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Report bugs and errors in unmodified Essentials version 21

There seems to be an error regarding

upon line
if enctype < 0 || !$PokemonEncounters.encounter_possible_here? ||

The error stems from 'enctype' being a nil class and thus unable to perform '<' method

No alteration, same version as 21/05/01 github.
Hey, I've been dealing with this bug for a few days and it's driving me insane. Whenever I evolve a pokemon, the game crashes and it gives me this code.

[Pokémon Essentials version 19]

Exception: ArgumentError
Message: wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1)

247:Pokemon:922:in `method'
247:Pokemon:922:in `block in action_after_evolution'
247:Pokemon:920:in `each'
247:Pokemon:920:in `action_after_evolution'
298:UI_Evolution:602:in `pbEvolutionMethodAfterEvolution'
298:UI_Evolution:585:in `pbEvolutionSuccess'
298:UI_Evolution:564:in `pbEvolution'
237:Item_Utilities:183:in `block in pbChangeLevel'
081:MessageConfig:612:in `block in pbFadeOutInWithMusic'
081:MessageConfig:557:in `pbFadeOutIn'

It's at the point where I booted up an old laptop of mine (windows 10) (just to see if it was something odd in my computer settings) and made a fresh install of RPGmaker XP, then a fresh install of pokemon essentials. I boot up a new game, then to test I'll debug to give myself a level 15 bulbasaur, use a rare candy to level it up, and then the game will play the animation and music, then it crashes right after confirming that my pokemon has evolved. This crash happens regardless of whether I'm on debug mode or not.
Okay, so I have ran into this issue while trying to open essentials v19

[PokeCommunity.com] Report bugs and errors in unmodified Essentials version 21

I searched for it in a wiki and it says that I have to rename the RGSS10xE.dll file to match the file in game.ini, but I can't see anything with name RGSS102E or RGSS104E in my game folder.
Additionaly I named my project "Testmon Essentials v19" but as you see in the game screen it is "mkxp-z".
It works the same when I open game from the Game.exe file and from the RPG Maker XP.
I got this error testing a battle with Flannery. Looks like she tried to swap pokemon and it wasn't handled?

Exception: ArgumentError
Message: comparison of Symbol with 0 failed

003_AI_Switch.rb:110:in `>='
003_AI_Switch.rb:110:in `block in pbEnemyShouldWithdrawEx?'
003_AI_Switch.rb:94:in `each'
003_AI_Switch.rb:94:in `each_with_index'
003_AI_Switch.rb:94:in `pbEnemyShouldWithdrawEx?'
003_AI_Switch.rb:6:in `pbEnemyShouldWithdraw?'
004_PokeBattle_BattlePalace.rb:193:in `pbEnemyShouldWithdraw?'
005_PokeBattle_BattleArena.rb:178:in `pbEnemyShouldWithdraw?'
001_PokeBattle_AI.rb:64:in `pbDefaultChooseEnemyCommand'
010_Battle_Phase_Command.rb:200:in `block in pbCommandPhaseLoop'
Sorry for the late response! I solved it with a fresh Essentials download, put all the Maps and stuff in there and reinstalled all the scripts. Prob not the best way to do it but it works now atleast.

Always remember to backup, i learned it the hard way

I found out what the problem is. When I downloaded Essentials I didn't change the name of the game folder so it had dashes there (2021-04-27) and what I had to do was simply delete these dashes.
I hope that it help someone who had the same issue as me.
I cannot get Alolan forms to work on opponents in trainer battles. The sprite does not show and the base pokemon's types and stats are still used. It does work for wild pokemon, though, so I know the sprites and definitions are working. Is there something extra to do for trainers with alolan forms?
Was just wrapping up with updating my project from version 18 to 19, and there seems to be an issue with the compiler function that renames the Pokemon assets to the new naming conventions. Anything numbered over 999 doesn't convert properly (I number my custom Pokemon starting from 1,000 as placeholder numbers, since I don't know how many Pokemon will exist when I release the game). It truncates the last number and replaces the Pokemon with the existing number. For example, it assumes that Pokemon number 1180 is Pokemon number 118, meaning that my custom Pokemon sprite/icon/cry has now been named Goldeen, and replaced all of Goldeen's assets.

I have back-ups and can rename them by hand if necessary, but it sure would be obnoxious and extremely time-consuming. Is there a fix for this?

EDIT: Okay, got it figured out. In the script editor, look for the section at the bottom called "Compiler_SpriteRenamer." At line 63 change the 3 in "species_number = name[0, 3].to_i" to a 4. This will allow the renamer to accept numbers with four digits. Just be careful that you've already had all your Pokemon with numbers under 1000 renamed already, as I imagine reading the first four characters in a name could lead to an issue with things named something like "001b," as it would try reading the b as a digit.
Last edited:
when a fakemon learns a new move it forgets its first move and the move it learns is replaced with it. well thi sis slightly modified but still
I just downloaded the new v19 Essentials but every time I try to start it up I get this error message:
[Pokémon Essentials version 19]
[v19 Hotfixes 1.0.6]

Exception: RuntimeError
Message: Unknown ID 693.

102:GameData:32:in `get'
250:Pokemon_Move:16:in `initialize'
250:Pokemon_Move:73:in `new'
250:Pokemon_Move:73:in `convert'
252:Pokemon_Deprecated:44:in `block in convert'
252:Pokemon_Deprecated:44:in `each'
252:Pokemon_Deprecated:44:in `convert'
266:Player_Deprecated:95:in `block in convert'
266:Player_Deprecated:95:in `each'
266:Player_Deprecated:95:in `convert'

I tried to see if there were any other people getting this error but I didn't see any. I also tried opening it with and without the hotfixes but that didn't change anything. If someone else has this error and this message is redundant I apologize.
I have not read previous post here
and I don't know know if this error is solved or not but i am using latest version of essentials with the latest changes
[PokeCommunity.com] Report bugs and errors in unmodified Essentials version 21
so am getting this graphical error ,is this the problem of my integrated gpu or can i change the gpu to my second dedicated nvidia gpu and it will solve or not?
so plz help me as i don't know why is this happening
I had originally made a separate thread about this issue, since I wasn't absolutely sure if this was something I broke or not, but it was suggested that I post it here, so here I am.

The issue regards v19 of Essentials failing to import battle animations. I exported all my animations from v18 and used the import all function to import them into v19. It goes through process as expected and claims the animations were imported successfully, but the list of animations remains unchanged. Meanwhile, each time it moves to a new animation on the import list, the debug window displays the message "Exception 'TypeError' at 341:AnimEditor_ExportImport:21 - instance of IO needed."

Out of curiosity, I tried importing a single animation via the animation editor, but there I receive an error message from the editor telling me "The animation is invalid or could not be loaded." The debug window also gives the same message as earlier. Figuring this might be a problem with importing animation from v18 into v19, I exported one of the v19 animations and attempted to re-import it as a test, only to receive the same error message. Just in case, I also checked again using a freshly downloaded version of v19, and still get the error, so it seems like v19 is having trouble importing anything at all.

Searching the internet, I have found one other thread on a different website mentioning this problem, but it has no responses. Does anyone here have a solution?
I'm using V19.1 + Gen 8 Project, and when a Pokemon wtih 4 moves is learning a new move in battle, I can't select no in the prompt "Forget a move to learn...". I press back, and it loops again, I select no, and it loops again. I have to select yes, and select the new move in order to move on. Has this happened to anyone else?
I'm using V19.1 + Gen 8 Project, and when a Pokemon wtih 4 moves is learning a new move in battle, I can't select no in the prompt "Forget a move to learn...". I press back, and it loops again, I select no, and it loops again. I have to select yes, and select the new move in order to move on. Has this happened to anyone else?

This thread is for unmodified v19.1
You need reproduce the issue without the Gen 8 project, before you can report it as a bug with Essentials.
I found a bug with certain held items, particularly those that rely on the hasActiveItem? method, such as Assault Vest and Safety Goggles. They do not seem to be recognized and their effects do not trigger unless they're inputted as an array. I was able to fix this by changing the last line in that method from:
return check_item == self.item
return check_item == @item_id
Theres a bug with the fossil reviver and apricorn scripts. The conditional branch is incorrect.
Currently when you select an item it acts as if you didn't

The pbGet(8) != :NONE should be
pbGet(9) == :NONE

Also getting errors intermittently when trying to catch Pokémon.

Exception: Encoding::CompatibilityError
Message: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT

001_PokeBattle_BattleCommon.rb:107:in `pbThrowPokeBall'
003_Item_BattleEffects.rb:310:in `block (2 levels) in load_scripts_from_folder'
005_Event_Handlers.rb:199:in `trigger'
001_Item_Utilities.rb:89:in `triggerUseInBattle'
007_Battle_Action_UseItem.rb:128:in `pbUsePokeBallInBattle'
011_Battle_Phase_Attack.rb:79:in `block in pbAttackPhaseItems'
011_Battle_Phase_Attack.rb:68:in `each'
011_Battle_Phase_Attack.rb:68:in `pbAttackPhaseItems'
011_Battle_Phase_Attack.rb:185:in `pbAttackPhase'
003_Battle_StartAndEnd.rb:325:in `block (2 levels) in pbBattleLoop'
I think this has to do with Mummy and Knock Off being used on Cofagrigus.
[Pokémon Essentials version 19.1]
[Generation 8 Project v1.0.2]

Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `>=' for #<GameData::Ability>

142:BattleHandlers_Abilities:1602:in `block in <main>'
035:Event_Handlers:199:in `trigger'
141:BattleHandlers:320:in `triggerTargetAbilityOnHit'
158:Battler_UseMove_TriggerEffects:10:in `pbEffectsOnMakingHit'
155:Battler_UseMove:719:in `block in pbProcessMoveHit'
155:Battler_UseMove:717:in `each'
155:Battler_UseMove:717:in `pbProcessMoveHit'
155:Battler_UseMove:433:in `block in pbUseMove'
155:Battler_UseMove:431:in `each'
155:Battler_UseMove:431:in `pbUseMove'
There's an issue with plugins that require the 19.1 hot fixes when you are using the GitHub version. Even though GitHub version already has the fixes, you still have to have the plugin to use them
In vanilla 19.1 Pickup doesn't work at all, and with the hotfix I keep getting white and black flutes from Pickup even though they are not in my Pickup table.
Did some bug hunting in unedited Essentials (GitHub version as of 7-29-21) and here are some things I found:
  • Game crashes when choosing New Game while in the middle of a Battle Frontier challenge.
  • In the Battle Frontier, a random note often plays between the BGM and the start of the battle music.
  • Battle Factory Double Battle challenge just leads to a single battle.
  • Holding CTRL when closing an error message does not copy it to clipboard (using Windows 10).
  • Trainers in Battle Factory all have the same losing message upon defeat, copying the message of the first Trainer battled in the set. This doesn't occur in Battle Tower.
  • If you try to do a Battle Tower Double Battle with less than 4 eligible Pokemon in your party, the clerk says you need 3 Pokemon to participate in the Double Battle, while you really need 4.