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Code: Port of the BW2 Repel system to GBA...


  • 1,152
    So, clearly the best thing about BW2 is the fact that it asks if you'd like to use another repel if it expires.
    Why did Gamefreak not add this earlier?
    Anyway, I've made a port of it for FireRed. I hope you enjoy it.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Port of the BW2 Repel system to GBA...

    It will only ask you if you'd like to use another repel if you have another one of the same repel you just used. Otherwise it will just tell you the repel expired. This is how it works in BW2.

    There are a lot of byte changes to be made. Sorry for that. :(

    080830CA: 0C 48 EB F7 4C FA 01 06 00 29 16 D0 41 1E 0C 06 0D 0A 07 48 EB F7 51 FA 00 2C 0E D1 03 4C 25 80 05 48 E6 F7 FA FC 01 20 08 E0 30 AD 03 02
    08083119: 06
    080A19A5: 06
    080A19F6: 1C
    080A19F8: 11
    080A19FC: 0F
    080A1A0E: 21 88 09 02 41 40
    080A1A1E: 34 4B 28 21 71 43 5B 18 D9 79 30 1C 02 22 17 4B FF F7 49 FB C7 F7 85 FF 70 BD 20 40 00 00 FF FF 00 00 30 AD 03 02
    080A1A5A: 00 00 00 00
    080A1A68: 00 00 00 00
    081BFB66: 00 00 00 B5 04 48 50 21 00 F0 01 F8 00 BD 00 4A 10 47 1D 74 07 08 99 19 0A 08 00 00 00 00 00 00

    Then you have to compile this script. You can compile it anywhere, just note the pointer you compiled it to:
    #org @Main
    checkitem 0x800E 1
    compare LASTRESULT 1
    if b_>= goto @ThereAreMore
    msgbox @RepelExpired 3
    #org @ThereAreMore
    msgbox @UseAnother 5
    compare LASTRESULT 1
    if b_true goto @CallASM
    #org @CallASM
    callasm 0x081BFB69
    #org @RepelExpired
    = Repel's effect wore off.
    #org @UseAnother
    = Repel's effect wore off...\nUse another?

    Here's a compiled version of the script for anyone having problems: (don't use this -- goto commands will not work correctly)
    6A 47 0E 80 01 00 21 0D 80 01 00 06 04 1C 00 80 08 0F 00 39 00 80 08 09 03 6C 02 FF 0F 00 54 00 80 08 09 05 68 21 0D 80 01 00 06 01 32 00 80 08 02 FF 23 69 FB 1B 08 02 FF CC D9 E4 D9 E0 B4 E7 00 D9 DA DA D9 D7 E8 00 EB E3 E6 D9 00 E3 DA DA AD FF 00 FF CC D9 E4 D9 E0 B4 E7 00 D9 DA DA D9 D7 E8 00 EB E3 E6 D9 00 E3 DA DA AD AD AD FE CF E7 D9 00 D5 E2 E3 E8 DC D9 E6 AC FF 00 FF FF FF FF

    Finally, replace the pointer at 08083100 with the pointer to the script. TADA! It's done. It works a treat. Let me know if you guys have any trouble, or if you find an issue with it. :)

    Last edited by a moderator:
    I will implement this to DarkCopper and FireRed Challenge Mode, thanks! You'll be getting credit, this is one of my favorite things about B2/W2 as well.

    EDIT: I've edited the bytes, but, I can't seem to get the script to compile correctly in XSE.
    Last edited:
    One of the best features in B2/W2.
    If I ever get back to hacking, this is going right in there.
    080A19F6: 1C
    080A19F6: 11

    This can't be right, can it?
    This is cool Darthatron! Thanks for this I'll definitely be using this. But, the 2 ^ above me are right are those typos or are they typed in one line? :/
    Darthatron said:
    So, clearly the best thing about BW2 is the fact that it asks if you'd like to use another repel if it expires.
    Why did Gamefreak not add this earlier?
    Anyway, I've made a port of it for FireRed. I hope you enjoy it.

    I completely agree with you. Best feature ever! Great work porting this, Darthatron! I will definitely add it to my hack.

    But yeah, as those above have asked: are those one line or a typo?
    Oops! That was definitly a typo.

    080A19F6: 1C
    080A19F8: 11

    Also, there was a small bug where the textbox wouldn't disappear after you used a repel in the overworld. I've updated the first post with the fix, but if you've already implemented it just change these bytes:

    080A1A32: C7 F7 85 FF 70 BD

    I've also added the compiled script to the first post. :)
    I look foward to Darthatron's research threads. ^.^

    Definitely going to use this. :)
    This is excellent, it would indeed show that it can also be done in Emerald as well. But having said that, you'd need to know the offsets where it states about "Repel's effect wore off...", it would be really useful for any other ROM hacks that are currently in development, it would save you the time of having to open up your bag again and using repel. ;)
    Well, apparently there is an issue with this hack. Some tiles get messed up until the screen is refreshed. I'm working on a different way of doing things. I'll keep ya'll updated.
    I have no idea how to edit bytes and stuff like that, so would you mind making a patch for this? It would be awesome if you did. Keep up the great work! ^_^
    I tried to replace the bytes, but i can't understand the offsets.. I'm using HxD as Hex Editor and when typing in the offset it says that this position could not be found.

    Can anyone help me? Thank you.
    I tried to replace the bytes, but i can't understand the offsets.. I'm using HxD as Hex Editor and when typing in the offset it says that this position could not be found.

    Can anyone help me? Thank you.

    Hello! The "08" at the start of the offset just means it's in the ROM, not in the memory of the emulator. So just remove the 08 and it will work fine. :)
    Hello! The "08" at the start of the offset just means it's in the ROM, not in the memory of the emulator. So just remove the 08 and it will work fine. :)

    Thank you! But i have another problem.. Since i'm hacking an Italian rom.. offsets are not the same..
    But i managed to find where to modify by compare bytes with a english rom..
    I also fixed all pointers correctly.. But after the repel finish, the game restart.. :(