly do want to thank you.
Pokemon Energized Emerald V1.0.22

patch download - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1R38ix4OFuM5X2o0FnbsobDQ-4v-51Tpl?usp=sharing

-Galarian Slowking, Galarian Ponyta and Galarian Rapidash can learn Toxic now.
-Alolan Sandshrew/Sandslash can learn Leech Life now.
-Regional forms that were missing Return and Frustration in their TM learnsets now have them.
-Minor updates to Pokemon teams in the overworld and in the Battle Frontier.
-Some overworld tile fixes.
-Fixed the locations of Sages Sanctuary and Lustrous Lair in the PokeNav.
-Fixed Defiant ability description.
-Updated hold items of many wild Pokemon.
-Added hold item list to general docs.

Edit: - added a post game guide.
Last edited:
This is by far the best Emerald romhack I have ever played... I spent years trying to find something like this... Its like experiencing Pokemon Emerald for the first time all over again... Im blown away...

My first ever Pokemon games were gen 3, but my brothers first pokemon games were gen 1. Both me and him love generations 1-4 as a whole. The absolute greatest generations... Anyways let me start off by saying thank you, this gives me a chance to bond more with my brother currently because over the years we fell off. No matter the things going on in life pokemon romhacks bring us together. Its surprising how somebody elses creation can bring happiness to a whole lot of people. You should feel proud and honored to have made such an amazing and unique experience. Engergized Emerald is legit the DLC Emerald never had. The fact we can use 3 abilities... I am just shocked and blown away...

I am almost 200 hours into the game and still havnt completed the postgame there is soo much to do. From making a living dex, getting every symbol, all the way to making the perfect team... There is more than just those examples. The reason I didnt complete the postgame yet is because I got kind of confused? Like not quite sure where to go or what to do only found 2 legendaries so far Moltres and Zapados. None of the others yet. Even though im failing to complete the postgame currently im still having absolute fun training and battling along the way with multiple abilities. Its a fun and engaging experience that I think everyone needs to try. Maybe the postgame is bugged, or maybe im just a bad gamer lmao... either way I love this romhack.

Are you taking suggestions? If so I would like to share some of my thoughts...
1) Day/Night cycle simulating real-time while also including shaders for each Day/Night cycle. Making it so its visually nice during the Day/Night. Certain pokemon appearing during the Day, and certain pokemon appearing at Night.
2) Regarding "Perhaps a more interesting Tate & Liza event to get Jirachi?" make something similar to what Cosmic Emerald did and do a Moon event for Jirachi. Use the spacestation at Mossdeep and make an event that takes you to the moon for a new storyline just to get Jirachi and a new area to explore and train as well. Where you can only go there after completing the post-game, and only from there you will have access to the Moon Event. By a new storyline and areas to explore and train at the Moon itself, i meant just more trainers and a few areas to explore while not too much in-depth storyline. Nothing too much but, just small enough to where it becomes just a cool place to visit and train your pokemon. Imagine training your pokemon for the battle tower while on the Moon? That would be crazy.
3) I have never used Mega evolutions or anything past gen 4 before. Can you please make it optional in the settings menu to turn on and off Mega evolutions and the other variants from newer generations. Making it so its optional rather than enforced?
4) Regarding "A better way for Mirage Island to trigger?" how about making it so on the first and only the first of every month there is a 1/10 chance for a NPC to spawn in the Dewford cave. This NPC if found randomly within this cave will tell you a secret upon speaking to he/she then immediatley run away as if he/she was attempting to escape. Leading to another sidequest story to follow. Lets face it ive been all over that cave and the new design for it is amazing dont get me wrong, but after going into it so many times... It feels empty and useless. This gives the Dewford Cave a reason to explore it besides if you were attempting a living dex. After catching all the pokemon Dewford Cave offers there really isnt much to do inside of it. The NPC can act as a castaway who somehow made it to Dewford and settled within the cave leading to a whole story that can be written about it. That NPC castaway can be the guardian of Mirage Island and can grant you the way towards it for a price... In order to access Mirage Island after completing the Dewford Cave NPC Castaway sidequest the price can be maybe the retreival of the guardians lost Wobbuffet. This can be a special Wobbuffet symbolizing the protector of Mirage Island. The guardian is the NPC and the protector is the Wobbuffet. Reunite the guardian and the protector and only then can you seek the way to Mirage Island.
5) Can you add more to the casino? I actually work at a casino IRL and would love to see more done with it in Pokemon Emerald. Is BlackJack possible? If not all good this was one of the more wilder suggestions that ive never seen done before. Also make it so you can store more than 9999 in the coincase and gamble more... the casino is still pathetic as always no offense. Not your fault at all was bad in the original emerald too.
6)A new way of navigating the pokedex. Lets be real. Lets be honest. I love the pokedex and all it offers... But we need to rethink it altogether. Maybe a newer updated and unique pokedex that is not only easy to navigate and search specific pokemon but also with a cleaner UI and overall user friendly experince while using the pokedex itself. Currently its cluttered and not clean. Could be better, not neccessarily a huge issue though just a small QoL solution.
7) A way to create/remove soil to plant berries anywhere. Therefore allowing you to create a farm in any area you'd like. Just another QoL fix nothing too big.
8) Regarding "Increase number of PC Pokemon storage boxes (annoying to do late in development since changing the sava data format will invalid previous save data)." this is very much needed if someone were to do a living dex there will only be 4 spaces left over. Just enough space for a living dex. We need atleast 20 is fair. I do however have a question, once this or if this does happen we would all have to make a new savegame correct? For example the pokemon I just spent the last 200 hours training couldnt I just hypothetically export the save file onto my pc use PkHex and copy/paste the pokemon I spent 200 hours training onto the new savegame? Therefore eliminating the need to complain about having to make a new savefile... Like if people complain about having to start over just tell them to just use PkHex to copy/paste the exact pokemon you had into the newer savefile and start again. That way you will atleast still have the Pokemon you spent all that time training. For example I play Energized Emerald on my S23 Ultra but use PkHex on my Thinkpad to transfer data back and forth from other roms I played. It really isnt that hard so I doubt many people will complain. I would also like to say more backgrounds would be night... the PC itself is still generic as always.
9) This is a must... I have beaten the elite four hundreds of times now... that is how i got most my pokemon to level 100 because you can challenge them over and over again. Anyways the money is the issue. Its too easy to make money. That is however not a bad thing. Can you make it so there is no money limit as well as no playtime limit? In previous romhacks when I would play over 1000 hours it would just get stuck at 999:99 and not show my exact playtime. Same with my money, right now currently within Energized Emerald my money has been maxed out for a while now. I can buy legit anything all from battling the elite four... if thats gonna be the case making it so you can go past the original maxed limit would be a unique feature to provide. Making it possible to continously earn money to see how much can really be made...
10) Please provide more instructions on the post-game because right now I am currently 200 hours in and have absolute no idea where to go or what to do so ive been primarily focusing on training my pokemon. Like at first glance after beating the elite 4 it was cool to have another whole new story to follow afterwards but then i got confused when I visited every new area and found nothing big. Just new areas with trainers and grass nothing else. I found Moltres and Zapados but none of the others? Maybe its just me and I am oblivious but if its not just me it might confuse others as well. I tried looking for youtubers playing energized emerald to see them play the game alongside the post-game to know and understand what to do, but there were not any? I found 1 in spanish but after they defeated the Pokemon league they stopped? Not a single post-game video can be found onnyoutube about Energized Emerald.

Anyways please never stop creating what your doing here is gods work you truly should be happy with what you accomplished. This romhack is a solid 8/10 and can easily be a 9/10 with just a few more improvements. Either way I am going to recommend this romhack to everyone I know. This is truly one of the best Pokemon romhacks I have ever played. Seriously I truly do want to thank you.
I'm glad you are greatly enjoying the hack!

1) Day/Night effects would be nice, but it's a lot of work. It's not as simple as just adding shaders. I'd basically have to double the amount of outdoor tilesets and re-color them all. I see Energized Emerald as effectively complete, so I'm not doing any big updates to it in the foreseeable future. I'm spending time with other projects.
5) Once again, a lot of work. Maybe I could copy some code from the Voltorb Flip minigame from HeartGold/SoulSilver. An idea I've had for the casino would be a betting game, where the player would observe a Pokemon battle after guessing who would win. However, the Pokemon would fight using vanilla Battle Palace rules.
6) I've always believed that a game should have all of its info available in the game and the player shouldn't have to search for a wiki to find answers to things. A proper Pokedex with all the Pokemon information is another idea I've had but never got around to it due to the amount of work involved.
7) Maybe I'll add an item that speeds up berry growth or increase berry tree yield. Maybe like a Shiny Charm but for berries.
8) I can't guarantee hex tools will work. They might depend on the save file being a traditional Pokemon Emerald save file and therefore not work with Energized Emerald files.
9) Increasing the amount of money the player can hold is a similar problem to increasing the PC box size. Changing the save file format may make it invalid to the game.
10) At what point are you at with the post game story? The post game is basically open world so I've tried to make it clear where to go next.
Pokemon Energized Emerald V1.0.23

patch download - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qYwzqPf2g6EjaAb-60xLMuk3Cp23igKa?usp=sharing

-Anorith and Armaldo can now learn the Surf and Waterfall TMs.
-Berry tree yields are doubled after becoming Champion.
-Postgame: the admins in the new areas now tell you to meet the others if you haven't yet.
-Added a Tabitha battle in the Magma Hideout.
-Fixed mega stone display case bugs so players can now obtain the Sharpedonite and Pinsirite.
-Some minor trainer fixes.
-Fixed a bug where Poison Heal actives when Neutralizing Gas is active.
Any cheat code :"),need it badly, since grinding took like lots of hours xd, especially l have to speed up and slow it everytime, which sometimes makes my hand got paralyzed for a bit and can't move lol(seriously, this happen sometimes only like once).
I hope you can add perhaps a cheat feature for this game,if there is no 100% working code..so that anyone that wanted to grind fast can easily win,and yeah l guess thats all,nice rom hack btw...
Hmm odd, it keeps telling me that the patch provided is not intended for this rom. Tried using both the Trashman and non-Trashman varieties (both of which work for every other rom hack patch)
This rom hack is fun, but still too hard to grind... Since exp gives you so small.. Like only 30+ in early game, which makes me bored.. Since l grind for like many minutes and still hard to level up, pls just add feature for exp share.. I dont how the heck am l supposed to add exp share or something like that -_
Upgrade and Eviolite can be found at the frontier exchange shop. Ice Stone can be given by an NPC in the contest lobby or trade from Roxanne.

What issue? Not having megas in the game was a design decision and the game is built and balanced around that. I'm not going to change my mind because some entitled manchildren whine about not having their overpowered toys.

No. Though I have made efforts to massively reduce grinding.
You sure? Grinding level is still took a lot of time, especially if you decided not to battle with trainer.. You will just get small exp only... Which is sucks.. And l just cant play this game because of the small exp like bruh -_,my team is not even balance at all.. Some are level 13,14,12,and then 10 ..just wow.. Imagine level 10...try to level it up again.. And guess what.fighting trainer is just like suicide.. And fight against wild pokemon? Took a lot of time.. And only got 10+ exp, 20+ exp, or 36 exp only -_