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Read this before posting a thread

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  • 971
    • Age 22
    • Seen Nov 28, 2022
    About the Games Showcase forum
    Welcome to the Games Showcase forum!
    Looking for a fangame to play, or maybe you'd like to share your game? That's what this forum is for!

    If you would like feedback on an idea, please make a thread with the [Game Idea] prefix in the Game Development forum. It may be moved here later by a moderator if you decide to go through with the idea and actually develop it.

    Threads created here require moderator approval before they will be publicly available. Please give this a few days before contacting a moderator.


    • Developing: Use this prefix if and only if you've started working on your game. If your game is still in the planning stages or if it's just an idea, it should go in Game Development with the [Game Idea] prefix.
    • Released: If you have a version of your game available but it's not the final, definite version, you may request the [Released] prefix by messaging a moderator, or by stating it (in bold preferably) in the thread itself.
    • Completed: This prefix is only for games that are thoroughly tested and deemed completed by the creator. You can't have the [Completed] prefix if you're still going to update the game a lot later on, because it clearly wouldn't be the final product you had in mind.


    While these are not all mandatory, it is highly recommend that your thread include:

    • An introduction to your game;
    • What you're using to make your game;
    • The plot and back-story of your game (don't worry about spoiling your game, because nobody will care about your game if you can't even give such basic and crucial information, meaning that you wouldn't have anybody to spoil the game to);
    • A list of unique features;
    • A progress report (how far along is the game? Are there any future updates planned?);
    • A detailed changelog of older versions;
    • Screenshots, videos, GIFs, walkthroughs, etc.

    Additional Requirements

    A complete list of credits in your Showcase thread
    If you're using something you didn't make, you must credit everyone who contributed to it originally. Listing yourself, nintendo, and the creators of Essentials is not enough. If your thread does not have a full list of credits, it will not be approved.

    Pokémon Essentials games may not contain any type of monetization.
    If your game uses Pokémon Essentials or any creations specifically made for Pokémon Essentials, you are not allowed to make any kind of money with your game. This includes microtransactions, paypal, kickstarter, etc.

    URL Shorteners are not allowed.
    You may not put any downloads through URL shorteners, even if you don't earn money off them.

    You may not hide your game in an encrypted archive that requires a password to extract.
    You are not allowed to have an archive (e.g. zip, rar, 7zip) that requires a password to be extracted.

    Games must not contain bigotry. Added 2 June 2021
    We do not tolerate bigotry, and do not permit any bigoted content - including ROM Hacks and Fan Games - to be hosted on PokéCommunity. This includes, but is not limited to, racism, homophobia, and transphobia, even if claimed to be 'just for fun' or 'a joke.' We strive to create an inclusive community and such content does not align with our views. If the ROM Hack or Fan Game you plan to submit has such content, you will be contacted by staff requesting its removal (or the thread may be unapproved entirely).

    All global PokéCommunity rules apply in the Scripts, Tutorials & Tools forum, as do all Game Development rules.

    Written by Marin, updated by Juliorain. Feel free to contact any of the forum staff for clarification.

    Last edited by a moderator:
    Hi everyone! This is important enough to warrant its own separate post, since there are multiple instances of this occurring. I also want to streamline how fan games are approved here in this section to make things easier on you the user as well as the fan games staff.

    Please do not immediately PM a member of fan games staff unless it has been 48+ hours after your thread has been made. We know some of you are excited to show off your game, but it has to come under review from the fan game staff first before it is approved. Due to so many instances of people wanting to rush their thread approval, from this moment forward, an additional 24 hours will be applied to your thread approval if you attempt to rush your thread approval. This is defined as PMing, VMing, or reaching out to the fan games Staff in any way before the 48 hours have passed.

    If 48 hours have passed, you may PM the fan games staff as a whole (in case one of them is on leave), and one of them will get back with you. If 48 additional hours have passed and you hear no response, then you may PM an admin, but only as a last resort if you hear nothing else back

    Thank you for understanding!
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