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Seventeen going on three... how old am I again?

Misheard Whisper

[b][color=#FF0000]I[/color] [color=#FF7F00]also[/c
  • 3,488
    i was gonna make a celebration thread but who the hell am i kidding i don't hang with that crowd

    So basically, today's my seventeenth birthday and yesterday was my third PC anniversary. This officially makes me a veteran, which feels extraordinarily weird. Being seventeen also feels weird, because sixteen was such a comfortable age. Sixteen suited me just fine. Ah well, to a new year!
    Happy birthday Misheard Whisper! One more year and you will be old enough to order stuff off of infomercials! :D

    And of course, happy anniversary as well. xD
    I'll also be old enough to drink, since in my country we don't have to wait until 21 . . . hehe. Not that I plan to, though. XD