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Pokemon GO Q&A at E3




I'm loving what I'm seeing so far.

I'm glad that trading will be a thing, and that they're literally making certain types available in certain areas.
Yep - the add-on (Pokemon GO Plus) is end of July, and while there is no date for the app they are aiming for it before the add-on release (or leastways by then). Which makes sense. I imagine the date for that is still floating - could be a bit earlier or later depending on how much polish they want for the game by launch (given they can update it afterwards, and will do so for trading, more Pokemon, etc).
I don't know why I'm so excited, but I think I'm gonna have a stroke when this game comes out.

Maybe it's just the fact that I've wanted to go out and catch Pokemon since I was 9. lol
Definitely gonna sport one of those!

Haha, I love that Miyamoto has been playing this and having to hide the Plus!

I wonder if the Apple Watch could serve as a Plus?

It really is exciting having them all together talking about it, it's seeming more and more real now!

I'm a little disappointed that most of the features are still to come though with how long it's been in development and testing. But that does seem to be the way things are done with apps.

Still, catching Pokemon is the best part!

Love that you can take photos of the Pokemon in the real world too, that should be good with sharing!
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Not so keen on the Plus' price of being $34.99USD since the NZD equivalent would be around $50 :(

Originally I was thinking that having Plus would take part of the fun out of GO - finding the pokemon (+ what pokemon) and being able to throw pokeballs at it on your phone, choosing what kind of pokeballs to throw at it etc.
Not to mention, the thought of having to look at your phone after a long time and finding out that all you've caught is a large batch of rattata (would be an honest to god pain to release/transfer everything one by one unless they implement mass transfer - please Niantic ;-;)

Though now I think of it, it would definitely be useful than having to stop in the middle of a crowded area just to catch a pokemon xD

Very much excited for the release of the other generations - Especially after you've played for a while, you'll see the same rattata, gastly, abra, voltorb etc. everywhere haha.