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~Random Pokemon Challenge~

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LetMeHearYourPokemon's___ Voice
  • 1,130
    ~Random Pokemon Challenge~Gen 5 included~

    Can you complete a game with a completely random team?
    This is how its going to work:

    A random pokemon generator from https://wyncorporation.com/pokemon/ or the one created by The_Lion found here https://www.mediafire.com/?nzdrlymz2wz will be used to generate a randomized team for you to play through any game of your choice. You can choose which generation I generate for you, (i.e. if you want to play through the original Red version it wouldn't make sense to give you a random team from all the games) and further tweaks to your random team.

    -I will give you your random team to play with. Don't worry I won't stick you with a magickarp or caterpie or any of those kinds of ineffective pokemon.
    -You have to use the exact pokemon I generate for you meaning if you get a charmeleon, you can get a charmander first then evolve it but you cannot evolve it to charizard
    -Trading is allowed, if you want to obtain all your pokemon ASAP. I'll make sure you don't get pokemon unobtainable in your version as well.
    -no legendaries
    -you can have a HM slave. You can request 5 random pokemon and leave that last spot for an HM slave.
    -have fun. it'll be interesting playing through a game using pokemon you may never use otherwise
    -challenge is completed after beating the E4 in R/B/Y/FR/LG/R/S/D/P/Pt, beating the E4 twice in G/S/C/HG/SS, and Frontier Brains in E
    -make sure to post your Updates. cause we want to hear how your journey is going

    Use this form to enter please:
    Name: (your Username)
    Game: (The version you're going to be playing on)
    # of Randoms: (1-6, how many randomly generated pokemon do you want)
    Do you want a generation specific team or all pokemon: (Which generation or all? if all, you should be able to trade for/get all pokemon)
    Monotype: (Y or N, what type?)
    Different type: (do you want all your randoms to be different types?)
    Evo stage: (what stage in evolution do you want all your randoms to be? baby, 1st, 2nd, 3rd/fully evolved, or any)

    Challengers and Random Teams​


    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~

    Last edited:
    I'll try this.
    Name: Sora247_2009
    Game: Emerald
    # of Randoms: 5
    Which generation: III
    Monotype: No
    Will you be able to trade for or get all Pokemon: No

    One request, can all the pokemon be fully evolved please?

    EDIT: WritethemWrong, your team is:

    Have fun.
    Last edited:
    cool thanks :)

    for you I have:
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #289 - Slaking
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #119 - Seaking
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #28 - Sandslash
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #292 - Shedinja
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #369 - Relicanth

    Have fun
    this is cool.. sign me in:

    Name: heLLkitsune
    Game: Emerald
    # of Randoms: 6
    Which generation: Emerald
    Monotype: N
    Will you be able to trade for or get all Pokemon: N

    I'm rdy as soon as you write my team down..

    (they can be NFE for me.. more of a challange)
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    alright hell for you your team is:
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #88 - Grimer
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #254 - Sceptile
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #111 - Rhyhorn
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #100 - Voltorb
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #285 - Shroomish
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #282 - Gardevoir

    update for my game coming soon
    This looks like fun, was gonna start a new game anyway :D

    Name: Gannon81
    Game: Ruby
    # of Randoms: 6
    Which generation: Gen 3
    Monotype: No
    Will you be able to trade for or get all Pokemon: No
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    Wow, this looks really fun. I have a feeling I'm going to want to do this over and over. Can you give me a team for Blue, Gold, Sapphire, and HG? I'll do 4 at once. All with 5 Randoms, please.

    Name: myrrhman
    Game: see above
    # of Randoms: 5 each
    Which generation: any that they're obtainable
    Mono: no
    Trade: just for HG, I'm going to have to emulate the rest.
    Ganon for you I have:
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #17 - Pidgeotto
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #44 - Gloom
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #281 - Kirlia
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #306 - Aggron
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #164 - Noctowl
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #414 - Mothim

    myrrhman i have for you
    This looks like fun ill give it a shot.

    Generation:III (whatever is catchable in emerald)
    #of Randoms: 5
    Will you be able to trade to get all pokemon:No

    Will start as soon as i get my team.
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    Ah can you generate mine again please but for Ruby instead of Heartgold i wrote the wrong game down :( and gen 3?
    for itzspade:
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #342 - Crawdaunt
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #371 - Bagon
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #310 - Manectric
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #26 - Raichu
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #73 - Tentacruel

    here you go ganon :)
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #203 - Girafarig
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #305 - Lairon
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #351 - Castform
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #75 - Graveler
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #312 - Minun

    Started new game on SS. Named myself Coco.
    Chose Totodile for my starter and probably hm slave. Went to Mr. Pokemon, got the pokedex.
    Traded for Shuppet to eventually evolve, the only pokemon i couldn't capture.

    "image removed"
    Ezra lvl 7
    -Knock out
    Last edited:
    Name: Darkshiek
    Game: Japanese Soul Silver
    # of Randoms: 6
    Which generation: All
    Monotype: Noo
    Will you be able to trade for or get all Pokemon: Yeah.
    Name: Azimun
    Game: Soulsiver
    # of Randoms: 5
    Which generation: II
    Monotype: No
    Will you be able to trade for or get all Pokemon: Yes

    Won't be able to do this for a while, don't exclude me from the challenge though. ^_^
    Last edited:
    Name: Freydan
    Game: HeartGold
    # of Randoms: 5
    Which generation: II
    Monotype: Yes - Dark
    Will you be able to trade for or get all Pokemon: Yes
    Last edited:
    Perfect I literally have a unstarted diamond since I beat pearl I never started it. Please sign me up.
    Use this form to enter please:

    Name: Doeboy9
    Game: Diamond
    # of Randoms: 5
    Which generation: all generation
    Monotype: No
    Will you be able to trade for or get all Pokemon: Yes
    Right now i am at Leader Watson (third badge) with my tentacool and electrike ...
    Could I replace Squirtle with an HM slave instead? Just because as epic as Blastoise is, Fly is better. :P
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #197 - Umbreon
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #261 - Poochyena
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #461 - Weavile
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #262 - Mightyena
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #198 - Murkrow

    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #392 - Infernape
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #217 - Ursaring
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #215 - Sneasel
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #394 - Prinplup
    [PokeCommunity.com] ~Random Pokemon Challenge~
    #374 - Beldum

    Could I replace Squirtle with an HM slave instead? Just because as epic as Blastoise is, Fly is better. :P
    Well first of all, you can't evolve your squirtle to a blastoise, the point of this challenge is to use exactly the pokemon I generate for you. Sorry I didn't state that, I'll edit the rules. And yes you can :)
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