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Pokémon Spinoff: Pokemon TCG: Neo (Final release)

I am thinking of replacing the Crystal Type ability with normal attacks, since it's bugged for 3/4 o

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Well I can easily say the Chandelure line can fill some of the fire type cards. And Rotom can fill a few electric cards. If anything, I just want to see some more Ghost types.
Does anyone know if it's possible to make Trainer cards useable only once per turn similar to Energy? I think that would go a long way to balancing cards like Bill and Oak in the OG version.
Appreciate all the work rom hackers have done.
Does anyone know if it's possible to make Trainer cards useable only once per turn similar to Energy? I think that would go a long way to balancing cards like Bill and Oak in the OG version.
Appreciate all the work rom hackers have done.
Technically in the Code there is something that Prevents the Use once per Turn: Gengar's Curse
We would have to find a way to apply that code to the rest of the cards we want and see if it works.

Although I could simply look for where the Game Limits the Use of Energies but I don't remember seeing it or so I think
Does anyone know if it's possible to make Trainer cards useable only once per turn similar to Energy? I think that would go a long way to balancing cards like Bill and Oak in the OG version.
Appreciate all the work rom hackers have done.
Technically in the Code there is something that Prevents the Use once per Turn: Gengar's Curse
We would have to find a way to apply that code to the rest of the cards we want and see if it works.

Although I could simply look for where the Game Limits the Use of Energies but I don't remember seeing it or so I think

So I looked into this. The "attach once per energy code" is not a viable method because it messes with Duel> Core, which you don't want to edit unless you REALLY know what you're doing. But, most importantly, the code for attaching one energy per turn would have to be copied into a seperate area and heavily modifed for each trainer you want to redesignate as a supporter.

Good news: There is a better and more viable alternative.

The (once per turn) pokepowers operate by checking flags to see if they were used that turn already. Same logic with Farfetchd's Leek Slap code. I propose that it's possible to create an entirely new flag, make every 'Supporter' set that flag and check it, and this will create a Supporter clause. It may involve some editing of the "Clear Substatus" commands found in I think Duel > Core, its the set of commands that checks what happens at the end of every turn. So maybe we need to make it a Substatus 4 or whatever in order to clear it at the end of each turn?

Bad news: The AI sucks. The AI already can't play the game good in its normal state, so how do we make it play once-per-turn trainer cards well? Would probably involve heavy editing of the AI trainer card logic phases, found… somewhere I can't remember. It might be viable if there weren't a lot of them though.

So it probably CAN work, but the question is, is it worth it in terms of how badly the AI will inevitably play supporters? Don't know right now. Might look into it later.
So I looked into this. The "attach once per energy code" is not a viable method because it messes with Duel> Core, which you don't want to edit unless you REALLY know what you're doing. But, most importantly, the code for attaching one energy per turn would have to be copied into a seperate area and heavily modifed for each trainer you want to redesignate as a supporter.

Good news: There is a better and more viable alternative.

The (once per turn) pokepowers operate by checking flags to see if they were used that turn already. Same logic with Farfetchd's Leek Slap code. I propose that it's possible to create an entirely new flag, make every 'Supporter' set that flag and check it, and this will create a Supporter clause. It may involve some editing of the "Clear Substatus" commands found in I think Duel > Core, its the set of commands that checks what happens at the end of every turn. So maybe we need to make it a Substatus 4 or whatever in order to clear it at the end of each turn?

Bad news: The AI sucks. The AI already can't play the game good in its normal state, so how do we make it play once-per-turn trainer cards well? Would probably involve heavy editing of the AI trainer card logic phases, found… somewhere I can't remember. It might be viable if there weren't a lot of them though.

So it probably CAN work, but the question is, is it worth it in terms of how badly the AI will inevitably play supporters? Don't know right now. Might look into it later.
Mmm some things:

On the experimental side, I think it's a good idea to keep trying these kinds of things, at some point people are going to be interested in these kinds of changes, so why not?

On the Practical Side, it is very debatable whether it is even a good idea to make these types of changes and it depends a lot on the type of metagame that is going to be created.
The game would most likely feel much slower than before and would make mediocre cards much worse than those that are already quite good, after all, who would choose to Use a Revive instead of a Prof Oak for example?

Likewise, I think it is more important to try this type of thing and then consider whether it is positive or not, although personally I would only use this for certain Cards and that's it.
Not sure if anyone saw but the poketuber Paraspectre did a play through of this rom only using delibird and stantler. Honestly was a blast to watch.
Hey! Thank you for the hack, been enjoying it. Art is incredible.

Just fyi, I didn't see any mentions in the thread about this bug - I evolved a Typhlosion and found my hand was 1/0 as shown. Any ideas of the cause? I'm guessing I went beyond the number of fire energy in the deck. Thanks!

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon TCG: Neo (Final release)[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon TCG: Neo (Final release)
Hey! Thank you for the hack, been enjoying it. Art is incredible.

Just fyi, I didn't see any mentions in the thread about this bug - I evolved a Typhlosion and found my hand was 1/0 as shown. Any ideas of the cause? I'm guessing I went beyond the number of fire energy in the deck. Thanks!

Oops. It seems as though when I transferred stuff to V 1.25, I forgot one line of Firegiver code , which yes, makes the hand get weird if you activate Fire Boost with less than 4 fires left in the deck. This will be fixed in V1.3 (or reverted back to normal if you prefer).
Hey, I speedrun the vanilla game and did run your hack in its 1.0 state, haven't had chance to look at the new version yet, Swinub needs a rebalance, I think a nice comfortable spot would be 40 HP + 10 dmg to itself &30 dmg instead of 40, 40 is WAY to strong for basic with 2 energy, the HP buff doesnt really do much. Also the line is the strongest in 1.0 since Earthquake is strong base skill.

Also should be moved to Colo packs or whichever the new version is called :)

Thanks & Happy Holidays
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Probably a dumb question, but do you have an idea when we can expect 1.3? I purely want to know because I'm both eager to see the new cards......and because I feel like it'll pop up just as I'm 5 cards away from completing the card album (which did happen with the last update lol).
Probably a dumb question, but do you have an idea when we can expect 1.3? I purely want to know because I'm both eager to see the new cards......and because I feel like it'll pop up just as I'm 5 cards away from completing the card album (which did happen with the last update lol).
ETA is somewhere near the end of December or early January. I am very close to doing everything I want to. The only real reason I haven't release V1.3 already is because I keep adding more stuff to the game. But in my defense, all the stuff I'm adding is epic, so I won't apologize.
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ETA is somewhere near the end of December or early January. I am very close to doing everything I want to. The only real reason I haven't release V1.3 already is because I keep adding more stuff to the game. But in my defense, all the stuff I'm adding is epic, so I won't apologize.
Ain't no reason to apologize. No one wants to rush your perfection. Otherwise, there would be bugs and glitches that would have to be fixed in another patch that we would have to wait an indeterminate amount of time for. No one wants that.
Is there a booster pack list and cards in them available anywhere. I'm trying to grind for a deck and want to do it as efficiently as possible. Thank you
Is there a booster pack list and cards in them available anywhere. I'm trying to grind for a deck and want to do it as efficiently as possible. Thank you
Best strategy I had was find an opponent with a specific card pack and grind them until you fill that part of the album.
I think theres a bug with the dragonair's pknm pwr healing light. sometimes it just doesnt take away the damage counter, though the game will register i have used the power for that turn
Is there a booster pack list and cards in them available anywhere. I'm trying to grind for a deck and want to do it as efficiently as possible. Thank you
In the documents section, it gives a list of every card found in game and where to obtain them.

Just wanted to let you know that youtuber ProJared just dropped his first episode of his playthrough of this hack an hour ago

Nice! I'll look at that later!
I think theres a bug with the dragonair's pknm pwr healing light. sometimes it just doesnt take away the damage counter, though the game will register i have used the power for that turn
Well, that won't be a problem in V1.3 regardless, since I turned it into an attack.

Update on progress for anyone interested: the new ETA is middle/ late January. V 1.3 is genuinely close to being done but as per usual, my job is interfering with my work.