- 152
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- 12
- Years
- Seen May 11, 2015
I don't have an interesting name for it. I'm sorry.
After completing my previous team and completing it ingame as well, I got bored and decided to make another team since there's not much else to do ingame. I wanted to avoid using Pokemon that I've already used in my previous team. I prefer to follow the Item Clause as well. It doesn't seem to be popular, but I like it.
At a Glance
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Team Building
I wanted to start with the Pokèmon that I really liked. So Froslass and Whimsicott started the team. Now I have to pick someone who's going to fill my Mega slot.
I didn't want to use Mawile because I had already used it in a previous team. I like to try being original. So Medicham came next. He's like a mini-Mega-Mawile anyways, except not as bulky and a lot faster.
I needed a special attacker, as well as a better fairy, so I picked Florges. I once tried to have her as a cleric role in a previous team, but that didn't work out so well. So she plays more offensively here.
I don't want to be left with only two attackers, so I brought in Garchomp. I ran Garchomp in Gen 5, and he worked out fantastically for me.
Obligatory Spinner.
Froslass, I love you, but you weren't helping much at all... I need some better resistances; Steel hit half the team for SE. And no one in the team could resist Fling. Excadrill has better bulk and type resistance (being steel and all), and can take a Brave Bird from Talonflame (but not a Flare Blitz, too bad.) And he's a bonus spinner.
Yes, Excadrill was nice, but the only one on the team with Fire-type coverage was Garchomp with Fire Fang. So once Garchomp went down, I had no Fire coverage, and the likes of Genesect and Scizor could cut through my team with relative ease. So, why not Chandelure? Fantastic SpAtk, plus Infiltrator hitting through Subs. Now I just have to remember that I can't use Trick on Megas...
Tentacruel turned out to be a much better spinner than Donphan, as well as letting me counter Azumarill. and resist Gyra's Waterfall.
In-Depth Look
Whimsicott @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature
- Taunt
- Stun Spore
- Encore
- U-turn
Whimsicott got a really nice boost this gen with its new Fairy typing. I think it's fantastic. Although a double weakness to Poison isn't. Regardless, Prankster Whimsy is going to see quite a bit more usage. U-Turn give me an option if I encounter a faster Taunter. Stun Spore's low accuracy is a bit of a turn off, but the team really needed some form of Speed Control. Plus, it doesn't have to worry about an Espeon switch-in because Whimsy is immune to Stun Spore now. Which is great. Encore helps cripple sweepers and status users, and Taunt is Taunt. Impish nature and Max Def ensures he can take hits, but he still flees at the sight of Talonflame. Also, he becomes dead weight on a team isn't affected by Taunt...
Chandelure @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Def
Timid Nature
- Fire Blast
- Energy Ball
- Shadow Ball
- Trick
Isn't Infiltrator fun? Fire Blasting a Scolipede who's trying to gather Speed Boosts behind a Substitute has a certain satisfaction to it. And he does the Trick thing that Rotom likes to do! Energy Ball is an obligatory coverage move, and really dents Rotom-W, with Scarf letting him outspeed most variants. Fire Blast and Shadow Ball are necessary STABs, and I think I explained the Trick trick already. I have a sticky note next to my laptop that says I can't Trick on Megas. I don't read it.
Medicham @ Medichamite
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
- Psycho Cut
With a little less ATK, less defensive typing, better Speed, and an arguably better coverage, I feel Megacham is on par with Megawile. Adamant Nature lets me take full advantage of his massive attack power, and fully invested HP lets him stay a bit longer. Bullet Punch is a much needed priority, great for revenge killing and other things. Drain Punch gives Megacham a form of recovery, letting him stay around even longer, as well as a decent STAB. Ice Punch is for the ever present Dragons, and Psycho Cut is STAB, as well as hitting other Megachams.
Florges @ Life Orb
Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Energy Ball
- Psychic
Initially, I thought Florges might have a nice role as a mini Fairy version of Blissey. Maybe, but it didn't work for me. Although a base 154 SpDef is nothing to laugh at. I decided to go with a more offensive route with Florges and run a LO Calm Mind set. Her more than usable SpAtk can be devastating after a couple CMs. Moonblast is a fantastic 95 BP STAB, that smacks around Dragons like they're nothing. Energy Ball dismantles Rotom-W and Starmie, and Psychic is an additional STAB.
Garchomp @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Fire Fang
- Stone Edge
Obligatory Dragon. I've run this Garchomp since B/W. I didn't really change anything about it either; it's always worked for me. Anyways, Rocky Helmet + Rough Skin is great; I don't care what you say. 252+ Speed boosts him enough to outspeed most things, and smack them around with Dragon Claw and Edge Quake. Fire Fang gives him better coverage, though it's usually better for me to use Earthquake if able.
Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Ability: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 Spd
Bold Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Scald
- Knock Off
- Toxic Spikes
Oh, isn't this great? Anyway, Tentacruel gets to absorb Toxic Spikes and spit out his own, although I'm testing Toxic instead to see how that works out. Still an obligatory spinner. I chose Liquid Ooze because Rain Dish is of minimal use to me, since this team doesn't run rain, as well as weather becoming less prevalent in Gen 6. Clear Body isn't very helpful on Tentacruel, either. Scald lets me put out burns, in case I can't poison someone (Scizor, etc.). Knock Off's buff in gen 6 lets me do significant damage to Starmie, while still being able to take a Thunderbolt. And no more leftovers for Starmie. =3
Importable version
Troubles and Threats
These are the things that I can't seem to get past, and tend to spell certain doom.
Other Notes
I intend to make this team in-game once the Bank opens up. That means don't suggest Legendaries. I don't like using them.
This team also follows the item clause, because putting Leftovers on everyone isn't very creative.
I like my nicknames to have a theme, but I can't think of one for this team... Help.
I thought the "in-game" part would also imply that I will not breed for Hidden Power types.
I also thought that I mentioned somewhere in this post that I don't want to use any of the Pokèmon that I've already used in a team. That means no Mienshao, Noivern, Megawile, Forretress, Rotom, or Volcarona.
After completing my previous team and completing it ingame as well, I got bored and decided to make another team since there's not much else to do ingame. I wanted to avoid using Pokemon that I've already used in my previous team. I prefer to follow the Item Clause as well. It doesn't seem to be popular, but I like it.
At a Glance
*smogon.com link removed* *image removed* *smogon.com link removed* *smogon.com link removed* *smogon.com link removed* *smogon.com link removed*
Team Building
I wanted to start with the Pokèmon that I really liked. So Froslass and Whimsicott started the team. Now I have to pick someone who's going to fill my Mega slot.
I didn't want to use Mawile because I had already used it in a previous team. I like to try being original. So Medicham came next. He's like a mini-Mega-Mawile anyways, except not as bulky and a lot faster.
I needed a special attacker, as well as a better fairy, so I picked Florges. I once tried to have her as a cleric role in a previous team, but that didn't work out so well. So she plays more offensively here.
I don't want to be left with only two attackers, so I brought in Garchomp. I ran Garchomp in Gen 5, and he worked out fantastically for me.
Obligatory Spinner.
Froslass, I love you, but you weren't helping much at all... I need some better resistances; Steel hit half the team for SE. And no one in the team could resist Fling. Excadrill has better bulk and type resistance (being steel and all), and can take a Brave Bird from Talonflame (but not a Flare Blitz, too bad.) And he's a bonus spinner.
Yes, Excadrill was nice, but the only one on the team with Fire-type coverage was Garchomp with Fire Fang. So once Garchomp went down, I had no Fire coverage, and the likes of Genesect and Scizor could cut through my team with relative ease. So, why not Chandelure? Fantastic SpAtk, plus Infiltrator hitting through Subs. Now I just have to remember that I can't use Trick on Megas...
Tentacruel turned out to be a much better spinner than Donphan, as well as letting me counter Azumarill. and resist Gyra's Waterfall.
In-Depth Look
Whimsicott @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature
- Taunt
- Stun Spore
- Encore
- U-turn
Whimsicott got a really nice boost this gen with its new Fairy typing. I think it's fantastic. Although a double weakness to Poison isn't. Regardless, Prankster Whimsy is going to see quite a bit more usage. U-Turn give me an option if I encounter a faster Taunter. Stun Spore's low accuracy is a bit of a turn off, but the team really needed some form of Speed Control. Plus, it doesn't have to worry about an Espeon switch-in because Whimsy is immune to Stun Spore now. Which is great. Encore helps cripple sweepers and status users, and Taunt is Taunt. Impish nature and Max Def ensures he can take hits, but he still flees at the sight of Talonflame. Also, he becomes dead weight on a team isn't affected by Taunt...
Chandelure @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Def
Timid Nature
- Fire Blast
- Energy Ball
- Shadow Ball
- Trick
Isn't Infiltrator fun? Fire Blasting a Scolipede who's trying to gather Speed Boosts behind a Substitute has a certain satisfaction to it. And he does the Trick thing that Rotom likes to do! Energy Ball is an obligatory coverage move, and really dents Rotom-W, with Scarf letting him outspeed most variants. Fire Blast and Shadow Ball are necessary STABs, and I think I explained the Trick trick already. I have a sticky note next to my laptop that says I can't Trick on Megas. I don't read it.
Medicham @ Medichamite
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
- Psycho Cut
With a little less ATK, less defensive typing, better Speed, and an arguably better coverage, I feel Megacham is on par with Megawile. Adamant Nature lets me take full advantage of his massive attack power, and fully invested HP lets him stay a bit longer. Bullet Punch is a much needed priority, great for revenge killing and other things. Drain Punch gives Megacham a form of recovery, letting him stay around even longer, as well as a decent STAB. Ice Punch is for the ever present Dragons, and Psycho Cut is STAB, as well as hitting other Megachams.
Florges @ Life Orb
Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Energy Ball
- Psychic
Initially, I thought Florges might have a nice role as a mini Fairy version of Blissey. Maybe, but it didn't work for me. Although a base 154 SpDef is nothing to laugh at. I decided to go with a more offensive route with Florges and run a LO Calm Mind set. Her more than usable SpAtk can be devastating after a couple CMs. Moonblast is a fantastic 95 BP STAB, that smacks around Dragons like they're nothing. Energy Ball dismantles Rotom-W and Starmie, and Psychic is an additional STAB.
Garchomp @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Fire Fang
- Stone Edge
Obligatory Dragon. I've run this Garchomp since B/W. I didn't really change anything about it either; it's always worked for me. Anyways, Rocky Helmet + Rough Skin is great; I don't care what you say. 252+ Speed boosts him enough to outspeed most things, and smack them around with Dragon Claw and Edge Quake. Fire Fang gives him better coverage, though it's usually better for me to use Earthquake if able.
Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Ability: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 Spd
Bold Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Scald
- Knock Off
- Toxic Spikes
Oh, isn't this great? Anyway, Tentacruel gets to absorb Toxic Spikes and spit out his own, although I'm testing Toxic instead to see how that works out. Still an obligatory spinner. I chose Liquid Ooze because Rain Dish is of minimal use to me, since this team doesn't run rain, as well as weather becoming less prevalent in Gen 6. Clear Body isn't very helpful on Tentacruel, either. Scald lets me put out burns, in case I can't poison someone (Scizor, etc.). Knock Off's buff in gen 6 lets me do significant damage to Starmie, while still being able to take a Thunderbolt. And no more leftovers for Starmie. =3
Importable version
Whimsicott @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature
- Taunt
- Stun Spore
- Encore
- U-turn
Chandelure @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Fire Blast
- Energy Ball
- Shadow Ball
- Trick
Medicham @ Medichamite
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
- Psycho Cut
Florges @ Life Orb
Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Energy Ball
- Psychic
Garchomp @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Fire Fang
- Stone Edge
Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Ability: Liquid Ooze
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 Spd
Bold Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Scald
- Knock Off
- Toxic Spikes
Troubles and Threats
These are the things that I can't seem to get past, and tend to spell certain doom.
- Genesect. Seriously, he's like Scizor but with so much coverage. And hits everything.
- The fact that Stone Edge seems to have less accuracy than Sheer Cold.
- Sableye. He waits until the last couple of rounds to come out and start spamming Recover and I can't get past it.
Other Notes
I intend to make this team in-game once the Bank opens up. That means don't suggest Legendaries. I don't like using them.
This team also follows the item clause, because putting Leftovers on everyone isn't very creative.
I like my nicknames to have a theme, but I can't think of one for this team... Help.
I thought the "in-game" part would also imply that I will not breed for Hidden Power types.
I also thought that I mentioned somewhere in this post that I don't want to use any of the Pokèmon that I've already used in a team. That means no Mienshao, Noivern, Megawile, Forretress, Rotom, or Volcarona.
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