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- Seen Sep 23, 2011
~Random Pokemon Challenge~Gen 5 included~
Can you complete a game with a completely random team?
This is how its going to work:
A random pokemon generator from https://wyncorporation.com/pokemon/ or the one created by The_Lion found here https://www.mediafire.com/?nzdrlymz2wz will be used to generate a randomized team for you to play through any game of your choice. You can choose which generation I generate for you, (i.e. if you want to play through the original Red version it wouldn't make sense to give you a random team from all the games) and further tweaks to your random team.
-I will give you your random team to play with. Don't worry I won't stick you with a magickarp or caterpie or any of those kinds of ineffective pokemon.
-You have to use the exact pokemon I generate for you meaning if you get a charmeleon, you can get a charmander first then evolve it but you cannot evolve it to charizard
-Trading is allowed, if you want to obtain all your pokemon ASAP. I'll make sure you don't get pokemon unobtainable in your version as well.
-no legendaries
-you can have a HM slave. You can request 5 random pokemon and leave that last spot for an HM slave.
-have fun. it'll be interesting playing through a game using pokemon you may never use otherwise
-challenge is completed after beating the E4 in R/B/Y/FR/LG/R/S/D/P/Pt, beating the E4 twice in G/S/C/HG/SS, and Frontier Brains in E
-make sure to post your Updates. cause we want to hear how your journey is going
Use this form to enter please:
Name: (your Username)
Game: (The version you're going to be playing on)
# of Randoms: (1-6, how many randomly generated pokemon do you want)
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: (Which generation or all? if all, you should be able to trade for/get all pokemon)
Monotype: (Y or N, what type?)
Different type: (do you want all your randoms to be different types?)
Evo stage: (what stage in evolution do you want all your randoms to be? baby, 1st, 2nd, 3rd/fully evolved, or any)
#303 - Mawile
#461 - Weavile
#80 - Slowbro
#409 - Rampardos
#51 - Dugtrio
#376 - Metagross
#166 - Ledian
#153 - Bayleef
#37 - Vulpix
#24 - Arbok
#38 - Ninetales
#130 - Gyarados
#128 - Tauros
#131 - Lapras
#373 - Salamence
#317 - Swalot
#306 - Aggron
#370 - Luvdisc
#058 Growlithe
#077 Ponyta
#005 Charmeleon
#126 Magmar
#059 Arcanine
#136 Flareon
Name: Lati-Fan95
Game: Platinum
Number of random Pokemon: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: All Pokemon and I mean all Pokemon (so if there is a Magikarp in my team (what I hope!^^), leave it there I'm gonna train it!^^ I could successfully train an Unown in HG, so I'm pretty sure that I can train EVERY Pokemon!^^)
Monotype: No
Different type: Yes
Different Species: Yes
Evo stage: As mentioned above, anything goes!^^
#353 - Shuppet
#389 - Torterra
#241 - Miltank
#370 - Luvdisc
#327 - Spinda
#71 - Victreebel
Name: Liv
Game: FireRed
# of Randoms: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Just FireRed pokemon
Monotype: Any type is fine
Different type: Yes
#134 - Vaporeon
#107 - Hitmonchan
#91 - Cloyster
#56 - Mankey
#104 - Cubone
#36 - Clefable
# of Randoms:5
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: 3rd Gen ( I cannot trade :( )
Monotype: No
Different type:Mostly Yes
Evo stage:Fully Evolved
Name: Espeonrules
Game: Pokemon Platinum
# of Randoms: 5
Do you want a generation specific Pokemon or all Pokemon: Gen. 4
Monotype: No
Different types: Yes
Evo stage: Full
Wormadam, Houndoom, Roserade, Espeon and Togekiss
Name: Performancev2
Game: Ruby
# of Randoms: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Hoenn
Monotype: No
Different type: Sure.
Evo stage: Any
#313 - Volbeat
#308 - Medicham
#281 - Kirlia
#304 - Aron
#303 - Mawile
#359 - Absol
Name: Cyanna
Game: Diamond
# of Randoms: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Any
Monotype: No
Different type: Any
Evo stage: Any, as long as there are at least a few fully evolved
Can't wait :)
#138 - Omanyte
#452 - Drapion
#33 - Nidorino
#286 - Breloom
#315 - Roselia
#159 - Croconaw
Can you complete a game with a completely random team?
This is how its going to work:
A random pokemon generator from https://wyncorporation.com/pokemon/ or the one created by The_Lion found here https://www.mediafire.com/?nzdrlymz2wz will be used to generate a randomized team for you to play through any game of your choice. You can choose which generation I generate for you, (i.e. if you want to play through the original Red version it wouldn't make sense to give you a random team from all the games) and further tweaks to your random team.
-I will give you your random team to play with. Don't worry I won't stick you with a magickarp or caterpie or any of those kinds of ineffective pokemon.
-You have to use the exact pokemon I generate for you meaning if you get a charmeleon, you can get a charmander first then evolve it but you cannot evolve it to charizard
-Trading is allowed, if you want to obtain all your pokemon ASAP. I'll make sure you don't get pokemon unobtainable in your version as well.
-no legendaries
-you can have a HM slave. You can request 5 random pokemon and leave that last spot for an HM slave.
-have fun. it'll be interesting playing through a game using pokemon you may never use otherwise
-challenge is completed after beating the E4 in R/B/Y/FR/LG/R/S/D/P/Pt, beating the E4 twice in G/S/C/HG/SS, and Frontier Brains in E
-make sure to post your Updates. cause we want to hear how your journey is going
Use this form to enter please:
Name: (your Username)
Game: (The version you're going to be playing on)
# of Randoms: (1-6, how many randomly generated pokemon do you want)
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: (Which generation or all? if all, you should be able to trade for/get all pokemon)
Monotype: (Y or N, what type?)
Different type: (do you want all your randoms to be different types?)
Evo stage: (what stage in evolution do you want all your randoms to be? baby, 1st, 2nd, 3rd/fully evolved, or any)
Challengers and Random Teams
Name: Scytha
Game: Diamond
# of Randoms: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: All gens. I can trade eggs if I need to.
Complete randomness: N
Game: Diamond
# of Randoms: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: All gens. I can trade eggs if I need to.
Complete randomness: N
Monotype: N
Different species: No.
Different type: Yes, but one or two of the same doesn't matter.
Evo stage: Fully evolved or for Pokemon that don't evolve this doesn't count.
Monotype: N
Different species: No.
Different type: Yes, but one or two of the same doesn't matter.
Evo stage: Fully evolved or for Pokemon that don't evolve this doesn't count.
Name: Bibliophibian
Game: Red
# of Randoms: 5
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Generation specific
Monotype: No
Different species: Yes
Different type: No
Evo stage: Fully evolved
Game: Red
# of Randoms: 5
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Generation specific
Monotype: No
Different species: Yes
Different type: No
Evo stage: Fully evolved
Pinsir, Charizard, Gengar, Persian, and Pidgeot.
Name: Noka
Game: Sapphire
# of Randoms: 5
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Gen specific
Monotype: No
Different species: Yes
Different type: No
Evo stage: Any except baby
#183 - Marill
#45 - Vileplume
#306 - Aggron
#296 - Makuhita
#332 - Cacturne
Game: Sapphire
# of Randoms: 5
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Gen specific
Monotype: No
Different species: Yes
Different type: No
Evo stage: Any except baby
Name: mal'akh
Game: Heartgold
# of Randoms: 4
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Johto
Monotype: No
Different species:Yes
Different type: Yes
Evo stage: Fully
#182 - Bellossom
#178 - Xatu
#171 - Lanturn
#210 - Granbull
Game: Heartgold
# of Randoms: 4
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Johto
Monotype: No
Different species:Yes
Different type: Yes
Evo stage: Fully
Name: WeightyWillBill
Game: Silver
# of Randoms: 4
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: gen1-2
Monotype: No
Game: Silver
# of Randoms: 4
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: gen1-2
Monotype: No
Name: Sapeiro
Game: Pokémon Gold
# of Randoms: Mmm... I don't want to train more than 4
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: I can trade eggs if I need to, so go wild ~
Monotype: Nope
Different species: Please
Different type: Not necessary
Evo stage: Fully evolved and/or without evos.
Game: Pokémon Gold
# of Randoms: Mmm... I don't want to train more than 4
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: I can trade eggs if I need to, so go wild ~
Monotype: Nope
Different species: Please
Different type: Not necessary
Evo stage: Fully evolved and/or without evos.
Name: Roughsponge
Game: Sapphire
# of Randoms: 4
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Any pokemon you can catch on Sapphire/Ruby & I can trade for them.
Monotype: No
Different species: Preferably yes.
Different type: Yep
Evo stage: Fully evolved please.
Game: Sapphire
# of Randoms: 4
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Any pokemon you can catch on Sapphire/Ruby & I can trade for them.
Monotype: No
Different species: Preferably yes.
Different type: Yep
Evo stage: Fully evolved please.
Name: Rainbow-Sasuke Ingame Name: Zero
Game: Pokémon Diamond
# of Randoms: 5
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Anything obtainable in Diamond
Monotype: Nah thanks.
Different species: Yup.
Different type: Yup
Evo stage: All fully evolved.
Game: Pokémon Diamond
# of Randoms: 5
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Anything obtainable in Diamond
Monotype: Nah thanks.
Different species: Yup.
Different type: Yup
Evo stage: All fully evolved.
I'll be doing it on Diamond. Expect by November 7th.
#184 - Azumarill
#208 - Steelix
#389 - Torterra
#169 - Crobat
#267 - Beautifly
Name: USD Ingame Name: USD
Game: Pokémon Platinum
# of Randoms: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: I can trade eggs I can have anything from every gen
Monotype: No
Different species: Yes please
Different type: Yes please
Evo stage: Everyone fully evolved please
#432 - Purugly
#435 - Skuntank
#196 - Espeon
#205 - Forretress
#235 - Smeargle
#303 - Mawile
Game: Pokémon Platinum
# of Randoms: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: I can trade eggs I can have anything from every gen
Monotype: No
Different species: Yes please
Different type: Yes please
Evo stage: Everyone fully evolved please
Name: Suicune
Game: Heart Gold
# of Randoms: 4
Which generation: I
Monotype: No
Will you be able to trade for or get all Pokemon: Yes
#324 - Torkoal
#85 - Dodrio
#353 - Shuppet
#88 - Grimer
#67 - Machoke
Game: Heart Gold
# of Randoms: 4
Which generation: I
Monotype: No
Will you be able to trade for or get all Pokemon: Yes
Name: AiMaX
Game: Fire Red
# of Randoms: 6
Generation specific team or all pokemon: obtainable in fire red without trade
Monotype:Y, bug
Evo stage:random
There you go ;) Nice bug team if you ask me.
#46 Paras
#15 Beedrill
#11 Metapod
#123 Scyther
#12 Butterfree
#48 Venonat
Game: Fire Red
# of Randoms: 6
Generation specific team or all pokemon: obtainable in fire red without trade
Monotype:Y, bug
Evo stage:random
There you go ;) Nice bug team if you ask me.
Name: tachikaze316
Game: Ruby
# of Randoms: 6
Optional (if you just want a completely random team don't fill these out)
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Anything available in 3rd Gen.
Monotype: Yes, rock please
Different species: Yes
Different type: Erm...
Evo stage: Any.
#347 - Anorith
#74 - Geodude
#111 - Rhyhorn
#305 - Lairon
#299 - Nosepass
#222 - Corsola
Game: Ruby
# of Randoms: 6
Optional (if you just want a completely random team don't fill these out)
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Anything available in 3rd Gen.
Monotype: Yes, rock please
Different species: Yes
Different type: Erm...
Evo stage: Any.
Game: fire red
# of Randoms: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: 1st, obtainable in fire red!
Monotype: Fire :)
Game: fire red
# of Randoms: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: 1st, obtainable in fire red!
Monotype: Fire :)
Name: jt4811
Game: Red
# of Randoms: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all Pokemon: Gen 1
Monotype: No
Different species: Yes
Different type: No
Evo stage: Fully Evolved
#34 - Nidoking
#12 - Butterfree
#18 - Pidgeot
#139 - Omastar
#117 - Seadra
#137 - Porygon
Game: Red
# of Randoms: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all Pokemon: Gen 1
Monotype: No
Different species: Yes
Different type: No
Evo stage: Fully Evolved
Name: ShadowWalke
Game: Platinum
# of Randoms: 5
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: 4th Generation
Monotype: N
Different type: Yes
Different Species: Yes
Evo stage: Any except Baby Stage
Game: Platinum
# of Randoms: 5
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: 4th Generation
Monotype: N
Different type: Yes
Different Species: Yes
Evo stage: Any except Baby Stage
Name: Lati-Fan95
Game: Platinum
Number of random Pokemon: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: All Pokemon and I mean all Pokemon (so if there is a Magikarp in my team (what I hope!^^), leave it there I'm gonna train it!^^ I could successfully train an Unown in HG, so I'm pretty sure that I can train EVERY Pokemon!^^)
Monotype: No
Different type: Yes
Different Species: Yes
Evo stage: As mentioned above, anything goes!^^
Name: Liv
Game: FireRed
# of Randoms: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Just FireRed pokemon
Monotype: Any type is fine
Different type: Yes
#134 - Vaporeon
#107 - Hitmonchan
#91 - Cloyster
#56 - Mankey
#104 - Cubone
#36 - Clefable
# of Randoms:5
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: 3rd Gen ( I cannot trade :( )
Monotype: No
Different type:Mostly Yes
Evo stage:Fully Evolved
Name: Espeonrules
Game: Pokemon Platinum
# of Randoms: 5
Do you want a generation specific Pokemon or all Pokemon: Gen. 4
Monotype: No
Different types: Yes
Evo stage: Full
Wormadam, Houndoom, Roserade, Espeon and Togekiss
Name: Performancev2
Game: Ruby
# of Randoms: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Hoenn
Monotype: No
Different type: Sure.
Evo stage: Any
Name: Cyanna
Game: Diamond
# of Randoms: 6
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Any
Monotype: No
Different type: Any
Evo stage: Any, as long as there are at least a few fully evolved
Can't wait :)
Porygon Z
Name: Scytha
Game: Platinum
# of Randoms: 6
Optional (if you just want a completely random team don't fill these out)
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: All, I can trade.
Monotype: No
Different species: Yes
Different type: Yes
Evo stage: 3rd, but for pokes with one evo doesnt apply.
Game: Platinum
# of Randoms: 6
Optional (if you just want a completely random team don't fill these out)
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: All, I can trade.
Monotype: No
Different species: Yes
Different type: Yes
Evo stage: 3rd, but for pokes with one evo doesnt apply.
Name: Jujuju
Pokemon: 6
All fully evolved please and I can get all pokemon
#126 - Magmar
#141 - Kabutops
#119 - Seaking
#227 - Skarmory
#217 - Ursaring
#203 - Girafarig
Pokemon: 6
All fully evolved please and I can get all pokemon
Name: Cardwell74
Game: Ruby
# of Randoms: 4 if that's allowed, if not 5
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: only pokemon in the hoenn dex if that's possible (i can trade from my emerald if need be, but would really rather not)
Evo Stage: Fully evolved
#182 - Bellossom
#101 - Electrode
#365 - Walrein
#344 - Claydol
#112 - Rhydon
Game: Ruby
# of Randoms: 4 if that's allowed, if not 5
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: only pokemon in the hoenn dex if that's possible (i can trade from my emerald if need be, but would really rather not)
Evo Stage: Fully evolved
Name: torcoal
Game: Pokemon Leafgreen
# of Randoms: 6
Monotype: No.
Do you want a generation specific team or all Pokemon: I can't trade, so it can only be Pokemon catchable in Leafgreen
Name: Vaporeon7.
Game: Ruby.
# of Randoms: 6.
Optional: A Pokemon that can learn Surf and one that can learn Fly.
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Pokemon obtainable in Pokemon Ruby.
Monotype: N
Different species: Y
Different type: Y
Evo stage: Mixed
#335 - Zangoose
#38 - Ninetales
#323 - Camerupt
#338 - Solrock
#361 - Snorunt
#178 - Xatu
Game: Pokemon Leafgreen
# of Randoms: 6
Monotype: No.
Do you want a generation specific team or all Pokemon: I can't trade, so it can only be Pokemon catchable in Leafgreen
Name: Vaporeon7.
Game: Ruby.
# of Randoms: 6.
Optional: A Pokemon that can learn Surf and one that can learn Fly.
Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: Pokemon obtainable in Pokemon Ruby.
Monotype: N
Different species: Y
Different type: Y
Evo stage: Mixed
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