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Elite Overlord LeSabre™

On that 'Non stop road'
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 10,165
    I will be attending the following anime conventions this year if anyone is looking to meet me in person (most likely in cosplay, which is an added bonus)
    NashiCon, Columbia, SC (April 17-19)
    Animazement, Raleigh, NC (May 22-24)
    Hoshicon, Charlotte, NC (July 17-19)
    Otakon, Baltimore, MD (July 24-26)
    Kantaicon, Charleston/Mt. Pleasant, SC (August 21-23)
    Banzaicon, Columbia, SC (October 30-November 1)

    Two additional cons (Colossalcon and Nekocon) are very remote possibilities depending on finances and whether I'll be on staff for certain events.

    BTW, if you're planning to go to Otakon and want to save $10, you better preregister soon - they're only offering 10,000 spots at the discounted registration rate and about 1/4 of them are already taken.

    (I may be debuting a new cosplay for the conventions in July and onward... stay tuned...)
    Omg lesabre you're alive! I was only just thinking about you the other day and how you seemingly fell off the face of the earth!
    "Only 10,000 discounted" you say.

    That's more discounted passes than the largest convention in my area gives out for TOTAL passes, sweet mercy. Though the one local to me has deliberately capped out attendance at 5000 this year to try to keep the experience enjoyable rather than having attendees feeling like they're being crammed into the convention hotel like sardines.
    Shining Raichu;bt102134 said:
    Omg lesabre you're alive! I was only just thinking about you the other day and how you seemingly fell off the face of the earth!
    Yep, still alive, lol. Just not as active here since as you can see I'm more into the anime convention scene now.

    donavannj;bt102142 said:
    "Only 10,000 discounted" you say.

    That's more discounted passes than the largest convention in my area gives out for TOTAL passes, sweet mercy. Though the one local to me has deliberately capped out attendance at 5000 this year to try to keep the experience enjoyable rather than having attendees feeling like they're being crammed into the convention hotel like sardines.
    Well, it is the biggest anime-centered convention on the East Coast (eastern cons larger than Otakon are multi-genre events like NYCC and Dragoncon), and as I type this less than 5700 of those slots remain and it's only been open for about a week. Total attendance is capped at 35,000. Based on last year though, I think they could cut it to 30,000 or even 25,000 - it was VERY crowded.