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Rate/Fix My Team

I think he is just being modest.

True. But still, he's one of the better players here at PC.

But the Thread is getting a little off-topic now.

Well, you don't have spinner or a cleric on this team. but SR doesn't seem to harm it too much, especially since you're replacing Typlosion.

Blissey (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 6 SpA
- Aromatherapy
- Thunder Wave
- Softboiled
- Seismic toss / Ice Beam. Standard Blissey Cleric.

Yeah, but I would then have to get rid of Porygon-Z...
In addition what would be good "support" for Uxie?

Something that doesnt die to its weaknesses and covers them, Bronzong would be good in that aspect, i thought of magnezone, but is suppose you could run shed shell on both..

I have to wonder why you crossed "Pretty good player" out. You are a good player, DA, How times have you just creamed me in a Shoddy Match, barring Test Team matches?

Bronzong @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpD / 220 HP / 28 SpA
Sassy Nature (+SpD, -Spe)
- Gyro Ball
- Psychic
- Rest
- Charge Beam / Stealth Rock / Light Screen / Hypnosis / Sleep Talk / Flash Cannon / Grass Knot.

DA, could you run the calcs? This is kind of like the Bulky Mence moveset you posted earlier, except in Special Walling to counter Gar. This should help, I suppose.

Sleep talk in that last slot, to absorb hypnosis.
Well, you don't have spinner or a cleric on this team. but SR doesn't seem to harm it too much, especially since you're replacing Typlosion

Does might now mean definetly now? I said I might replace him. If I put Blissey in I would have to remove Porygon-Z because there would be a shared weakness to the Fighting type.
Does might now mean definetly now? I said I might replace him. If I put Blissey in I would have to remove Porygon-Z because there would be a shared weakness to the Fighting type.

If you replace Uxie / Skarm, you won't have that problem. You don't need both.

And thanks, DA.
If you replace Uxie / Skarm, you won't have that problem. You don't need both.

And thanks, DA.

Wait, so I should drop either Uxie or Skarmory for Bronzong? If that is the case I would probably drop Skarmory, but I would dearly miss Whirlwind...
For all the posts in this thread, an awful lot hasn't gotten done :0

As for walling, Bronzong and Uxie will not be enough. Registeel is much better than Bronzong in this instance...Uxie and Registeel work incredibly well together. Throw in a special wall with that skarmory of yours and your team is pretty solid defensively (though there would be holes is Skarm were to stay with Registeel).

Also, I don't know whose bright idea it was to put Psychic on Bronzong.

Also Scarf Porygon-Z is vastly inferior to Specs and Nasty Plot versions IMO. I would run one of those, they hit MUCH harder and the speed boost for all the lost power isn't worth it.

Eh, I would just flush out the sweepers a bit (remember, this is coming from me, and I LOVE me some walls and tanks <3) and add some more walling. Whatever you choose, be sure you resist the most common attack types. you'll want a rock resist to help out Uxie, and definitely something to take hits from sweepers that mash it (Heracross...Weavile...) you have a ton of options to choose from, so I would recommend you make that choice on your own and we can give feedback.

I would give you sets for your pokemon, but a few need to be replaced anyways, so I'll let it be. I would certainly take out Electivire though, it isn't very helpful here.

EDIT: If you want Bronzong, be sure you keep Uxie...it is skarmory you want to take out ;)
Also, I don't know whose bright idea it was to put Psychic on Bronzong.

Also Scarf Porygon-Z is vastly inferior to Specs and Nasty Plot versions IMO. I would run one of those, they hit MUCH harder and the speed boost for all the lost power isn't worth it.

EDIT: If you want Bronzong, be sure you keep Uxie...it is skarmory you want to take out ;)

-I don't think that would be wise as Bronzong's Sp.Atk is a bit suckish

-I knew someone was gonna comment about this

So would this Porygon-Z moveset be better:

Nasty Plot
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse

-That what I was leaning towards, "Bye Skarmory!"

I would not put Registeel in place of Bronzong at all then 3 Pokemon would be sharing one weakness...
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For all the posts in this thread, an awful lot hasn't gotten done :0

Isn't someone high & mighty?

Regardless, I tend to like te pure max SPD, Timid, LO, Nasty Plot Porygon Z.

Porygon-Z@Life Orb
Nasty Plot
Tri Attack
Dark Pulse
HP Fighting/Ice Beam
EV:252 SP.ATK,252 SPD, 6 HP

For all the posts in this thread, an awful lot hasn't gotten done :0

Isn't someone high & mighty?

Regardless, I tend to like the pure max SPD, Timid, LO, Nasty Plot Porygon Z.

Porygon-Z@Life Orb
Nasty Plot
Tri Attack
Dark Pulse
HP Fighting/Ice Beam
EV:252 SP.ATK,252 SPD, 6 HP
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Because it is a powerful STAB move comming off Porygon Z. If you don't know what STAB is, look at the stickies.
Because it is a powerful STAB move comming off Porygon Z. If you don't know what STAB is, look at the stickies.

Of course I know what STAB is. I typically don't like using Normal moves because Normal moves are not super effective against anything. But OK I guess a blast of power with it resulting in its base being 120 with a decent chance to Paralyze, Freeze or Burn is a valid reason to use it.
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Small chance of burn, paralysis, or freeze. But that's not why it was used.

Take no offense, I thought the reason was obvious of why Tri Attack was used more. A powerful move is a powerful move, hence why many pokes use Explosion.
Small chance of burn, paralysis, or freeze. But that's not why it was used.

Take no offense, I thought the reason was obvious of why Tri Attack was used more. A powerful move is a powerful move, hence why many pokes use Explosion.

Yeah, I would use Explosion as well because it deals a massive amount of damage, especially when it reduces the victim's defence before dealing the massive damage. OK, now back on topic.
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A Shedninja that can hang on with a focus item after using swords dance, passes off attack and speed boost to a metagross with earthquake, ice punch, etc.
A Shedninja that can hang on with a focus item after using swords dance, passes off attack and speed boost to a metagross with earthquake, ice punch, etc.

Yeah but:

Sandstorm > Shedinja
Hail > Shedinja
Toxic > Shedinja
Will-O-Wisp > Shedinja

Back on topic:

What this team is now fine enough to consider abandoning attention?
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