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~*Relationship Guru*~ (Revived)

  • 6,683
    • Seen May 21, 2011
    Since some people revived the old thread, i thought i'd make a new one

    I love helping people with relationships, so if you have any questions or would like advice, go ahead and post here ^^
    Can be about PC pairups, or real life relationships ^^

    I am here to help all i can

    P.S. If it's quite personal and you dont want to post on here, feel free to PM me
    P.P.S. To other people, please do not post advice which isn't really sensitive to the person who is asking.
    heres the deal, i like this chick and i want to show it, she kinda likes me but is too scared to dump her current bf bcoz she thinks i will leave her, she doesnt wanna be alone what do i do?

    EDIT by DF: Deleted part of message -please keep this thread clean and blame free
    Last edited by a moderator:
    I already gave u plenty of advice on this last time eva, and you chose not to take it, so there's nothing more i can do ^^;

    Next person ^^
    There is this girl I really think, THINK, I like. She's really nice, smart, and all the other stuff. Now my problem is with deciding what to do.
    There's no good movies or anything, which, on my budget, is all I can do. And I'm still not sure I like her like that. I think I do, but I'm not sure. I used to, but then I got confused about something with another girl, and, well, things happen...
    So, should I just go for it and ask her out, or think about it a while longer?
    Well, lets see...
    There is this girl who I really like. We get along and like alot of the same things. Problem, she has a boyfriend.
    Any advice on what to do?

    Oh, and if I cant get this to work, what can I do to get a girl to notice me?
    FZ: Yeah, you should definately find out how you feel before making a move. Maybe rather than a movie you guys can hang out -invite her to play video games or go watch a sport or something (free) ^^. After you find out how you feel, you can then decide how to play things next.

    Omega: If she cares about her boyfriend, i would suggest to stay friends and not make a move -its not fair in the boyfriend if they both really care for eachother. Don't make a move unless she makes one first -that way it's her decision about her relationship
    this seems amusing to some degree...
    my relationships are kinda messed up. let's see... i have a girlfriend who i almost never talk to cuz she lives in colorado, she's really awesome, but there's also a girl in my state that i think is ok... so that puts me in a tough situation because i haven't told the local one about the one in colorado, and i don't want to be unethical by having them both as girlfriends. they're both really cool girls too... i'm so mixed up...
    actually, i don't really think i need any guru help, but it seems like something one could have fun talking about.
    *sigh* Thank God for this thread. XD

    Well, you see, I fell in love with a wonderful man in August. I loved him dearly, and he loved me. We did everything together, and we talked about anything and everything. I felt I could tell him anything at all. I had (have) complete trust in him.

    Well, a while back, this girl interupted our lives and corrupted my brain. She got me into thinking that our love wasn't real, and it didn't exist. She had gone on and on about it for months. Until finally she had subdued me. I believed her. I broke up with the man I loved most.

    After I had realized how horribly stupid I had been, I told him everything, but he said he had to think about it before considering if he could cope taking me back, knwing that it could happen again.

    Well, it had been a while before we mentioned anything of the subject. Then, one of my dearest friends asked to pair with me. he was so sweet, and I am cursed in that I cannot say no to a friend. I accepted to be his love, but soon realiezed that this decision was futile. He is an awsome friend, but he's not the one. The man I met in Sugust is and always has been the one who carries my heart with him wherever he goes.

    So, I ask of you, my fellow PC friends, help me. I do not know what to do. I have told my love how I feel, but it seems the wound I embedded in him is far too deep for me to ever gain his love again. Please, I beg of you, help me. ;-;

    Finally! A relationship thread? Without these hundreds of relationship threads will clog up the forum...[/exaggeration]

    Okay...well, there's this cutie. XP I like him, and my friends call it 'flirting.' Funny, I swear a couple of years ago, it was referred to as, "Having a polite conversation with a boy." But anyway, I make him laugh at times and he's sometimes so confused about my behavior. o.O I keep mistaking him for another name, and I do that purposely...so I never call him by his real name. Problem is, I need to know if he likes me back. I already know he appreciates me for being funny...but...o_o;
    LOL, the heart of a woman is a confusing thing, I can tell you that much, Mutt. I want him back, but I don't know if he'll be willing to take me. You see...he states that he is paired to and loves someone else now...his heart isn't capacious enough for me I suppose. I am afraid I am at a loss...

    Kelsey: I think i know the situation you're talking about..i dont really know if i can tell you what to do regarding things..i'd say its just something you and him need to talk about, and then both let go of whoever you wish to let go of -your pairs or eachother..

    Lily: I know the kind of situation you mean. All i can suggest is being more affectionate etc. to show him your kind of 'girlfriend side' and let him see you from that point of view, as opposed to purely a friends point of view -that way he can see your feelings a bit more, and make a decision as to his own feelings ^^
    I know this girl, I really don't like her, But she's been Flirting with me... And I dunno what I'll do If she ever asks me out...
    if she's flirting with you and you don't like it, you can claim it's sexual harassment and get the cops to take care of her.
    I have a problem when I would go up to a girl to ask her for her number I kinda get a bad feeling and don't. I attempted asking a girl her number that I liked but the best I could do is give her my number. Now if it's a girl that I really am not to flattered by they start giving me tons of info. about themselves.(If your reading this Megatron you know what I'm talking about) this one girl at the pool was talking to my sister and was asking,"Is that your brother? My sis says yes and she asks how old I was and sis is like 14 at that time, and she was like wow I thought he was like 16 or 17. Well she started talking to me and I was saying(very easily) what's your number? All she would tell me is where she lived and I'm not going to go to her house and get into a weird situation. Anyhow a girl I did like at drivers training. At the end of class I planned on asking her number. Instead I just wound up just giving her mine. (she didn't call) no worries though. What would the advice be next time I try to ask a girl her number and start backing out of it?
    Thanks for your advice Claire. Even though I didn't do anything, it still helped.

    I've just been preoccupied with a new development in my life, you may know what as it caused a ruckus in the pair up thread....lol
    ANywho, thanks again! :D
    Fire: There's nothing much i can advise to you -you just need to spend time with this girl and work out what your true feelings are. Maybe picture the two of you as boyfriend and girlfriend compared to staying friends. Best of luck ^^

    Stripes: Just remember that girls lke to be flattered. By giving her your number, it's almost like saying "you're interested in me, take my number." which is probably more forward than asking for her number which suggests "i'm interested in you, so id like to call you some time.". So, even though you tend to give your number, it's actually being more forward and less flattering than if you ask for hers. If you keep that in mind, hopefully the next time you think about backing out, you'll stop yourself.

    FZ: You're welcome ^^ *hugs*
    Hi DFdadragonz... could I help with those relationship problems? I think I'm quite good at giving advice... If you want a sample of it there's something I wrote in the second page of the thread 'A girl...' in Other Chat. So can I help? ^-^