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FireRed hack: Pokemon Imperial Contingency

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No0b, but getting there.
  • 190
    • UK
    • Seen Jul 4, 2014
    The first major hack project by Edens Elite; Pokemon Imperial Contingency
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    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Imperial Contingency

    I always loved pokemon. Pokemon Blue was my first ever video game, and Pokemon Black was my most recent, and through every game, I always thought "I wish I could make my own." And to my delight, I one day accidently came across a hack in which somebody replaced a OW with Sonic, eventually I found Light Platinum and finally here.

    Today, I am here to present my hack Pokemon Imperial Contingency. It's about a king who was kidnapped and it is up to the prince to save him. Yeah, yeah. Sounds unoriginal, but if you want to hear where it gets good, head to the story section. Without further ado; I present my hack.

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    * No Trade Evolutions
    * New Bags, OWS, Trainers etc.
    * Complete overhaul of Kanto Region with a new world map.
    * Night and Day System
    * New Pokemon. With Custom, Unova and Sinnoh.
    * New Items
    * A Choice of 16 Starter Pokemon
    * New Tilesets
    * Loads of funny, Subtle and not-so-subtle Memes and References.
    * Loads of Legandaries available throughout the story, each with their own event (Yep, they are all in there but some don't fit in the story.)
    * Some unique shops such as Berry, Fossil and more.
    * A Trade Center, A big hall where loads of NPC want to trade.
    * More fun wild pokemon. Let's face it. Where all sick of Pidgey and Rattata.
    * Loads of old (and technically new) characters and OWs such as Lucas and Wes, plus LOOOOOOADS more!
    *Plus many more!

    Possible Features
    Features that MIGHT be included eventually.

    *All Pokemon are B/W Sprites. Actually making good hedway with this project so it might happen, but i'll insert them last.

    *Behaviour Byte, to make windows emit light at night.

    *Skills Idea. Basically, I want you to think runescape. Ellaborate scripts etc can be put together to make it fancy etc. and I've got a few ideas but the basics are: I want to be able to have a item (e.g Pickaxe) that I may use on a particular point to (in this example) mine.

    I thought this may be possible as the idea is similar to headbutting a tree, I think a behaviour byte could do this, the next part is a system in which every 4 or 5 'mines' You level up and are notified with a little message 'your level 5' etc etc.

    I have a few ideas to spice it up such as having woodcutting, fishing and cooking. Where you can make a fire and cook the fish etc. You see where I'm going with this. I was also going to have prizes for when you reach a certain level ETCETCETCETC. This will be explained more when it gets developed.

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    Will update when I release an Alpha

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    Welcome to the Team section. I'm not amazing at hacking yet. But I am not one of those "Complete my hack for pl0x!!!11!1!" Guys. My only major weakness at the moment is scripting and I will be working on that. To join just PM me or leave a comment etc. and say what your applying for, What Time Zone your in (Or just country if you don't know), How much time you have for this hack and proof of work.

    I retain the right to kick anyone out or to stop anyone from joining this little crew as I see fit. No offense but NO NEWBS! I have nothing against them except, I have a basic skill in most things so there is no need for them.

    Avaliable Jobs

    Scripter - Mostly just generically.

    Script Developer - To help make scripts for things such as the possible features.

    Mapper Consultant - I'm trying my best to do this myself, so I would only need you when I get really stuck or something doesn't work.

    Tile Inserter - I can do it, but I suck at it.

    Spriter - I'm ok at spriting but not great. Can be specific to one thing if you want, but I need a OW, Back Sprite and Trainer Spriter.

    ASM Hacker - Do I need a reason as to why I need help with this? Don't worry there won't be a MASSIVE amount of this in the hack.

    Song Inserter/Looper - I might learn how to do this soon, for now though; I supply the .MIDs you insert them. Easy...;)

    More to be added if I remember any.

    Current Team Members

    Edens Elite - Team Leader, and other stuff...
    M.L - Mapper Consultant, Script Developer

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    None as of yet.

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    Credits section. Speaks for itself. Also thinking of a fun idea where I turn one of the Sevii Islands into 'Credits Island' with NPCs saying stuff like 'I'm Eden's Elite, I made this hack' etc.

    Me, Obvs - Made the Hack
    Nurse Barbra - Her ROM-Base, Even if it did F*** up 90% of the outdoor tiles...
    Wesley FG - For being my inspiration, and also inserting my World map and creating some of my trainers through commission.
    DavidJCobb - Helping me MASSIVELY, and a nice guy as well.
    Jambo51 - Also a great help :)

    Thanks for reading. Will be adding a beta as soon as possible. Also if anybody is any good at making animated GIFs, I would REALLY appreicate a support bar.

    Pokemon™ Imperial Contingency is a non-profit game no way related to Nintendo.. All media and conceptual design © Nintendo 2011. Pokemon characters and images belong to Pokemon USA, Inc.
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    Reserving the space, Just in case ;)
    Hm. I don't think I've ever seen a mix of pokemon and king&prince sorta stories...
    The mapping does need more work, although I can't be a consultant.
    Althoguh they aren't bad, personally I think more could jump out of it.

    And I love the skills idea, though I think thats been tried(and failed)
    Looks good... story is great and tiles (they look farmiliar) but the maps are a bit empty
    The tiles look familiar as i used a rom base which I forgot to mention (Ill add credits in a sec) the maps in those screenshots are supposed to be empty and big, to give the impression of a big castle. Thanks for the feedback though guys.
    Updated the log; woukd appreciate if anyone has an answer to my problem.
    The tiles are cool here, and I'd say your big problem is maps and scripts. This is not gonna go anywhere without scripts, so you should show some off if you have them. The maps are way too empty and have tile errors with the trees (some of them are missing side overlaps). The graphics are good, as well as the story, but that's it. Being blunt, this needs work.
    Like I said before, this section of the game is supposed to be big and empty, as you move on, it will improve. Thanks for the feedback though.
    In fairness if you own a castle your either rich or posh (no offence to no-one) but you'd have a giant garden or something to fill up the space, just to show off .. make like flower gardens or statues(more) or something as a filler to all that space.
    I dunno why, but that lake looks weird to me.
    Maybe have to pokemon in it be under a layer of water, so they don't look like they';re floating?
    In fairness if you own a castle your either rich or posh (no offence to no-one) but you'd have a giant garden or something to fill up the space, just to show off .. make like flower gardens or statues(more) or something as a filler to all that space.

    I understand what your saying, unfortunately my rom base screwed up most of my outdoor tiles so ill have to re-insert them.

    And ive update quite a few things since the screenshots, a screenshot update and video will be up on the weekend.
    The history looks great, the grafic of the bag too.
    The tiles are very nice, but the scans are also empty.

    keep it up!
    Looking good, I think this one should be interesting. 16 starters is a whole lot, good luck scripting that. I like the Dragonite-themed bags, they look really good. My favorite part might be the banner and the CSS though, the thread looks good.
    Great new guys! Ive got back up and further on my hack, plus thanls to the amazing DavidJCobb, I have solved the issues that previously plagued me. All I need to do is create a few OWs and chuck in some scripts and we'll be ready for an alpha!
    Credits section. Speaks for itself. Also thinking of a fun idea where I turn one of the Sevii Islands into 'Credits Island' with NPCs saying stuff like 'I'm Eden's Elite, I made this hack' etc.

    I did something like this where I showed early versions of maps/completely scrapped maps.
    And then in the next game I gave the player access to my Debug Room.

    If you legitimately make those things, and then give it to the player exactly how it was during development, I think it's fun doing stuff like that. It's like a "behind the scenes".
    Title made me go in the thread xD
    and the Hero's Shirt.... seems to have the Leaf Village Emblem from Naruto.
    Hmm... Its an interesting concept. I'm expecting a lot from this story. It's actually quite original.

    Here's some things I noticed while reading; I'm not very "Dig-Deepy", so I probably didn't notice those little things others might have.
    -The storyline has some minor grammatical errors. Just go through it again and you'll be fine.
    -Some small mapping issues too: I center myself around mapping and tiles, so things like that incomplete building in the beginning send shivers down my spine. And not in a good way. I don't mind the castle, since I get what you're trying to do. But I would appreciate more castle-y tiles ;)
    -The last screenshot made me cringe. Nice, straight lines are never in nature. Unless you count those weird Fibonacci things...
    -Your scripting looks fine to me.
    -The bag made me laugh. Nice job.
    -The paths don't really match everything else... If you need me to I guess I could try and make you some, but you could keep them.
    -Keep up the good work. Keep chuggin'!
    Good New Everyone! I've more or less completed the graphics for the alpha, I just need to do the scripting. If there is anyone out there that can script please drop me a VM, and I may be able to release an Alpha this week!
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