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Screenshot/Music Showcase

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    [PokeCommunity.com] Screenshot/Music Showcase

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    Game Development Screenshot Showcase

    This thread is for all purposes intended to be a place where developers wishing only to show off individual screenshots can do so.

    When posting a screenshot

    Remember to follow the Game Development rules as well, when posting here!

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    • Request feedback on your posted screenshots.
    • Provide constructive feedback to other members.

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    • Provide poor feedback. Make sure your feedback is useful!
    • Responding only with "It's good!", "Keep up the good work!", etc.
      That does not help the developer at all
    Remember to provide a concise explanation to go along with your screenshot!

    [alink id=main]Top[/alink id]Revised thread written by [url-inline=member.php?u=160]Avatar[/url-inline].
    Some parts rewritten from older thread, by [url-inline=member.php?u=1422]Berserk[/url-inline].
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    [PokeCommunity.com] Screenshot/Music Showcase

    This is an implementation of an IV check system. It works by obtaining a mystery gift given out at certain events. Without it, it displays a message telling you to get the mystery gift, but with it, you will find out whether your Pokémon have good or bad IVs. My Bayleef appears to have appalling ones.
    Wow that looks official! Even though I don't have a clue what IV's are...

    Well if you do want to know what IVs are, just go to the game mechanics section of serebii.net. Also, I agree with you in that it does look pretty official. (Although the vertical gradient does take away from that official look)
    Pretty good, except the IVs aren't lined up... For example, the Sp. Atk IV appears too far to the right, while Speed is too far left.

    Oh, and have you taken into consideration that the IVs are stored in the order [HP,Atk,Def,Speed,Sp.Atk,Sp.Def], but displayed in the order [HP,Atk,Def,Sp.Atk,Sp.Def,Speed]?

    Well, here's a couple of screens to show I'm still working on Amethyst:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Screenshot/Music Showcase

    New Shinx back sprite.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Screenshot/Music Showcase

    Trainer customization, with the 3rd version of the female trainer sprite.

    Very impressive maybe a darker color for the trainer customization menu..It needs to stand out a bit more with it being the menu.
    I made a new shiny and reverse animation.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Screenshot/Music Showcase

    Not the best quality, and there's a bit of frame skip on the shiny one, but it normally runs at the same speed as the reverse one.

    Any comments? Do you like the animation, or should I change it?

    Oh, and the bitmap for the particles isn't finalized yet. I'll probably change it to a star or something.

    EDIT: It now works in battle, too. But it shows up in the wrong place :|

    EDIT2: Fixed. It works perfectly now.
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    Dang it, I can't sprite nearly as good as you..
    I've tried, and failed, 124 times in a row =p
    That screenie deserves 9/10!
    9 was because..
    ...I am totally going to support that game...
    You should make 2nd or third frame animations...
    wait, is that game a hack?
    or is it from scratch?
    If it's from scratch, I say you should try to make 2nd or more animations. Give us that GSC feel. =p
    If it's hacked..
    Well, If it's hacked, it would..
    if it's hacked, that animations fine.
    If you've read the thread, you'll know I'm having another alternate colouring, called reverse Pokémon.

    I'm probably not going to have animations - do you know how long it would take to do it for every single Pokémon?
    But then again, if I keep them quite simple, like on Crystal, I might be able to do it...

    And the 'bounce' isn't a separate animation for Shinx - it happens on FireRed and LeafGreen when you check the summary of any Pokémon.
    Oh, Thanks for clearing that up..
    I haven't played "much" firered and such..
    The "crystal" animations were what I meant..
    That in a good graphics game..would give me a warm fuzzy.
    well, I may as well post something..(I guess..)

    ...If I knew how to post "images".
    Nice screenshot..
    [PokeCommunity.com] Screenshot/Music Showcase

    What we have here is a panning background with an intro effect. Other examples are grass and rocks, not just motion lines. :B
    Thankfully it works with small screen size, probably not with the bordered ones, but I removed them from options anywho. (Reason it'd probably not work is due to my commenting out of the line that handles the viewport.x )
    Wasn't that hard to add... just needed to do a lot of optimising to get it to look good. XD

    Next, Pokemon stats and a new Pokegear thingy!

    With thorough messing about with the Pokemon Essentials kit, I think I can say I don't want to ever have to update. D:
    Much better. Thats awesome looking. I have a feeling because of Platinum that alot of fan games will use the dark HP boxs and might be over used.. But it does look really neat ha.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Screenshot/Music Showcase

    Yay for original battle stat boxes.

    Experimenting with backgrounds. I want to make a sort of anime style one but I can't digital "paint" very well. :< (The anime backgrounds have a painted quality at times.)

    They have a painted quality because they are painted. It's a common thing for anime to have handpainted backgrounds. (Some of the most skillful anime is by Miyazaki, who has a tendency to do as much of his work by hand as he can)
    Having a little time on my hands I decided to rip and compile a tileset consisting of interior items from Pokemon Garden.

    I've used it to create a Pokemon Center.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Screenshot/Music Showcase
    [PokeCommunity.com] Screenshot/Music Showcase
    As I've mentioned, it's nice. Very hospital like I must say, and your arrangement is good.

    However, isn't the blue on the tabletops a bit too strong or sharp? It works, but it just seems weird. Also, Erik mentioned the couch, and it might be a good idea to consider changing the PC.
    It looks too clinical... Aren't Pokémon Centres supposed to look warm and inviting? And I agree with Amachi about the tables...

    But, I like the way you can see the edges of the ground floor from the floor above. It looks really nice!

    That reminds me, I've got to post one of my own :P

    Before blaming me for stealing ideas from Pokémon Raptor, I'd just like to say that I made this before OG announced that he would be including a ring menu. You can ask Archayos; I showed it to him first.

    Behold: Pokémon Amethyst's new menu system!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Screenshot/Music Showcase

    It's not finished yet, as I still have placeholder icons for the Bag, PokéGear/Nav replacement, and Trainer Card. I'll probably make another Exit icon too.

    Anyway, should I keep it there, or move it to the bottom? It's currently obscuring the player :(
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