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[remade] Read this BEFORE making a club in this subforum!

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Randall said:
well since no one else has I will Britt!
There was no need for you to post that. It is against the thread rules anyway.

*deletes post*
I gave 1,000 mudkip permissoin.
Brittany said:
Jenny-chan(or anyone else really) has my permission to create a fanclub for me.
Actually only the person you name.

I give Alana pemission to make me a fan club.

:classic: My Familia :classic:
Father:Serpenter,Mother:Cebe,Aunt:Alana, 2 B paired with:IcefireDragon :D
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okay Shizuka got my permission for the GymLeaderWhitney club.
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I've given RagingDragon permission to make me a club, yadda yadda yadda, XD
uh...yeah, i give permission for Mudkip_Boy to create a fan club...
I give Alana permission to make me a fan club. And thank you Alana. Any one who wants to join my fanclub you need to ask Alana.
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I is giving Kira permission to make me a fanclub. ^_^ Thank you! ^___^
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