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[remade] Read this BEFORE making a club in this subforum!

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Alana said:
I got Cebe's permission so I can repost the club now right?

Mooshykris said:
I'v got premission from nicoleb.

They need to post here saying that they gave you permission that is how it words. I will have to delete your posts in this thread. Next time read the rules.
well Rika Kamiya will start a club and she will make me a fan club! please!
Jenny-Chan has my permission to make me a club ^_^
maya miyazono has my permission to make me a fan club.
maya miyazono said:
Hyper Fox has my permission to make my club.
There was no need to post that. Your club was made before the rules changed.
ghostofsparta said:
May I have my own Personal Fan Club.
Read the rules. You can't make a club for yourself. If you have questions PM me or Ty.
Rahul has my permission to make a club! XD
Rayquaza-San said:
sorry but you are not supposed to say that ghostofsparta

sorry mods i was doing the right thing

ghostofsparta said:
Can we have a fan club for FuzzyWuzzy? If so I appreciate this greatly.
Both of you. Do not post here.

You are only supposed to post here if:

You are someone that someone else wants to make a club for and you have gave them permission

*posts deleted.*
ghostofsparta said:
May I make a Fan club for Undine Shade? she said that I have her permission. Please, thank you.
Quit posting here like this. Read the rules she posted so yes you can ><;
Mwar, Jenny-chan has my permission to make my fanclub ^_^
maya miyazono has permission to make my club * hugs*
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