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[ + + ]Precious Sanity – Recruiting the Legendaries![ + + ] PG 13


Supreme King of Reverse World
  • 18
    The Story So Far…

    Legendary Pokemon – the mythical entities unique to each reason. Astonishingly powerful, each possesses the kind of strength that far outrivals an average Pokemon's.

    As you would expect, it is the ideal ambition of any powerful trainer to witness or even interact with such a majestic creature – at least once in their life. To come face to face with a legendary Pokemon is a thrilling prospect and no doubt a dream for most, but for the majority a dream is all it will ever be.

    Legendary Pokemon are just that. Creatures of legend. Ethereal beings. They play no part in everyday life.


    The mistrust between regions… it's growing.
    You ask yourself – can I really rely on such a person?
    Your faith in humanity is crumbling. If the world is such a great place why does war exist? Why are we fighting? This is pointless…

    I don't trust you. I can't. I don't. I won't.

    I am from this region. You are from that region. We are strangers now.
    And to think, the ethereal beings, the creatures of legend, are the bane of all this.


    These crazy rumors can't possibly be true. Enough scandalous gossip – don't say such stupid things…

    "The Legendary Pokemon have become human!!"

    That's ridiculous.
    The Legendary Pokemon – human like you and I?

    Unless this is true? Unless the thin strings of sanity that hold our world together have finally ripped apart…?

    I still say it's ridiculous…


    Your opinion is, however, swayed when you receive a message to visit the Spear Pillar in Sinnoh. You're a trainer. It's your duty to go. Whatever awaits, you braced yourself for this from the moment you selected your started Pokemon. You're entitled to oblige this request without asking to many questions. So you go.

    Even for you, the journey was somewhat of a struggle. But you persevere. You reach the summit unscathed.

    He does exist.
    But wait.
    Is he…human…?!
    The rumors… could they possibly be true?

    The man before you, no doubt bearing traits of the supposed 'Creator' of all Pokemon, opens his mouth to speak.

    "Yes. It is true. I, and every other 'legendary' Pokemon, have become part human. Though aesthetically we have changed, we still retain our minds – and, more importantly, our powers. However, I am at a complete loss in a world that is now strange to me. That is why I have summoned you. All of you. You are all powerful trainers in your own right, I know. I need your assistance – I need you to recruit the others – the other legendaries. They are scattered among the regions in many different places. I-" here his eyes well up – he is lost, completely lost.

    "I am afraid I am not yet used to this new body. This world is unfamiliar to me now. But I must do what I can. I know this isn't the worst of it. A greater threat is yet to come. That is why I'm urging you to help me. Bring the rest of the legendaries here – for we must talk. Will you take this challenge?"

    You glance at the trainers around you. There are seven, eight of you. Will you take this challenge?

    Yes, Arceus, I will assist you.

    You are a powerful trainer – you've won many battles and believe you are the correct type of person for this job. You must convince the legendary Pokemon to return to Spear Pillar as urged by Arceus, using any means necessary. It won't be too hard – will it?

    Arceus has explained this could get crazy but you're up for it. You're up for anything.

    We will fight together.

    Do you possibly believe you would be better off by yourself? Or do you appreciate the extra help? Your teammates will either help or hinder you, it depends how you all mesh together. This congregation of people – an assortment of distinctive personalities. All of you are powerful, no doubt, but it takes more than just power to convince the legendary Pokemon to come over to your side.

    To save the Legendary Pokemon

    Even partly human, Arceus clarifies, the legendaries are still crazy powerful – so be careful. They will not submit easily. They will play mindgames with you. They will bully and torment you. They are unreasonable. They will not listen to you. They are psychotic. But all of this, absolutely all of this, is for the greater good. Good luck. You'll need it.

    Episode 00: In which you are introduced to Arceus and informed of all this. Each episode will center around a legendary (possibly more than one, depending…). I will give the title of each episode in advance – this will give a clue as to which legendary you will be traveling to recruit.


    • Standard PC RP rules apply at all times.
    • If you are going to be absent at some point please inform me – otherwise I will give your place to someone else.
    • Grammar and spelling to be correct, readable and perfectly presentable at all times.
    • You may have ONE character and ONE character only. No attempting to control another's either.
    • Though it's important your trainer is powerful no OTT gods or anything like that. It's important to have a well-balanced, realistic team.
    • Do NOT start to roleplay without my permission otherwise you will get a warning.
    • If I find something wrong with your profile – be it grammar, spelling or actual content, please try your best to correct it without arguing.
    • I want to make this RP as interesting as possible - please give your character some kind of interesting, dominant character trait – I don't actually mind clichés =3
    • There are EIGHT places available but I will wait until I have a few applications before I continue – I plan on this being a somewhat decent RP so I'm selecting those with the best SU sheets. Yes, you may reserve spots but your profiles must be up within three days.
    • As I will be controlling the legendaries I do not have an actual character of my own. Though psychotic in their own right, I will try to keep them reasonably IC.
    • Yes, I am VERY strict. These rules to be followed at all times. Otherwise I'll have to kill you.
    The SU Sheet:

    Though insanely strong, OTT trainers are banned; your trainer may have a reasonably powerful team. Well-balanced, rare Pokemon – as long is it's realistic and in check. You may have up to six with you – and make sure each Pokemon has a personality too.

    Please make your OC interesting =D


    Accepted Trainers:

    I think that's everything. Note 'have fun' isn't a rule because… well, that's a stupid 'rule'. Aren't you supposed to automatically have fun? Although with my cut throat attitude and sense of humor that might be a little difficult…

    Just kidding. I do intend for this to be fun =3

    Do you honestly believe you could be one of the select few chosen by Arceus? Then post your sign up – and for Arceus' sake, don't make it anything less than the best!
    Hmm...may I also reserve a spot?
    Also, may I mush temper and sense of humor and such into personality? As well as Dress and physical features into Appearance? I think it may just be a little easier to have it all in one, though I may try it your way, especially if you want me to.
    Ooh, this looks interesting. I haven't RPed here (or much at all really) in ages, but I think I'll give it a go.

    Question: Gen 5 Pokemon and trainers from Isshu are allowed, right? (I'll provide Bulbapedia links for any new moves, Pokemon species, towns, et cetera, within the sign-up sheet.)
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    Son of a ****! I just lost all of my SU due to my computer :'(
    Oh well, i'll try to have it up later...
    And how many moves may our pokemon have?
    Edit: OK, here's most of it. Things with "???" after it, I am completely lost on. With "..." after it, I am somewhat lost. With "~~~" after it, I understand and will have up later.

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    Finished my SU. Lemme know if anything's wrong with it; ya' didn't really go into a lot of detail about how much or what sort of content was needed in each field, so I left it up to my interpretation of it. If the Gen 5 thing isn't going to work, I'll try to get an new SU up.

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    Is this good? I've been in a few RPs before, but they all want different things... it's still sorta half finished anyway, so...

    NAME: Kai
    AGE: 19
    HEIGHT: 5' 9"
    WEIGHT: 10st (140lbs)
    BIRTH DATE: Oct. 9th
    HAIR: Short, curly and black
    EYES: Brown
    BIRTHPLACE: Hodomoe City, Isshu
    OTHER FACIAL FEATURES/OTHER APPEARANCE DETAILS: Slightly tanned skin, very big nose
    DRESS (Style, colors): Wears a red and black thermal jacket at almost all times with denim jeans and plain black shoes.
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT: Very shy and doesn't trust easily
    SECONDARY CHARACTER TRAIT (contrast with dominant): Is a loyal and kind friend
    FAMILY: Mother: Alice
    SEES SELF AS: Just another guy who trains Pokemon
    IS SEEN BY OTHERS AS: Somebody who just falls into the background, and doesn't really matter too much
    SENSE OF HUMOR: Poor. Not very funny, but attempts dark or whimsical humour sometimes
    TEMPER: Easy to get on his bad side, hard to stay on his good side. When angry, he lashes out at anyone
    BASIC NATURE: Shy and doesn't talk. Careful with his actions.
    HABITS: Chews on things when nervous
    TALENTS (WHEN CHARACTER LOOKS GOOD): Logical thinking and bonding with Pokemon.
    WEAK POINTS: Lateral thinking, being social, working with others
    WHAT TRAIT WILL MAKE CHARACTER COME ALIVE?: Silent determination when something needs to be done


    SPECIES: Ulgamoth (M)
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT: Very quiet and focuses hard
    ATTACKS: Bug buzz, Fire dance, Flamethrower, Toxic

    SPECIES: Hiyakkie (M)
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT: Craves attention and praise
    ATTACKS: Surf, Boiling water, Water pulse, Bite

    SPECIES: Toxicroak (F)
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT: Apathetic and doesn't care for battle
    ATTACKS: Cross Poison, X-Scissor, Poison jab, Brick Break

    SPECIES: Glalie (F)
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT: Very sure of it's own power, slightly arrogant
    ATTACKS: Sheer Cold, Ice beam, Hail, Ice fang

    SPECIES: Skarmory (M)
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT: Not confident in itself, doesn't like to battle
    ATTACKS: Freefall, Steel wing, Aerial ace, Spikes

    SPECIES: Gardevoir (M)
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT: Only cares about itself
    ATTACKS: Psychic, Psycho shock, Hypnosis, Dream eater
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    NAME: Louis (Pronounced: Loo-ee) Colére
    AGE: Sixteen
    HEIGHT: Six Feet, Zero Inches
    WEIGHT: One-Hundred-Fifty Ibs.
    BIRTH DATE: June Seventeenth
    HAIR: Louis has light brown, almost blonde, hair that is straight and goes to his eye line. In the back it goes down to just below his earlobes. His hair is tangled, and seems to be in several strands that group together.
    EYES: Louis has big, dull green eyes. His pupils are small and his gaze is piercing.
    BIRTHPLACE: Cinnabar Island, Kanto
    OTHER FACIAL FEATURES/OTHER APPEARANCE DETAILS: Louis has thin eyebrows that match his hair color. His ears are of average proportion and size. He also has high cheek bones, and a defined jaw line. He is very thin yet he is very strong somehow. He has lanky arms and legs. His feet are average size. His torso is shaped into a sort of V-shape, because he swam a lot near Cinnabar Island he had strong shoulders.
    DRESS (Style, colors): Louis tends to dress for warm weather. He usually wears a pair of gray based, plaid, bermuda shorts, with a blue, short sleeved shirt, or a similar outfit with colors that are easy on the eyes. When it is cold he wears the same outfit with a blue hoodie, and jeans.
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT: Louis is laid back, and aloof most of the time. He is fun to be around and laughs at a lot of things.
    SECONDARY CHARACTER TRAIT (contrast with dominant): Whenever Louis isn't laid back, it's because he is annoyed or has trouble to deal with. In those situations he is very explosive and ready to fight. It takes a lot to get him like that though.
    FAMILY: Louis is an only child with two parents, an average family, but he is distanced from them because of his constant journey with his pokémon.
    SEES SELF AS: Louis sees himself in no way different than what he is, except for when he gets mad. When he's mad he explodes on people and doesn't fully realize the consequences until after he's done it.
    IS SEEN BY OTHERS AS: Louis isseen by others a kid who is always taking it easy. Few people have seen him angry, but those people think he is a total jerk.
    SENSE OF HUMOR: Louis laughs at a lot of things more in particular slapstick comedy. He himself though can make funny observations on things and make a joke out of it.
    TEMPER: In the rare occasion that Louis is mad, he gets really mad and is ready to fight.
    BASIC NATURE: Relaxed
    HABITS: Louis tends not to listen to instructions and always mixes things up.
    TALENTS (WHEN CHARACTER LOOKS GOOD): Louis is an excellent Strategist and seems to be able to see things ten moves into the future.
    WEAK POINTS: Louis is slow to put things together when they aren't strategy related, he can't listen to instructions he's given, and he isn't good at using information and putting it together.
    WHAT TRAIT WILL MAKE CHARACTER COME ALIVE?: His ability to strategize.

    Pokémon 1
    SPECIES: Venasaur
    NICKNAME: Rose (Because its leaves came in red like a rose.)
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT: Rose acts just like Louis, they were together since Louis set out to be a Pokémon trainer at age ten.
    -Leaf Storm(Only used in last resort situations because Louis likes to make sure that his pokémon can go through the battle.)
    -Take Down
    -Sleep Powder
    -Razor Leaf

    Pokémon 2
    SPECIES: Kingdra
    NICKNAME: Sid (Because it was very vicious when he first met it so he named it after the rock star Sid Vicious.)
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT: Sid is vicious and aggressive.
    -Ice Beam
    -Rain Dance

    Pokémon 3
    SPECIES: Donphan
    NICKNAME: Boulder
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT: Boulder is haughty and seems to think he is superior to other pokémon he likely wouldn't listen to anyone else but Louis and he only does because when the two met Louis was able to put Boulder into a position where he retreated without using any attacks.
    -Rapid Spin
    -Rock Slide

    Pokémon 4
    SPECIES: Gangar
    NICKNAME: Gosuto
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT: Gangar always plays a lead role in the strategies of Louis.
    -Mean Look
    -Shadow Punch
    -Destiny Bond
    -Confuse Ray
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    I would also like to reserve a spot I am sure my sign up will be up sometime tomorrow at the latest.
    So, how about an OOC thread? Is that going to be made at all? Just wondering. No Pressure. DO IT!!! jk.
    Looks like this was last posted on a couple days ago... meaning no one has forgot it... meaning... THE JEWEL OF LIFE SHALL JOIN DUN DUN DUN~!
    @People-Who-Wonder-Where-I've-Been: I was grounded from pokecommunity. Stupid mom -__-

    Name: Katrina V. Wallison

    Age: 17

    Height: Approximately five feet and nine inches

    Weight: Why would Katrina tell you that? *coughabout117lbscough*

    Birth Date: September 6, XXXX

    Hair: (I assume we can use anime hair colors) Katrina's hair is long and straight, and it is a perfect periwinkle color. Due to the fact that it is very thick and there is a lot of it, Katrina's hair is usually pulled down by gravity so straight that she can't curl it, although she really wants to. Katrina is sure to keep her hair trimmed neatly about three inches above the line of her pants. Any longer than that and it would get split ends and turn gross. Finally, Katrina has bangs that hang down just to her eyebrows.

    Eyes: Unusually, Katrina's eyes are more of a turqouise than a blue or green like most people seem to think. Or maybe thats just Katrina telling herself that she's special.

    Birthplace: Katrina was born in Pewter City, Kanto.

    Other Facial Features and Appearance Details: Pale skin, thin lips, painted nails to match her eyes... what more is there to say? Oh yes, of course. Nothing. And to think I wanted to make this section a little longer than the others; to pack on the detail... oh well.

    Dress: Katrina wears a white sweatshirt with two blue lines going down either sleeve; the sweatshirt also has a hood. The v-shaped neckline of Katrina's particular sweatshirt is quite low, so you can see her shirt below. Depending on the day, Katrina will wear a pink, purple, blue, green, or even occasionally a black shirt. She only takes off her sweatshirt when she needs to wash it. The sweatpants that Katrina wears match her sweatshirt, but she has multiple pair of these. How gross would it be if she wore the same pants every day? Answer: very. Finally, Katrina wears grey boots. A little like uggs, but with a more techy-kind of hiking boot sole.

    Dominant Character Trait: Katrina is rather stoic. She never seems to show any emotion, whether the situation be the most exciting thing ever to happen or the most horrible feat that has ever been witnessed. Well, I guess she is stoic in most occasions at least... she can get just a tad bit mean...

    Secondary Character Trait: It is no exaggeration to say that Katrina is a neat-freak. She is very particular about where she wants to put her belongings. As a trainer, Katrina carries around a silver backpack with the same blue lines as found on her clothing, and she always has it so neatly organized that it would drive some people crazy. Oh, and one more thing. You. Do. Not. Mess. With. Katrina's. Stuff.

    Family: How horrible life must be for Katrina with her three younger brothers. Timothy is the youngest at seven, and he is thrilled by contests. Multiple times has Timothy asked his mommy to take him to a contest, but such requests are usually in vain. Perhaps little Timmy will be a co-ordinator when he grows up. Cody is a little older than Timmy at eleven, and he is a decent trainer with two gym badges. Cody's current location: no one really knows. Probably somewhere in Sinnoh where he was last seen. Good thing he has pokemon with him. The eldest of Katrina's brothers is her twin Marcus. Did I say that they were her younger brothers? Well, younger by a couple minutes at least. Marcus never wanted to be a pokemon trainer and so he helps his parents with their work. The family has moved around a lot because both Mr. and Mrs. Wallison are field archaeologists who get a change of station quite often. From the Ruins of Sandgem Town to the Ruins of Alph it seems that the Wallison family can't travel enough.

    Sees Self As: Katrina thinks of herself as logical, smart and calculating, like Spock from Star Trek.

    Is Seen By Others As: A wannabe Spock from Star Trek. Oh, and people find her rather mean too. Quite mean indeed.

    Sense of Humor: Katrina has an excellant sense of humor, though she wouldn't be caught dead laughing.

    Temper: Katrina is not often angered, however, when she is she will unleash her full fury on whatever pathetic squirming creature has chosen to insult the mighty Katrina Vixen Wallison!

    Basic Nature: Stoic and logical. She is good at solving puzzles and enjoys to do so.

    Habits: Katrina has a nasty habit of going crazy on anyone who touches her stuff. She also has more normal habits like nicknaming her pokemon and then shortening said nickname to a nickname of a nickname (if that makes any sense at all).

    Talents: School. Books. Problem solving. Katrina is more a girl of the mind than of the body.

    Weak Points: Katrina is more a girl of the mind than of the body. She is terrible at sports or anything that involves running. Or moving.

    What Trait Will Make Character Come Alive: Katrina does enjoy a good mystery, or anything that requires solving really.


    [PokeCommunity.com] [ + + ]Precious Sanity – Recruiting the Legendaries![ + + ] PG 13

    Species: Sandshrew

    Nickname: El Dorado

    Dominant Character Trait: Dorado is very cuddly, which is the main reason that he never evolved, despite being Katrina's first pokemon. Rather than battling, Dorado would very much enjoy snuggling up to his trainer for a nice nap.

    Attacks: Swift, Sand Tomb, Gyro Ball, Dig

    [PokeCommunity.com] [ + + ]Precious Sanity – Recruiting the Legendaries![ + + ] PG 13

    Species: Aerodactyl

    Nickname: Pangaea

    Dominant Character Trait: Opposite what most people expect, Pangaea is female and she is actually quite vain. She keeps her grey skin in perfect condition and has been known to steal some of Katrina's eyeliner on occasion. Pangaea doesn't like to battle because she doesn't want her pretty little face to get all messed up.

    Attacks: Fly, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Dragon Claw

    [PokeCommunity.com] [ + + ]Precious Sanity – Recruiting the Legendaries![ + + ] PG 13

    Species: Doryuuzu

    Nickname: Avagadro

    Dominant Character Trait: Avagadro is quite a bit like Katrina on the knowledgable side, but he is very shy and quirky. He is easily frightened and very clumsy with whatever he is doing. Although he enjoys releasing himself in battle, he doesn't do all that well due to this klutziness.

    Attacks: Slash, Swords Dance, Earthquake, Drill Liner

    [PokeCommunity.com] [ + + ]Precious Sanity – Recruiting the Legendaries![ + + ] PG 13

    Species: Shinbora

    Nickname: Nazca

    Dominant Character Trait: The other female on Katrina's team is no where near as vain as Pangaea is. Nazca displays self-discipline and is always training. As one of the best battlers on the team, Nazca finds herself always raising her standards so that she can become better and better for her trainer.

    Attacks: Hypnosis, Psybeam, Psychic, Sky Attack


    Species: Unown (S)

    Nickname: Sherlock

    Dominant Character Trait: Sherlock was not only given its name because it starts with the same letter that he is shaped like, but because it seems to think of itself as if it was Sherlock. This energetic little unown is always floating around as if it was pacing and seems to stare critically at all of his opponents, seemingly judging them. It does seem to pay off, though. Sherlock is an excellant battler dispite his limited movepool.

    Attacks: Hidden Power (Grass)

    And there you have it. Sure do hope I get in~!
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    Yeah... Hopefully now that Christmas is over more people'll be around to sign up. And hopefully the GM'll come back. ;w;

    I also think an OOC thread would be lovely.
    Can I join? Just click on the spoiler.

    My Character

    NAME: Rukimaru Hikari
    AGE: 12
    HEIGHT: 5;1
    WEIGHT: 98
    BIRTH DATE: 10/8/98
    HAIR: Silver
    EYES: Grey
    BIRTHPLACE: Viridian Forest
    DRESS: A black hat., A white t-shirt with a Firaligator on it,necklace that has a orb on it, and a pair of black skinny jeans
    SECONDARY CHARACTER TRAIT (contrast with dominant): Helpful
    FAMILY: None
    SEES SELF AS: Best Trainer that ever lived.
    TEMPER: Low
    BASIC NATURE: Playful
    HABITS: Sending Aura Spheres at trees.
    TALENTS (WHEN CHARACTER LOOKS GOOD): Destroying things and battling.
    WEAK POINTS: He is usually calm and collected but when he is mad he will start a destruction spree
    WHAT TRAIT WILL MAKE CHARACTER COME ALIVE?: You'll always see him trying to steal your pokemon every once in a while (a lot :P)

    SPECIES: Feraligator (F)
    NICKNAME: Fera-chan
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT: Caring, His strongest Pokemon other than Ra-chan
    ATTACKS: Surf, Strength, Hydro Cannon, Slash

    SPECIES: Raticate (F)
    NICKNAME: Ra-chan
    ATTACKS: Hyper Fang, Hyper Beam, Super Fang, Quick Attack

    SPECIES: Pidgeot (M)
    NICKNAME: Pi-kun
    ATTACKS: Fly, Hyper Beam, Sky Attack, Aeroblast
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    I see that more positions are available, would have joined earlier but... lets say my own idiocy got in the way.

    NAME: Erica Shell
    AGE: 23
    HEIGHT: 5' 8"
    WEIGHT: 135lb
    BIRTH DATE: August 27
    HAIR: Blonde but has been dyed black with blue and red streaks throughout
    EYES: Brown on the outer iris and green going towards the center
    BIRTHPLACE: Celadon City
    DRESS (Style, colors): Sticks to T-shirts that are primarily dark with splashes of light colors thrown in, running shoes, and jeans
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT : Unwilling to stand for stupidity, idiocy, etc. Erica is also extremely blunt and also leans closer towards action then words.
    SECONDARY CHARACTER TRAIT (contrast with dominant): She is extremely compassionate to those who have lost someone they care about.
    FAMILY : All dead. Father & mother died in car crash when she was 10[In car at the time which is what gave her the scar on her back], older brother was killed in a failed mugging attempt when she was 20, younger brother died of leukemia four months after her 22 birthday.
    SEES SELF AS: Feels like an undeserving survivor of her family, and someone who must prove herself to others.
    IS SEEN BY OTHERS AS: A girl who is somewhat good looking, bound to bouts of depression, and a little violent at times.
    SENSE OF HUMOR: none
    TEMPER: Generally neutral but easily enraged by idiots
    HABITS: Muttering
    TALENTS (WHEN CHARACTER LOOKS GOOD): Is excellent shot with guns, and can play the violin well too.[well, not excellent]
    WEAK POINTS: Bouts of depression brought on by various deaths of family, overly critical of self.


    SPECIES: Umbreon
    NICKNAME: Odessa
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT: A fierce loyalty to Erica. Will not leave Erica's side ever, not even for a second.
    ATTACKS: Hyper Beam, Faint attack, screech, and Moonlight

    SPECIES: Buizel
    NICKNAME: Mist
    DOMINANT CHARACTER TRAIT: Playful, a bit clumsy, and curious.
    ATTACKS: Agility, Razor wind, Aqua jet, and Swift
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    Please reserve me, I will get my SU up soon.

    Done! I hope I get in the RP.
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