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FireRed hack: Pokemon - Ultra Violet Version

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    • Seen Jul 17, 2024
    Pokemon Ultra Violet Version is a hack of the GameBoy Advance game Pokemon Fire Red Version. This new game has been altered in many ways to make the game more enjoyable, but it still has the same general design and story as the original Nintendo release.

    Among many other improvements, I have made it so that 1 player with 1 gamesave can play through the entire game and actually catch all of the Pokemon from the first 2 generations.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon - Ultra Violet Version

    Right off the bat, when you begin to play you will notice the new title screen. I have not messed with the intro any as I tried to keep this game as close to the original as I could, like a 3rd title to the Fire Red, Leaf Green generation.

    Along with the intro you may (or may not) notice that the stock names chosen for you (if you press start with no name typed) have been augmented to reflect the game title, you will not find FIRE or RED as a name anymore, but ULTRA and VIOLET... also the rival names have been altered to match a fictitious rival game (based on blue version)

    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=d56ne7IjnW0

    All pokemon from Fire Red and Leaf Green, that are catchable, will be residing in the area that they were obtainable in the regular version of the game. For example; on route 24 in Fire Red you can find Oddish, but in Leaf Green you will find Bellsprout... in Ultra Violet, you can find BOTH Oddish and Bellsprout.

    There are 2 instances where you are given a choice between 2 Pokemon. In Mt. Moon you choose between Kabuto and Omanyte (by picking a fossil) and in Saffron you pick either Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan after defeating the Karate Master.
    In Ultra Violet you are allowed to take BOTH Fossils and BOTH fighting Pokemon. This makes it so there is not random location with these rare Pokemon residing. It would be silly to find extinct Pokemon chilling out on Route 14 wouldn't it.
    The 3 starter Pokemon are scattered throughout the land. They are rare and in logical locations. Prof. Oak was a real traveler back in his youth.

    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JhsytWE0NOU

    Pokemon that you need to trade to evolve have been modified so they evolve in some other way now. You don't need to trade to do anything. Even Pokemon above 151 that would require you to trade with an item now evolve without trading, either by stone or level or some other logical manner.
    That includes Eevee and her night/day evolutions. Fire Red has no clock, so Umbreon and Espeon were impossible to get... now they are not. (no I did not add a clock)

    All these, along with Mew being added in an undisclosed location, that covers all of the first generation and nearly all of the second generation Pokemon.

    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PP-WirG2SDs

    For the few remaining Gen 2 Pokemon that you could not originally aquire in Fire Red or Leaf Green, I added them all in the Sevii Islands. All the ones (plus some) that belonged in Altering Cave are there, and all the rest are hidden throughout the islands in logical locations.
    Getting Hooh and Lugia and Dioxis is now possible without going to a Nintendo event. You get to travel to the last 2 islands and catch them as if you had attended the event, you simply buy the ticket at the store and take the boat as normal.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon - Ultra Violet Version
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon - Ultra Violet Version
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon - Ultra Violet Version

    The final Pokemon that need to be added are the 3 mystical dogs; Raikou, Entei, and Suicune.
    In Fire Red or Leaf Green, one dog is released based on your choice of Pokemon at the beginning of the game. That dog is then released into the wilderness of Kanto and you must find him and catch him...

    What about the other 2?
    You cannot get them in Fire Red or Leaf Green without trading. I had to implement new locations with new events that allowed players to catch the other 2 dogs. the correct 2 dogs.
    So if you look hard enough in Kanto you might just find the 2 dogs that are not roaming around chilling by the road or perhaps in a cave somewhere.

    Based on which starting Pokemon you chose, you may find any of the 3 in either location.
    Charmander has Suicune roaming Kanto, Raikou in location 1 and Entei in location 2.
    Bulbasaur has Entei roaming Kanto, Suicune in location 1 and Raikou in location 2.
    Squirtle has Raikou roaming Kanto, Entei in location 1 and Suicune in location 2.

    There has been some store and text modifications to match the new layout of Pokemon and new events. For example, Fire Red and Leaf Green have no sun stones... you cannot evolve Sunkern without a sun stone. So now sun stones are available in the Pokemart.

    If you like this Hack and would like to show it some support, I have made a mini banner you are welcome to put in your sig.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon - Ultra Violet Version

    also by clicking the Mini Banner in my sig, you will be directed to a small website I made for the hack
    it lists the general locations for all the pokemon in the game...

    There has been a kinda major update... Version 1.10 is out now

    it is very similar to Version 1.0 except a few minor glitches with the dog events have been fixed.

    the major difference is a CATCH YOUR FIRST POKEMON OPTION!!!!
    if you talk to OAK without picking one of his pokeballs you will get the option to catch yoru starter...
    here is a vid... kinda long but you will get the idea...

    Thank you

    -UPDATE (1.20)-
    There has been a new Island added. To get to the island you must talk to the girl in the southern most house in Virmillion city. This new island, 4-Points Isle, houses ALL gen 3 pokemon... there are several new events and areas to explore. (updating will not hurt version 1.10 gamesaves just rename the .SAV to reflect the new 1.2 rom name)


    -UPDATE (1.21)-
    Final update... no more work will be done on this hack... EVERYPokemon has been double checked as obtainable, a few new events have been added, (a celebi event in berry forest, try killing celebi before you catch it)

    also a players guide has been completed... use it... its got the locations of every pokemon, item, and tm in the game... aswell as an indepth walkthrough of every event... here is a link to the guide:


    -UPDATE (1.22)-
    I have added a way for players that dont have the ability to use in game saves to skip the game reset after the e4... that is the only thing that has been changed... enjoy
    also you can get the national dex just by walking in oaks lab...


    • Pokemon - Ultra Violet (1.22) LSA.zip
      138.1 KB · Views: 20,932
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    Interesting additions, I'm quite interested in playign it when it is released. But I'm not gonna be beta testing I'm afraid, I'm making my own FR hack so I really don't have the time.
    I would like to add a list of the small stuff that ive changed... mostly so I can keep track...
    they wont be in any particular order, just when I think of something and do it (or have already done it) ill add it to the list:

    PokeCenter Nurse text has been edited
    Hidden map with Mew
    There is a 1 time fill of your coin case in the Rocket Hideout (in the room with Giovanni)
    Moon Stone and Sun Stone are for sale in the Celedon PokeMart
    The Mystic Ticket and Aurora Ticket are for sale in the Island 7 PokeMart
    BoatMan does not check for a Nintendo event, only for the tickets
    Mew obeys trainers
    Bills Machine has been modified to work properly
    Picking up the Fossils in Mt. Moon makes the 2 new Mystical Dog events disappear
    Completing the Ruby/Sapphire sidequest makes all 3 Mystical Dog events appear depending on your starter
    Indigo Plataea has max revives and pp max for sale
    The guy you get the Fossils from has new text
    Karate Master has new text
    The four island poke mart gets exotic pokeballs once it gets it full line of items (aswell as new text)
    Bill has new text after the One Island quest.
    National dex is given immediately.
    Guaranteed to find at least 1 Shiny Pokemon

    and thats all i can recall for now...

    Thank you
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    illl test it out and if i find anything glitchs ill make another post :)
    You are my hero for making this! I was just saying how I wished this existed! I am going to try it out with Charmander!

    Unfortunately I just tried it, and every version of VBA I use crashes right when you get finished with oaks speech. I tried a lot of different ones. Havent tried a different emulator though.

    Ok, never mind, it seems it was just the particular original rom file I was using. All good now.
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    There has been a kinda major update... Version 1.10 is out now ;) (I realize I never released Version 1.0... but it was exactly the beta with bug vixes, version 1.1 was the catch your starter update)

    it is very similar to Version 1.0 except a few minor glitches with the dog events have been fixed.

    the major difference is a CATCH YOUR FIRST POKEMON OPTION!!!!
    if you talk to OAK without picking one of his pokeballs you will get the option to catch yoru starter...
    here is a vid... kinda long but you will get the idea...

    (I realize I never released Version 1.0... but it was exactly the beta with bug fixes, version 1.1 was the catch your starter update)

    I have begun work on version 1.20, in this update there will be a new island called "4-Points Isle" where you can find all the gen 3 pokemon...
    the entire island is very religious and dont believe in fighting... so there are no trainer battles allowed. the pokemon will be broken into level brackets based on what time you could access that part of the island... the first part being immediately after the S.S. ANNE and the second being after you recieve the PokeFlute... the third being after you get to Celedon... (more to come but I have not decided when to implement those parts) you just have to get back to Virmillion after each point and take the boat back out there... or just wait till its convenient and head over (just be sure to have some weaker pokemon to catch pokemon in the lower level brackets)

    this entire island is optional. but it will be the only place to get gen 3 pokemon... there will be a bit of story in this addition to complement the massive ammount of legendaries being added (Regirock Regice Registeel Kyogre Groudon Rayquaza Latias Latios Jirachi)
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    So Mew just isnt in the grass somewhere right? It is an event later in the game?

    Also, I started playing through 1.0, and now you released 1.1. Can I use my same save file?
    mew is in an event early in the game (before misty) ;)

    and yes you can... but:
    there is one small issue between version 1.0 and 1.1 .sav files...

    the flags for the mystical dogs are different... so if you start with a 1.0 .sav AFTER Mt. Moon... then switch to the 1.1 rom... at some point you will walk up to a room with all 3 mystical dogs chilling in it (in rock tunnel) but when you fight them they will all be the same dog... it does not hurt furthur gameplay, you are even welcome to catch it 3 times if you really want... I reccomend NOT fighting them until you can handle a lv50 fight tho... itd suck to be killed near the end of rock tunnel (the route 2 mustical dog is not altered, you will only find 1 dog of the correct form there)

    Other than that... nope no issues what so ever just change your .sav to say 1.10 instead of 1.00 or Beta

    also... you will be missing out on the catch your starter option... but if you intended to pick a poke anyway (or just dont care about it that much) its not an issue, it does not alter later gameplay either.

    just know that its not really a glitch if you run into a weird room with 3 dogs that all fight like 1 dog...
    If I am already in Cerulean City, can I go back and get the Mew? Or is it to far back. And in version 1.0 am I not able to get all the dogs?

    mew is in an event early in the game (before misty) ;)

    and yes you can... but:
    there is one small issue between version 1.0 and 1.1 .sav files...

    the flags for the mystical dogs are different... so if you start with a 1.0 .sav AFTER Mt. Moon... then switch to the 1.1 rom... at some point you will walk up to a room with all 3 mystical dogs chilling in it (in rock tunnel) but when you fight them they will all be the same dog... it does not hurt furthur gameplay, you are even welcome to catch it 3 times if you really want... I reccomend NOT fighting them until you can handle a lv50 fight tho... itd suck to be killed near the end of rock tunnel (the route 2 mustical dog is not altered, you will only find 1 dog of the correct form there)

    Other than that... nope no issues what so ever just change your .sav to say 1.10 instead of 1.00 or Beta

    also... you will be missing out on the catch your starter option... but if you intended to pick a poke anyway (or just dont care about it that much) its not an issue, it does not alter later gameplay either.

    just know that its not really a glitch if you run into a weird room with 3 dogs that all fight like 1 dog...
    you are able to get them all in 1.0

    as long as you dont kill one of them before they are both caught...

    that was the glitch I had to fix... if you caught a dog, it would not disappear, and if you killed one BOTH event dogs would disappear (the roaming dog is not altered). but its fixed in 1.1, you will just have 2 extra sprites in a room because you swapped from 1.0 to 1.1... if you started from 1.1 those 2 extra sprites would be gone...

    you are quite close to mew if you are in cerulean... just talk to everyone around the area and someone will head you in the right direction.

    I would reccomend using 1.1 and killing the extra 2 dogs for exp ;)
    Talked to everyone in the city with no luck. My question is is it someone on route 4? Because I cant go back and talk to them because of the barrier

    you are able to get them all in 1.0

    as long as you dont kill one of them before they are both caught...

    that was the glitch I had to fix... if you caught a dog, it would not disappear, and if you killed one BOTH event dogs would disappear (the roaming dog is not altered). but its fixed in 1.1, you will just have 2 extra sprites in a room because you swapped from 1.0 to 1.1... if you started from 1.1 those 2 extra sprites would be gone...

    you are quite close to mew if you are in cerulean... just talk to everyone around the area and someone will head you in the right direction.

    I would reccomend using 1.1 and killing the extra 2 dogs for exp ;)

    Figured it out, but I have a question about it, dont want to spoil it so I will PM you.
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    I've just started playing, and my one issue is that I personally chose to catch a gastly and the fact that there is an abundance of normal/flying, normal types in the beginning making it a bit annoying seeing as gastly only has lick.
    I've just started playing, and my one issue is that I personally chose to catch a gastly and the fact that there is an abundance of normal/flying, normal types in the beginning making it a bit annoying seeing as gastly only has lick.

    I did notice that... and decided... gastly is hard mode ;) good luck :badsmile:

    your best bet is to catch a pidgy/spearow/whatever and use it to train gastly till he gets something useful (or u get a tm)
    Only one problem...I seem how you evolved eevee into umbreon in the video..but when I try to give it the moonstone it just says "huh?" & backs me out.
    lol you need the national dex to evolve into gen 2 pokemon...

    if you chose to catch your starter you should have it...

    (in the 1.2 update you will have it even if you pick one of oaks)
    Version 1.20 is Released...

    unless someone finds a major issue... I will likely not be releasing any more updates... 3 generations of pokemon is plenty in one game ;)

    (download is on first post)
    Hey, did you increase the Shiny encounter rate or something? I've encountered two shiny's in a Nuzlock I'm doing of this game and I haven't even got my 4th badge, or maybe I've just had godlike luck this run so far :P Found a Rattata which made me sad since I enountered it before I had Pokéballs :tired: Second was a Mankey in Rock Tunnel just as my repel ran out :D

    Good simple hack, not too much changed just nice quality of life changes, I approve!
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