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[Released] Pokemon Meteor! [v3 NOW OUT (Includes sidequest)][FREE SHINY DRATINI INCLUDED]

Should I double the shiny rate??

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .

#Not Important

All hail the wishmaker
  • 910
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Meteor! [v3 NOW OUT (Includes sidequest)][FREE SHINY DRATINI INCLUDED]

    The fangame about
    Minior! Nope!
    Pokemon Meteor is a (soon to be) long pokemon fan game which aims to essentially entertain you with 980 official mons and some fan-made baby pokemon!

    It essentially follows you (the player) as you run around (without sleeping or eating) the Raien reigon (more story later).
    Also, Raien forms of Pokemon are also here!

    • Wild Encounters can be seen in the overworld
    • Galar berry tree system
    • A pack of all-new summary screens!
    • You can view the ancestors of a Pokemon in the summary
    • A Pokemon birth signs system
    • Pokemon from Alola & Kalos available! (gen 8 in development)
    • A whole new ability for most Pokemon!
    • A new move for Genesect!
    • Pick from all the starters from gen 1-8 + Eevee!
    • Some Re-designed graphics
    • A kinda new badge sytem
    • Nuzloke Mode!
    • Not a typical on-route-one-there-is-no-story-just-a-guy-with-a-level-2-pidgey game (It`s designed to test you`re skills!)
    Features in development:
    • Random Mode!
    • New megas
    • Night and Sandstorm castform forms
    • New moves and abilities


    It worked!

    You wake up in a tiny room you've never seen before to a voice when you try to escape, you realize that a fingerprint Is required to open the door. At that moment there Is a flash of light, and in the centre Is a strange Pokémon... It joins your team and helps you smash all of the overpowered grunts out of the way... Just before you get out, you see a mysterious figure near the door "Darkrai Will be mine... And that annoying Pokémon Will not be able to interfere anymore..." Then it fades into the shadows... After that, you head on out and run into prof. Fern. Seeing the professor , Your helper flies off, and it all unfolds from there...
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Meteor! [v3 NOW OUT (Includes sidequest)][FREE SHINY DRATINI INCLUDED][PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Meteor! [v3 NOW OUT (Includes sidequest)][FREE SHINY DRATINI INCLUDED][PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Meteor! [v3 NOW OUT (Includes sidequest)][FREE SHINY DRATINI INCLUDED][PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Meteor! [v3 NOW OUT (Includes sidequest)][FREE SHINY DRATINI INCLUDED][PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Meteor! [v3 NOW OUT (Includes sidequest)][FREE SHINY DRATINI INCLUDED][PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Meteor! [v3 NOW OUT (Includes sidequest)][FREE SHINY DRATINI INCLUDED][PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Meteor! [v3 NOW OUT (Includes sidequest)][FREE SHINY DRATINI INCLUDED][PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Meteor! [v3 NOW OUT (Includes sidequest)][FREE SHINY DRATINI INCLUDED]

    Darkasfire [Story writer]
    Phaserwolf [Beta tester]
    TitraSerpifeu [Story writer]
    1 Spriter
    1 Musician
    For more details check the recruitment thread on the Game Development forum

    Thanks to:

    Pokemon Essentials by:



    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Meteor! [v3 NOW OUT (Includes sidequest)][FREE SHINY DRATINI INCLUDED]
    [PLAIN]I support Pokemon [url=https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?p=10130877][img]https://img.techpowerup.org/200301/definitive.png[/img][/url][/PLAIN]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Meteor! [v3 NOW OUT (Includes sidequest)][FREE SHINY DRATINI INCLUDED]

    Download!V 3.9 (no matter what the filename is)

    Discord!Join for change log, help and more!

    That's it!
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    Hmm I like the idea of the varient Magcargo but I would reccomend changing its design as it looks more like a shiny magcargo. Perhaps to reference its dragon form more perhaps slimming the shell down so its more streamlined, allowing magcargo more speed with a traditionally more dragonlike apperance but still holding onto it's slimey and slug/snail body (sort of like a shelled version of Goodra).

    This design I can imagine that due to having a smaller shell, it can move faster due to being more lightweight, but it would maintain it's defensive strength since being a snail means it has no internal skeleton, allowing it to shrink into a smaller shell without issue despite its reduced shell size.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Meteor! [v3 NOW OUT (Includes sidequest)][FREE SHINY DRATINI INCLUDED]

    On a whim I decided to use MSPaint to create a concept of what I envision for a dragon/rock variant for Magcargo. Its sort of inspired by that movie Turbo from Dreamworks, as this makes Magcargo a passable sweeper with a jet-propelled shell. The shell is shaped to resemble a pair of dragon wings to keep with the dragon typing you're going for. Also the original magcargo lets out excess heat from its shell, and in this dragon redesign it can let loose flames from its shell to help it fly by aiming the high powered burst of flame out behind it sort of like how Larvesta flies.

    Magcargo's body is no longer made of lava in this design, though it's magma is repurposed as its jet fuel, and as a dragon it can obviously still use fire attacks. At least thats how I envision it.

    EDIT: The dip on the underside of the tail was unintentional. If I had a scanner or photoshop (maybe both) I would have avoided that mistake.
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    Currently, It's only the demo, but the Beta will be out soon.
    So my final answer is that It's very short right now

    I really like your concept (and will probably use it) but I am currently very busy, and releasing the demo was already a bunch of work, but when I have time I will definitely re-sprite!
    My computer cant recognize it's own hard drive...
    So development has been paused for around a week. Until I can re-install windows...
    I managed to make a security copy so nothing has been lost...
    Sorry For Any Inconvenience
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    yeow sorry to hear, at least it wont be too long a wait bust still its a real shame.
    Ok, here I go.
    New feature!
    New field effects.
    E.g. in the 1.0 beta (coming soon) route 1 will be a 'field of flowers' field effect.
    New feature!
    Poképlay, from the gen 7 games, will be available in the beta 1.0 when the player gets pokegear.
    Also, Computer fixing
    I'm working on my laptop and have found out that the SSD was broken and have recieved a new one. I will install win 10 on that one ASAP.
    New feature!
    Spirit Powers!
    A Pokémon can tap into it's spirit power when it is holding an amulet! The power it uses is based off its type.

    Spirit power effects:

    That's all for now!
    I just want to announce that I have added a deadline for the 2/16 gym beta, 15th of July!

    Also, we have a spriter!!!! She's LucarioTheGreat
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