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Pokemon Online PokemonPets Newest Update


Monster Game Developer
  • 256
    ✓ Version 2.1.7 (22 June 2015) Pokemon Pets (F2P Online Pokemon MMO RPG Game) Update Change Logs - Read previous updates as well
    ☑ Previous updates: https://forum.pokemonpets.com/Forum-Version-Records

    ✓ Personal note: As being only developer i got married so have been really buys :D

    ✓ Please install and rate 5 stars our android app write a good review ty

    ✓ New computer controlled PvP battle system implemented to the game
    ✓ Now you can do computer controlled PvP with any player you want
    ✓ The match result will be printed on the PvPBoard if enemy player did not disable it from control panel
    ✓ It will be displayed clearly who were live player and who were controlled by computer on the PvPBoard screen
    ✓ How to make PvP computer pvp battle: ☑ https://orig13.deviantart.net/28b1/...puter_pvp_battle_by_monstermmorpg-d8u8354.png

    ✓ Market refresh system activated. At this system older than 30 days Pokemon in the both trade or bazaar will be automatically removed (will be sent to user storage with refunding bazaar fee). Each hour there will be a refresh

    ✓ Started to add new Pokemon fan made based on real Pokemon. You can post links of good ones that you can find

    ✓ Vote links count decreased almost by half

    ✓ Missing other forms added to the game there should not be any missing please let me know if any missing

    ✓ Mega pokemon free giveaways started : ☑ https://www.facebook.com/PokemonPetsRPG

    ✓ And check here : ☑ https://forum.pokemonpets.com/Forum-Events

    ✓ New facebook PokemonPets play link : ☑ https://www.facebook.com/games/freepokemon/

    ✓ Starter Pokemon are now counted at top trainers ranking system since we constantly do starter events

    ✓ Now there is additional icon (map) on the main screen and the each route page which will open global world map of your current zone (best way of finding your way)
    ✓ Now there is additional icon (earth) on the main screen and the each route page which will open global world map all zones (best way of finding your zone)
    ✓ All zones image: https://fav.me/d8sl2g0

    ✓ Game screen shortcut icons re-organized

    ✓ Chat screen re-organized. Now there is global chat, local chat (the country where you login the game), and random chat which is free for all. All languages, spam etc
    ✓ Check details about local chat system from here : https://forum.pokemonpets.com/Thread-Local-Chat-System-Country-Language-Matching

    ✓ All Pokemon and NPCs on maps re-assigned

    ✓ Some errors, bugs fixed

    ✓ Mega Rayquaza type elemental sensitivity to the enemy attacks manually fixed and made same as on bulbapedia. If there are any other megas etc that are not same as bulbapedia you can report

    ✓ Now you can quickly see via Pokeball indicator that you have that Pokemon or not in the game maps
    ✓ Example game map to check ☑ https://www.pokemonpets.com/Maps-Starfall-Town

    ✓ Game shortcuts list: ☑ https://forum.pokemonpets.com/Thread-Game-ShortCuts-Hot-Keys-HotKey

    ✓ The country flags should be displayed correctly now. All countries added and IP list updated. In order to take effect please re-login the game. Please report any errors.

    ✓ Maximum Pokemon count that you can have increased to 4000

    ✓ Maximum PM box (private messages) size increased to 1500

    ✓ MonsterMMORPG recently added to the Wikipedia and you can improve Monster MMORPG Wikipedia page appropriately

    ✓ Special event started - end time is 29 june 2015

    ✓ During event EXP and Gold boost is 100%
    ✓ During event 1 starter monsters catchable at certain maps

    ✓ Available Starters:

    #2 Ivysaur

    ✓ Official following social media channels are fully started please follow all of them
    ☑ PokemonPets Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/PokemonPets
    ☑ PokemonPets Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/PokemonPetsRPG
    ☑ PokemonPets Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+Pokemonpets
    ☑ Pokemon Pets Twitter : https://twitter.com/PokemonPets

    ✓ Special name giving to NPCs system is ready however it requires NPC name list preparation

    ✓ New PokemonPets Cinematic Game Trailer released

    ✓ New added and image updated Pokemon (Click F5 to refresh image cache of browser)

    news source v 2.1.7

    ty for reading