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Report bugs and errors in unmodified Essentials version 21

Another oddity that I have just found in unmodified v20 is that drawing deep water around "regular" water makes ledges appear around the deep water.

[PokeCommunity.com] Report bugs and errors in unmodified Essentials version 21

Drawing the deep water on a higher layer is an easy workaround, but this is still annoying.

I am quite new around here and I am still testing this out. I don't know if it is a bug or not but I see a global variable is defined differently in a couple of places and one of them seems to be a custom Essentials method, I attached a screenshot.

I have an exception message when I try to get $scene.spriteset from a script called from an Event. The exception occurs because the $scene is defined as a Scene_DebugIntro instead of a Scene_Map.

I hope it is useful and I'm sorry if it works as expected.


  • [PokeCommunity.com] Report bugs and errors in unmodified Essentials version 21
    15.3 KB · Views: 7
When you win the Pokémon league (VS Blue), after the credits, the Hall of Fame map stay under the other map, and same with the "player" watching up under the true player.
[PokeCommunity.com] Report bugs and errors in unmodified Essentials version 21
I'm using an unmodified version 20, Whenever I'm trying to select any pokemon to drop at the day care, I get this error after which the game crashes:
Script error in event 3 (coords 4,4), map 27 (Lerucean Town)
Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `pbCheckAble' for #<Interpreter @event_id: 3>

***Full script:
(eval):1:in `execute_script'
033:Interpreter:143:in `eval'
033:Interpreter:143:in `execute_script'
034:Interpreter_Commands:426:in `command_111'
034:Interpreter_Commands:29:in `execute_command'
033:Interpreter:133:in `block in update'
033:Interpreter:90:in `loop'
033:Interpreter:90:in `update'
032:Scene_Map:163:in `block in update'
032:Scene_Map:162:in `loop'
Quick update on my previous bug report: the bug with the "Sea deep" autotile not blending into the "Sea" autotile has been fixed in v20.1, however the exact same issue occurs with the sand autotile.
I think the sell prices for items aren't programmed correctly in v20.1. If there is no sell price defined for an item, its sell price is a quarter of its buying price instead of half, and if it is defined, the ingame sell price is half of what the actual sell price is in the pbs file.
I've been experiencing a bug related to eerie spell. When using th emove in battle if the pokemon faints the error below appears. It seems that the move is trying to still reduce the pp of the opponents mon even though it fainted. I even tried it in an unedited verson of essentials v20.1 with just the latest v20.1 hotfixes installed and the error still appears.

[Pokémon Essentials version 20.1]
[v20.1 Hotfixes 1.0.2]

Exception: LoadError
Message: cannot load such file -- pp

<internal:prelude>: 14:in `require'
<internal:prelude>: 14:in `pp'
184:MoveEffects_SwitchingActing:673:in `pbEffectAgainstTarget'
166:Battler_UseMove:704:in `block in pbProcessMoveHit'
166:Battler_UseMove:702:in `each'
166:Battler_UseMove:702:in `pbProcessMoveHit'
166:Battler_UseMove:407:in `block in pbUseMove'
166:Battler_UseMove:405:in `times'
166:Battler_UseMove:405:in `pbUseMove'
166:Battler_UseMove:52:in `block in pbProcessTurn'
20.1, no hotfix:

The demo Effort Ribbon NPC event in Daisy's house says:
"Looks at the total EVs of the lead Pokémon, and rewards a ribbon to it if the total is maxed (255)."
Isn't the maximum total 510 (and the single-stat maximum 252, although that doesn't matter)?
Seems like it's only a problem with the comment, since the code references the cap variable directly.

20.1 with the official hotfix rev3 (game ported from way back):

The deprecation warning for item adding says the new correct syntax is
That is probably technically accurate or whatever, but it tripped me up a bit since you're actually supposed to type
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Heya, I have noticed a small bug.
When using a repel, once the repel runs out, essentials/the game asks "would you like to use another?" but when you say yes, it doesn't actually use another repel. You still have to go open your bag and use another one manually. which means the "use another?" option is pointless as it does nothing except take up screen time.
If anyone has any ideas of how to make this work as intended that would be most appreciated. Thanks

Has anyone experienced a RPGXP crash when trying to copy and paste (or just double click) an event that involves money? Like, I was trying to copy the museum ticket event from JohtoBlaziken's bootleg and it just crashed.
I, then, tried to create an event from scratch and when I included the money check it just crashed again.

Any insight?

Hello, I'm having a bug and find no cure.
If i'm opening some Events, RPGXP just closes. No Error report, nothing.
It happend first with one specific page from my NPC everytime i scrolled, it closed. I deleted the page and rewrote it, that worked, but now i have the same problem for the Safari Demo NPC.
I open the event, it freezes for 2 seconds and everything just closes. I can't do anything and im out of ideas.

Hope you have an idea :/
(Tried it with 3 versions one with plugins and one without and a brand new unzipped one, always the same)

Edit: Fixed it, Version was not up-to-date.
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Sorry for the post it may have been addressed already but i saw on the change log that the pokedex has been fixed to no longer show male female unless it exist but it also won't show ones who do example pikachu won't show its female version in the dex when i use debug to add pokemon.
I had this message from Pokémon Essentials that occurred when I put a Skitty to sleep with Yawn. The game shows me that message every turn the Skitty wants to attack, and causes Skitty to not wake up at all.
I have tried swapping out all the specifics, like the attacks from the trainer's Skitty, however nothing does. Strangely enough, that doesn't occur with every Pokémon. The problem took place in a gym leader battle.
[PokeCommunity.com] Report bugs and errors in unmodified Essentials version 21
I found a bug : if u edit a new pokemon and give it to the player with a certain form that will create the pokemon with his basic form's movepool.
Ex : pikachu learn "feint" at lvl 20, but his form "pikachu²" don't learn this atak at all. If you give the player a pikachu² lvl 20 he will know "feint", that is not supposed to be. But if u give the player a lvl 19 pikachu² and make it take a lvl (like by using rare candy or xp) he will not learn "feint" at lvl 20, like that is suposed to be.

Have a nice day
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i Seem to be getting the following error for some reason

Exception `NameError' at Section402:37 - undefined method `pbInitEffects' for class `PokeBattle_Battler'
Section402:37:in `<class:PokeBattle_Battler>': undefined method `pbInitEffects' for class `PokeBattle_Battler' (NameError)
from Section402:36:in `<main>'

I have tried searching for a reason/fix but im not sure what to do.


  • [PokeCommunity.com] Report bugs and errors in unmodified Essentials version 21
    Screenshot 2024-07-04 072803.png
    9.3 KB · Views: 1
  • [PokeCommunity.com] Report bugs and errors in unmodified Essentials version 21
    Screenshot 2024-07-04 062509.png
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